Sanity Check

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Everything posted by Sanity Check

  1. Moon Tide analogy to Qi

    As far as I know, qi development follows a course where sensory perception increases proportionally to the amount of qi a person generates and amasses. Having more qi increases sensitivity. The way that having a larger satellite dish makes it easier to detect signals from space. There could be a good analogy for this in the moon and tides as observed by science. Oceans have tides, influenced by the orbit of the moon. In some cases the difference in low tide and high tide can be 12 to 20 feet difference. While lakes, rivers, ponds and smaller bodies of water are not perceivably influenced by the moon's gravitational forces. Could be an interesting train of thought for those who enjoy deducing puzzles present in nature.
  2. Privation Inoculum

    ... I think the keyword used to describe your hedonic treadmill is adaptation. Evolutionary adaptations are expressed as DNA in a genetic code. Which can be expressed as information and analyzed in terms of thermodynamics and energy. Energy is relevant in learning and adapting to new environments. Humans are known for having a tailbone, with no tail. If adaptations are not utilized they are actively shed as regressive traits. The general pattern would be one where a person temporarily achieved a higher energy state. Due to winning the lottery, etc. Like a satellite using its propulsion to temporarily achieve higher orbit. Only for the orbit to later decay back to its original energy state and lower altitude. There are parables and teachings encouraging religious and spiritual advocates to cultivate a mindset of thankfulness and appreciation. The holiday of thanksgiving in the USA is but one example. I think most of us are stubborn enough to not recognize the health aspect to cultivating a thankful and appreciative mentality. Unless circumstances force us to.
  3. Kung Fu

    Images appear to be AI generated. Very interesting.
  4. A silverback gorilla might be able to lift 500 kg with one arm. But the cost of it, might be reduced intelligence and brain capacity. The human brain uses most of the oxygen in our blood, resulting in diminished athletic ability in contrast to chimps and other primates. It was our growing physical weakness which paved our path to progress. Not as romantic or manly as some might expect.
  5. I can offer basic science theory. When exercising under load, body heat rises. Temperature of muscles rise. Prolonged heat causes muscle fibers to break down. To prevent muscle disintegration, the body sweats, to cool down in stage 1. The second stage of muscle fiber loss prevention is the body releasing chemical compounds associated with fatigue. (People naturally sweat and tire to prevent overtraining in a way resulting in muscle loss) In theory, it is possible to get more reps and laps in before fatigue sets in, by addressing these phases of the bodies natural mechanisms preventing muscle disintegration associated with overtraining. Scientists studying these principles devised methods of cooling blood (and muscles) to prolong exercise athletes can accomplish, without risking muscle disintegration. (Similar to ice baths, but not identical). It is claimed that they can achieve results superior to steroids using these cooling based methods. Although this research was published in vetted science journals, virtually no athletes or sports experts have heard of this. The only reason I heard about it is due to me reading thousands of news & science articles published over the past 10+ years. There are potential methods of improving athleticism and physical ability using science and whatever else. There are techniques and methods which are not well known and underutilized. But technique, methods and equipment aside I think essentially what it comes down to is the hardest workers typically enjoying the most gains. Its the observed trend for decades past and in the current era.
  6. The trinity - how do you interpeted it

    My crude take on the trinity goes something like... Catholic church: "We represent an ISO standards compliant, non profit, monotheistic religion." Atheists: "You have God, Jesus and the Holy spirit. That's not monotheistic!" Catholic church: "!@#%. Ok. We'll merge God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit into a single unit in 300 to 500 AD and call it the trinity, how's that?" Atheists: "Cool story, bro."
  7. Brutal. Are there other well known examples?
  8. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "The aim of industry is not primarily to satisfy essential human needs with a minimal productive effort, but to multiply the number of needs, factitious and fictitious, and accommodate them to the maximum mechanical capacity to produce profits. These are the sacred principle of the power complex. Not the least effort of this system is that of replacing selectivity and quantitative restriction by indiscriminate and incontinent consumption."
  9. Your thoughts on Black Magic

    I think some elements of black magic trickled into pop culture and internet content. A youtuber I follow said those who have black magic cast on them have poor personal hygiene. Which I think is accurate. Probably the most legit observation I've seen or heard of about magic on the internet. When I was a child a youth group pastor looked at me and say "oh, you're into magic, aren't you". Later in high school a chemistry teacher said nearly word for word the same thing. Shocked speechless both times. I never felt any desire to learn about tarot cards, use ouija boards, or do anything like that. Till this day, I never read a book on magic, never studied it and as far as I know have never been around people who were the least bit interested in it. Yet somehow, whatever little I have heard or know, I stumbled across accidentally. And for whatever reason, my accidental, seems like its a little more than average...
  10. Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day

    January 15th, 2024. Martin Luther King Jr holiday in the USA. !
  11. The bible, OT and NT

    Above is one of my favorite bible verses from 1 samuel 8. 1. Israel demands a king. 2. God says, if you receive a king you will be enslaved by him. 3. Israel says: we don't care, we only want to be trendy and do what everyone else is doing. There are many good lessons and wise sayings in the OT.
  12. The bible, OT and NT

    accidental multi post plz delete
  13. Your interpretation of John 1:5

    I think the translation goes back to Lucifer's associations of Morning Star and Light Bringer in the pre fallen angel era. Biblical contexts of light and dark applied within a historical timeline.
  14. Immortality through Philosophy

