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Everything posted by Takingcharge

  1. Whats up everybody. i have a friend thats very ill, she has severe chronic fatigue syndrome / Myalgic encephalomyelitis can barely eat food due to many food tolerances, has a very small energy envelope. Shes considering purchasing the stillness movement membership for their video training, and then theres also a live online class asociated with it however from what ive read here many people go very wrong on self study cources developing deviation issues etc how risky would you say it is to take on the stillness movement practice like as a complete novice doing via video training and an online class. i will obviously also e-mail michael lomax w/ the question but would like to hear the opinions here as well. thanks for your input
  2. Once you know someone going through the medical mill youl soon learn that unless its cancer, hiv etc the well established (money making paths) doctors find nothing most of the time nor is there much interest for research as most of it is funded by big pharma. Thats Funding reaearch to support commercial oppurtunities ie treatments that will make alot of money
  3. Thanks alot for your long responce, i cant read it right now glanced over it, Il ad a quick few thing -im fammiliar with cci, unfortunately i have issues w my cervical spine that are getting worse. I already asked her about hypermobiloty as far as i know she has no hypermobiloty -the musckes im worried about - she says its due to weightloss getting short muscles esp in winter it gete very bad Im Thinking possible deficiencies as well as shes malnourished basicly I know its easy to be convinced of your own story as you know your body best but its also easy to be wrong she also has body warmth issues, shes often very cold and cant get warm also not a good sign some other toughts she already does non energetic qigong from youtube basicly so basicly moving exercises Ive been looking into mast stabalisers, are you saying anti histamine are most toleranle to start with? Not medical advice obviously but we all some things that came to mind
  4. Whats up everybody, so im wondering If people reincarnate on death - why and how have so many traditions ancestor worship. Where they dont just “honour” their ancestors. but establish contact etc or communicate with their ancestors within ancient traditions. isnt this part of the person supposed to die off while the greater higher part of the being gets sucked into the stream to be reincarnated? how do both these things exist? This confuses me
  5. hey thanks for responding… shes 14 years in. lost immense amount of weight. Like 40 kilos. im pretty sure she has bad mcas on amount of the severe food intolerances she can barely eat anything and im very serious sbout that she can eat way less then she needs problem is her intolerances extend towars supplements so she cant even supplement everything she spends all her waking time foam rolling because her muscles cramp to the point of not being able to hold a phone or move So shes in bad shape she does have waking hours shes not bedbound completely - en does litteral hours of foam rolling n i guess very gentle stretching. So she should be able to do some qigong she received a few energy treatments and the impact was huge - she was falling down into inro cvs sickness and fever - it removed the fever , swollen lymphnodes turned to normal. And some energy thats huge. but her body just sucks it up and the next day shes back at square one. she doesnt want to see drs anymore shes incredibly scared of any virus, and doesnt have the energy due to all going to managing herself n recovering. Beyond that because theyve been very useless in terms of mcas treatment. what treatments are you aware of are there many paths to mcas treatment? EDIT - no hypermobility, were you thinking of cci?
  6. Sleep paralysis

    Advice from a sleep scientist, Focus all your attebtion on wigling the tip of your tongue. moving a hand , finger, something breaks most people out but its hard. Almost everybody can move their tip of their tongue w effort should wake you right up give it a shot jext time.
  7. Sleep paralysis

    This is actually reasonably accurate — in the sense that some experienced AP’rs when they wake up in sp may use it as a way to shift into an AP, Sp can also happens while practicing AP but not going all the way. - so its definitely a theme discussed in tye ap communities the sleeping position thing i never understood fully but its common advice given as often sprs have sleeping positions that encourage it - some even have it almost garunteed sp in a specific sleeping position My 2 cents
  8. Sleep paralysis

    I never got how positioms are related to tha, i often hear people say they will go into sp in a certain position but then not in others… what is that? Some kind of neurological anchoring? Just like being more prone to go into meditation when in in the physical body position you practice it in how does that work for you?
  9. Hmmm…. I always tought Daoists had quite a complex andd accurate grip on all the mechanics due to their level of development and working directly with so many aspects of the thing especially in neidan. And going after spiritual immortality in some traditions, Surely daoists must have it mapped out more clearly then this? i was always under the impression that hauntings when human spirits are some fragment splinter of the person rather then the actual spirit
  10. But arent there authenticly eightened masters ? They should have a fairly accurate grip on universal mechanics
  11. need help, chi deviation

