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Everything posted by Mithras

  1. Who likes tea? I like tea.

    Thanks for the guides and source to get tea from. Definitely will check out and start experimenting Though, on a side note, for people who aren't big fans of caffeine; should we be messing with this stuff? Edit: I suppose so. didn't know there were non caffeinated teas, I'll try them out.
  2. Who likes tea? I like tea.

    I've never actually gotten into tea, though I've tried before because it looks sagey and stuff haha + health benefits. Still never really got into it though, but I'm welcome to try again. So, what would you reccomend for 'le beginner'? Also is tea for everyone? I'm not a big fan of coffee or other fancy beverages, water is a pretty solid choice for me.
  3. Mental Rituals

    There's a lot of no doubt actions that we do in the physical world. For example moving a chair. I experienced it, I felt the chair, the strain, and now I see that it's somewhere else. There are still laws of nature though: chakra's, chi channels, gravity, etc. And furthermore elements like people becoming aware of things they had nothing to do with; for example that chair I moved is suddenly gone because someone else moved it. imo these are just as changeable as small things like perspective, physical routines, etc. My perspective on why that is so delves from the topic at hand though so I'll leave it aside.
  4. Mental Rituals

    Yep found this to be the case with my own applications as well. I'm applying this concept real time to a lot of things with life. Suddenly, things tend to be a lot luckier; found a job without much effort at all simply because I didn't worry about it and believed that it would happen, meanwhile my older brother who is more qualified than me can't get one even after applying to a few everyday. Positive reinforcement is the email's back and forth, positive feedback as employers review your application, etc. Then that start's getting rid of the rest of the doubts that you needed to do more to get a job. In the topic of mental rituals, this idea of feedback loop also applies. Say I perform a ritual in my mind, do a long penance, or speak a mantra for a while. In all those cases, you may want to gain guidance from a deity; and in all those cases the best thing to do is to keep faith. Looking for the things that reinforce your belief instead of what counteracts it, furthermore the things that counteract it could be made into reinforcements. Keep this up, and chances are you'll meet that deity. The reason why it may take some years of mantras, or penance is that the feedback loop (faith/belief) works both ways. We may believe that we are this pitiful mortal so therefore we must show great effort to meet a deity, and we may have also heard of our associates who spoke a mantra constantly for 10 years to meet them. So in reality, its all a matter of what we let happen; looking deeper into the phrase "What do I let happen?" and you'll have something to contemplate on for a while.
  5. Mental Rituals

    This is cool. I'm still watching through it but it does relate to my own practice a lot. I used to ignore the giving up the body part a lot with instant dissolution. Now I use my body parts to make a nice feast. Hair chopped into rice or noodles, blood made into wine, impurities into a sauce, etc. It's very grotesque but definitely effective for noticing the impurity of body. A very noticeable effect is that the ails of the body no longer seem like mine. Furthermore, I make each of the sense organs a "prize entree". Definitely helps a lot with changing the hateful relationship towards the body and mind that tends to get developed by newcomers, me included. Then once the feasting table is prepared I let whatever demons or beings that wish to feast, feast; and I serve as a guest for a while. Pretty quickly the food is all gone and then I focus on what's left of me: The skeleton. I usually undertake this part by adding each bone one at a time till the entire skeleton is there and meditate on the full image of the skeleton for however long I feel. Sometimes I just create the skeleton in my head instantly though. It should be kept in mind that most/all of this is mentally created. Even the demons and so on are created by my imagination, however at a certain point its my mind can be partitioned and create a living object through imagination, so while it does take some thought on my part, it start's doing actions that 'I' don't really control. I suppose it's something I'm just starting to use. My further understanding on this subject is that we don't really need physical interactions to approach these issues or problems. We can approach them right now in our minds, and get very real satisfaction/emotional benefit from it. This idea of mental rituals takes that one step further and says you can approach things in your mind, and get very real physical benefit from it. And in a way, we already see that with practiced meditation. It's also an idea that's prevalent in new age stuff like law of attraction; were they tend to decide things without the physical worlds input or reasoning. Though I find that it's not so much a law but a benefit we realize when we understand that the mental world and the physical world/all further divisions are no different from each other. Yet we are the ones that perceive that difference. Here's a quote from the story of Lila, entailing her penance: keywords being: "She was utterly convinced that this penance would prove fruitful" Reminds me of a line from an article: Though faith without wisdom has the possibility to delve into insanity; so there's a rather subtle line where one gives so much power to their mind and faith that they end up letting themselves derive unintended negative consequences. It's kind of like how in the days of old, someone would curse someone else with some meaningful premise and then that curse would seem to manifest. Now and days that doesn't happen so much, someone road rages and say that you'll die a horrible death and you're like "No I probably won't"
  6. Mental Rituals

