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Everything posted by welkin

  1. Why would that soul choose to rebirth in this world assuming all the suffering that comes along with it as a result of the law of forgetfulness?
  2. Story of Atlantis Part 1 - Ice Age and Deluge

    Here are a couple more mirroring i put together. Making Anubis more clear, as well as the formation of a triangle or pyramid with the crosses. Interestingly enough you see an eye formation at the top. as well as a dividing line at the top of the triangle similar to the pyramid of Khafre. The adding of the painting of john the baptist on top and forming these coincidental images may very well be a coincidence but still interesting. Most likely not, but if the hypothesis are true I wonder if he may have been trying to convey that the sphinx was much older than the pyramids themselves. I also wonder if he was conveying that sphinx or pyramids were actually carved out of a mountain. If you're wondering about the invisible bottle at the last supper similar to the one in the mona lisa here it is hidden in plain site:
  3. Story of Atlantis Part 1 - Ice Age and Deluge

    Also, i meant to post it in part 1. Apologies for that. Michael Sternbach,, let me know if you prefer to move it over
  4. Story of Atlantis Part 1 - Ice Age and Deluge

    Hi Nungs, I actually didn't. That's actually an interesting and very logical suggestion. Is there anything specific that you found that could elude to it being a mirror? Do you think that Leonardo was indeed eluding to Atlantis? As i stated in my post, i didn't intend on finding anything in regards Atlantis, but upon my latest hypothetical findings, it's a possibility. After doing more research on Da Vinci + Atlantis, there does seem to be some connection between the two. Including a ficticious story input in the Disney move Atlantis the Lost Empire.
  5. Story of Atlantis Part 1 - Ice Age and Deluge

    https://imgur.com/aUQwQpDhttps://imgur.com/aUQwQpDhttps://imgur.com/aUQwQpDI'm posting on here because though my research originally didn't begin with Atlantis it seems that the findings ended up pointing there potentially. I've mirrored the painting both ways and there seems to be messages hidden in both ways of mirroring. - In the first painting you will discover an elixir looking bottle being created in the middle. I'm still figuring out what to make of it. My theories are that it is the holy grail many speak about or the cup of Solomon. Most likely being a metaphor for something much deeper and real. - Notice that the bottle is open in this painting - Above the elixir bottle after the water/ocean/river you will see a small figure with mountains in the background. i believe that small figure is actually the Sphinx of Giza. Also looks like a cobra head or maybe a sphinx elsewhere. What's interesting is that part of it and other mountains are under water. - I believe you can see the face of Anubis down the middle as well. (i will post another mirrored painting later to show it) In this one you can obviously see the different features. The part i'd like to point out though is that the bottle is closed and the bridge. Interestingly enough, a very similar looking elixir bottle is on the table of The Last Supper painting, but is invisible (I will post later). Some say that the pattern shown on the last supper table on the right side is a pattern only found in the town of Lefkara in Cyprus. Which Leonardo may have stumbled upon while traveling. This leads me to believe that the last supper is portrayed in Cyprus, while the background you see through the windows may be the ocean or upper Egypt. If what is shown is actually the Sphinx it would be mindblowing that 500 years ago that this man knew that the pyramids and sphinx were indeed underwater. Things were only find out recently.
  6. Is there a problem uploading images? File size is 9mb which is under the max file size unless i'm mistaken. Getting this error message: "There was a problem processing the uploaded file. -200"
  7. Dao Bums reflecting on the world

    Mistakes don't exist. Leaving no stone unturned means, being willing to be wrong in the eyes of others. It means facing the ridicule that others would put on you for thinking different, appearing a certain way, being affected negatively by your thoughts or decisions. Many times not as a result of actually being wrong or making a mistake, but being wrong because of the system that the very people hold up. Even what i just mentioned brings up an idea in your mind of what it means to be different, make mistakes, etc. , but has entirely different meanings. If you can only define them by what you were taught it means by everything in this world, then you don't know the meaning. Is a mistake really a mistake or wrong, if the ultimate goal is to find the truth? In this matrix, you can only find truth by making the mistakes and being wrong, because it draws out the truth and the falsehoods out of the people who up the matrix. You don't find the truth in everything that is natural. The truth there is as obvious and clear as can be. The truth doesn't exist, it just is. You find the truth by finding the falsehoods in people, by being subject to the ridicule, ignorant opinions, by actually doing the 'right' thing only to be wrong because of unnaturalness. By being the sacrificial lamb. But it is impossible for 99.999999% of people to find out the truth. What is nice about the truth is that it can never be found with the mind. No matter how much we discuss every possible concept in history. You will never find it. Better yet, you don't need it. The texts and history is what covers your eyes from the truth. You don't think 'they' know that? And unfortunately, it takes a lifetime of this type of experience to see past the veil. A life time of purposeful suffering to find truth, not incessant suffering. A man or a people who are willing to go through hell to free their people. That is true love. Until then, we know nothing of love. We know nothing of truth. Who knows, maybe we are living in the greatest time in history. Only time will tell.
  8. Dao Bums reflecting on the world

