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Posts posted by Abzu

  1. I will say this also. 


    the problem with having any ego at all is that It is nothing more than made up parameters you impose on yourself. 


    even the way in which you cultivate is affected by this. 


    if it is done by adherence to a structure you made up, then it will only fulfill that path. (i am this, i am not this. if you think like this, you will breath in this way also.) effective from my pov is the quickest and most powerful reorganization of internal information. 

  2. hm.


    pre-natal qi:


    I (as a definitive set of variables)


         > manifest I:a (a subset of myself) , through ___ (birth, transaction of life, conception), in _______ (environment) 

         > manifest I:b (a subset of myself) , through ___ (birth, transaction of life, conception), in _______ (environment) 

         > manifest I:c (a subset of myself) , through ___ (birth, transaction of life, conception), in _______ (environment) 





              ib-------------(  I   )





    post natal qi: 

           I:a (a subset of myself) After transaction of birth, in __________

                   >carry out functions in ___________


    we are at ( I )/pre natal qi, but we are reading this through Ia/post natal



    so when you're sitting down, running microcosmic orbit, if you're pushing the same breath up the spine, and down the front of the body, what is sitting inside the body, the prenatal, never gets touched. 


    this effectively would mean, I am acting as prenatal qi, watching postnatal qi push itself around in orbit. 


    so I can sit and not think, or ignore thoughts, or destroy thoughts, any of these 3, and continue to move the surface layer of energy up the back and down the front. 


    every time, these thoughts will stack in the order they are interpreted, showing their meaninglessness


    this refines the post natal qi, and also whatever the post natal qi drags into its sphere of attention, and refines this also by default 


    but in doing this, the prenatal qi, which is simply watching and even administering to the post natal qi, is untouched by this process. 


    so this process must only be valuable to the post natal qi, and amusing at best to the prenatal qi. 


    if however, I go inside, to the prenatal qi, I find it is always the same. it is never different than how it was before. it was only the post natal qi that changes. 


    so it is both as pointless for the post natal qi to spin and speed itself up, as it is for the post natal qi to return to the prenatal qi


    except - when the post natal qi is occupied in spinning itself in mco it creates more of itself


    and in the same way, when the post natal qi returns to the prenatal qi, it formats back to it, as it is stronger and better in all ways.


    so then, the solution must be to allow the post natal qi to dissipate entirely


    not hold or return to the pre natal qi, as this creates a loop, but allow it to move, so to be open from within and pouring out, so that it may spread through the self, and AROUND the post natal qi, and PRESS it back firmer around the core



    likewise, it is pointless to send the shen down the front of the head , and it Is much more effective to allow it to stay in the head. 

    you might say, if I allow the shen to stay in the head, how will I keep the head cool? 

    this is simple. if the shen is not moved from the head, the core will pull in enough of the excess to allow it to settle. 

    so it is not the shen that needs to be cleansed and sent down, as the shen is a copy of the core of the dantian.

    it is the excess that rose with the shen, that must be pulled back down and compiled. 


    the dantian is always the same dantian, so you do not need to send it back down. you need only deliver the dantian to the gate, and allow the lower dantian to pull in and regroup the fuel that brought it up ….


    running a continuous loop of cycling jing/chi/shen is going to consumer many resources and work slowly'

    jing(10)->chi(9)->shen(8) ;  

    jing(9)->chi(8)->shen(7) ;



    this is the implied mco ^^^^^^^^^








    this is energy efficient .^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ likely this will pull some shen down the back of the neck on the exhale. 


    this make sense to anyone? 


    in tandem with this, pausing the inhale and holding EVERYTHING in place seems to work wonders, 






  3. 34 minutes ago, GSmaster said:

    I am sorry, i have just read "eating while meditating".

    not the worst experience.


    actually, can be helpful in earthing to eat and tap into things you may have forgotten about 

  4. 8 minutes ago, lifeforce said:


    Well, it is a huge undertaking. Bill has hundreds of videos. I've lost track of the one's I've watched and the one's I haven't.

    I must get more organised lol.

    The historical events may not be true either. The characters mentioned in the Bible, ALL OF THEM, probably never existed.

    We've had a hatchet job done on us, spiritually and religiously. A massive conspiracy lasting 2000+ years.

    The perpetrators remain elusive. I don't think we'll ever know the truth. All we have is written words and our senses, and the good works of other intelligent skeptics to try and decipher them.

    i'd say this is very likely. this is why I mentioned the qi earlier. it's been set up as a streamline manipulation of qi utilizing people's subconscious. we're animals but most of the population is - not there, simply, and they are suffering for it. and spreading it around. we need more sun gods and less sun god worshippers. which is why breaking through these things is imperative.


    I garner they wanted us all to be "sticky"


    close but not too close,creates a sort of magnetic propulsion.


    the senses, they cannot fool. the nervous system knows. 


    instead of basking in the light of the tao, they want people pulling on the grass and the cloth.


    remove the hands from the cold, and they will return to the warmth. 

