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Everything posted by welkin

  1. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    I appreciate you explaining this. And i do believe what you experienced, as i've experienced much similar. Though i haven't remembered past lives. I've only been led to find or identify certain physical aspects of myself and in connection with being led to find and researching the past. I agree with the letting go part. The process form me currently looks more like a give and take. there is significance to it, but it's not one where i can obsess and put all else to the side. If i put in the work apart from it, then more connections arrive. Ironically though, many answers that are implemented on the personal level of healing end up coming as a result of researching and gaining insight from da vinci's notes and paintings. It's like here you go and now go run off with it until the next thing is ready.
  2. Exercises to remove tension in arms

    Agree on intuflow. Strengthening is an equally important aspect. Counter-intuitively strengthening in a correct manner releases the tensions, increases flexibility, and retains optimal positioning thereby reducing the tension over time. Something that works wonders and can work right away is If you have 10 lb weight plate, hold the weight open handed statically in shoulder press starting position. Meaning hands would be near shoulders. While holding it, feel the tensions, where you can relax, where you can activate. That includes your serratus anterior, lats, core, and obliques. Do this for 30+ seconds. After that go into full extension overhead, still open hand position. A key part of doing this will be to activate your entire core while having it overhead. Stay static for 30 seconds or more, while continuing to activate core and breathing through it. Depending on what tensions you may have in the upper body above core. If you have a natural tendency to tighten from the chest to the neck, to the face as i have, It's important to relax those areas while activating the core. Let the core be your center of strength. This allows to bring the energy back to center and keep it there by strengthening. Don't overlook the activation of the core and increasing the time while in those static positions. The length of time will allow your body to know how to adjust, and over time the energy will flow more evenly throughout. If it works, i would appreciate some feedback. Another practice to look into is Kinstretch, might help with more than just the arms.They have some very interesting ways of mobilizing the joints while strengthening them. https://www.instagram.com/kinstretch/
  3. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    i agree with you on that. i got to that same conclusion myself multiple times. What was that question, and what is the answer? Otherwise, how can we really compare experiences.
  4. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    First off, that's definitely an opinion. not a fact. And you believe that's how spirit or guiding works? You believe you are flat our given answers. That couldn't be further from the truth. I wonder if you speak from actual experience or only what you hear. If anything, a level of vagueness is always given in order for one to wonder and explore. Otherwise what would be the point
  5. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    That's why i said define it. I didn't only mention a birthmark. I mentioned i knew exactly where to look on a painting that was painted more than 500 years ago. Which contains the exact mark. So that's not specific for you?
  6. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    Already have. And only part that keeps the burden on is that I'm not willing to accept what currently exists. But is that not the requirement for change to occur in the first place? Otherwise anyone who created change or moved the needle, wouldn't have. Do you agree that the none acceptance of the status quo a requirement for change? Do you agree that burden can also be defined as purpose? I'm only saying, because the most probable response to what i said would've been let things be.
  7. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    Define specific
  8. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    'More often than not' and 'generally'. You don't think that advice poses an equal amount of danger as the very danger the advice is trying to avoid from happening? What if the person falls in the category of non general and the not often. What's the repercussion? And that's why i don't like to ask these types of things, because unless the other person has experienced anything similar, their automatic thought response is, 'oh this person is really just trying to feel special, by believing they don't fall in the general category.' I feel like what i've described above is more than just simple coincidence. there's factual meat behind it. It's not just some delusion that someone thinks of in their had that has no physical evidence behind it. the connection of both the physical evidence and intuition to look in that exact spots from practically no prior thought of it, is what makes the experience valid to at the very least explore. This isn't me arguing, this is me genuinely trying to be reasonable. By nature the guidance forces one to look into oneself. And it's only by looking into oneself that further truths are found. There's not much one can derive from it solely at a grounded daily life level. It's only through the combination of self work and exploring it's actual meaning that answers come. How would one gain insight into oneself without the further exploration of the evidence that one finds? Not to mention the evidence found is connected to some of the most obscure mysteries ever created.
  9. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    Intuition. Mainly through a stream of insight that happens for a short period of time, then connections being made. And a message through thought coming in with direction on what to look for. I've considered the possibility of something negative creating that direction. Though are you insinuating something about it?
  10. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    100% agree. I've let go of it multiple times, and only go back to that area of interest when guided there. It seems that it is more about timing than anything at this point.
  11. @cloud444, Are you still returning here? I may i have solutions for you, but i'm not going to write it out unless i know you're here. As it's detailed and would take me putting a lot of my own practices out there for know-it-alls to criticize. Every person is born different, and the opportunities to use methods are not the same for everyone. Sometimes you're the only one who can figure out how to heal yourself because your condition is unique at birth. It goes past, techniques, theories, knowledge made for the masses. It's a deeper journey, that only you can experience and know. It doesn't mean you don't use others' knowledge, techniques, and understanding, but it does mean you need to integrate them with your own intuition, ability, and predestined journey to heal yourself. Let me know if you're on and I will write it all out.
  12. Sleep

    Hope, Motivation and Purpose. Figure those things out, and everything will fall into place. And if your answer is you can't find, it search more and give yourself up to finding it. Because there's no one whom it doesn't exist for. Fixing it in a robotic manner will cause you to run in circles only to end up in the same place.
  13. Upper back/lower neck problems

    A few things, do you believe you have tensions/weakness or improper usage of the hands/wrists? Do you struggle to relax your body easily? And do you want me to give you advice? A while back, you seem to have gotten angry for my own experimental physical issues and blamed me for whatever information i provided you. Also, it doesn't seem like you're grateful in any way for anything i've provided you since. If your answer to my first question is yes, then nothing anyone else has provided will give you a long term solution. Your issue is most likely blockages going outwardly towards the ends of your body such as your head, hands, feet. And therefore, you most likely aren't able to utilize your overall body and specific muscle groups how they should naturally and easily. Whether you want my help or not, these alone should provide you with real solutions: https://www.instagram.com/kinstretch/ https://www.instagram.com/docjenfit/
  14. Help.

