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Posts posted by ReturnDragon

  1. 氣沈丹田
    Sink chi to dantien

    It has two interpretations, most people translated as:
    1. Sink the energy to the dantien
    The notion was breathe energy from the air and sunken it down to the belly. 

    Some interpreted as:
    2. Sink the breath to the dantien.
    This notion was when someone took a deep breath with the belly fully expanded.

    Notion no. 1 seems like a myth. It is because how do we know that we are breathing energy from this air? We are actually breathing oxygen and other impurities in the air.

    Notion no. 2 is more realistic. That is exactly what is happening when we take a deep breath. The belly is fully expanded. It gives us a feeling like the breath was really deep into the belly. That is why sometimes, it was referred as belly breathing. Do we actually breathe with the belly. Of course not, it is only a description of the feeling for deep breathing.

    We do feel the energy in the body, but it is not from the air. It is the energy that was generated from the muscle cells. For those who are interested, one might find that cell respiration is a very interesting subject.

  2. Neidan(内丹), internal refinery process or internal pill

    This is the original Chinese Taoist definition of Neidan(内丹)

    The internal refinery process is based on the yi-yang transformation. It is a notion of integration of human and nature as a guidance. It used the body as a cauldron, 精气神(jing-chi-shen) as the medical ingredients. It was devoted in using the cosmic orbit procedure for the refinement with the right temperature. Thus it is a practice which was done inside the body, virtually, to make the pill.


  3. 4 minutes ago, virtue said:

    Chill out my dearest white knight! You are presuming malice where there was none intended.


    I was genuinely amused and not wanting to ridicule anyone particular's (lack of) language skills.


    I think those Engrish spelling mistakes are lighthearted fun at best like the ones that children also make. Just a bit different in typography.

    Don't worry, my friend. I had no problem with that. Indeed, it was quite amusing.

    • Like 1

  4. 43 minutes ago, rideforever said:


    I suppose the question is, have you not felt something inside (in general) ? 

    The culture has its conventional ideas ... but with the practices that you have done, have not felt anything inside ?


    I didn't read the text on Fragrant Qigong; but personally I am certain that there are qigongs out there that do more harm than good, it would be naive to think otherwise.  How they were constructed ... maybe through charlatanism, stupidity, or error.  That's just the nature of the world.

    I was trying to say how I felt inside me when I practice Qigong; no body listens is because they have already made up their minds. FYI I felt that my breathing was deep like sink chi to the dantien. It seems to me people talked about that but not getting the meaning across.

    The so called Fragrant Qigong, is like doing some slow exercises. It will have some health benefits. The slow movements are similar to practice Taiji if the breathing was emphasized. This has something to do with muscle contraction. I felt my strength from the energy that was generated from the muscle cells. Any slow muscle exercise does have some health benefits besides whatever you want to call the exercise. The only thing that bothers me is the claim of having a fragrant during practice.

    • Confused 1

  5. During exercise or performing QiGong we can increase the amount of oxygen intake.

    Please pay close attention to the total lung capacity reading.

    Total lung capacity is the total amount of air that the lungs can hold after the biggest possible breath in. The average total lung capacity is about 6 litres (6000 ml).

    That tells us when we practice Qigong, the amount of oxygen increased more than normal. Next, we will investigate what the body will do with the ample of oxygen.


  6. 6 hours ago, liminal_luke said:

    ...can we agree that the journey does not end with non-dual awareness, even if such awareness is stable and ongoing?  



    6 hours ago, liminal_luke said:


    Don´t feel bad ReturnDragon: I have no idea what I mean either.

    ...but it is very impressive though! :D

    • Like 1

  7. 1 hour ago, KuroShiro said:


    It was not about a literal jump in the video.

    The jump was from "using our own jin for it" to the "energy that pervades everything."

    Yes, it is about borrow the power of the opponent. As long the opponent is holding on you, you may borrow his power to aid you but against him. However, if the opponent let go of you, then, you cannot borrow his power.

    In Taiji, it is called "借力打力", borrow power to counteract the same opposing force.

  8. There are lots of myths from the thoughts of ancient Chinese Taoist. The had some good imaginations to come up with ways for longevity. All these myths were puzzling me when I was a kid. I would like to believe all that as others. We can talking about them be accepting them blindly. However, as I get older and wiser. Since I had become an engineer and practiced Tai Chi with Taiji breathing method, there was a drastic change in my body physically and biologically. Hence, I figured that there must be a way to explain all that with the aid of modern science.

    I had studied and researched for the last twenty years and came to some conclusions. Most importantly, I would like to share with those who are interested with an open mind. I would like to pass all these information before I leave this world; and hopefully someone would understand and carry on with these ideas. Finally, we are in the space age and should not be living with myths in our minds.

    There are doubts in the following with many people, such as listed below:
    1. What is Qi, ?
    2. What is Qigong 氣功?
    3. What is Neidan 內丹?
    4. What is dantien丹田?
    5. What is alchemy 鍊丹術?

    I would like to explain them to the best I can with my present understanding and reserve to right to update my findings at anytime. I might start a new thread to cover each subject to prevent obfuscation.

    We can starting by someone asking questions or I can post whatever comes into my mind. So, make your first shot!

    • Like 2

  9. All this energy talks are from the old Chinese Taoist myths.

    Our muscles moved by the control of the brain. The brain issue a signal which is called the "action potential" to the muscle to contract. As long the signals are continuously sending, the muscle will remain contracted. The muscle contraction requires energy; and this energy is ATP which is generated by the mitochondria in the body cells. The ATP collapse as soon the muscle contraction stops.

    Energy is not from thin air. It was the mitochondria in the body cells use oxygen to decompose the glucose to produce ATP energy.


    • Haha 2
    • Sad 1

  10. 1 hour ago, rideforever said:

    The physical breathing is a movement the body performs in response to the Qi rising from the dantien.


    This is the oldest Chinese Taoist myth was stuck in my head for a long time. However, it was puzzling me for half of my life. To investigate, we must start with an opened mind and disregard with everything that we had read. Then, use the modern science as our source of information. The key words, here, are breathing and Qi. 


    Let's stay away from Qi for now and concentrate on the breathing. What is the source in the air which we need to survive every second and minute?

    My answer is oxygen. Don't you thinking so?


  11. 6 hours ago, liminal_luke said:

    ...can we agree that the journey does not end with non-dual awareness, even if such awareness is stable and ongoing?  

    I am not sure whatever that means! However, we may ended up with one of the four possibilities. 
    1. Weak mind and weak body.
    2. Weak mind but strong body.
    3. Strong mind but weak body.
    4. Strong mind and strong body.

    Which one would you like to prefer? 

  12. 1 hour ago, Bindi said:

    ....and only reacted to what I felt was a minimisation that return dragon highlighted when he picked out just this line “methods that better align both my body and mind with Dao” as the entirety of Xing and Ming practice. 

    I understand your intent was unlikely to be trying to minimise, but I believe return dragons intent was to minimise the nature of Xing practice to something limited to body and mind level. 


    two methods....
    The nature of Xing is to limited to mind;
    The nature of Ming is limited to body.

    Quote from an ancient Taoist grand master: 王重陽(Huang Zhong Yang):
    "Xing and Ming must be cultivated at the same time and they cannot be separated."


  13. 12 minutes ago, Wu Ming Jen said:

    Hi Dawi,  I like the video and I know it is for demonstration and gentle as it should be . My question is, are both of you able to neutralize the force so that it has no effect as well? 

    As soon you get yourself out of danger by moving the hostile force away, you had already neutralized that force which has no effect on you any longer.