    I wonder if maintaining harmony is the the purpose. Throughout my life I've seen those who try and maintain harmony at all cost and while I do see people who maybe avoid dis-ease or maintain a more balanced life, I also see denial or reality and many times ignorance. At the same time in my own experience and witnessing others, the resistance to what goes on in the physical and not accepting of others and maybe one's self does cause disease, discomfort, instability. And yet, in my experience it provides the opportunity to see more. To see the dynamics that exist between people, ideas, emotions, actions, the world. And so i feel like it's not only a delicate balance between maintaining ones harmony while not ignoring reality, but also what sacrifice in this physical life experience one is willing to make. To see enough, in order to not only create change in oneself but also make a difference in this 'world.' As everyone already knows, the journey is unique and different for each individual. Yet, the opportunity i believe is the same for those who have opportunity. Each start out with a different level of center. Due to your purpose of coming here, due to your genetics, biology, bloodline, etc. And so your 'center' is different. Some people more grounded with the ability to get more things done here. Others with a weaker center, with all kinds of issues as a result, usually with the ability to see past the veil. And so it's almost like a formula. A formula that angels, demons, souls use to come into this reality with different purposes. It's like an anchor at the center. Those who start with a very heavy anchor have difficulty to reach out and find what more there is. Those with weaker anchors may continually moved away from center, and so they struggle much more to find the center, yet have higher capability to see more away from it. Ultimately though, I think it's about finding that center, anchoring heavy, and then constantly going out, coming back, out, back. And the battle will continually be not straying too far for too long and not the center for too long. How do we know what is worldly or not worldly? Do we describe the world based on the physical reality that we exist in or the matrix physical world that we are continually born into based on the systems that who know who placed? How do we know it is a testing ground aside from all the written texts of ancient and present. Would we know it is a testing ground if we had read nothing? Do we know what the test actually is? Are the things that provide us solutions that we learn in order to avoid pain, discomfort, dis-ease and provide 'peace', 'love', 'harmony', 'oneness', true? Are those things real? Or are they just the formulaic result of the man/alien/spirit matrix we are born into? The one that runs based off of people not the actual physical world itself. They may be completely reversed, but only result in those answers based of the possibly fictitious formula created. Part of the journey is the willing to be wrong so many times that you don't leave any stone unturned. But most aren't willing to do that. It causes too much physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental pain. Many times most of it coming from other people. And so we encage ourselves not by the 'world' but by the people. The people are the world we live in. Maybe we don't know what the illusion really is.
  9. Inequality

    Only you know what ideas are natural to you and what aren't. The idea that we've somehow completely strayed away from our nature and need to find it again through idiotic justification is false. This varies from person to person. Do you really believe you're wrong in seeing what you're seeing. Keep asking others to change your point of view, and eventually they will. Only the numb cannot identify that which is in their nature and recreate it through false philosophies. Also, if you believe everyone's nature is the same that's incorrect. Your nature isn't necessarily derived from your physical existence, it goes much deeper. Your nature may very well be different than the nature of those whom you ask. There is a duality going on, and everyone is here for a different reason. If you're looking to be wrong, you will certainly be at some point. Anything can be justified through the mind and that's why truth doesn't exist in it. When you listen to the ideas of others do you really believe there is something deeper that's being used other than the mind? To me, it is very mind driven. Everything they feel is mind driven, so therefore it's all mind. Life's really fucking simple. It's people's minds that complicate and convolute truth.
  10. Inequality

    Western mind driven ideas...
  11. How do you get to the Truth

    Purpose of your comment? Don't we all?
  12. How do you get to the Truth

    Then one must get rid of plain sight so that the truth is no longer hidden. How does one find a good mirror? It's hidden in plain sight. How does one get rid of plain sight? By sighting the mirror
  13. How do you get to the Truth

    is truth really being sought after? More than likely probably not
  14. How do you get to the Truth

    Make a dent in this reality. One step closer... No dent, regurgitation. When will no dent be needed, when enough dents have been made. Until then, no dent no truth.
  15. How do you get to the Truth

