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Posts posted by Paradoxal

  1. 4 hours ago, Mind Full said:

    My next concern is about flexibility. Honestly, other than my spine, the rest of my body is quite inflexible. What should I do to increase my flexibility? I know that some of the poses in the FP (Flying Phoenix) meditations insist on them being done in half-lotus, however currently as I said my body is quite inflexible. What kind of recommendations would you give in order to increase one's flexibility? Are there certain poses that you have found which really help to release the body? I have a few books on increasing one's flexibility I have been starting to follow. I just wanted to know if any of you had insights gained through experience that you would be willing to share.

    I have found that thirty second stretches seem to have worked best for me in improving flexibility long term. The basic process is as such: 


    Warm up the body (I usually do 25 to 50 4-count jumping jacks for this). You want your body to not be too stiff, but you don't want to exhaust yourself either. Just get the blood flowing well. 

    Ease into the stretch that you want to practice.

    Once you are as far as you feel you can go, hold it.

    Count to five while breathing in, count to five while holding it in, and count to five while breathing out. It is extremely important to breathe while in this practice. It can hurt quite a bit, but as long as it is not "tearing" pain, that can be normal. Take care not to go too far, as if you tear a muscle, you'll have hell to pay for it.

    If you make it through two cycles of the 5-count breathing, you'll have reached 30 seconds in the stretch. Ease your way out of the stretch, give yourself a bit of a break, and get blood flowing again. 


    Repeat the above cycle for a total of three times per stretch per day, and you'll find a rapid improvement in flexibility. In my opinion, the breathing cycle is the single most important part of that process, as it helps ease the pain and provides better oxygen to the muscles. 



    If I recall correctly, this YouTube video had some useful information, if you'd prefer a video format:


    Best of luck in your growth!

  2. I can confirm that there have been a lot more deaths of non C19 cause in my circles, often those who have not even had the disease. I assume that it's a combination of weakening mindset, lingering death energy, and economic factors that end up creating the ideal hotbed for deadly things. I would go so far as to say that it's like a plague of "deadly luck", not just physical illness. 

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  3. 9 minutes ago, helpfuldemon said:

    Yes I have been in this state, it is the culmination of understanding- one simply does.  In order to get there, depending on what one wants to understand, requires a lot of study and contemplation, experimentation.  First you have to defeat the false Ego, should you not agree with it, and more importantly, develop the true Ego; the one you desire to become.  

    I'm not entirely sure if what you refer to the "true Ego" as is any different from the "false Ego" which you claim must be defeated. The source of "action" in these cases is from something other than ego, afterall.

  4. 50 minutes ago, helpfuldemon said:

    Wanting to assist in people acquiring their needs is still wanting.  It still brings pleasure to see your Will being done.  Non attachment is only good for protecting ones self from the inevitable end of whatever one is enjoying.  The downside is that it creates apathy and that might lead to cruelty.  Better, I imagine, to want and to appreciate what we gain, and protect it, nurture it, and die defending it.  Some of what you are suggesting is submissive, and in life there is power and dominance, and submission and acceptance.  Which is more satisfying is up to you, but in the end, the strong lead and decide on the choices available to the submissive, and someone needs to be dominant and make decisions, and lead.  Is it struggle and suffering?  Yes, this path is more difficult.  It requires intelligence, courage, strength and creativity.  It is why these people get rewarded.  The reward for the submissive is a mild, less dangerous life with less conflict.  Pick your poison, the submissive dont get to enjoy the rewards of wanting and acquiring as much as the dominant.


    Wanting to assist is different from assisting. Once you reach the pinnacle of what @dwai and @EmeraldHead are attempting to describe, there will be no "wants", only actions. In doing those actions without "wants", it becomes nonaction. It is like water being attracted by gravity down the hill. In this state, one becomes kind, strong, and generous without any attempts to follow through on internal or external "ideas". It is effortless. 


    The best leaders are those whose subordinates complete a task and say "We have finished it! On our own, without any help!", despite being subtly led through the whole process without realizing it. Other options for leading certainly exist, but none hold nearly as much efficiency and compassion as those which are not remembered. 


    There is no need to worry about pain or suffering, as such things are simply a part of life. When it rains, dance a raindance. When it's sunny, sunbathe. When it's snowing, build a snowman. Make the best of both pleasure and suffering, and you'll see the way. 

