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Everything posted by welkin

  1. Can you explain what your definition of what going with the flow means? I think whether that's the right direction to go is is really dependent on what that means. I also feel that flow may appear in ways that may not be what our current mind idea of flow is. Countless times i wanted to "flow", yet i couldn't. And maybe it was too much ego or it may be that there is a difference in flow of consciousness and mind. Want to clarify that i do agree with the idea of flow. I just think that flow might be more hidden than we think. I guess one would only know if one is fully awake. I also want to clarify, i'm drawing certain conclusions based off looking back at my life and connecting the dots. Though you could argue that i'm just trying find significance in the things that happened in my life or the non "flowing" decisions i made. Which brings me to another question. Is it dangerous to look for significance and creating the future by doing what i mentioned above, finding significance connecting the dots? I came to this realization in what i guess some could call an enlightenment early this year. It was a form of enlightenment that i had not experienced before. Though i don't believe i am enlightened, because i am still suffering a lot. Though, it could also be that one can be enlightened, but still letting the ego run free with certain possessions in this world. And until one can let go, one will not be free.
  2. I agree with you about it objectively speaking Fa Xin. Everyone has their own journeys and what sufferings they will deal with in each life. However, if the information is present. Could one instead choose to suffer and learn the lessons from certain sufferings that may not be as conducive to enlightenment, more quickly if one is aware of it. And experiment more quickly with truths? As in being aware that there is probably a lot of different types of sufferings in this world. The obvious path most choose is to not suffer for things they may not find important or necessary. Possibly, things that would kill the ego. And it's difficult to let the ego die. Hard to let ones maybe "self" die. I'm currently having issues letting a certain part of myself die.
  3. There might be enough suffering from questioning everything, caring too much, loving too much, being rejected, getting backstabbed, the life you're born in. In other words, there might be enough suffering if one is in true route to enlightenment. Which means discovering truth, by whichever means even if means ones self can be hurt. Quite possibly i may be speaking out of ignorance. But although yes it may very well take a life predestined/created for you in order to experience just the right circumstances in life to become truly enlightened, i believe one can have and even create the drive, discipline, courage, sincerity, hope, purpose to decide to live a suffering life out of purpose however. To find truth. The problem is that this hurts A LOT. I would tell my cousin stories of how i would purposely act dumb in front of people just to see how they act. He asked me is there a purpose why i do this if there seemed to be no benefit from it. Everyone just wants a social benefit . "Networking", making "friends" I responded that i didn't really know, other than i like seeing people's true nature. I would purposely put myself in situation where i could get hurt. But not for no reason. But For reasons such as taking the blame for things, speaking woo woo inspirational ways of thinking and doing that was tangible, but to the average mind was not. I now believe i know why I was doing all this. To know what the human mind is. Fellow Dao Bum, Everything, explained to me and showed me a video in this thread that that to a certain degree explains things:
  4. Please more. Always interested On the suffering through materialism though. Could it be that this is not the right suffering that leads to enlightenment? This seems to be more like the type of suffering that is imposed on oneself based on the current state of the world and those in power. This type of suffering seems to me to do the opposite. It's like the type of suffering specifically created in replacement of honest suffering, that may come from questioning the status quo and suffering as a result of standing ones ground in every situation including when you're alone.
  5. Practicing in the Pool

    Is this a fact? When an element is conductive it's bad for your qi? I honestly assumed that if one can master or get good at practice, the elements provide an additional layer to get to the next level. I feel like adding the element of water would create stronger sensitivity/connection to ones body and therefore create more energy. Can see how cold would be bad, since it's uncomfortable. Wonder if it has to do with the person's ability to be in control during those situations. Almost like adding more weight to your bench press, progressive overload? I'm asking all of this, because i had a theory that the elements can help us get further along. Didn't think of wind, but i thought water would definitely help. Based on this theory, i also believed we will one use water tanks and be fully submerged, to heal ourselves through meditation. Think those water tanks in Dragon Ball Z when the fighters are healing after long battle. And countless other movies including star wars. Intuitively speaking this made sense. Though i know a lot of times it can be wrong. I was even thinking of creating an wearable invention that would mimic the feel of water, therefore creating faster recovery, better connection of ones body, and of course to practice qigong. Also, don't we come from water? I'm just throwing all this out there and am being cautious with what i do and what i dont. I think the amount of incremental pieces one can start putting together that is highly optimized is probably the best way to go if one actually has a big goal with these practices. it only makes sense to optimize in this direction.
  6. I did try to communicate with my mind. That being said, i only tried to understand it intuitively, i don't actually know whether i understood things such as it telling me that now was not a good time due to people being around. i think i just got that feeling because it looked hesitant on continuing whatever we were doing. So what i did want to try is asking specific questions, and seeing what i get back. like actually talking to an intelligent being. Not just thinking how i was like it's only a squirrel. 'oh this creature can sense me and wants to talk to me'.
  7. I can see what you're saying. I feel like animals are just like humans. Every one may have the ability to be conscious, but only a few are nowadays. A sleeping animal is no different than a sleeping human. You know it's interesting. Sometimes i'll observe dogs as i'm taking walks and see how far gone they are from consciousness. A lot of times since those dogs just happen to be dogs in the front lawn behind a gate, acting violent and hostile. You can only assume several are neglected. And some dogs seem to be happier, loving, yet still unconscious. And some dogs there's just something that exists inside. Either way, it's better that most the animals stay asleep and just 'animals'. The way we treat a lot them today, i can only imagine what they would suffer through if they were awake.
  8. Haha wow. coincidence? who knows. Maybe i'll try asking questions like the guy in the video.
  9. They can definitely sense those things. I did leave out a part of the story where an angel number appeared on my phone. Maybe someone else will chime in later. But i think that maybe it's a message from elsewhere stating that they are watching over me. I will see if i can find the same squirrel again.
  10. you didn't become a beach bum. You became a dao bum
  11. How to become less blind

    Before going through a spiritual journey, maybe start by asking yourself if you see the 'invisible' things happening in our own physical reality. Quite possibly, the world or this matrix might be just a little too fair or good in your perspective. Look for wrong things, even if you think things are okay :). This is probably not cautious advice. But hey, if you really wanted to get there through an extreme way...
  12. Consciousness Fragmentation Repair?