    Hi i won't act like i know what you're dealing with. But i'll tell you something that's worked for me during any situation and what i keep doing consistently now to stay in balance. I think you need to take the time to heal. The universal healing energy is very powerful right now, but only if you're receptive to it. Counter-intuitively, that means literally do nothing. Give up all your thoughts and emotions and just receive. Observe and know that you love yourself. This has worked for me during times where it seems that no matter how much i do, things don't get better. The trick lies in not trying to hold on and control too much, which creates the imbalance. Take the time to reset. Don't focus on breathing, on meditation, exercise, etc. Follow what your body and intuition wants and needs. Don't worry about motivation. Motivation is something that comes when it's the right time. It usually means there's something else that needs attending to. Practice the things that makes us human. Try to walk barefoot outside wherever you can. Lie down on the floor and stare at the blue sky. Flip over and lie face down. Try to get off the laptop screen or tv. Go to the beach if possible and spend the day there. Observe animals and their nature. Look at insects. look at the night sky even if for 1 minute. Talk to anyone who's willing to talk. If there's no one, that's okay. Take a swim. Get completely naked for 5 minutes tanning in the sun. Don't worry about the exercise, instead exercise doing something fun that you enjoy. Things such as unlocking new skills, like a hand stand. If it helps, talk and give up to God. Someone's always listening. this is more than enough. we're all going through something. I am going through something. And i've gone through hell. You're not alone, especially during these times.
  15. Is truth relative?

    this is a great speech
  16. Is truth relative?

    the question is not how or what actions are being done. it's why it's being done. perhaps the patterns will lead to the answer. let's keep playing Oh yes, i remember this when i was in acting and film school.
  17. Is truth relative?

    Maybe the rats will survive the destruction. Maybe not...
  18. Is truth relative?

    I won't do anything. i'm just passing by. You're right i think we're far too deep within the system to do anything about it. The only way to stop it is destruction. Maybe that's why advanced ancient civilizations fall. By some miracle, maybe it will be avoided and we can continue forward.
  19. Is truth relative?

    We're not. We're devolving currently. I have no vision of what we would evolve into. That's up to us to decide.
  20. Is truth relative?

    Many things would be the same. more than many things would be different. we would advance much faster in every facet for the positive progress of our evolution.
  21. Is truth relative?

    Even though the people working for that very power made this movie. They' still give you the truth because they believe there's nothing you can do to stop it or won't even discover what it truly is. but it's simple: โ€œThe Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. "That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind." What the purpose of that bondage is, is yet to be revealed. most play into that bondage no matter how small the role. To live for one's own peace and do nothing against that bondage is to live for that very purpose of bondage. They will never awaken. only be a part of a dream within a dream. we didn't decide what our purpose to be. it was decided for us. 'a' god decided our purpose. Long time doesn't mean all time or forever. You're right, we got hijacked into certain curiosity and innovation. which means losing free will. i don't believe we naturally don't have it though. people aren't willing to die to create a new world. and i'm not speaking about a physical death. Die before physical death and truth will slowly be revealed. As Mufasa says, "Remember"
  22. Is truth relative?

    Things get less complex for the mind, as the mind gets more complex. But what you just wrote is now more simple. I agree things probably would have gotten taken care of themselves by our very nature even if it took millennia. "We are not in a primitive state any longer, and Im certain that this is because of the daring and probably lawlessness of certain individuals and groups, though ideally, I imagine we could have done without them. " This is a bit of a contradicting statement. No? I'm pretty sure we've known that our purpose has been more than to survive for several thousand years. How do you know a new spirit developed is a spirit. I would associate it more to a robotic unnatural specimen. And that has been developing for many hundred of years, if not thousands. We are now getting to the development of what you're talking about for the past few hundred years, to where a transitioning from what we had and were as a species is now almost entirely gone. What connects to this earth, world, universe will only be but a thought and an idea.
  23. Is truth relative?

    living and survival is relative to what you were taught is to live and survive. Even the things that you think are required to live between one another has been fabricated. ironically, it seems that you are furthering the use of the mind in how one needs to understand what you are writing. The writing itself is very mind driven. However, if one wants to, they can take themselves out of the mind state and read or hear things without the unnecessary use of mind. Which is what an awakened group of humans will learn to do. In fact maybe you're aware of this. But those who choose to deceive, will create a maze into their ideas and philosophies, so complex making it impossible for an individual to comprehend and develop. It creates a mind state of awareness, where it becomes about memorizing information and over analysis to the point where their mind and intelligence is their awareness, creating the complete opposite of consciousness. But instead a mind driven robot.
  24. Is truth relative?

    How can you know that your truth is true truth? have you given yourself up? have you given up your mind? That's the only way to true truth. That being said, if you are willing to accept the truth imposed by others, that includes own as well. That's okay too. There's nothing inherently wrong with choosing what you choose. Only cause and effect. The mind cannot observe. Only remember. Give up the mind, and you will discover truth.
  25. Thank you for this clarification. Will do.