    And speaking of which here’s another story regarding this matter: this story is mainly about how Samsara can be created anywhere really, but it’s also a story regarding this very topic: the power of the mind.
  7. Mental Rituals

    Huh that’s pretty cool. I really like this point: So here’s another general question: if one performed a mental ritual and they were all those things(quote mentioned above) in the ritual; and they were really into it/believed that it would net results: would he be able to yield results for most typically physical rituals?
  8. Shabar mantra

    Huh there’s quite a large list of them; though I’m unsure if I would use any, I find my interest piqued. It looks very similar to western spell casting, which I am also unfamiliar with. I have my Ideas as to why both these, and those work. are you familiar or proficient in practicing any specific mantras?
  9. Shabar mantra

    No I have no idea about shabar mantras. I did some brief research and saw that they were kind of like talisman's except mantras, and more like spells? Don't mean to offend, would really love some clarification on this. I saw something that could be somewhat familiar in Vasistha's Yoga where there was a mantra to treat disease, specifically cholera. For some reason I can't post an image of the mantra or copy it from a pdf but there's these details: "One who is proficient in this mantra should wear it on his left arm and, thinking of the moon, pass that hand over the patient who will be cured at once."
  10. Any interesting plans for June?

    I'm working on some web apps... I'll likely continue them. Continue my study of Vasistha's yoga and meditation in between. Though I've been considering sometime whether I want to leave home and just wander for a bit; my first intentions were to go full Rambo, which isn't great and even worse with covid. Now my intentions are more so about moving out and setting up my own place. Wonder if I can find a nice place to fix up, that's secluded and silent.
  11. How does one even start the Dao?

    Well a Sutra or two, and a lot of references but by scriptures I mainly mean Vasisthas Yoga. It will likely be the only thing I study for a while. I guess I just say scriptures though as habit because they refer to the teachings in Vasisthas yoga as scriptures
  12. How does one even start the Dao?

