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Posts posted by Klinsly

  1. I'm going to share some obvious results of practice  from my own personal experience I've seen happen. Such as  beginning to feel Qi when you couldn't at all before, then this increasing in different areas of the body,  As well as feeling heat during practices, becoming much more relaxed and calm overall. Inner peace. Your thoughts nearly entirely shutting off. Not identifying with said thoughts. Health problems disappearing or no longer mattering.  Being able to choose you're emotional state at times. Like making yourself happy for no reason just by focusing on the feeling of joy or love. Dream life becoming more active like Lucid dreams. All sorts of mini psychical ones like precognitive thoughts of knowing someone's coming to visit or about to call or text you. These are just some things I've personally experienced since I started about 4 years ago that were not present before.

    • Like 2

  2. On 4/23/2022 at 8:23 PM, awaken said:


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    This is chronic rhinitis, and the cause is moisture.

    There are two sources of moisture, one from the environment and one from the body.

    If you are in a very humid environment, coupled with the lack of yang energy in the body, it is easy to have rhinitis.

    Of course you have to go to bed early and get up early.

    Sports sweat.

    do not drink.

    Do not drink cold drinks.

    Don't drink too much water.

    Getting enough sleep is important.




    äœ ćŸ—ç·Žćˆ°çƒè‚ć…”é«“ïŒŒæ‰æœ‰èŸŠæł•ćŽ»è™•ç†é€™ć€‹ć•éĄŒă€‚

    Practicing the sense of qi in the hands is not very effective in solving depression in the heart.

    The problems of the mind must be solved from the mind.

    You have to practice black liver and rabbit marrow before you can deal with this problem.

     Sorry for the full quote and late reply, but thank you for the advice I will look into it!  I realized I was extremely active in sports  my whole life till going to college, then it became only surfing, which is  roughly when it started so perhaps my youthful vitality and constant active lifestyle preventing it from manifesting sooner. I also realized I distracted the topic... forgive me for that. I Just saw the one part, and commented from my personal experience.

  3. 1 hour ago, Lairg said:


    Perhaps the rock has been out in the rain and snow for 1000 years.

     See I actually like the idea of certain researchers/authors like Freddy Silva who compares ancient sites all over the world using Sacred geometry, celestial, alignments, procession, as well as the local stories and mythology and his own intuitive insights he gets at the places, that sites Like Saqsaywaman, and more specifically at Lake Titicaca might be up to 12,000 plus years old, or whats considered antedeluvian, and could be related to those multiple  groups of  7 sages  whose stories show up at the begging of almost all  major cultures in our modern history.( not the mainstream books but the actual culture's histories.) He's like Graham Hancock but lesser known and way more interesting for those into mystical things.

  4. Well I'm certainly no expert, nor said anything about trowel marks, or know what that means, I actually missed most of the converstation. Just sharing some cool photos and new ideas.  There were tons of stones with something that sort of  resembles a handle, a quick google image search will show these like   and some that were hollow inside  with a channel in a museum showing some were interlocked together.


     I'm just fascinated by it. The more you research it, people have no idea how old it all is or how long ago they were built. Why would a lost art be out of the question from a time when we weren't so disconnected from direct wisdom from the spiritual world.  I think a chemical reaction that can soften granite is being  rather conservative in that realm of possibility. But also She was an Archeologist/tour guide in the area and is making a movie about the idea that's mostly done. I know how funny it sounds with what I originally said haha. That's why I was there helping out. The softening I think is  more the idea that it just softens the surface you put it on so you can smooth or shape it. Some bird there is known for digging nests in rock faces by using some plant mixed with it's saliva.

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  5. On 4/17/2022 at 11:35 PM, Lairg said:

    One of the European explorers of the Titicaca area wrote that he found a stone bottle with a liquid that when poured on some rocks made them soft - potentially how the builders at Titicaca could fit polygonal stones so closely. 


    I've also heard this. Percy Faucet, I think is the guys name the Lost city of Z book/movie is about him.


    I just want to share some ideas about it because it fascinates me, and I've researched it to a point.

    I've heard other references to this as well but also just 2nd hand accounts. My Aunt learned of it from Peruvians in the Amazon saying they could soften the stone with some kind of  natural mixture Then this is where it gets extremely fascinating. I also heard reference to it in an interview from Praveen Mohan an Indian Archeologist. He mentioned that The Sculptors from ancient family lines in India, still have this secret  formula and use it to make temple statues, etc. It makes sense that if the top or bottom of one stone is softened the next one is going to conform to it  perfectly from the weight with no gaps, though it could be a polymer too. Now how old they are is a total mystery unless you get into psychic territory. But you can see clear similarities in the oldest stuff in Egypt and the stuff in South America. If you get into Steiner He talks about how they are all post Atlantean cultures, with Vedic India being the oldest, around 7000 bc then  Zoroastrian Persia, then the Egyptian/Samaritan/Chaldean culture last, But this is Psychic territory so questionable.. but it resonates with me.


