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Everything posted by Bhathen

  1. Exercise suggestions for seniors

    Haven't tried this form of qigong. My suggestions for fragrant qigong have been for people whom the medical world had given up hope, have no cure and been told their time is short-lived. Hopefully it could be their last course of action, but none have taken it up.
  2. Hello everyone, Can you please suggest exercises for seniors for well-being purposes? (taichi/ qigong/ or anything comparative) Some of them have lower back and knee issues and no ideas regarding energy exercises. Searching for a simple, daily-routine based course if possible.
  3. Exercise suggestions for seniors

    From: I think a deeper understanding of this qigong is required since it seems to be a bit different from the rest and if it is suitable for everyone. Just leaving it at that.
  4. Exercise suggestions for seniors

    Reading about Fragrant qigong has made me suggest it to a few other people. The words "resentment and lack of compassion" in the qigongchinesehealth website, made me think twice about suggesting it.
  5. Exercise suggestions for seniors

    Is there a difference in energy movement and different progressive stages between taichi and qigong?
  6. Exercise suggestions for seniors

    Thank you Steve. Most online instructors don't seem to take into account all kinds of students and changes experienced, that's a drawback. Hope to see if videos geared towards seniors go over instructions slowly and easy to follow along. Master Logray's suggestion of a seated practice seems a good idea.
  7. Exercise suggestions for seniors

    Thank you, those were very insightful pointers.
  8. Exercise suggestions for seniors

    Thank you so much for all your suggestions. @Cleansox Saw the sample videos with clear and easy to follow instructions. DVD seems to be a good option. @silent thunder : Thank you for sharing your valuable insight and wishing you well. Most of the seniors were swimmers in their youth, but now it may not be an option. @Master Logray and @con. : You may be right about qigong having faster results. Though baduanjin is a simple form, it is very potent and would recommend it only with an in-person master.
  9. Exercise suggestions for seniors

    My only experience has been with baduanjin for a short period. Saw a lot of videos and some courses for seniors but am unable to decipher which is appropriate.
  10. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 1

    For me, The book 'Tao: The Three Treasures Vol 1-3" by Osho helped gain a better understanding of the text.
  11. Sometimes Udacity is a better inspiration for self-learning ... (not tried these)
  12. What am I supposed to do with this energy??

    Hi @Eggsistentialist From a normal perspective, maybe this book can help...Adding to the list of suggestions here
  13. The Perils of Meditation

    Have you tried fasting? Do you think qi deviation might lead to these symptoms? Or maybe a scattered mind leading to a lot of though-streams (bringing out a continuous barrage of traumatic emotions to the fore) and your body trying to get back to normal through these symptoms? ...
  14. Which are your favorite yoga nidra scripts?

    This site has a nice explanation: A common practice method: ( 5 are listed)
  15. Upper Dantian 101, please . . .

    The 'Vijnana Bhairava - Manual for Self Realization' by Swami Lakshmanjoo is a good reference.
  16. Upper Dantian 101, please . . .

    Proper concentration in the nose leads to the opening of the Sushumna or central channel, resulting in a state of extreme happiness or ecstacy.
  17. Things for the blind

    Braille Sudoku magic cubes (thelerner mentioned them), Braille Jigsaws and Tangrams, Wooden puzzle set, chinese diablo, wooden solitaire Online sound-based games Becoming a language partner on sites like:,
  18. Knowing nothing

    The simple and deep words of Master Thich Nhat Hanh beautifully and slowly melted away all questions I was struggling with; about the purpose of existence and the feelings of the "dark knight of the soul".
  19. Living in the Now, vs. Dementia

    In another discussion forum, a renowned Marma therapy doctor/researcher had mentioned that two points (one on the top of the head, other in the inside of the palms) when given the proper treatment twice a day has given successful results for dementia. Many ayurvedic doctors practice marma chikitsa/therapy or Varma (pressure is applied to the energy meridians, a little different from acupressure). Am not sure if this would help, but this exercise stimulates a lot of points on the head. Youtube link for : Massage for the head
  20. Money

    Everything that you have mentioned(relationships, thoughts about money) seems to point towards an imbalance of the root chakra. The root chakra is related to stability, relationships, money, safety... and the other end is anger, power, etc. Exercises to strengthen the root chakra might be helpful (or) you could use more 'rooting and grounding' exercises in your practice.
  21. From the "Yoga of herbs" by David Frawley
  22. A teacher once informed our group that Haritaki and Triphala were high vibration herbs and should be taken once in a while. You can try one of them daily for a week and see which is suitable and then switch to once a week basis. (Mix with either honey or warm water). An ayurvedic doctor might be able to help you better. 'Banyan Botanicals' seller in amazon has pure Haritaki and Triphala powder, if available in your region. Tri-phala (only has Tri - 3 ingredients)
  23. Ardhanarishvara