    This is more of a personal story, so read it if you please. I just supposed that entering this forum has been akin to jump and an acceptance to discover what I may not know. In the past, I was very depressed and saw the world blandly. I would often consume movies, media, and video games. Really anything that gave me instant gratification or some noise to fill the silence. Of course, I would always feel conflict and would try to change since I knew it wasn't right for me. One point in that journey of change, I had looked into a book on internal alchemy, while I read the beginning with premature interest I quickly dismissed it as nonsense and continued through my tumbling. At some point, I finally broke free of the tumbling and arrived at a destination. I realized that many of these modern activities are a haze that distort the peacefulness and the silence of reality, so I cut them out. There is no epic music playing in the background, no heroes to play as, and no grand ambitions. I also realized that desire and ambition will only cause misery, so I tossed them away as well. There is no need to go from A -> B, If I simply follow my true passions and desires then destiny will carry me to my destination. After all that, I can say that for once I am happy and content. At this point, I will soon be 20 and will be heading back to college from a gap year in a few months. Yet while I've solved my issues and am at peace, for the world truly is beautiful, I cannot help but wonder about that time I read about daoist cultivation and dismissed it so easily. More so, in general I wonder if all the fantastical stories of the past were simply lies and legends as the modern world portrays them. I am not so skeptical, it is just that I am surrounded by people who would say I am insane to believe in them. In all honestly, that is why I have approached this forum. I had found it by chance a few weeks ago by chance, and have since been browsing through it occasionally. It feels like a guilty pleasure, wrong and insane, but once again my curiosity comes to differ. While I am admittedly still skeptical, today I finally took upon the conclusion of approaching this forum, to see if I could uncover my doubts and find a way in the Dao. I do not know where to start or what to believe. To be honest, all these online courses and bad reputation just make me more anxious about it all. But while I can see the reality of the world, it would be a shame if I missed the mystical in it all. For these reasons, I hope that this forum can guide me on where to start, perhaps even help me to find a teacher. You have my gratitude for reading this. DM's and replies are appreciated.
  13. Hello everyone, this was a topic I looked into a month or so ago. I ended up writing about it somewhere else so I figured I'd move it here. Would love to hear opinions, even if thats criticism. Well, lets jump into it; hope you guys enjoy. Many of you might be familiar, many not; with an idea in Western esoterica called the Law of Attraction, or rather the person behind it: Neville Goddard. However, I'm sure its sprouted out and implied in many faiths and philosophies. Regardless of the source, the general premise is that you can have anything you want by simply becoming the you that already has it. So lets say you wish for a better job, just imagine the version of you that has the better job, then shift that onto yourself believing you are now that version. So okay... sounds simple enough and fairly interesting as well. I'm of the belief that this isn't the way, but a thorough understanding of this can be very useful. At the very least, it can at least aid you in landing into a better physical world scenario so that you can explore more... The simple idea in itself was very intriguing to me and at the time I wanted to figure out its components. While now, I admit that I'm not really messing around with it; It's still super cool. So, I practiced and read the techniques, of which there are many. Some have to do with mirrors and jumping to different dimensions, some deal with drinking glasses of water, some with just feeling, etc... It really goes on. After familiarizing such techniques, I was able to practice with smaller things that made sense to me. Stuff like buying a stock and knowing that it will go up, Something lost returning to you because you 'know' that you've already found it, etc. Now this left me quite a few questions: - First off, how do these manifestations work? That was answered partially by the fact that we are infinite and reality is actually just a mirror of our perception but there is more to it. Even People who active deny this idea, which is completely fine you do you, have luck with this. Hell at the time I was messing around with this, they were having more luck with it than me! - Secondly, why do these manifestations take time? Why is it that it may take weeks before you start to see massive sudden changes in your life? This relates to the first question.... At the time I made this post, I answered it from a scientific perspective. The real reasons are more spiritual but the science still makes sense per say. - Thirdly, how can I keep my belief that something is so, when my perception says otherwise (bank account is empty, etc)? How does that belief even effect reality and why is that things seem to stop shifting as soon as I lose belief? Partially that can be explained by our infinite selves and how reality is like a dream... but once again there's more to that answer - Fourthly, this seems to tie into magic as a general principle. Now how does that work? How much of magic is purely belief? *Note I don't practice magic in anyway, so newbie speaking here* -And Fifthly, This seems like an awesome way to train one's belief in themselves and truly experience their infinite self before the years of meditation. Furthermore, it seems like a great philosophy to live a mundane life: "Don't chase the world, but let the world chase you". Okay, so cool... But how do I optimize it so that it makes sense not just for me, but for other beginners? So I had been practicing with the idea of belief through the methods and in general for a month or so, and while doing so I encountered various specific issues as well as various research topics. Considering that I had no background in magic really nor any magical abilities, those research topics were all science related. It took a while but mostly out of luck... I found my hook which I could start explaining things by: Quantum Physics. Even better, there's even a concept in Quantum Physics that displays the sheer power of perception and how it can effectively place us into parallel realities. The concept I'm referring to is called "Aharonov's Sphere of Many Radii", where a time machine works by using external stimuli and mechanics to shift the time travelers perception consistently. I'll talk more about this at the end, but if you're interested I'd reccomend reading about it. I'll also talk about the Many worlds theory near the end. I'll give a brief overview of the idea behind this method and other methods: The only manifesting that you do in this method, is make it be so that a coin flip can decide a course of events. The rest is enforced by the coin, whether you like it or not. This means that you can manifest anything, no matter how big or small, without having to actually do the manifesting of that yourself. While you might have to give a little push to the coin... The coin does all the work. Furthermore, the coin method isn't about power. Its about understanding every component and just learning how the components somewhat work. So here's how things will be organized. I'll state the process of the actual reality shifting/manifesting. Then I'll give my findings about why it works and other components connected to it. Then I'll briefly explain some quantum physics, though my information of quantum physics won't be too solid. Then I'll state some other methods. Then I'll share a story or two that relates to this concept. The questions above will be answered throughout what I write, but never really specifically addressed. Enough of the