    Here's a couple images I took when I went a few years ago to Cusco.  The 1st is some really scooped out looking stones at a place called Qenqo. The 2nd is in downtown Cusco at a famous spot for the many sided stones and 3rd is at the ancient  megalithic temple of Saqsaywaman.The last is an example of Ancient vs Incan architecture, And here is that interview  where it's referenced https://www.earthancients.com/?portfolio=praveen-mohan-pyramid-cultures-of-ancients-cambodia






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  6. 14 hours ago, Lairg said:


    It looks like a white ball of energy, about 1 foot diameter, sitting on the front top of your lungs.   I suspect that you are doing something to attract it.


    So what did you start doing in your early 20s?

    Thanks for looking! I've been very curious about this and other problems from an energy standpoint. I moved to Florida  for college back then with the insane humidity and mold everywhere.  Ha that was my only explanation.  Started drinking as most people that age do perhaps but was already doing that before without issues. Roughly 13 years ago hard to remember. my habits , diet, and negative emotions and thoughts are like night and day compared to now. But it still persists. Adding in had major depression a year or two before it started making me think of possible  heart center issue from that could be related?


    Do you mean its like some sort of energy blockage or entity attachment, and do you suggest I focus upon that area to attempt to heal it? I've been trying to learn some healing skills and can  activate and send qi from my hands at will to a lesser extent. 

  7. This is interesting but probably not universal? I've had a weird allergy that developed in my early 20s where my breathing became restricted. Usually one side or the other it switches and pure white mucous. It could very well be an energy issue, it's very annoying I have to drink a lot of water to compensate for the dehydrating effect the lack of oxygen has. But I wonder if having some kinda allergy that causes chronic inflammation of sinuses is different or could be  the same thing because doctors have been usless.

  8. Thanks for sharing! This is what I love about The Upanishads,  and The Bhagavad Gita. They are so Concise and clear yet still esoteric. But when you come to the point of having ears to hear as they say, or understand the concepts. You're just blown away because its all there so straight forward, yet so deep.

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  9. 12 minutes ago, silent thunder said:

    Yea, I'm seeing references to concepts in cultivation popping up in unexpected places media-wise. 


    I was pleasantly surprised at some of the energetic practices and concepts shared in the animated series The Avatar when watching it with my young son years ago.  Someone on that writing crew was clearly part of a lineage and included some of the concepts in the characters and storylines.


    What platform is the game Berseria on?


    PS3/4 , PC  It's a JRPG meaning very story focused with some exploration and lots of battles lol. There is lot of martial arts like fighting depending on the characters you use.

    Yes Avatar was great I rewatched it shortly after learning about all this stuff and was surprised how well it conveyed it.



    • Thanks 1

  10. On 4/16/2022 at 6:59 PM, Nungali said:


    Stone breaking is an 'art' , first you need the right stone (and they can be brittle ) , just as you hit it, your other hand that is holding it , lifts the stone slightly  so it is actually the impact of the stone on the surface as it comes back down from the hit  that breaks it .


    Its an old 'tameshiwara' trick  :)  .... there is a whole range of them .  The longer and thinner a stone slab is , the easier it will be to break .  Slabs of ice are a good one  - I have seen a huge collection of them set up, each about an inch above the other , unfortunately some began to break under their own weight while awaiting the strike :D


    Thats , one thing , now lets get to the above gif ;  what a bastard !   These kids get  continually pummelled from early age . They develop  health problems and defects . I saw one, who was older then , do a demo, people cheered, he liked that, then he was interviewed about how it was possible , he started  looking sad and told his story, it was horrible ; he  started as a little kid  by having to constantly  ram his head into a wall - all sorts  or 'tortures' where done to him  , some of these things are actually tortures ; like being under the board with pressing weights , although in that case it could very easily be faked .   The scary thing is , it may not be faked !     Anyway, this guy went on to explain what he had to endure all through his childhood , he never had a real childhood , just got trained to be some sort of circus gimp .  He admitted he had  developed  terrible headaches ,  back problems, neck issues .... well, I wasnt surprised , they stuck his head between two concrete slabs and broke both with a blow from a sledgehammer  ... in slow mo , you  could see his head squish and flatten a bit at the blow and then 'bounce back '  .