    • Like 3

  5. 1 hour ago, helpfuldemon said:

    Demons are semi Divine entities.

    The truth of this depends on what we define a "demon" as. The original daemon indeed referred to basically anything from outside our plane, but "demon" can also refer to those below our plane. What we refer to in being possessed by a demon is those of the lower planes. You do not want to be possessed by those of the lower planes, as it will not "challenge" you, rather, it will lead you down a path that reverses growth. 


    I believe I've said something similar to you before, and I'll say it again for your sake: thoroughly examine yourself to see if you are possessed. From my personal experience, most possessions don't show any of the flashy "powers" like you'd see in the movies, rather, they drain your energy and pollute your mental state. When I was possessed, I certainly identified with the word "demon" a lot more than after I got it fixed. Again, it would be worth examining yourself with a blank mind even to simply check. 

    • Like 2

  6. On 7/24/2020 at 11:13 AM, helpfuldemon said:

    One of the other things that cant seem to be helped is that Ive become colder, almost indifferent to a lot of things.  Im still concerned, and I still offer opinion, but I dont seem to care much about other peoples problems now- its not my fight.

    This is actually a rather healthy way to view things, at least, from my point of view. If you destroy yourself attempting to help others, how can you truly offer a helping hand? Some things are indeed sad, but are not worth focusing on, nor are they worth caring deeply about. Retaining your compassion while reining in your scathing flames is quite ideal, as it allows you to help others without burning yourself. 

  7. On 7/15/2020 at 6:53 AM, helpfuldemon said:

    Is truth relative?

    It depends. 


    On 7/15/2020 at 6:53 AM, helpfuldemon said:

    Is it really all in the eye of the beholder?

    It depends.


    On 7/15/2020 at 6:53 AM, helpfuldemon said:

    Are there any absolutes, and if so, what are they based upon?

    It depends. 


    "There are no truths, this statement included" is a good topic to internally ponder to find the answer you are looking for. If you want a wordy and inadequate answer, then you are looking at the finger instead of the moon. The same can be said for good and evil, really. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Daniel said:

    But more than that, if you had been taking psyche meds for 20 years, then, that means there's more to detox than just the chemicals.  The entire western psychiatric approach may have been toxic for you.  Just say'n...

    It certainly was toxic for me. I was on lithium for multiple years as well. Quite frankly, it feels like a miracle that my liver and kidneys are still working. It was like there was a thick layer of mucus over my normal aura, if we're talking metaphysically.

    I'd love a link to that website if you can find one!


    Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post!

  9. 30 minutes ago, Daniel said:

    I haven't read all the replies, maybe this was already brought up? Based on the OP, I think QM and multiverse theory is the best fit for explaining the phenomena described in the OP.

    Oh, yeah, multiverse theory is exactly what it is. I agree with you there.

    • Like 1

  10. 2 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    This in itself actually leads to spiritual arrogance potentially--read Siddartha by Hesse, or look at the people who even boast about doing vipasana retreats for 3-10 days, and people I know who went to an ashram for 2-3 years in India. 


    Remember that the great hermit lives among men in cities and the small hermit lives in seclusion. 


    There's also a risk you may be hoping to learn something in the temple or shrine that you don't actually acquire--be careful, as there are many horror stories about being there and finding out it's not what it was assumed to be! 


    Grow your worldly knowledge not by hiding in a temple or shrine like a drunkard hides in his cup in the tavern, but by embracing balance. You will find there is no separation from the sacred and the profane, nor is a temple any more enlightened than a brothel (you'll know which Zen master said this if your studies are ace). 


    Some shrines may actually tell you to turn off your spiritual vision and focus on being present instead of helping you actually cultivate that which you hope to have. 

    When speaking of growing my knowledge, I'm actually referring to knowledge of this world, rather than spiritual knowledge. I want to know how this game works, how I can replicate this game, and how I can use its mechanics elsewhere. How can I build a computer from scratch? How did western medicine develop? How did eastern medicine develop? What can be used to power a car? How do we make "books"? etc. While I recognize that knowledge of this world is not particularly valuable in most cases, it is what I feel I need to seek before I attempt to seek higher planes.


    I am not well-read enough to tell you where that quote comes from, but I do recognize it. It was probably quoted in one of the books I've read, as my reading on source materials is lacking.