    You start at any point of the circle or sphere. Then you go in any direction until you reach the edge. Your next decision is whether you go along the edge to continue drawing it out with higher risks because all of the edges are unknown and with less possibility of going back from where you started. Or, you go back in the same direction from where you started and go in the opposite direction to reach the edge. The goal however isn't to know the edge or to every part inside the circle/sphere. The goal is to find the the middle point, so that you can find or create the next circle/sphere.
  16. How do you get to the Truth

    To find truth, you don't balance or counterbalance. You don't go to one end of the extreme or the other without the assistance of the opposite. You also don't find a middle point, because the middle point doesn't exist. It's an allusion as a result of the previously created false. Instead you assist each side by understanding and experiencing each while maintaining the opposite, therefore finding the "truth" or the "Fact". -___________________________-___________________________- <-___________________________<--->-<--->___________________________->
  17. Inequality

    How do you know I don't understand you or that i haven't believed and reached the same state that you mentioned only to arrive at further questions later? I use the word believe because at the end of the day that's what it is. Your assumption is that you've arrived at the conclusion to which needs no more questioning.
  18. Inequality

    I feel like you're rationalizing a lot through ideas that don't necessarily support the topic of argument. We're speaking about inequality right? I would say not having someone the same toy as someone else has to do more with natural egotistical envy than inequality, which is something that many kids wouldn't feel just as much as do. An example of inequality would be more like not being picked on a team based on the color of your skin or how you look. Which is something that every kid would innately feel if experienced. Just making sure we're on the same page. As you stated with the idea of 'one light', it's not something you need to rationalize. Is inequality not obvious? It stirs up negative emotions and thoughts without question. As i stated previously, the kid doesn't need to explain it to someone else or to themselves to know or identify what it is. The only thing that makes them think it's okay is the acceptance by society and more specifically the adults. I don't think think any light has been shed. What you speak of is more of a belief system based on concepts and things you hear. Why not give it a shot and explain how the idea of 'one light' consciousness creates the possibility that inequality doesn't exist? Even if it is impossible to explain with logic, mind, or by the physical.
  19. Inequality

    I don't think inequality is an adult concept though. Some argue that children have a higher ability to see things just as they are without influence. Inequality is pretty obvious and simple i would say, because a kid can identify it even if it isn't understood why it's happening. how would you ever know that the 'spiritual' you speak of isn't influenced to be what it is perceived to be and therefore the ideas that come with it?
  20. Inequality

    I would have a tough time explaining those ideas in regards to inequality and unfairness being justified by one light to a 7 year old. Though i wouldn't have a tough time explaining death. The idea of death or animal ways of dying to further the point of one light and inequality is bit of a stretch. We'd have to open a can of worms questioning if we're just animals. Then talk about we all just die anyways is justifying anyhting that happens in this life based on an end experience which is death. Therefore putting the highest emphasis on the death itself rather than the experience of life. idk...
  21. How do you get to the Truth

    neither has wit
  22. How do you get to the Truth

    So i respond, the oppressor gets what he wants. believing he is stirring up emotions. Even if it didn't stir up emotions, the response is all it took for the fiend to feed. It didn't matter what truth lies on the other side of the conversation, the only thing that matters are the truths that the fiend has created for himself out of what he has chosen to manifest, which is unfortunately not tied to any actual beliefs or values. One could assume a disingenuous response or claim considering his obviously high self belief of intelligence and comprehension, yet chooses to speak without putting the effort of thinking. If the person genuinely has the inability to think or at the very least imagination to try and understand the idea, then perhaps it's not even worth answering their question. On the other hand, if the person is very capable of interpreting the ideas presented, but chooses to stir up conflict for their own selfish benefit whether personal or in a grander scheme of things, then the person is a danger to everyone. They feed off the chaos. In either case, they are a virus that only spreads when given attention. Their existence only manifested out of something else that was already living. Perhaps it is all related. Their self belief and consciousness came from the very truth I said to avoid finding. And so they have found their truth, and living on that truth that stemmed out of a lie.
  23. Inequality

    Can you describe in detail how the world would be changed if people acquire spirits knowing all things are one light? In your idea of one light and many others, it seems to negate the idea of inequality or oppression. Many speak about this, and i'm genuinely interested in the logic of how it makes sense. In other words what are the essential ideas or factors of 'one light' that explains why there isn't inequality?
  24. How do you get to the Truth

    There is no such thing as truth. It is constructed as something to find out as a result of a falsehood or lie. There is only what is. So if you're trying to find out what is, then its best not to try to find the truth or the falsehood. Unfortunately the truth, is everything that has be constructed for us to research and find, as well as the falsehoods. To find what is, it's necessary to bypass the 'truth'. Once you find out what is, then you can identify the falsehood, and therefore the truth of the falsehood.