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Everything posted by welkin

  1. so it looks like the animals can sense your energy levels in sync with the world aka them. Mine has clearly diminished in the sense that it's not as easy anymore. And i know why for my own personal life. But the bright side about this is that it can be a good indicator of maybe your presence energy, if you're on the right path, your happiness. I had to let go of everything and remember my soul through observing nature. Only then i was able to reconnect with the squirrels.
  2. will try to keep this short. i was doing some yoga and meditation at the park. while sitting i noticed that a squirrel sitting at the edge of a branch of a tree that was a bit far from me. So i decide to stare at it, and we pretty much don't break eye contact for 5 minutes. So i decided to use my instinct and think the squirrel is calling me. So when i decide to put my shoes back on, a demon person decides to walk towards the very tree i've been staring at and walk right under it and stare at the branches, scaring off the squirrel. I say demon, because he probably doesn't know he's possessed by one, notices i'm talking to the squirrel, and little ole "mindless" decides to walk towards it. And if not, what an asshole... lol. Wasn't mad at all earlier as i was in complete bliss. But now, letting it out as a message for us all to be weary of. I dont believe these things are coincidences, it's done on purpose.. Anyways.... So i have faith that it does want me to talk to it. I walk towards the tree. And I remembered Earl Gray, said people can absorb energy from trees. So i said, "hey, maybe that sqiurrel is calling me to that tree for a specific reason". So i walk towards the tree, try to absorb energy, which i'm scared i very well might be able to. So i do it only for 30 seconds. To which the squirrel climbs down the trunk, almost like surprised i was there. As he looked at me, i stared back and I tried to feel very calm and give it the feeling of complete love and trust. To which, it then looked very comfortable and started climbing down and getting incredibly close to me. Probably like 2 feet from my head. I was so scared i thought it was going to attack me . To which i calmed by breathing down, and let the squirrel feel trust again. At which point, i was drawing too much attention from 3 crowds near me. And i felt like the squirrel was saying 'not while they're watching. Everyone seemed to want to talk to squirrels at that point, and one lady went to the very tree i was at, complaining the squirrel wouldn't come down. SMH. But low key isn't that hilarious? I walk towards the edge of the park, where the side walk is. To which i find another squirrel in a tree looking at me. I decide to go to it again, and i believe it's the same squirrel because of its stare. I basically said goodbye, though the squirrel still looked worried about more people observing. So i started walking away towards the car as i also had a close friend who was picking me up. As my friend and i walked towards the car, the squirrel followed me, and then climbed to the tree closest to me. To which i walked to it again we looked at eachother for another 2 minutes and then said goodbye. Not showing off, i don't care about other people knowing this. However, i would like to know any information anyone knows in relation to this. Does it mean anything? is it normal?. that's never happened to me and the only people squirrels were getting close to were people giving them food.
  3. Are you a Shaman

    What do you when working with these spirits? And how do you communicate?
  4. Imprinting your desire on an atom

    in a sense, it is the idea of whether we are even conscious at all. Though my feelings and thinking conclude that consciousness does exist past the millions of micro decisions. In hypnotherapy sometimes they rewire your brain by doing exercises in which you think about your past before birth, right after birth, and childhood. This is just on the thinking level. But I think that's why it's important to go back to early childhood and see where a lot of these unconscious behaviors came from. Thinking, posture, expression, etc. etc. I like doing this through the physical body. If one really analyzes, we can discover a lot of very fine details in the posture of our face, muscles in every part of the body. in another thread it was mentioned to try remembering a memory in relation to specific parts of the body, and letting it go just as you free that posture. And you look at family history, and you realize.. all this posture, muscle tensions, expressions. It comes not only from what we observe while we grow up, but it's also engrained in our genes. To go back and recreate posture, thinking, emotions is to try to create a 'new life'. It's almost like you get rid of all the sufferings our families have. and when we have our own kids, they can truly start with a slightly freerer perspective on multiple levels. Obviously easier said than done.
  5. Imprinting your desire on an atom

    The gut bacteria has intelligence, but not sure if it's conscious. to me though, conscious doesn't necessarily have to mean we need to make everything little thing about us conscious. I think it's more as simple as your conscious is your macro goal, decision. And it needs to rule over everything else, making sure everything else is working in alignment, but of course through freedom. So when everything else is working towards/with the conscious goal or philosophy, it doesn't have to be consciously doing it. It is unconscious micro actions working towards a conscious goal.
  6. Shambhala