    You can see this as a demonstration of chi if you want  .... but I am seeing  a very different story here .

    Ya seems a bit abusive. The rest of the video has way more intense stuff like breaking spears braced on their throats and the ground by breaking stones over their backs etc, holding he kid by the ankles and breaking a  huge stone  with his head  like a jackhammer so it gets worse from that perspective. You should watch the full video if you haven't from my original reply it's nuts.

  11. On 3/9/2017 at 11:34 AM, Vajra Fist said:

    The difficulty with possessing spirits arises because they are often thought forms rather than energy vampires. Once attached, they fundamentally change your thinking, clouding your judgement and possibly leading you away from practice. To take refuge in Amitabha in those circumstances is not being uncompassionate.

    Hey this is so old now, but what you said is fascinating in light of what I've studied ! I share a lot of Daskalos recently simply because he seems to be the highest most legit the west has had in centuries.  But! He as a Christian mystic of Buddha level, wrote an akashic book on Jesus. And I remember a specific teaching  of Jesus I'll link a screenshot that says this exactly for anyone that is interested. This is his actual teaching if you are willing to believe.  He says it's human made demons created by evil thoughts and actions than can posses people not the natural ones.

    Screenshot_20220105-220320_Foxit PDF Editor.jpg

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  12. 16 hours ago, Eduardo said:

    Sincerely and with profound respect I must write that a first century rabbi and carpenter spoke of "self-realization", "etheric double" "substance-energy", "visualization", knowing that Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek and Latin had a lexicon extremely limited, and such more modern words have had a traceable origin in the early books of the old occultists, orientalists of the 19th and 20th centuries. It leaves me much to be desired.

      Thanks for the comment, completely understandable where your'e coming from with that. I can't say for certain, but it's put in modern vernacular to explain the meaning of what he is saying, so perhaps those terms are just the closest modern ones that explain the meaning of what he was saying. He puts in a lot of the greek and Aramaic as well in images with the writer's handwriting. The whole first century rabbi/ carpenter thing gets a bit over emphasized. I only say this because from my experience a lot of people use that to limit him and his ideas or make him sound like some rebellious guy who just copied others ideas. But I went full on from giving up the normal Christian idea  of him as the Word or logos years ago for someone who became self realized to going back after studying deep into Daskalos' teachings. I had already gotten into the idea he was an Essene and an initiate, possibly a Magician  through my own similar paths which makes him radically different than the typical Israelite Rabbis, Because they were much more influenced by the Greek and Egytpian mysteries, and culture. 


    but Daskalos whom is very trustworthy to me ( Ye shall know them by their fruits) defends the idea of him as the incarnated Logos or Word as John says  from his own experience though. Which I fully get if people don't want to buy into. But him and many others who take  this idea  who were Mystics say he wasn't just another teacher but a literal event in history for the evolution of the human soul, and his overall message wasn't about Sin but to remind man who he truly is. 


    On a side note and unrelated to your response! I don't really trust academic sources that go into these topics, they are always much later and give very little actual information, just references to people or times or places, but just the oldest official records which really doesn't mean anything, but then became basis for history and dogma that puts a mental block or blinders on people that are trained that way it's a form of attachment, many in those fields haven't or won't ever get past so they will never see the actual truth.

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  13.  Hi friends, wanted to share some profound, and awesome sayings probably actually from Jesus stripped of the 2000 years of Christian dogma and doctrines, though obviously in english instead of the Aramaic, or Greek. They come from The book "Joshua Immanuel the Christ". Which is an account of his life from the Akashic record, universal memory, book of life whatever term you prefer. I know that sounds sketchy, but it comes from Daskalos (Stylianos Atteshilis) There are several threads about him on here. Through his very advanced abilites, and his ability of at-one-ment, being able to Attune to Christ, as well as his own past life experiences as an Essene novice  who was involved at the time, though he had already previously been an Egyptian Hierophant before that lifetime so was one of the few  disciples who could actually grasp the teachings. And of course like any deeper truth it sounds a lot like all the others.


    "When a human being awakens transmuting his petty self into his real Self, his Spirit-Soul-Ego, he becomes Self-concious , powerful and wise. Then the Mind, in all its modes of existence, emanates directly from his real Ego-Spirit-Soul-Self. The lost son comes home. 