intro, here we go!: 1. Find what you want and put it in the form of a “I” state. , then find the opposite. Ex: “I win the lottery” while the opposite would be “I lose the lottery” Ideally, try to pick something that you don't crave or desire too much. If you really want money and you wish for money, chances are you won' get it. Desire effectively says to the world, I do not have this and it is separate from me. So be careful, do something small or something you can forget about. It also tends to be easier to do it on something you have less control over surprisingly. Like if you say I am rich for one of your states and you settle into that, and then you have doubts because you aren't doing what you would do if you were rich because you're watching tv or something then yeah... chances are your doubts will likely get in the way. 2. Then find object. Ideally a coin, but you can use other stuff. It’s probably important to visualize a feeling with what each state would feel like as you assign each to a side but don’t worry too much because that’s just not the mechanics I’m basing this practice working on. Ex: heads represents “I win the lottery”, tails represents “I lose the lottery” I like to add a bit more onto each statement but I’m unsure how necessary it is. You might see why adding the extra statement is helpful though as we get further into the practice. Ex: heads is “I will win the lottery, and if I would have not, I will now”, tails is “I will lose the lottery, and if I would have not, I will now” 3. Now once you've assigned a state to each side, try to really feel the emotions behind each state, as if it was actually you. Ex: "I win the lottery" might represent a feeling of excitement, luckiness, maybe imagine throwing a party or two while at it. while "I lose the lottery" might be no change in life and you being somewhat dejected at the money spent. Do this for a few minutes and switch between each state, back and forth. This isn't so necessary for this practice to work but its really good practice for conscious control of perspective; I'm unsure about this, but it could also assign more significance to the coin-flip whenever its done. On a side note, a cool exercise I read about was find a random object around you and imagine what you are like from its perspective. Could be animate or inanimate. Then from that object go to another and imagine what the object before it would be like from its perspective. You could do it with imagination or physical objects; though I find that imagination is still done. 4. Really believe that this coin flip can change reality. Imagine that you're in a world where this coin flip does really effect reality, if only for this once. 5. Go into a dark place or prepare so you won’t be able to immediately see which side the coin has landed. The darkness, or whatever setup you have to block observation of the result will allow you to really ponder the idea of the "Principle of Complementarity" and the depth of what you're about to do. 6.Now you can flip the coin. Don’t observe the results yet, just flip it then try to understand the what's written below. If you already understand whats below, then you can just brief over the idea and continue on. In quantum physics, all small particles ,and I'll sneakily extend this to all large objects as well because the small particles are the building blocks of the large objects, are possibility-waves. Effectively, a possibility wave is not just a single particle but all the possible places/things that particle/result could be. In the context of infinite universes (many worlds theory), this means that a possibility-wave can be literally anything. Hence the ideas of Schrodinger's cat, etc. Ex: You don't know if there's a cat in a closed box because you haven't observed what is inside the box. Now back to your perspective: By you observing these infinite possibility waves, you have turned them into a set probability, typically meaning that you'll see a chair 100% in the corner of a room(which you also created). And the chair will always be there unless your perspective has changed, which could be through the chair being moved, an action, or a manifestation of some sort. If you're already familiar with the law of attraction, you may have heard people say that you're already constantly switching realities and manifesting; well this is what they mean, only its usually a jump for a small mundane reason. Believe what you want to believe, it's of my opinion that we create this reality because we believe that we are things and memories force a certain perspective. We allow most things to be decided by the 'universe' so they are, and we believe that we are this 'mortal body' so we are. So effectively, awareness towards something means a loss of knowledge since you can no longer see all the things that a possibility-wave can be. I find this concept really cool because it ties into a lot of spirituality a ton, especially ideas like how we are "Brahman" (pure consciousness, awareness, infinite). This effect is called "The Principle of Complementarity". What's scary about this, is that we end up creating a feedback loop where our reality feels solid when in actuality it just isn't at all. That point that I just made, while not a scientific theory (at least known to me), is something that is spoke of again and again in spiritual texts. This reality isn't as it seems.... duh duh duh But before we get into this lengthy topic further: What you've done already is that you've found this coin and shifted your perspective of what used to be a meaningless coin roll to a coin roll that decided the possibility-wave of your state of being. Already, what has happened now, is that you've already shifted to a basically identical reality where the results for this current coin flip decide your state of being. And now, you've flipped it... Well yikes. But the good thing is that by Quantum Physics, it remains a possibility until you observe the coin. So really, the result hasn't be decided yet. Let that sink in. What it implies is that you are not independent from the event which you observe. Even further, a reality cannot exist without an observer, and an observer cannot exist without a reality. (also brought up as subject and object, or seer and seen) So an optional step, is for you to consider what would happen now that you're in a reality where this coin flip effects your state of being and you landed a tails. Well judging by the example, your state of being in this reality, is now doomed to be "I lost the lottery". Yikes! But consider that there's also the chance that you rolled a heads. You don't know, and if you did: that possibility of the coin flip would become a probability. 7. It might be scary now to observe the result of the coin, now that its implications are so heavy; however, I ask to you to look at it regardless. If its good, then awesome; but if its not good... Well, this is why I really like this exercise because its not just about manifestation but understanding how important your belief is. I'm encountering this issue right now as well with the encroachment towards enlightenment, as someone who believes they are bound to this body will be bound to this body, etc. I want you to remember who gave the coin that push, its power in this reality: you did. Like a child playing a game, if things go awry you can just do it again. Nothing, and I mean nothing is stopping you from assigning that same power to the coin and repeating the flip until you get to the desired spot. You create reality, you set the rules. You are the player, rules, and referee 8. Now, I'm assuming that you have the desired coin side. That's it. Whether you believe that "I won the lottery" or not doesn't matter anymore. You shifted your reality to one where the coin had the power to change your reality. Now that the coin was flipped it moved you to another reality where it is true; that's it. Try not to dwell on it, and let things happen; and it will be true. The thing is that this works even with past events to, you just have to let change happen. Now, If you ever want to change things again, you can flip the same/a