    Did you get "the knock"? hope not..
  7. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Okay, but your name is Forwards, so... jk dude, honestly noticed that and had to say it. No worries. Maybe i'll check his forum out at some point.
  8. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Fair enough. Though i'm confused why he would be spooked about the other timeline, if that's his plan anyways. Are you willing to relay questions to him to answer, and you can respond for him? If not, no worries.
  9. Shambhala

    Did you ever visit? baesd on the description on your website, seems like a spooky place to live in.
  10. Imprinting your desire on an atom

    it would be very vague for me to just say, i believe that's what it is. But the idea is just that. if one can at least imagine or believe, that our decisions are being made at a microscopic level, it just gives more perspective into how deep we can just go with discovering our consciousness. Or lack of, for that matter. That's why it seems so important to cover the physical bases, such as exercise, sleep, diet, etc. And then to overly obsess with it is counterproductive. It seems just like with everything, it's a balance. But i think the main issue is that too many people are thinking their 'mind' is making all their decisions. And actually they're right. Except they don't realize that they are not just their mind.
  11. Imprinting your desire on an atom

    Desire maybe = consciousness. It creates a purpose, goal, alignment. vs. chaos, getting drawn anywhere. Which is what i assume makes the atoms vibrate in a certain way in order to control or facilitate whatever draws your mind to things. When dropping that image entirely, maybe it means know that you can attain anything you want, and then drop it. Otherwise you will forget that you can attain anything else you want, with that same mentality. which is the opposite of what most people do. which is to create an identity off of the things they've accomplished. To know that you can do anything you want because it comes from a specific source, i believe is true God power. And therefore everything in reality is easy. But you need to prove and repeat that first. The last part seems to be talking about focus and consciousness. Or peak state. Where you are in complete alignment of what you want. In a recent podcast interview i watched, a scientist talked about how we may not be in control of anything that we do including our thoughts. It seems that the cell or atoms are already working with one another, killing weak ones, through evolution. All these small microscopic decisions may make up a macro decision which we believe we make. I may be totally off on this. But that's how it resonated with me.
  12. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Oh trust me, that's why i stay incognito, and i thought about wearing masks in order to spread information. I am scared of the very same things you mentioned. But idk there might be a better way This guy is a legend though. "this is SonoftheGawds, Lonemaanpaii dawt com". gotta love that intro
  13. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Haha it's all fun, i'm just joking. my intuition actually tells me to trust him, but my chicken brain says no. And i dont want that extra paranoia in my life to be honest, i think i am fairly similar to him. i agree with his viewpoints. someone please bring him here, i want to know more about his other cyborg life
  14. Did The Sun Come Up ?

    Maybe none of this is real, but should live in gratefulness as if it is real and can discover it in its entirety, instead of living this real/non real reality as if it doesn't exist? Sometimes i think damn is this all in my head? what if the person i'm trying to talk to isn't even real. since i may never know and it may never matter, it's just too depressing to even think that, for me. So i choose to believe these people are real. but idk crap tbh. To be honest though, this whole real non real comes from concepts i've learened, and therefore from my mind. My heart tells me this is real, even if it doesn't have to be real objectively speaking. but then what is 'objective' in reality . My heart and soul wants to experience reality. And maybe the physical things we experience aren't reality, but the feelings and inward experiences are.
  15. The Doomsday Scenario

    In regards to the black holes. It's not necessarily that those are the end of us. It's more like, they are comining timelines. And therefore poeple's consciousness is being affected into merging with their other self. If energies from another timeline want to do things here, who's to say they don't want to destroy what's here. at the end of Pet goat 2 video, pyramid on his forward head represents mt kailash or maybe shamballa. swastica symbol in reverse is the same as shamballa symbol. Germany and hitler were in talks with spiritual beings, and people from Tibet. Mt kailash, is shiva's mountain. there is a statue of shiva at cern headquarters. and back to pet goat 2 video. What the hell is going on...
  16. Who is Loneman Pai?

    i recently messaged Loneman about his recent youtube videos, and that i thought he was a trustworthy guy who didn't do himself justice with the masks he wears . to make it short, he basically said not to judge based off appearance. Has not changed my mind, because i can't get passed masks that look demonic. lol I get the feeling, he came back with a good heart, and intentions, but is incredibly confused because he was probably really evil in his past life . i may have been too.. Anyways, @Forwards Could you politely ask Loneman, if he could participate in this thread? I think it would both bring value to us and to him. "I guarantee it"
  17. Astral Projection (don't shoot)

    so i smoke marijuana. I have heard the precautions, so don't take me for not knowing anything. I want to say, that in my experience yes it has downfalls and it has upsides just like with anything. I am not going to stop, unless someone gives me something valid and through some experience. Otherwise, i'm not going to listen to tones of old ways of teaching saying "just dont". i respect myself and my opinions. so if anyone has anything to say, i am open to hearing. But fyi, will be trying this out on Marijuana, because i have purposely avoided it due to listening to others and fear. Also, i bet Shamballians, yes shamballians took marijuana. Nungali is this true? lol
  18. Astral Projection (don't shoot)