    You, my disciple-healers, must use Mind Substance-energy in the etheric doubles of your gross material bodies, storing it in your abdomens. From the bellies of thoe who follow my instructions will pour rivers of Mind-energy as living water. If you would heal, beloved ones, do every day the special exercises I have taught you. You must not waste the precious Mind Vitality by thoughtless, careless living. you must keep in check always and under your control all your emotions, feelings, and thoughts. Become Masters of the Mind, controlling Mind Vital energy, and become masters of visualization, creating in your minds precise images, accurate in form, size and color, so that you will be able to materialize these later using Mind Vitality.

     I have so much more to teach you, but you are not ready yet to understand me. Practice , and if you are serious, disciplined, and observant, you will find the way to the Light. I have given you the keys. Now you must use them."


     One more  of a classic bible one expanded


    When asked by a disciple "Who are you?"

    Dear one, I am a human being as you are. I have a human body. I am a I am and feel I am, a Spirit-Ego-Self in my El Shaddai Selfhood in the One-ness of Alaha. I know and I feel that all human beings live and exist in my El Shaddai Selfhood. To understand this you must free yourself from the illusion of the worlds of separateness and by introspection enter the Kingdom of the Heavens. which is in your Spirit-Soul-Ego-Self. I am the Law and the cause of everything and the course of everything. I am the truth and the Life everlasting


    "Now, like most human beings, you live instinctively and subconsciously. But in the course of time you will unfold in your personality your awareness, your Self-conciousness, and your Self- Superconciousness by using Mind Vitality Supersubstance properly. Then you will know who  you really are."


    "To know who I AM, you must know who you ARE. Does it matter who I am? What matters is to know how to reach Self-realization, how to unfold in yourself Superconciousness.

    "By practicing for many years exercises in concentration, meditation and visualization, you will be able to attune the consciousness to any object of study, to know its nature, to move it even to dematerialize and re-materialize it. These are the first steps of Self-Superconciousness.

    To be able to Self Conciously to reach the at-one-ment with the El Shaddai, the Logos, with the life everlasting, is to enter in the One-ness of Alaha. You will not lose your Ego-Self, but your time and place changing self is transmuted into your Spirit-Soul-Ego-Self. You lose nothing. You gain everything."




    Now for what these techniques he's speaking of are I don't know. The current system teaches a lot of basic breath work and some visualizations as preliminary teachings to heal, and strengthen your skills. The line of storing the energy in your abdomen sounds a lot like LDT work, though i've read elsewhere they focus more specifically on the Solar Plexus.  I know some systems love Visualization, and others don't give it much credit. According to Jesus it is the golden key to finding the true self and the kingdom of heaven within, but he makes a distinction between perfect visualization and uncontrolled fantasy. He considers the imagination one of our highest Godly abilities that when perfected opens the doors to materialization, and finding god within.





    • Thanks 1

  14. Now I'm no expert, and don't know of Taoist ways. But if you have some skills creating qi and visualizing, Daskalos the Christian mystic talked about  creating colored balls of light to send to people,  You visualize yourself creating It using your etheric hands, guess you can use physical too especially if you can feel it. Then after it's pretty established you simply focus on the person's face and it is supposed to go to them and enter their etheric double. Sky blue, or white are general purpose

    Adding 5 screenshots of one of his practices and the description of why and how. But he is/was incredibly legit as a healer, helped thousands never accepted a penny.


    Screenshot_20211212-150046_Foxit PDF Editor.jpg

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  15. I don't remember the exact quote but I recently read a book about Daskalos a Christian mystic with all the bells and whistles of a highest level yogi and Saint. He said specifically regarding eastern religion and  more specifically emptiness that it was missing the point.  the real point to him that Christ opened was that it's not about emptying yourself into God but rather becoming and individualized God selfhood being aka a cocreator with God. You're meant to keep your individual self but essentially become  an individualized ray of God which is the point of incarnation to gain God consciousness but be your own being who is self aware and has free will unlike the arch angels.

  16. Hello friends, I figured this would be a good place to ask about book recommendations specifically about high level spiritual masters. 


    The few I've read I love and I feel just reading about what they can do etc while it can being distracting on the path is also incredible at building faith and hope!


    So ones I have read  include the greek author magus series lol. Magus of Java about John Chang and more impressive the Magus of Strovolos  about Stylianos Atteshlis aka Daskalos. Basically a Christian buddha who had vast wisdom and power that died in the mid 90s.


    As well as things like autobiography of a Yogi

  17. 7 minutes ago, Cleansox said:

    There are some classic eye exercises in the Chinese arts. 


    Focus close, focus distance. Shift between the two, will train the eye muscles to control the lens better. 

    Described in one of Wong Kiew Kit's earlier books. 


