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About Salvijus

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    Dao Bum

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  1. A decent video on how to tell the difference between psychological problems and occult/entity interference.
  2. Who or what is "satan"?

    @Nungali Your perspective has more weight because of how much experience you have in that field. However at the end of the day, I'm going to rely on my own investigation and judgement. While taking into account everything you just said, my opinion that organized, satanic/occult ritual abuses are happening all over the world didn't change. People are free to do their own investigations and decide for themselves. Peace ✌️
  3. Who or what is "satan"?

    It's attachment to detachment. Yes, that's what i had in mind.
  4. Who or what is "satan"?

    What kind of satanist are you then? joking... I guess we're just exposed to different things then. But I would say, if one does a little bit of investigation into it and not just listen to what wikipedia says at face value, you will come across some really thought provoking and disturbing accounts/storis that would challenge any skeptic's mind. At least that's my experience. Everyone will have their own view on this matter and that's fine. I'd be warry of satanism regardless of what continent it comes from. Maybe tibetans are an exception because of how much the spirit of bodhidharma has infiltrated the whole tradition. The dark spirits that were roaming that land and the land itself was subdued by the Padmasambhava to serve dharma. Everything there is done in the spirit of service and love all the time. And somehow they made it work. But any witchcraft done without the spirit of bodidharma as the foundation, without the spirit of Christ, is almost guaranteed to go south eventually and corrupt your soul.
  5. Who or what is "satan"?

    I like your interpretation here You say "He was 100% empty of will. She was 100% willful" It's possible to call that an attachment if you play with words in a certain way. But the phenomena of surrendering your will and becoming one with someone else in perfect coherence, it's quite a stretch to call that an attachment imo.
  6. Who or what is "satan"?

    Even terrorists collaborate. That's not what I mean by the spirit of brotherhood, spirit of service, spirit of love.
  7. Who or what is "satan"?

    It's rare that a human would be assigned to watch over the animal kingdom. There are other forces that take care of that. The only purpose a man has is to align himself with the will of Love and the proper assignment and destiny unfolds thereafter naturally.
  8. Who or what is "satan"?

    That's not the point. There are many ex setanists of a much higher ranking than yours sharing their experiences about satanism. So it's your word against theirs. As far as I'm concerned, their statements have the same amount of weight as yours, if not much more than yours. Careful what you call a christian. Satanists are everywhere, even in religious groups talking respectable positions such as a priest/pastor. For example, the pedophiles among christian pastors are legit satanists using kids for their rituals. They are in politics, in music industry, in prominent businesses, in child trafficking, in wars. Like Ukraine is a good example. Zelensky legit hired a satanist Marina Abramovic to be the ambassador of Ukraine war. A LEGIT SATANIST! It couldn't get more obvious than that of what they're doing. That war is just a blood sacrifice to satan.
  9. What is laughter?

    That's why I asked you for your definition of surprise. If your definition of surprise is enlightenment, then we agree. The fundamental aspect to laughter is enlightenment. And enlightenment is synonymous with God, Love, Truth, Laughter and because existence is never the same twice, existence is always amusing and surprising. In that sense you can fit "surprise" with the other qualities of enlightenment aswell.
  10. Who or what is "satan"?

    I have no idea how you made that connection that aligning yourself with unconditional infinite love of God makes you like a dancing animal master.
  11. Who or what is "satan"?

    Probably nobody has the patience to watch a 3h long video. But it's the related to this topic so I thought I would share it. The person talking here was involved in satanism since birth for 24 years. Initiated and offered into satanism before he was even born. From the age of 7 he already was anointed as a master to thousands of witches, giving them instructions, empowerments, elite people would come to him for powers and boons. He was basicly worshiped by all the people in the dark arts as some kind of great incarnation and sorcerer. Deeply involved in many secret societies projects aswell. The point of sharing this video is that he talks about his relationship with snakes among many other topics related to spirituality and dark arts. I should probably make a disclaimer that the video is so provoking that it can challenge your perception of snakes and dark arts like never before, especially if you have an affinity towards it. How much you want your world view to be challenged is up to you.
  12. Who or what is "satan"?

    That's why we have different opinions on this matter.
  13. Who or what is "satan"?

    I'm having some insights here at the moment based on what Cobie said snake being a penis. The creative sexual energy is indeed inside the penis and sexual energy is the creative energy. Now I believe if people are invoking the Spirit of a serpant in order to transcend and transmute their lower sexual energies into higher energies, then snake related practices make sense. But if the snake takes over you, you've succumbed into darkness. You're supposed to transcend your penis(lower nature) , not to become one. That's what Magdalene standing on a snake symbolizes perhaps.