    I am doing quite well by myself for myself. But i want to experience that with others. and it seems difficult. anyways, i agree with a lot that you say. i just think that i've been trying to answer my question by known means, and it doesn't work. It's okay though, to each his own. Anyways, will have feedback soon on astral. I think i am unconsciously scared or something. I'm able to do a lot of things that i want, but yet i don't go all the way. whoa seems to be the story of my life. okay, let's see what happens with this.
  19. Shambhala

    Also, anyone want to go to China?
  20. Shambhala

    So this was an ancient empire, but you're saying that wasn't shamballa right? Please share more
  21. Astral Projection (don't shoot)

    it's what you said, that each person's experience is unique. Just like each person's purpose is unique. Though they could both have to do exactly with the idea of suffering, imperfection, finding that peace within in a disastrous world. I think things are just more complicated than they are simple. Idk if i agree with both new age, and old teachings. They both seem wrong to me. I honestly don't think it's that complicated. We just live a mind created complicated world. Though i guess one could argue, it is our task in the now to deal with this complicated world. or to liberate it, idk. I believe it'd be beautiful to be a conscious human, but let your unconscious live freely and experience things innocently. It can mature into something good and honest. The computer mind can learn to grow honest. both seem to have levels of development. and both are able to work in unison in reality. they just don't for a variety of complicated reasons that may not be any of our fault. It is strange to me, because i feel like i've worked on my inner world my whole life. I used to be left alone for long hours since i was like 5 years old. Probably not healthy, but it allowed me to develop weird things and understandings. I'm doing a lot of go with the flow meditation, and 1-2 hours of flying pheonix/day, etc. etc. but idk man, i believe outer world is just as important as inner. But you know what, i will give it to you in that maybe, i really just don't have a developed inner world.
  22. Astral Projection (don't shoot)

    I suck at learned niceness. I am so nice i almost don't know how to be 'nice' by others standard, and therefore i have to be fake in what i believe nice is. Ughghghghh it's a bit chaos with ideas nowadays. I just boost myself or my ego up by saying, they just aren't aware and don't know any better, it's okay. I find that that gives me hope in people. Otherwise if that's really how they are, hmmmmm idk. maybe it is better to wipe everything out. jk. idk what's right. Also, it becomes difficult with dealing with ones self esteem/ego. Sometimes like it tells me, "you, higher self want to be okay with all this shit that happens to you. okay, well i'm not going to fortify your mind then, and you're going to feel like crap from all the things that people do to you." Gotta respect the ego, it's a part of us. something i still struggle with.
  23. Astral Projection (don't shoot)

    Several people including myself mentioned pure hearts. Sometimes i think that pure heart has to do a lot with action as well and not only your spiritual side or your mind. Like part of what being pure also means doing things that people wouldn't do, simply out of curiosity acquiring skills you otherwise wouldn't if you were like everyone else. Some concrete examples of things that i did that only now i know how much it served me doing this energy stuff, is doing this like: - when leaving my house, throwing the gated door while analyzing the wind, so the door would close as if i did with my hands. so just right. - estimating what part of a youtube video i was in before it accidently closed and dragging the bar to the exact place where i was wathcing the video. this helps with 'feeling' time. Things like this i feel like give us understanding of using intuition. I'm scared that mother nature has no rules, and unfortunately wiping out is wiping out. that includes innocent people to. though many pure hearts and innocent people will probably have a warning in order to survive. just a hunch
  24. Astral Projection (don't shoot)

    Agree that the principles would make it a nice place to live. If it exists on some plain, something tells me they aint to happy with what we're doing here on earth. The fact that they're older than Buddhism. fascinating
  25. Astral Projection (don't shoot)

    Agreed, though it would surely be nice if there were a place to live by these ideas. I can and have always found it inside. Doesn't make living here any easier. If not, worse. Hmmmm. which part is being confused. Based on the definitions, inference seems to be with the mind, intuition seems related to the conscience or body. Intuition may be immediate knowing objectively in of itself. But the challenge seems more with taking inference out of the equation and seeing intuition for what it is. Or in other words, removing all the layers of bs that got us away from intuition in the first place.