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Everything posted by Dynasty

  1. Climate Change

    Where has the sea or ocean levels risen? According to Al Gore, inventor of the internet and climate scammer, NYC was supposed to be underwater a few years ago. Were the climate models really that wrong, or could it be the whole thing is a giant scam to create an afraid compliant population?
  2. Climate Change

    Fear mongering? Thats exactly what what agw is!
  3. Climate Change

    It's that parasite from the 1950s the marxists introduced into the US to destroy us from within. They've been pretty successful. And now that enough people have caught on, they want to shut down free speech by equating free speech with Nazism.
  4. Climate Change

    They're like a doomsday cult. I don't get it. I can look out my window and the grass is green, birds are chirping, squirrels playing, the sky is clear, alls well for the most part. But according to the enviro-doomsday-cult the skies are covered in dark clouds of smoke and acid rain is falling everywhere.
  5. Motivation Elixir

    2 tsp Creatine powder 1 tbsp Pine Pollen powder 1 tbsp Astragalus powder (optional) Mix in glass of water and drink. And normal caffeinated beverages of choice. Have a project you've been procrastinating? Take the above elixir after a good nights sleep and you'll have energy, focus, and motivation to spare to get it done. No more than 1 dose every 24 hours. Results diminish after 3 consecutive days. Allow many days of non-use in between events to prevent acclimation.
  6. The Advantage of Evil

    Evil is real. And I'm more afraid of the person who is committing it out of ignorance than malice. I can level with someone who is intentional. But an ignorant person who commits evil without knowing is too far gone.
  7. Electric Cars : A Myth ?

    Okay dude. Calm down. Take a xanax or a valium or something. I'll acquiesce to you. All things good and holy originate from CA and Democrats. And I mean all things. The aids epidemic started in CA, and the dems are the party of the KKK. In other news, the 2021 Toyota Tundra full size truck is reportedly supposed to be a hybrid, have 450 horsepower and get 30 mpg. This will join the 2021 F-150 hybrid. Mileage estimates have not yet been released.
  8. Electric Cars : A Myth ?

    I'm not a republican. And for your information, the EPA was created under Richard Nixon. A republican.
  9. Electric Cars : A Myth ?

    And what the fuck does that have to do with electric cars? And isn't the bubonic plague/typhus/rat infestations now in Los Angelas, a deep blue area in a deep blue state? Because in the infinite wisdom of banning drinking straws and plastic bags, but give out needles for heroine junkies/homeless people are now shitting all over the streets whereas when plastic bags were plentiful they could at least put their shit in a bag. California is also a leading exporter of idiots posting crap on the internet.
  10. Electric Cars : A Myth ?

    Only when battery tech reaches a certain point. For at least the past 30 years the holy grail of a battery has just been around the corner. And those jobs won't go away, per se, they will be transferred over into the battery/electric car industry. Batteries will be re-built. Electric motors will need re-built. The government bureaucrats will figure out how and why electric cars will need annual testing.
  11. Trump talk

    The toxoplasma has an intelligence then. And the lefty is also just a patsy. IMO the answer to what would want to create destruction of the western world is an entity from another realm.
  12. Trump talk

    I hope we can find a cure.
  13. Trump talk

    Okay. I thought maybe you were only referring to just a pattern of thought in the brain. If this is a real virus there must be some evolutionary reason for it to exist in the big picture scale of things.
  14. Trump talk

    I mean what if there is an actual physical virus, or bacteria that makes people susceptible to what we call liberalism today? Just as the rat loses his self preservation instinct, permanently, from the toxoplasma, and runs into a hungry cat's mouth, a human liberal will ignore the history of gulags, forced labor, genocide, mass murder, squalor like living conditions, bread-lines, etc and will still embrace the liberal ideology even with evidence right in front of him that it's a trap and brush it aside by saying, "That wasn't real socialism/communism". It's often been said that liberalism is a mental disease. Maybe there is pathogenic component to it?
  15. Trump talk

    More research needs to be done on mind viruses. Why are some people immune and others are not?
  16. Trump talk

    That's only part of it. The left also wants to erase caucasians and replace us with mestizos and africans. It's amazing how the left has turned their caucasian members against themselves. Cleary when someone is ideologically driven, one's own self preservation instinct can be bypassed.
  17. Trump talk

    I like to lean towards the side of freedom of expression.
  18. Sounds interesting. I'll read it this weekend. This topic has been on my mind. Thankfully I already started thinking about this 20 years ago and took steps.
  19. Strong chi - effect on others

    The sage hides his jewel behind rough clothing. Depends on what the sage is seeking. I've experienced the above for a short period of time while my practice was much stronger than it is currently.
  20. Trump talk

    Yes. Those who are luring, and those who benefit from it are at at fault. But to keep with the bank vault analogy the people who are attempting to break in know that they are taking a risk even though there are some employees at the bank who want them to get in.
  21. Trump talk

    I saw it. I don't care. People die everyday for millions of reasons. If a guy and his kid are attempting to break into a bank vault and they die who is at fault? The bank for not allowing anyone and everyone into the vault?
  22. Trump talk

    I suppose. However, if over the past 40 years had conditions not been so great we wouldn't be in the scenario we are in.
  23. Trump talk

    Their motivation for crossing the border is a payday of US welfare benefits.
  24. Trump talk

    No one in the right mind should want to improve conditions in the detention centers. These so called "refugees" are pawns being used by wealthy internationalists to weaken the country. The detention centers should be made as miserable as possible so much that word spreads so the pawns won't keep crossing the border. And why people refuse to see it how it is is only because of willful ignorance.
  25. Trump talk

    And the race-baiters. The left that can only function by dividing people. It doesn't matter how people are divided, just that they are.