    Hello everybody, Im in trouble, i dont know what to do and would like to ask for advice any kind of ideas, inputs, as ny situation is getting bad i have tried to make the post as understandable as i can. I have some kind of muscle dysfunction , of the muscles and possibly other supporting structures like ligaments it seems neurological. I feel A current and sensations going through my body This is causing my cervical spine to destabalise and creating skull instability and possibly many other things Its also affecting the rest of my spine and body If i dont find a way to solve this it will destroy my spine, and Medical doctors cant find anything exept for the spine instability whitch is an effecf not a cause and causing its own set of symptoms I think its some kind of chi deviation. its most likely mind created. -Medical doctors didnt find anything -i feel a current move through my body It causes muscles n structures to dysfunction its also causing muscle atrofy through my body as a side effect -i can influence it w my mind. So i Do think theres a strong chance this is mind created On a timeline , i now know this started far earlier then i originally started noticing it. Searching my experiences The earliest memories i have of symptoms started right after or during a period where i smoked weed for 2 years . I fear bad inadvertant developed mind habits coupled w being in an altered state caused by weed created this. Ive tried freeforms advice of focussing outward n be in my body as much as possible etc So whats happening is I have it primarily run down my back and up on the front It goes through my eyes up or something and for a long time this caused my eyelids to always want to fall close and if i allow it my eyes roll up. Even w my eyes open it would place me half in my sensory stream of vision n half in my mindspace i guess It would force me in a kind of ttance state i guess. where i Cant properly controll my attention and toughts and couldnt get it to stop affecting my body -If i concentrate or focus my eyes it aggrevates it, intensifies it -if i focus on a body part something will happen there -later i started deceloping conditioned responces on top of it due to having it in my eyes ,and being in that headspace where i cant stop my mind n toughts from affecting me. So i would l touch my hands and feel the pressure of the two hands connecting — i couldnt stop my attention from Going there and imagining the current flow from one hand to the other — and now i cant touch hands wo that happening. And now recently having pressure on my back or laying on my side causes it to move upwards snd intensify like pressing a button - then when i remove the pressurure from my back it starts reversing immediatly This is now making my spine worsening much faster during sleep because the muscles dysfunction hard the entire night rather then moderately sleeping already was already really bad finding a way to sleep laying down my neck and skull with moving dislocating vertabraes. I have no idea what to do at this point. Is there anybody i can see anything i can do? does anybody have any kind of advice? If i dont find a solution this will end very bad. thank you for your time. EDIT - il try to add to this post and clear up something later in the day. i just wanted to have something written out because i kept procrastinating because i find it hard to translate to words
  12. Sleep paralysis

    Theres no proof just a whole bunch of people that when trying to astral project esp in the beginning get stuck in self induced sleep paralysis. and some people that when they wake up in sleep paralysis, use it as a way to spring board into a full astral projection its a common thing discussed in ap communities
  13. need help, chi deviation

    Im waiting on a person to take a look at me to see if he sees anything. i dont have a qigong practice so learning to see i wouldnt know where ti begin but considering my current mind issues i dont think dabbling in any mind practices is smart. Abstinance ive been recommend
  14. need help, chi deviation

    im trying to find someone to do a second opinion with, gonna ask a daoist healer to long distance take a look at me. if its directly connected to me or my field as you as you said. he should be able to easily see it i suspect
  15. need help, chi deviation

    hello, i dont have or do a practice. I am also not doing anything i actually try to avoid triggering it purposefully in any way. What i attemped describing: Is i have some kind of current running through my system that creates muscle n supportive structure dysfunction whitch is causing my spine n especially my cervical spine to gradually. Come apart Im wearing a cervical collar and avoid moving my head im any way as much as possible my mind affects my body if i concentrate the current intensifies if i focus on a body part i create an effect there what i described in my last post is how this current going in my my eyes, my eyelids start to flutter n it forces me into a trance. Inside my mind space When im in trance esp when im to tired to fight it, i cant stop my thinking from affecting my body and it started creating conditioned responces that now have created a real problem - this is involuntary Pressure on my feet standing and pressure on my back or on side lying down has created an asociation to my nervous system and now acts as a button When theres pressure i feel the current intensifying i try avoid any kind of focussed attention il see if i can improve on the posts ive made tomorrow i have trouble putting these things to words and im rrally tired so It may result in hard to follow posts il have a look at what i wrote tomorrow
  16. need help, chi deviation