different coin with the same process or or even now just do the manifestation directly. The purpose of the coin exercise is not to only allow easy manifestation where something else does most the work, but also serve as training wheels so you no longer need the coin. You can do this same thing by simply declaring beliefs, etc. Here's another method: (Reddit isn't the brightest of places so be careful about that subreddit) Well that’s it then. You completed the process. But if you want to hear further about some of my beliefs; as well as give me some pointers on places I may be wrong, read below: I’ll go further into the concept of manifestation. Effectively, going by the many worlds theory, there are infinite realities. While the many worlds theory is very much speculation, it can’t really be disproved or proved, but hell its existence fixes a lot of paradoxes. Otherwise, consider that you are living in one of infinite realities and all the things you’ve experienced make it seem like the die of infinite realities was rolled and said you are in “reality 982”. You have this job, this lifestyle, this car, etc. But you are never stuck in 982 nor was the die ever really rolled, you’re just in 982 because you keep observing from the same perspective and therefore keep seeing the same probabilities, thus resulting in the same job, events, blah, etc. Understand that this primarily happens because our thoughts are molded by our actions, and our action modes by our thoughts. I'm more on the spiritual standpoint now that this is all a changeless illusion, instead of the scientific. Believe whatever you want though, your life your rules; quite literally. This behavior of actions effecting thoughts and thoughts effecting actions is just a massive feedback loop which confirms your reality. Ever wonder why the world was so much more magical when you were a kid? Well it actually was, for the very reason that your perspective wasn’t solid, it was malleable. Though i'm of the opinion that childhood wasn't really as great as we imagine it to be, this is also why most people imagine it to be so great; there was freedom in mind, not this rigid perspective day to day. When you manifest, or do any kind of magic(I’m not really that familiar with magic so I could be wrong about this) for that matter, you’re jumping out of your usual perspective and setting a probability usually before you observe the possibility . Usually that probability is very quickly defined by your usual perspective, which turns these possibility waves ,which could be almost anything, into the same things again and again, everyday. But with manifestation/magic, you don’t have to know the dimension number or anything else, just one aspect of that reality. Once you make that apply that aspect to your perspective(ex I am rich), as long as you let it, your awareness will slowly shift to that reality or a reality that contains that aspect. Some people can do it through simple belief, this example uses a coin. Now that you’ve taken on that aspect onto your perspective of reality, those possibilities which used to always be the same probabilities because your old perspective, finally change a little. On scientific terms, all the possibility waves related to the ex of “I am rich” are trying to confirm the already made observation/probability that “I am rich” with time not even being a factor. So everyday ,as you observe more objects, the physical world shifts more and more on the molecular level to match your new perspective. Till boom, by 3 weeks you definitely start to notice the changes. Spiritually, I believe this is only possible because we ourselves are infinite so we have the power to change these things, The issue just lies in the fact that we’ve forgotten our infinite nature and instead take on a personal awareness which exists in cause and effect... that in itself isn’t bad, just don’t demean how special you are. But if you can’t really fathom that or don’t care too much about this philosophy, think about this: the die of infinite realities, you have the possibility to reroll it. In the case of the coin exercise, we are filtering infinity to the just realities with the choices you care about. Ex “I am rich” or “I am poor”. Pause for a moment(if you care to) and think about how massive of a scale you’re working at, with some simple thought and flipping a coin you’ve changed universes. That is your power... it’s almost inconceivable right? But it’s true. There's actually an interesting story on this in the Yoga Vasistha, it is called The Story of the Sons of Indu (Ten Young Men). Here's most of it below: III:86 THE SUN said: (narrating the story to Brahma to the creator): O Lord of lords, near the holy mountain in a place known as Suvarnajata, your sons had established a colony. In that place there was a holy man known as Indu, a descendant of the sage . He and his wife enjoyed every blessing except an offspring. In order to obtain this blessing they went to and engaged themselves in severe penance, living only on a very small quantity of water. They had resorted to the state of trees and stood unmoving. Lord Siva was pleased with their penance and, appearing before them, asked them to choose a boon from him. They prayed that they might beget ten worthy sons who would be devoted to God and righteousness. Lord Siva granted the boon. Very soon after this, the holy man’s wife gave birth to ten brilliant and radiant sons. These boys grew up into young men; they had mastered all the scriptures even when they were barely seven years of age. After a considerable time, their parents abandoned their bodies and became liberated. The ten young men were sorely distressed at the loss of their parents. One day they got together and asked themselves: “O brothers, what is the most desirable goal here, which is proper for us to aspire to and which will not lead to unhappiness? To be a king, to be an emperor, even to be Indra the god of heaven—all these are trivial, since even Indra rules heaven just for an hour and a half of the Creator’s life-span. Ah, therefore, the attainment of creatorship is the best for us because of all lordships it alone will not come to an end for a whole epoch.” All the others heartily agreed with this statement. They said to themselves: “Well then, we should soon reach brahma-hood which is devoid of old age and death.” The eldest brother said: “Please do as I tell you to do. From now on contemplate as follows, ‘I am , Brahma, seated on a full-blown lotus’.” All the brothers thereupon began to meditate in the following manner: “I am Brahma, the creator of the universe. The sages as also the goddess of wisdom are within me in their personal forms. Heaven is within me, with all the celestials. Mountains, continents and oceans are within me. Demi-gods and demons are within me. The sun shines within me. Now the creation takes place. Now the creation exists. Now is the time for the dissolution. An epoch is over. The night of is at hand. I have self-knowledge and I am liberated.” Meditating thus with all their being, they became that. THE SUN continued: III:87, 88 Lord, after that, still deeply contemplating on their intention to be the creators of the universe, the ten holy men stood in contemplation. Their bodies had withered away and whatever was left was consumed by wild beasts. But they continued to stand there in their disembodied state, for a long long time . . . till an epoch came to a close and there was the great scorching heat of the sun and the terrible cloud-burst which destroyed everything. The holy men still continued to stand in their disembodied state, with the sole intention of becoming the creators of the universe. At the dawn of a new creation, these men continued to stand in the same place and in the same manner and with the same intention. They became the creators. They were the ten creators whom you saw; and you saw their universes, too. Lord, I am one of the suns that shine in the universes thus created by them. Let me know what you guys think. If you don't agree with it that's fine, I hope it was at least amusing to read.
  14. How does one even start the Dao?