    What I would like to do as a monk is meditate and practice martial arts without being bothered by the concepts of "money", "time", "space", etc. Most likely I'd be enrolling in a martial Buddhist system, though who knows what the future will actually hold?

  11. 2 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    Sounds like you may be a student at Temple University at least! A better option may be to actually look at a group like Shumei who have their options to allow members to stay there for one year, though you'd be doing work in the shrine and have to become a member of one of the new religions, which split off from their original organization after they determined they could no longer in good conscience practice their faith once they saw the staff were bringing in yakuza, so Shumei split to maintain integrity of their teachings. Full disclosure: I'm a Shumei member!

    I'm in the application process for TUJ right now, actually. Other options are quite useful, but I'd have to look into what kind of "religion" Shumei actually is. My main requirement for organizations such as religion is that I will never put a deity above myself. While this may be seen as arrogant, it is one of the few rules that I plan to stick to. I'm completely open to monk training, as I plan to become a monk once I finish my worldly missions, but I need to grow my knowledge first. 

  12. 31 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    If you follow the link above, you'd have seen the relevant thread where it came from. :rolleyes:

    I feel foolish indeed! Much thanks for the patience in regards to that.


    32 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    Oh boy, there's a lot about the JET program you should know and may be disillusioned to find out about, as the short version is that you're ultimately a glorified tape recorder and systematically treated in a manner where like the police in America, are supposed to pretend you don't have rights as a foreigner or labor rights. It has gotten worse since my time, which was when people still got an easy visa via NOVA. 


    For better or worse, I do understand the tape recorder bit just from the small amount of research I've done on the matter. On the bit about systematic discrimination, I actually did research on that for a paper in one of my classes. I don't quite know all my options yet, but I'm working on living there for university fairly soon. During that period, I should be able to find some answers. 


    36 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    Would you send away the spirits on the Trail of Tears who were reminding white people of their genocidal acts if it is their free will to remain as testament for example? Because yes: free will is not exclusive to humans in flesh and blood form! 


  13. 44 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    This could be karmic memory at best or wishful thinking at worst. In my own practice with the Akashic Records, clients most often are told that the most significant thing to look at is this life, unless past lives are necessary to consider for the particular obstacle in a client's life and the resulting karma affecting it now. 

    I quite appreciate the input on this, as I, myself, am unsure exactly what it was. It was certainly not a "dream", and I don't believe it was "astral projection". Recovering those memories is half of what allowed me to start my journey in this life, as I grew up with an intense hatred and disgust for religion in general, though most of what I had been exposed to up until that point was Christianity and Judaism. I was an extremist, militant atheist. As that was the case, it would have been hard for me to even accept the idea of something that most people could not see, nor would I have been able to accept the idea of cultivation, qi, gods, demons, ghosts, magic, or any of the other phenomena that have become everyday to me. I began studying to figure out what it was, but I still don't have a concrete answer! 


    50 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    Here is what was written as I was performing it, so the sentences are a bit strange due to the way the Akashic lords communicate:


    Would it be taboo for me to ask how you accessed the written bits? I've not had direct access to the records via projection myself, so I'm not entirely familiar with the process, but I've never heard them express it in written language. This kind of thing very much intrigues me. 

    52 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    Godspeed then. I don't think you're a "weaboo" anyway--the actual "weaboos" I've met were the people who had waifus as their wallpaper and wanted Japanese girlfriends while saying random Japanese words like "Kawai!" in casual conversation but denied that they were. They also plagued the JET program and made many students think baka no gaijin were all pathetic otaku. 


    As interest grows, so do the number of parasites of topics. Unfortunately, fanaticism is quite easy to fall into. I do indeed hope to move to Japan and I also hope to teach, so I may use the JET program, but I hope I would at least be a good teacher for the students. Students learn from their teachers, whether the teacher is good or not; this is part of the reason America is having issues currently, as we do not have sufficient incentives for capable teachers, though I digress. I'll need to finish my degree before I can even look at that option, either way.


    56 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    It depends on the classification of the spirit! Sometimes, a spirit tethered here keeps coming back not for its own sake but because it is here to give a message to someone as an ancestor or to travelers who must heed warnings. 


    If it is here to give a positive message, it would be wrong to send it away, but if it is here for itself, would it also be wrong to send it away? I've always had trouble comprehending morals. I would think that if someone were to come and cleanup a lot of the haunting hotspots, it would be an overall good thing, but I don't quite know if it's acceptable to exercise power that way.