    I try to not to think about or care about an afterlife or heaven. Simply do the right thing. The philosopher's stone. Seems like a western version of china's immortality elixirs. A form of specially processed mercury appears to be one the main ingredient of both immortality elixirs and philosopher's stone. Which makes for an interesting coincidence. As far as immortality goes... It is known that the maximum size of land animals depends upon the size of the land mass they reside upon. The maximum size of sea creatures depends upon the size of the water mass they reside within. This can be seen with fish in aquariums. Fish grow faster in large aquariums than in small ones. As if their biology has a built in mechanism which regulates their growth based upon the size of their habitat. There are some frogs with the ability to switch genders when there are too many male or female in the population. Which would appear to be another built in biological mechanism regulating fertility. I think species may also have a biology which reacts to environmental conditions and scales things like lifespan accordingly. Which could explain why some sources credit early humans with being long lived. Later when the human population grew and exceptionally long lifespans were no longer necessary to propagate species. The biological mechanism (or God) shortened the human lifespan to a more sustainable maximum age. More than a decade ago, I remember reading many science articles claiming the theoretical ceiling for human lifespan was around 500 years. None of their research or methodology had anything to do with what I'm saying here. Hacking human biology to extend lifespan is an old concept. Certainly, it is possible. But there is no one I have seen who has any good ideas for how to do it in real world application.
  15. Types of paths

    1. The Religious path: various forms of traditional and historic metaphysics. There is typically some form of established framework that goes with this. 2. The Spiritual path: seeking connection with nature, ancestors, spirits, deities, aliens, etc. This is close to the religious path. Except there is less of an established framework. With the path and moral code being more subjective and arbitrary. 3. The Physical path: exercising the body to stimulate the spirit and mind. Fasting to cleanse and heal the body. Which in turn stimulates the mind and spirit. (Example - there was a supercomputer chip designer called Seymour Cray who was notorious for digging enormous holes in his backyard to stimulate his brain to help empower his problem solving.) 4. The Intellectual path: sharpening the mind & expanding knowledge in search of growth, wisdom or enlightenment. (It sounds impressive until you realize sudoku puzzles or video games might qualify.)
  16. There is more than one prophecy in the christian bible. Which might predict the fate and future of current era china. I won't explicitly name them. The information is out there & everyone should know what the prophecies say by this point in time. Does anyone want to share their opinion on the topic? I would be curious to know what people think on this.
  17. Recently, I cut down more than 20 small invasive trees using small hand saws (as pictured above). I was wondering if some degree of qigong training would make it easier for a saw blade to cut wood. If the arm has a greater quantity of qi flowing through it and is gripping the handle of a saw. Would the saw somehow benefit from this in terms of it being able to cut better. Is there a technique for limiting flow of qigong energy through an arm or hand to test a hypothesis of whether qi flow makes a difference. I ask this as some have commented at the speed at which I can cut through things with a hand saw. As it seems unusually fast. Maybe its due to me not looking like someone who used to be able to bench press near to 2x their body weight. I look more like a stereotypical geek these days. I also enjoy overthinking things.
  18. Fascinating commentary on katana slicing. There is an old story about John Chang infusing a chopstick with qi which was then used to penetrate a wood tabletop. I would guess it is similar to qi techniques using swords. I think I can get an idea of how much qi is flowing through the body by pressing my palms together. The amount of energy increases naturally during exercise. At other times it decreases with the difference being noticeable. On a good day I might be able to feel a type of field around the palm of the hands and fingertips. But how or why I got to this point, I'm not certain. I never really trained or studied qigong with the intent of developing it. I think its from doing a lot of stretching. With the intent of developing muscles that "grow longer" as a result of greater flexibility. I used to stretch whenever I watched TV. Whatever hours I spent watching movies, sports or whatever random thing. I would often be stretching. Maybe 1 to 2+ hours most days. The coil windings of electric motors sometimes have a thin insulating varnish which burns away under heat. This happened with my electric scooter. I'm going to try upgrading the watt rating of motors to see if it increases durability. But tbh have not gotten around to it yet.
  19. Good ideas. Pole extension is definitely something to try in the future. Invasive trees are octopus / umbrella tree (Heptapleurum actinophyllum). They can be cut down to the ground and grow back over time. They're spreading everywhere like an ecological disaster in the making.
  20. How to build Qi?

    This sentiment was echoed by comic books in japan. I think it was Baki the Grappler which tried to emphasize the point. If anyone can believe that.
  21. Spiritual Hygiene

    Is the practice of spiritual hygiene similar to karma in terms of cause and effect? Except where karma is more linear in nature, spiritual hygiene is more of a dice roll? This has been on my mind. As far as I know taoists do not subscribe directly to karma. Instead they encourage spiritual hygiene. Which is similar to karma but a little different?
  22. Daoism and artistic pursuit

    This is something I've thought about. When I was younger I would make small boats out of barbque skewers and typically be experimenting or making things. At some point that creativity ended. Its easy to get ideas for things but very difficult to pull the trigger on the implementation side. My theory is: creativity, art, building, making things. Is linked to reproductive channels. Sex is capable of creating life & is where things like art and creativity originate from. At some point I must have acquired blockage in areas involving reproduction/sex/etc. Which is why its harder to engage that part of the biology which is naturally associated with creation. Also I think I have some blockage or dysfunction in the heart area. As I no longer feel emotions or empathy as I used to. The heart may also be linked to creativity. Meditating on reproductive and heart regions might help to address issues related to normal levels of creativity declining. If you make progress on this, please share your findings.