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Everything posted by welkin

  1. Theory by Bruce Lee

    Here i just chose to read one part. Why don't i feel you ya'll reflect any of this: Therefore the sage puts his own person last, and yet it is found in the foremost place; he treats his person as if it were foreign to him, and yet that person is preserved. Is it not because he has no personal and private ends, that therefore such ends are realised? I'm going to read it all tongiht. And prove, just how fucking dumb your way of arguing is.
  2. Theory by Bruce Lee

    If you believe the ideas in all these texts are different. Then i will assure you, that you don't understand what any single one of them mean. If you believe these texts are meant to decipher with your logical mind, then i have nothing to say to you. If i have gotten to a level where i understand ideas or concepts. It is easy to identify whether what they say comes from true knowledge. So basically the point you're making is that, even if what a person says makes sense or is true. If they haven't read text, their ideas are false. So basically, you're telling me and everyone in here, that the only way you know if someone knows anything is if they learn information from reading. And if they don't, then they don't know anything. Thank you for your opinion.
  3. Theory by Bruce Lee

    So me stating i haven't read the tao is a point? Again, i'm asking you debate any of my points.
  4. Theory by Bruce Lee

    ' Yet you speak to no specific ideas or points i made. You debate and judge based off of "Judgement" alone. And you seem to imitate a dog who's attention was caught by a squirrel, aimlessly chasing and barking. How silly. Is there something specific you disagree with?
  5. Theory by Bruce Lee

    I believe that it is true, but only after one has developed the understanding of what is useful and what is not. That means that every time you believe you know what is useful and what is not. Test that theory by doing what you don't believe is useful, and see if it really wasn't. And yet, to prove it to yourself you would need to develop an honesty and integrity to truly know if something is useful. That can mean testing that same idea or concept, multiple times to really know. That can mean that it doesn't work now, but works later, because you didn't have the maturity to make it useful. All these things allows one to develop the subtle of the subtle intuition, feelings, understanding. all that are hard to come by. Because it's unique to yourself and your own journey within. The only way you'd be able to converse of it is if the other person is on a similar level of development or much higher. And even then, you still wouldn't know because it is very easy to imitate what one believes is conscious or enlightened. Only the true seekers and finders of the truth within, know if another has found the same. But don't look to find others with the same for now. Develop it first. What does this all mean? In a nutshell, you need to test. Testing is the #1 principle of life, in marketing, and undoubtedly this. The secret is testing with an honest heart. And then, you will know what is useful or a waste. Yet, at the end you realize, nothing was ever useful or a waste. It was as simple as required. So it's the right concept, but how to do it is the hard part. And you're talking about a 'natural', 'gifted', 'sage', a 'Dragon'. They already know all this instinctively and intuitively. Which is why make sure to pay attention to the first part and don't take shortcuts. Because the truth does exist. I'm not giving you some bullshit answer. What Bruce Lee said is true. But you need to be humble enough to understand that you may not know intuitively or instinctively these things yet. So you must test, just as him and every other human has done. In a smaller nutshell, It's true and not true. You would only when it is true or not true when you are able to understand many, most, or all the variables. I have not read the Tao, but the Tao is not in the words of a book or your mind, but in yourself. But i'm not saying don't read it
  6. Thank you for not being too lazy to prove of just how deceiving this lizard is. i preferred for people to search for obvious proof of his silly accusations. But now realize, why would they waste their time in looking into those things. Most people do believe this silly %3#%'s silly accusations. I now realize my laziness or choice to not spend time explaining why this fucking kid is lying as if i were parent, was what this lying snake was utilizing to counter every argument. If he writes more deceiving bullshit, let's just keep responding in the same light bringing manner.
  7. I can't even believe he called that rude. Like i don't care if he called you or anyone else that. Because i don't defend people or friends. I defend truth. But to claim that that was "rude", is like wtf? Your logic and spirit has either betrayed you, you must really believe everyone around is a fool to believe that, or your karmic build up for this lifetime is so low you can't tell an apple from an orange.
  8. I study books that go beyond the ideas of sumer and mesopotamia. In fact, i study from those who created those civilizations. Keep staying in 5,000 bc, believing you know anything. And you keep talking. since you think i have no powers of manifestation. In fact, i would say they are nearly impossible by the average fool which i witness in here. keep talking, you may find yourself without a home soon...
  9. No, thank you for your service means exactly what it means. Yet, you fail to understand words. i was thanking you for 'YOUR' personal service. You having to do something such as what you had to do. Not thanking you for serving like a pawn of someone else's games. Yet you insult the very respect i chose to show. and it seems that you believe that the bigger our armies the safer we are. unbelievable,. Clearly brainwashed and unknowning of what they're talking about. Have you heard of stealthbombers, jets, AI robots developing incredibly quickly. And. yet you want to grow your army. Something tells me someone stuck in a certain timeline.
  10. internal anger

    agreed. now balance is restored. based on what you're now saying
  11. Hard to judge when there's 15 people left in this forum, most with the same old perspectives. Oh well. Can't say i didn't predict this when i felt the energy of the forum back in May. I just can't believe it actually happened. Thoughts really do become things i guess.
  12. What a dead soul. too many daddy issues.
  13. Thanks for clarifying. Also, btw don't feel ganged up on either. I only respect and agree with much of what everything says, because i resonate and see the truths in his posts. you clearly don't. What do you think it means when he writes in a style that is kinda confusing, when he's proven yet and yet again he can write in a more understanding manner? Do you believe that the ancients at the time were some dumb creatures like us, knowing that we would get to this place in humanity, and they're just going to write in the epitome of 'logic' you believe us as humans have reached? What do you think that says about what you believe we are as humans vs. the potential of highly intelligent beings who live out there? #lightbulb
  14. Are you John A Gunderson? There's several books all related with that title. And each book has a different middle inital for John Gunderson. Are you all of them?
  15. Also, you just called the flying phoenix a fuck. Both Everything and I communicate with it. All you communicate with are the ashes that don't even belong to it
  16. i think he got what i was trying to tell him. No hate in this. He did a courageous thing for others, let let him be.
  17. This applies to everyone, including me. Which is why the goal is not to have followers, but followers of truth, which is held within themselves.
  18. Ya i haven't it. In fact i neglected both cultures i am a part of. In fact, i didn't travel the world. I didn't look for knowledge. I didn't look for power. All i wanted was a place where people care about eachother, through its true meaning, not what we've created today. Maybe, maybe, just maybe, that's why i'll see more, because you take pride in the very things that have built your identity as if it were ever your choice Congratulations on the work btw. hope it's helped people
  19. Why does laughing win. I don't understand. Is it because you are mocking what you don't know which then = you win? Since i happen to know your cultural background. All i can say is you turned your back. You have no idea how things are also related your culture.
  20. What is the shinto that i currently understand and believe. Did you not get my sarcasm? Shinto couldn't be further from the truth. And don't waste your time, there are keys you would need to find out the deeper truths. you don't have them, don't waste your time.
  21. Thank you for your service. I can't imagine what it is to serve during a time like that, nor would i want to. But if i had to i would. Which is why i am grateful for having had it "easier" if one wants to assume it was. However, the argument you're presenting is not going to hold up. Let's just drop it here. And i've been to that wall. Again, thank you for your service.
  22. Lol ok. Yes Yes the truths are in Shinto