    Circle the eyes. Described in Taoist Yoga. 


    And I am sure that smoking weed is an advantage when doing internal work. 

    Awesome thanks so much, basically what I was looking for. And yes it really can  here's a little example one of my first few new energetic experiences happened about a year ago after I did about 25 minutes of practice 10 standing movements 15 meditative  sitting. Then i was walking In the forest  smoked in a tree lol and then my hands felt like they were covered in energetic spider webs for like 5 minutes, my friend who was teaching me at the time told me that was the fascia channels opening.

  18. 2 hours ago, freeform said:

    Despite the multitude of “Qigong for xxxx condition” programs, Qigong doesn’t really work like that.


    So although there are no (real) qigong techniques for specific ailments, it can certainly help with many conditions.


    What it sounds like to me is that you have some liver issues (partly) as a result of smoking weed. This affects both vision and tissues around the eye.


    You could try acupuncture which may be a more direct way of helping.


    Although if you carry on with the heavy weed smoking, there wouldn’t be much point as the issues will return.

     Lol thanks the way I worded it might have sounded like that. It was more specifically  for getting chi flowing to loosen stuff up In my face.  The liver could be very spot on. I am very moderate with my weed use 3.5 grams which is a standard amount for personal use last me months, heavy users that's like a week. But it does really effect your eyes at the time and in that sensitive state I guess it's much easier to mess them up.


  19. 1 hour ago, beingnature said:

    No particular qigong advice but just eat some liver blood nourishing foods on a daily bases. And go outside and look at far distances. I just saw a video about  how always staring at screens affects the muscles of your eyes and can result in short sight. Reduce or stop cannabis if possible.

    Thanks this is one I'm going to try and do more already. It can easily double as a contemplative meditation by just looking at something in the distance and contemplating its nature etc.

    I spent much of my younger years as a video game fanatic, but I hardly use screens anymore fortunately.

  20. Hello I am curious if anyone knows any good methods to loosen tight facial muscles specifically the eyebrows, and under the eyes.  I sometimes have an issue where my right eye will become somewhat asymmetrical and I got the insight last night that it was due to my right eyebrow being too tense sometimes. which I never noticed but I can now obviously feel, like it's trying to compensate. I also got the insight that if I could get it all to relax and loosen up it might also fix my  strange vision problem. So I'm going to attempt it. I've heard of the bates method, but I was wondering if there were TCM or Qigong specific methods or massages for it.


    Side note I developed a strange vision problem a few years ago where my eyes are still 20/20  and stumped the western specialists but they are slow to focus is all they could come up with,  which makes artificial lighting and screens looks semi blurred and hard to read text. This all started  5 years ago when I started smoking Cannabis again and would look at tv screens for long periods playing video games. Also when I do smoke a good amount it sometimes makes the problem extremely noticeable. It also amplifies my ability to feel chi greatly since I started practicing as well, weird trade off.


    Thanks for the help or ideas.

  21. On 7/24/2020 at 11:46 AM, Daniel said:

    Any statement attributed to John Chang should be taken with heavy doses of skepticism.


    It's kind of like plumbing... a plumber might make it look easy, and might tell you "anyone can do it"; but it's messy and foolish to tamper with the plumbing in your house without understanding how it's supposed to flow from beginning to the end. 

     I can see that as it's going through translators etc. But the point I was trying to make is that a certain morality or spiritual belief isn't necessary to cultivate Qi according to that story. So obviously finding a qualified teacher is important.  And that is very sound advice, don't attempt your own plumbing!

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  22. On 7/7/2020 at 6:50 AM, old3bob said:

    evil is willful diabolical ego and malice opposing Dharma...such ego can steal, hold and corrupt a great deal of energy to increase its dark self while harming or destroying innocents (who loose their protection) or fools (who think they know better)  in denial of such devouring hunger...that's a heads up folks!


    Btw, I'd add that taking a transcendental, "beyond it all" attitude does nothing for the Dharma's and karma's in the three worlds (or multi-verse if you prefer) that require our work personally and collectively.   





     The second part is very important! It's very easy  trap to fall into to hold a trascendental point of view without actually being at the level of consciousness where it applies. This realm is one of duality. I hear so many fringe spiritual people get very into non duality and such and its a lovely idea, but I think you have to be at an ridiculously high level of consciousness for it to actually apply, otherwise you are just deceiving yourself. Usually these statements are coming from fully self realized people where it can actually apply, because it is their reality to see beyond it all. But then again me talking about this without  actually experiencing it is kinda pointless, and flawed.

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