    Have felt similar to you for a long time. and will be working on it for a while. That being said, i recently came to an idea that the body carries all the events in our lives, whether trauma or good. I would recommend trying to focus on what it would look like to have your optimal body posture. That means all the muscles responsible for your smile, moving your eyebrows, eating, sitting, standing, walking. Strive towards have the perfect body posture. Once you're mind body connectoin gets stronger, you will be aware of what it FEELS like to to have that optimal posture at all times. When you say you go back to your old self or way of being, be aware of how your physiology changes in those moments. Without fail, mines changes every time . If you can be aware of that, you will have a tool that more easily reminds you that you're in that old state. Try making yourself the greatest importance at all times. And i mean from the perspective of loving yourself. That means anything that goes against that be aware of. TIP: There's nothing wrong with using different anatmoy charts of muscles, and bone structure. There's nothing wrong with using mirrors to obesrve ones self. Just make sure to use them only as tools and not as a way of feeling or understanding your body.
  13. Incredible... This is exactly what i've been searching to explain that concept. I did the physical aspect of it, i never thought to actually think about memories as i'm doing that. Very insightful. Thank you for bringing up the book and the thread as well!
  14. The Magus of Seattle

    Looks great! . Please let us know when it's available again.
  15. I am all ears on this one or eyes.. Can totally see this.. The message though that's been very consistent is that, it's never done. There's always something to improve. I only mentioned the physical side of it because it seems to me that a lot is always talked about the thinking, or mental realization of things. I thought this was what it mainly was as well. Until i realized only through catastrophic injury, that the level of awareness one can have of the body is incredibly deep. Something tells me the mind body soul, it's all just one thing. But it's like you gotta nurture each one fully, But honestly, idk. There's something about the body that makes me think it has a mind of its own. And not in the cliched sense, how it's discussed. I mean like the more you understand it or release its traumas, the mind literally shifts into new thought. And maybe the more you are able to do with the physical body in the physical realm, the more one awakens. That's why i wonder if the body might be the true key that unlocks everything else. i believe that's how the masters move up the levels of their respective practices. I wonder... if one is actually supposed to make their body the core importance by which we do and create everything around us. That would impact practically all industries, that have an effect on all physical bodies. clothes, shoes, wearables, technology, etc. I wonder how much easier it would be to reach enlightenment or even find the road to get there, if these bases were covered under a much more conscious philosophy.
  16. Your body is the way to enlightenment. all the experiences in life, one carries in the body. Find where you carry those experiences and feelings and release them so that you can get back to the physical flexible state of an infant or a baby. In other words, "don't think, feel"
  17. Hello, So just last week i found out i can move another person's muscles/skin/fibers by touching them. I can do a mix of either me consciously moving them how i want to with my mind, or i can also let the area my hand is touching heal on its own. The longer my hand is on it, the better it heals. Does that even mean my hands can heal? Is this something common? I guess to a certain degree it "heals", but it's more like i'm manipulating the muscles so they go back into a proper or better position. Therefore creating better blood flow and activation in that area I also realized that my hands heal whether i want to or not. whether touching myself or another person. However, i can prevent myself from sending energy off i believe. it's actually easier to let it send off then keep. Is there something about this i should be cautious about? Are these the beginnings of being able to heal with hands? typically i think of putting hand on an area and energy being sent to it and the area heals. I don't think of me moving the muscles (although sending energy to them) considered as healing necessarily. more like i can give an area energy. If these are the beginnings, what would be the next step?
  18. 434 - Human Origins - Opinions

    Never knew the process happening when experiencing the effects. Thanks for the interesting info!
  19. Healing Hands - Maybe?

    Holy crap, that is incredibly interesting. I knew nothing of this. Thank you for providing all the info! I agree, i sense asian culture is not in a good state. It hasn't been good as far as i can remember. A lot of Asian Americans have lost their identities and pride to be asian, but more importantly a powerful human being. Makes me sad.. Which is why it's so important to realize we're more than just our physical appearance. Haha ok. I figured he had moved. I remembered reading massachusetts somewhere. But good to hear he will be returning. That is great to hear you will be training with him. What practice will you be training? Thank you for the tip on the 10-20 minutes of silence. I will make sure to do it.
  20. Healing Hands - Maybe?

    Hey Earl, Sorry for the very late response. Been doing a lot of research recently. I will need to do more research on my heritage soon. Talked to my parents a bit, and they don't too much on our family history in Japan. Most likely because they were actually born in Peru. Will have to talk to grandma. I've been going through the flying phoenix thread... it's full of gold! I spent every day on it, and i haven't even made a dent Sifu Terry's stories along with gold nuggets on Flying Phoenix are just priceless. Though i've been practicing the videos to a certain degree, I will be starting a very dedicated practice this week, and will be creating a separate thread on my progression. Do you happen to know if Sifu Terry Dunn still lives in Los Angeles?