    yeah this is what i tried to articulate it was basicly a trance state, iM not sure it was like candle gazing. ALthough it may have been at times, id either intently stare at something or my eyes would find its place some random point in space half across the room I was looking at my mind pictures rather then what was in the room. the eye tensing and holding my body in a certain way and breathing a specific way helped me get there, currently any tensing of my eye, and focussing energises the circuit immediatly causes it to get worse, but its not like its ever gone. But so does attention -think the weed created a specific altered state or maybe it has to do with the shen or just the effect on the brain but i think it caused me to 1) developed a mind focus that affects my body - 2) i think i bridged into my nervous system, or into my muscle system into something. And the weed inadvertantly made me reach deeper From this basis, I think i developed additional layer of pattern i had the current in my eyes alot and it would kind of force me into a trance state, i couldnt escape from, i could force open my eyes but due to what was happening w the “current “in my eyes, it would be half in my sensory stream of the eyes but half displaced in my mental space. So i couldnt keep my attention and thinking from creating effects unwantedly . This started creating unwanted patternS so focussing and concentration intensifies the circuit my attention would go to body parts an then it would start there then my mind got linked with body parts so if i moved my arms it would move my attention. an creating effects. so now i would movemy hands and it would move a current through my body due to random movement. id do the dishesh and circle a plate and id feel it in my stomach i used to hold my head with both hands during sleep to keep my skull and neck secure, then i my attention went to my head because i felt the pressure from my hands, and i would feel into it. and now i cant hold my head because it starts the current then after that the body pressure of my body on the mattras would lead my attention there and now when i lie down. that circuit goes hard all night, malfunctioning the muscles and my entire spine is going to shit. but most badly my nec to skull erea so now lying down triggers it - like pushing a button. if i remove the pressure it starts reversing back very strange wooshing sensation i have no idea how to stop this, i fear i might die from this, far worse possibly are the symptoms of increasing brainstem and nerve cord compression as your spine becomes a noodle, also fear my skullplates might loosen. as its moving over my or through my skull as well. theres ligamentous tissue keeping all that together as well i cant believe this happened
  17. Spring Forest Qigong

    Ive tried getting into contact w master lin, but they said he wasnt available, does he still do any healing that you know?
  18. need help, chi deviation

    @freeform are you still on retreat?
  19. need help, chi deviation

    Are you fully certain about this? Is there a chance you could be misinterpeting what youre seeing? im Because its a very big statement to make If you are certain, what do you think it is? What kind of entity is it and wnat does it want? i can assure you i havent done bad things if with bad you mean evil, dark things. Or bad doings towards others.
  20. need help, chi deviation

    i can assure you its not anxiety or anything anxiety related. unfortunately, a psychologist wont be of any help here, unless perhaps for unloading about how it impacts ones life are therr any very good doctors you would recommend? i have no idea who else to see. A strong acupuncturist that also has his 3rd eye open i would definatly consider. the acupunturist ive seen without sight have not been of help i have no idea whats going on or how to fix it
  21. need help, chi deviation

    i do have glasses, what i mean is, It seems intent n focus is what aggrevates it and also what may hsve caused it. I understand to little to make real assertions . but experientially i feel it my originates in my eyes and that it may have caused this i used to do this thing when i was over thinking my life, Or doing creative thinking or trouble solving, Deep intro spection, deep reflection . I would stare at something intently with my eyes open and start breathing intently and very slowly And would keep doing that untill i was deep away in tought with my eyes open but i did that with a very hard focus, the intently staring caused my body to tense up and my eyes to tense. And i would hold that the entire time, tensing helped me hone into my tought world and concentrate, I would hold that one tense the entire session often i read here youre never supposed to do anything with any kind of hard focus or tensing that it creates trouble. That you should always have a soft focus and easy breathing i kept up this habit when smoking weed, of hard focussing and intently tensely breathing. and that the weed induced state may have caused my mind to bridge into my body? Or into my nerves or muscles? it kind of feels like ive inadvertently been breathing into my eyes or focussing into my eyes while holding that tension and that breathing energises it And that whatever circuit that is connected to that it flows through that circuit thats definatly what i avoid in all ways now no form of focussing or intently thinking no form of altered breathing not even slower breathing. the moment i start doing that intently ficussing i start feeling muscles beginning to twitch al over my body, snd sensations, it starts to intensify in my eyes. And i feel something coming upwards on the front side over my belly or upwards inside my belly then in my eyes n wherever it goes from there. It just activates the circuit basicly. Or increases intensity i tought it might have something to do with my third eye centre, but from what ive read here thats asociated w seeing lsd type things whitch i do not the spot seems to bridge of my nose
  22. need help, chi deviation

    thank you for responding, so this is quite a serious and somewhat scary statement. can i ask, how were you able to deduce this and come to this conclusion?
  23. My experience with Spring Forest Qigong

