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Everything posted by welkin

  1. 434 - Human Origins - Opinions

    I believe humans don't consciously know what they're creating, because subconsciously it wants out of our bodies and into something "eternal" and something that doesn't have to conflict with it's own "mind".
  2. @Pilgrim @dwai I guess I'm not an emotional wreck. I'm choosing to be because i'm struggling to let go a deep part of me (9 year relationship, for another thread). I will test these instructions asap. It makes a lot of sense. I do have a question in regards to releasing energy from the feet and hands. i am able to move energy through and out of my body. Based off Pilgrim's advice, i tested just trying to feel the energy from my hips and release it through my feet. which worked. Is this dangerous? or is it ok? if it is okay, is it okay to just lay in bed and release it that way? or should i be on the ground. i have issues in my arm too. I can probably assume how to fix this as well. But can you guys recommend something to fix the limbs? or where i should shoot that energy out? i'm able to take it out through my mouth my hands.
  3. I was pretty messed up physically. My rib cage crooked both on right and left, stomache heavily siding on the right. The left abs go over to the right side, big tension in injured areas in the shoulder chest area, and bad neck, and face. I only did some of the 9 breaths because it was late, and will do it today. But man... I did the circulation of left to right, right to left, and towards the middle. I shifted my stomache to the left again, creating alignment. Fixed my rib cage to be more even. Shoulder and chest tension, greatly reduced. head tension greatly reduced. I would be able to fix these through various forms, but they would always come back, most likely because i didn't understand the breathing and transfer of energy. I could do it, but didn't understand as a whole. i appreciate this a lot.. It's funny that sometimes the simplest methods work. Not because it is superior to other methods. But, because it was specifically related to what i had. Thank you for having seen this.
  4. So.. it looks like i'm able to gain the trust of several squirrels now. So much that one decided to say, "Hey. I'm hungry. Oh look this guy brought chipotle. And he looks innocent. I'll be safe.' it hops on the table sitting right in front of me looking at my bag of Chipotle. Of course i give in, so crumble some taco shells. It takes it off my fingers with its mouth. At some point i decide to place the crumbles on my hand and give it to the squirrel. To which he then BITES MY FINGER AND DOESN'T LET GO! Thinking like hey it's all good, i realize this squirrel is either trying to suck my blood or he doesn't want to take it off my hand, but for me to give it to them. Not sure which one it was but. "AHHHH" i said. Thank you for the lesson, and he left And then i decide to give the crumbs to the other ones. The first squirrel decides to be greedy and chase everyone off. I told it, to calm down and don't do that. There's enough for everyone. Just shows greed exists more than in just humans. At the end, i decide to test if i can actually communicate with the squirrel. It was sitting on the ground next to my table. I tell it to go on the table that it's okay. And it does. BUT... it might be that he just wanted more of what was in the chipotle bag. Edit: Nevermind. i guess it's normal for squirrels to go on the table.
  5. Thank you for this. Now that you mention equilibrium, i think you're right. Looks like i had an imbalance of this for over 10 years. If so, i think my third eye might have been open with a messed up equilibrium. I haven't really started any practices yet as i have something personal i need to get over first. I did dabble in flying pheonix though. Please don't judge me. I don't dabble, i go 150% for anything that i do. But dabbling for now. Though i can't say i'm not practicing anything. I'm just practicing everything i learned on my own. I practice breathing while walking consciously, breathing while laying down in bed, while running. And i meditate at the park in half lotus. Though, not sure what real meditation is yet because like i said i'm getting past something right now. What i do when meditating is just try to breathe correctly from head to tailbone. EDIT: Holy crap, thank you for this
  6. From experiencing what i'm experiencing. It seems like i blocked my third eye when i was 11-12. Being at that age and having been aware of almost everything, i know i closed it. becuase i rememebr thinking it a long time ago. I want to be less aware. it seems that i couldn't keep closed much longer. Yesterday night was the first actual full physical manifestation of it that i had. Over the past year, i dont know why i didn't just trust my intuition. but i realized that when i would focus on looking/listening with my right eye, my perspective on whatever i was listening to or watching would change in a second. And i would hear things, see, things, feel things more clearly. Yesterday, i was using the technique i had mentioned in my stargazing thread. But decided it was time or something.. so i began doing it, and at the end of it all it got to a point where both eyes were in sync and balanced, and then i felt this literal third eye feeling on my forehead. It felt sideways/perpendicularly open. I am going to begin experimenting with this new finding, and will try to listen as you stated. thank you I did see some weird shapes or patterns forming. I think that is the portals you are talking about. i didn't want to go fully through out of fear. LOL seems to be with anything i get close to.
  7. okay, then it is open. I must be a very emotional wreck for my third eye to have been open this long and still let myself act the way i do. Anyways... So in another thread i posted how i saw myself releasing undeniably visible black smoke. That was the first experience In the past 1-2 weeks, i have actually been experiencing both white and black energy/smoke, not sure. I try to wait several days before i know i am experiencing something. I'm beginning to think that i am becoming aware of the 2 different energies when they are around me. My instinct is that what i'm able to see are signs to make me aware and bring things back to presence. Any other things i should think or take action upon when experiencing this?
  8. This thread has taken life Will be trying to communicate with the tees and other "non living things" Stroking my ego here a bit. But anyone know any reason the squirrels would not want other people to be aware i am communicating with them? What is the danger if there is one?
  9. Look Towards the Stars

    You live there!?.... I want to see that one day
  10. Look towards the stars and breathe. Everyday life is becoming more and more about looking down or straight. Whether looking at a laptop, a book, people. There is a reason looking up exists. edit: safety reasons
  11. Hi Dwai, Are there any physical indications that your third eye has opened? Based on your description, i would say i opened my third eye around 3-4 weeks ago. Though, I will say the physical sensation just happened recently. I literally feel like i have a third eye on my forehead.
  12. Look Towards the Stars

    Ah ok i see. what you mean. I really love not thinking. Though what i find interesting is that being in that state doesn't mean you're not thinking. It just means you're thinking subconsciously on a different frequency. I went to your intro and saw you started with interest in Tao. Is there anything you currently practice? goals?
  13. Look Towards the Stars

    Thank you always for your detailed explanation. i am going to try what you said looking at the stars probably from dark mountains and further look into hypnagogic state using the candlelight.
  14. Thanks Everything and noone. looks like i may have overlooked something.
  15. Practicing in the Pool

    Playing devil's advocate. Though honestly choosing to be contrarian and not accept answers. With full respect though. If water is conductive and so is air. Is it not possible to receive an additional or more profound type of energy that one could not receive through the usual means? I feel like these elements are here for a reason. Could it be that it would take a more advanced level to train in these conditions and be able to retain energy?
  16. Will report back when something actually happens. Couldn't find the same squirrel or spirit i met last time. It was for sure more conscious than the rest. However, i have been making progress in being able to connect to more than just that one squirrel. 2 more of them decided to come close and "stare". It does take peace and focus on being relaxed in order for them to feel your calm.
  17. Thank you for sharing this. It is definitely interesting to try to interpret what animals are trying to tell us. They're almost waiting to just talk to someone who's willing to listen. I will try to listen to the birds in the am
  18. Thank you for this Spotless.
  19. 434 - Human Origins - Opinions

    Don't watch any of this 434 guy's videos. He's a fucking psychopath who's worshiping the devil. I will explain later and show all the proof. I'm going to stop this son of a bitch in his tracks. That's why i'm here. to see these patterns.