  14. 5 hours ago, Earl Grey said:

    They do--the section is just small and you have to ask for it. :D 

    This is extremely valuable knowledge; thank you!


    5 hours ago, Earl Grey said:

    With regards to Neil's book above and the paranormal experiences out there in keeping with the topic, you'll gain insight reading in the language, but a language is more than just translating, it's idioms, history, and culture beyond words--but you as the observer and the one who encounters these beings will inadvertently have a different relationship if it's not your history...which is crucial because relationships with otherworldly beings are two-way streets. 


    The grandchildren of Japanese who lived through Hiroshima and Nagasaki have a particular relationship with their dead culturally and genetically since trauma is passed through one's genes, which is much different than the Nikkei who immigrated to Hawaii or the US before WWII and have had no connection to the country since. So when on a heritage trip, the disconnect between Sansei and even Gosei friends of mine visiting Japan was shown when they had unique encounters with the yurei since they weren't their dead and the yurei could sense that. 


    I'm not sure if I could properly explain what I would like to explain even if I were given a million words, so I will give an exceedingly brief summary:

    While I am a white "American" in this life, my habits, mindset, thought process, and emotional outlook are generally closer to that of a "Japanese". It's a bit different than the "weeaboo" thing that's going around in westerners today, but it's hard to really explain. I have snippets of memories of two past lives currently. One of the most vivid memories I have is as a child in Japan, dying to the nukes. I don't know whether I was in Hiroshima or Nagasaki, but I remember the morning of until the point of death rather vividly. It's one of my personal inner "demons", and is something that I personally struggle to forgive for. That said, I also recognize that there's no real point in holding on to it, but it is still a rather vexing memory. 

    Overall, a lot of my personality seems to have carried over from there, even with my raising in an American household. When I visited Japan briefly, it felt like I knew it more than my own home. The streets of Asakusa felt like home to me, though I'm not exactly sure if it was Asakusa itself or simply the idea of "Japan" that was the home. I need to get the funds to travel across Japan itself to figure this out, but that's a bit far off.


    The second past life memory is one that manifested in the same way as the one of a Japanese child, but it is of a Chinese monk in a temple. That said, it is outlandish enough to me that I have trouble fully recognizing it as a memory, due to the fact that I was able to levitate in said memory. It's a memory of myself sitting in the lotus position, floating in the air, and instructing disciples while laughing. Given the nature of this one, and the fact that I am not able to confirm the existence of levitation despite knowing theories on how it could be achieved, it's hard for me to fully accept it. That said, I've found that a lot of "advanced" neigong practices that I've been fortunate enough to have been taught in this life are things that I had been practicing on my own off of instinct before learning about them. I assume these to be echos of past lives, though I don't fully know.



    I found that the spirit "wildlife" around Asakusa quite welcomed me, though that may have been normal. 


    Back to the idea of insight from language, every time I learn a bit more Japanese, I seem to "understand" a lot more of myself and my techniques than before. My affinity is high, so-to-speak. Because my affinity for it is high, I feel like I will learn better if I learn directly from the source. 


    All that said, I do have a question for you all on the undead. If one is capable of sending them on to their next life, is it morally wrong to force them to leave this realm? 


  15. 36 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    Seems like you are not familiar with the Kinokuniya as they would have it all in both languages too. 😁 the other reason is that there are some resources that would not be easily found online that the store has.

    Indeed I'm not familiar with Kinokuniya by name. After googling it, I'm pretty sure I visited one while I was in Akihabara, but I'm not too sure they had anything in English in that one, as would probably make sense.


    I do think that if possible, I'd prefer to read these kinds of things in Japanese, as the use of Chinese characters allows for quite a bit more poetic detail. I'd read them in Chinese if I understood Chinese, but since I'm still working on my kanji, it may be awhile before that is possible...

  16. 3 hours ago, Earl Grey said:


    The Kinokuniya bookstore has plenty of English language resources. I do not know where you live, but in San Francisco, NYC, and LA, there are branches and even in Japan itself there are English books to study. Otherwise, go to the library or even just hang out in a shrine.

    On the mythology? I think I'd be better off reading them in Japanese, if I were to buy books on it. I'll probably end up doing most of my reading online, though. That said, thank you for the advice!