    Thanks for taking the time, I wonder how much of this asking the master/the universe/ is traditional methods and how much did he base on some teachings from modern hypnotherapy the yes / no. Is that with finger signals by any chance? i know he did a program w it paul scheele whos in the same place, a welll known nlp and hypnotherapist that creates alot personal development cources and is in the same town i can definstly see some simmilarities though it may just be coincidence, but from what he understwnd he brought alot different things together w the goal of able to teach the public, scheele is definatly good in that respect though it might just be simmilar. funny he simply sets intent, or well asks does he believe traumatic psychologicsl memories and behaviour rooting from that csn be healed passively in a long distance manner? as for adhd what is the talisman supposed to do? Interesting stuff
  24. My experience with Spring Forest Qigong

    @NuralshamalThanks for taking the time to write these extensive writeups, very interesting.. im not sure if youre still around but how does chun yi go about or teach healing. ADHD, past lives, ene, attracting more money qi, detecting and removing curses and black magic, could you share a bit more about these? especially the last 2 and adhd id be very curious to read more about. i wasnt sure if you get a notification on old threads so i hope you dont mind that i @ you in this thread.
  25. How to find the lower dan tian ?

    i found this interesting, i applogise if this is a bit off topic but this reminded me of an approach to therapy that hits those points you mention here right on the head. there are actually better ways to work with those issues availsble to regular people in regression to cause hypnotherapy in the dave elman tradition. what is done is what they call an affect bridge is created. Whitch just means they , after preparing you and getting you consciously ready - they purposefully trigger and intensify the “negative” feeling responce… and “regress” ie with eyes closed follow it all the way back to the initial sensitising event. Meaning the originating point where you first felt this feeling ever and created this responce You will move back in time though the many experiences asociated with this Where each time there was addded a layer on to this, resulting in the end product what you came to “therapy” for. you will move bavk in time through the layers untill you reach the originating point. Where you meet it with a loving compassionate closed mouthed smile. the feeling is allowed to be felt untill it dissipates, and what emerges after that will be the unmet need “the child” there has, you do it mainly with holding nonjudging love as the basis, sometimes something else is needed conscious attention is brought back into what was a closed Off block, And the entire chain forwards in time evaporates, unmakes itself. the feel bridge will take you usually to the “symptom producing event” because that is where its current form was born, but that is not the beggining. That responce was born out of earlier present reactivity you follow it back to the start and address it there and the entire wound will be ubdone. no holes wil be present and the problem will not rebuid itself. Sinds the entire string of knots gets undone another process from another person. Requires feeling the feeling and and then be asked where you can sense its counterpart in your mind space, this will be some kind of representation like a dark spot or whatever it shows up as, you will then gently invite it to dissolve back into the field it was born out off, — you will get a no, rather then forcing it to collapse, you will feel into the system and be guided to some different place witt another darkspot (or however it shows up) you will get another no —- and be guided to another spot, youl get a no — and you follow your way feeling through this chain untill you get to a spot that feels more, wide a bit more open but still a contraction - you will gently invite it to return dissolve back into the whole — you will get a clear yes. Youl then follow it forwards and the darker spots will - now dissolve as well untill your back to the first one whitfh now dissolves snd the entire thread and its accompanied responce will be gone. unsurprisingly these 2 processes have helped people heal from serious diseases. just tought id share it here as it related to what you wrote. id be curious to hear how this relates to what you wrote in the quote “ Are you asking if the stagnation/coagulation happens in the body? The answer to that is - it’s usually expressed on a number of different levels - including physically in the body (for example some people will have physical tensions or adhesions that are ‘holding’ some emotional trauma)... there will be a Qi level counterpart and a shen level counterpart (and sometimes more“ If nothing else its a way that adresses some of the issues you brought up and works them in a way that creates a positive result available to regular people