    @Nintendao Thanks for the reccomendations. I'll check it out if Yoga Vasistha starts to fail me @moment Thank you for your concern. A foundation is truly very necessary and I spent the months before this cultivating in confusion till I could find one suitable for me. Yet I can hardly say whether my foundation is much of one, there are many times while I read the scripture that I forget my understanding and all I can simply do is reread. It is a difficult process for me to examine. Still, thank you. @silent thunder Hello! we know eachother from another place. You may know me as Naveed Chaudhry @Master Logray Indeed, it is an enormous blessing for me to be here. Otherwise thanks everyone. Lately I've been mostly secluded and studying the scriptures, mainly Yoga Vasistha; I can say that I am close to the truth, I understand Infinite consciousness, I experience no cravings, and I know that I am not the body yet it drifts away like a spark in the wind; Constant study of scripture and thinking on it is all I can do, yet I am having trouble. I know that all this effort is for something effortless, as how much do I need to strive to be what I am? Yet my greatest issue comes with letting go. Life goes on though, no worries; I'll keep trying at it. I'd like to give my greetings though to everyone, hope people are doing well. If anyone has any tips regarding the topic of Ignorance and letting go I'd love to hear it. Otherwise, now knowing that I'm approved on the forum, I'll hop in and off from time to time. P.s I mainly first started the spiritual aspect of the journey in February, funny how these 3 months to myself made me ask many of the questions I had for others to myself; blessing in disguise I'd say
  15. How does one even start the Dao?

    Huh my account was actually approved. That's awesome