  17. 20 minutes ago, SirPalomides said:

    I don’t dismiss the possibility of hauntings but I think if the principle of “bad things happened here, so it’s haunted by restless spirits” held true in all cases, places like Flanders fields and Volgograd should be swirling vortexes of horror. 

    It's a combination of factors that produce the end result. "Bad things happened here" is only a trigger, not a full reason in most cases. 


    1 hour ago, Earl Grey said:

    Yeah, cultures classify things differently. As you were in Japan, there’s a huge difference between kami and yokai for example.

    That's true. The one I encountered at sensoji was a local kami, though he never gave me his name. Looked like an ancient scholar of sorts, but I don't think that narrows it down much. He helped me purify some stuff that was bothering me, so he was rather helpful. That said, since I plan to move to Japan pretty soon, I may need to learn more about its mythologies to prep for any weird intricacies.


    12 hours ago, Earl Grey said:

    Yes, they are ghosts. The undead are only one classification if you look further into paranormal research. 


    I would classify those that have consciousness but are not the remains of the living as spirits, but it's mostly just slight differences in terminology. I think that most of what we're saying is the same, but we are wording it differently. There doesn't seem to be any true unification of terminology in this field, unfortunately. 


    That said, most of my experiences with these phenomena are that of either the undead sort or spirits, not with leftover energy nor with echos. When those close to me die, they sometimes visit me before they move on, and I would classify such existences as "ghosts". I've only had one experience with a regretful ghost, and that one lived in a friend's house. Doesn't seem to be too harmful as long as barriers are kept up, but again, it was regretful, not vengeful. 


    I have, however, had quite a few experiences with "spirits", in that I've come across a few. The ones that stick out the most to me were probably a spirit serpent that followed me around for a bit, an elf that visited a few times, a local deity at Sensoji, a spirit "wasp", and a group of information-loving spirits. That said, I've encountered hundreds or thousands of spirits that were either hostile or of no interest, but those ones were more common and fairly easy to deal with. 


    I don't think those that I classified as "spirits" generally interfere with normal people, or if they do it is not attributed to them, so they would usually not be counted in ghost stories. 

    • Like 1

  19. 8 minutes ago, idiot_stimpy said:

    It's an interesting topic that potentially those who are naturally able to project can do so as you say, due to cultivation in a past life.


    I'm 100% sure that I have past life benefits, though I don't know the extent of them. That said, astral projection doesn't seem to be one of them. I find it possible that the level of contamination of my body is holding me back, though I've not seen any records of others having this kinda issue. Indeed, I've not seen records of people taking over a year of constant detox when starting cultivation, so my case may just be a bit more rare than most.

  20. 4 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:


    Ah yes.


    There are about five or six classifications of ghosts as I recall, and only one or two kinds are the undead spirits.


    One variation are "echoes" in time of people who left an imprint in a place, like a person whose presence can still be seen at times entering a study room and sitting in a chair 200 years later.


    Another variation is I believe the poltergeist which is the raw emotional energy given limited sentience and awareness, something that children and teenagers can inadvertently be behind.


    And still another is not even necessarily from the past but a ripple from another time or space or dimension, usually only seen by certain people. 


    Americans, in spite of their Puritanical values, have an unhealthy relationship with death and the dead, much like with their cult of positivity. It is quite strange given the rituals of the indigenous peoples there, and their neighbors to the south with their Dia de Los Muertos with the happy skulls and reunion of families. 


    When I speak on ghosts, I am specifically referring to those of the undead variety. Echos of events, berserk energy, and ripples in time are certainly interesting phenomena, but would not classify as ghosts. Same with entities such as fairies and elves. 


    Most ghosts from my personal experience are quite harmless, and don't stick around very long. I actually had to have my cat put down today, and she left her spirit behind for an hour or so before moving on. Certainly not harmful, nor malicious; she felt more loving than anything else. The ones that stick around are the ones that give people trouble, typically vengeful or regretful ghosts, and those are the ones that I refer to the environment being good for producing. 


    Unfortunately, as countries go, America is in its teenage rebellion years. It hasn't yet found its proper identity, but it is trying to forcefully carve one out. Until it has found its own traditions and history, the air here will be rather bad in a spiritual sense. 


    1 hour ago, Nungali said:

    I am assuming your magical practice is the source of the techniques you have been using ?


    What type or school of magical practice have have you been involved with ?  I ask as I am not familiar with ' during the vibrational state. ... I can get the vibrations "  Vibrations ? 


    Have you tried this  method ?   There is a key element in here :



    SECTION V   ( with section 1 as preamble )


    I got over the problematic stage  (  @  Section V : 3 ) by getting the 'astral form'  to do an activity I was very familiar with  (in my case  a martial arts form) - pick something that you are very familiar with and conditioned by . As you imagine the projection of yourself doing the activity , eventually the 'seat of consciousness'  or 'the source of your imagining ' will be centred / originating from the projection. Then you can proceed with points 4 ... 5 ....  and so on .


    The techniques I have been using are not sourced from my magical practice, rather, they are sourced from texts geared towards "normal" people. Most of them are new-age-type books.


    I practice a variant of high magic, or perhaps divine magic, though, in my case, it's more of a mix-mash of various traditions. Most of the spells I cast use internal energy as a catalyst to influence the external energy with no rituals. Nearly all of my rituals are internal or done via the mental landscape. Most of my current ability is learned from books, experimentation, and enlightenment, for lack of a better term. I was not fortunate enough to have a proper teacher in this regard, though I do seem to have a few attainments from past lives sticking to me. 


    I have not tried the method listed there, so I will give it a shot later on today or tomorrow. 


    Much thanks for the reply!

  22. 5 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:


    If you think the level of hatred is local or unique to America, you're going to have a lot of people from other countries such as Rwanda, Sudan, Myanmar, and so on giving a very loud ahem...


    I do not think that the level of hatred is local or unique to America. I am saying that floating hatred/malice creates an ideal environment for harmful spirits to form, including ghosts. That said, I don't quite think that America has *that* many more ghosts than other places, just that it's an ideal spot for them to manifest and cause trouble. 

    • Like 1

  23. If there were more ghosts in America than in most other places of the world, which I'm not quite sure of as an american, it would likely be due to the cruel practices that are local to here. Slavery is not local to America, but the level of hatred is. There have also been quite a few governmental experiments that *really* fucked up locals, though I don't know the extent of them.


    Another interesting factor is likely the lack of "purification" practices in american culture. We don't exactly have any viable methods of purifying land, ideas, or beings, that are widely practiced. We don't use symbols that lend themselves to purification, rather, we seem to tend towards symbols that invite others in. The cross is that of a crossroad, which allows our world to cross with others. Part of its power is to allow otherworldly beings in, which is why those of christian faith tend to use it for their rituals (it allows their god to enter and use its ability better). On top of all that, we're taught to believe that ghosts are just figments of our imagination, so many people actually go out of their way to piss off the ghosts because they think that said ghosts "don't exist".


    I'm not too well versed with practices outside of America, but I know that most Japanese places are plastered with circles and squares, both of which are symbols that are good for sealing. They also build many shrines and temples, which give homes for said spirits. The various festivals in Japan also serve as purification of intentions.


    When I traveled to Japan briefly, I finally understood how defiled the energy in America truly is. Japan felt "clean", despite its energetic pressure. When I got back to America by plane, it felt like I was landing in a rotting bloodpool energetically. All in all, America would have issues due to its practices, mindset, and environment.

    • Like 1

  24. Speaking as someone who has been practicing magic for around 7 years and someone who started cultivation only a year ago:


    I've been led to begin learning astral projection, but I have found it hard to get out of body even during the vibrational state. I've tried many of the normal active methods, including climbing the rope, wiggling out of the body, willing yourself out of the body, etc. I can get the vibrations with relative ease, but I seem to have trouble making that last jump out of the body. Is there anyone here that may know of a way to troubleshoot this kind of thing? Are there methods specific to cultivators for astral projection? What about internal energy techniques to enable easy leaving of the body?


  25. 3 hours ago, helpfuldemon said:

    Thinking about it, its really hard for me to believe that Im the only one to experience this.  Sort of like a 1 in 8 billion odds.  


    You're definitely not the only one to experience whatever it is, but symptoms can manifest in different ways for different people. This is especially true for illnesses of the intangible.


    Another possibility I forgot to mention in my previous post is that of demonic influence, though I am not skilled enough to check on you to see if you're under it. That said, I'm sure someone on this forum is skilled enough in projection to check.