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  5. although I am finding much value in the teachings itself. treating his individual words with the same discernment you would treat any other master of the way. hidden in the subtlety


    this for example: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

    breaks the entire manipulated western lens, and would afford one their right to the way on their own terms, or it's own terms 


    and the conflation with "the father" and immortality. applied for a sense of urgency, but wholly unnecessary 

  6. 21 minutes ago, voidisyinyang said:

    Read "Christ in Egypt" by D.M. Murdock - an amazing tome on the true origins of Christianity. It's an academic analysis so a bit dry but I corresponded with the author several times. She was an independent scholar and died early - I suppose from all the stress of the brutal criticism she got. I criticized her a bit - but this topic of comparative religion is pretty intense. The book is free online but if can buy it - I think her family needs support as she left children behind.

    fantastic, and good find; thank you 

  7. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”

    jesus said


    1:i am - the way, the truth, and the life 


    2: no one comes to the father, except through me




    all things can be an idol, including English words 


    allegory is beautiful 




    there is a stark difference between following the way, and riding on the backs of idols 


  8. where is the ground?

    you are always on the ground, unless you are flying.

    would you ground to the plane?

    you do naturally 

    if you are already grounded, why ground twice?

    what else is there to ground to?


    there is grounding, in an electrical sense, and there is holding on to what you see as the ground

  9. 6 minutes ago, silent thunder said:

    release totally, unfolding in simple presence.

    true nature open...  spotless. unmarkable.

    clear.  open as the sky.


    sincerity of presence emanates.

    clarity and peace reveal.


    aware and present

    what else?



    Some time ago, all notions of external seeking and my previously nurtured rigidity of forms, expectations, assumptions and praxis began dissolving in presence and awareness and a turning inward.  Simplicity.  A growing awareness that what arises, arises naturally from tao.  You are this.  I struggled against this natural dissolving for some time, to no small upheaval and angst.  Thankfully energy for such resistance proved fallible and eventually fell away in exhaustion and acceptance of what is.


    Lately I simply dissolve in presence and simple being.  What bliss!  What is there to seek without that does not abide within?


    The following quote, when first shared by fellow bum @rene flowed through me like silent thunder;  I encountered it like recalling a deep-seeded memory from infancy, being held to the breast by Mother.  The words settling in familiar awareness, catalyzing and reinforcing the clarifying simple truths that had already begun revealing naturally, bringing another layer of understanding.  They ring with the familiarity of my own heartbeat.


    It is a quoted conversation between a taoist recluse, Tseng Lao-weng, and a buddhist seeker John Blofeld and is from the book The Secret and Sublime, which I highly recommend.  I saturate and release into its wisdom, settling again in simplicity and smile like a child whenever I recall it:  For me, it resonates through all of my being with the raw, unshakable truth of a candle in a dark room.



    you and i are as continuous with all life and the Tao as one wave is with the entire ocean.

    release into that which you are and know peace

    emanate your simple presence awareness


    what else is there?


    amazing quote 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Fa Xin said:


    I agree.  


    Life is the ultimate in cultivation - if we realize it.  Many people forsake their mundane life to meditate, yet the mundane life is the ultimate in potential spiritual lessons and progression.  It's also the hardest sometimes :) 



    to shield yourself from it through any lens is a waste of what is there

    • Like 1

  11. 13 hours ago, Lost in Translation said:


    What I'm hearing here is "my cultivation includes the discontinuation of cultivation." Was this what you meant to say? If so, I think this is a discussion topic worthy of discussion.



    30 minutes ago, Fa Xin said:

    How do we let go? The question of the ages.


    What were you doing before you were cultivating?  The answer may be simply "Living my life"

    the only good way to cultivate is to not

    this requires no effort



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  12. ive been focusing on dissolving ego. I can feel myself in layers.


    I got the golden light to manifest briefly recently, and as it appeared, I saw a holographic tunnel, which I have seen a few times.


    now, If I relax right, and relax all of my self into one, I can see with my eyes closed very quickly. sometimes on a screen. 


    before, I would get this black dot with my eyes closed. it has become an oval standing on its ends, which I am able to see through, and get a glimpse of something I cannot make out. very bright light is coming through it. 


    I am just wondering if there is procedure I should be following, or if I am mostly doing things right already. 

  13. 22 minutes ago, voidisyinyang said:

    So chapter six of the book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality explains how the Tao is experienced as the Yuan Qi - the "first half" of alchemy training. But then a person can "fall out of enlightenment" or "fall back into worldliness" - still there can be some stabilization where the "ancestral cavity" of the third eye is permanently opened. And so whether it is psychic (siddhis) or spiritual (yuan qi or shakti) depends on the intensity of the energy developed internally. So the yin qi does not have any substance and the yin qi is aligned with the yang shen via the left eye - and the heart.  So then even with the eyes open - there can be a Yuan Qi connection via the pineal gland but as psychic energy via the yin qi of the left brain intentions via the yang shen (the physical body). We create another yang shen via the "yin matter" that is superluminal and therefore golden matter - or virtual information as mass that turns back into yuan jing. So in this sense the pineal gland can be permanently opened but if a person just sees light internally that is still the "relative void" of the yin qi and yang qi. Only once the internal energy is built up and restored via purification does the yuan qi manifest again as the "absolute void" - seeing light externally. So once the pineal gland is permanently open - this is like a tiny taste of the yuan qi as the yuan qi emanates of the pineal gland via the heart. So then that tiny taste of Yuan Qi can be built upon fairly quickly to increase the body's yuan qi and yuan jing through further meditation.


    So it's a matter of what level of purification a person wants to maintain  - one of the other posters mentioned this recently. How as a "master" gets older then their abilities decrease. Actually this is based solely on how much healing they are doing and teaching - versus how much energy they are storing up inside their bodies via the Yuan Qi. So the Yang Shen manifesting STILL has some yin qi blockages within it and so the Yang Shen is then sucked back inside the body - and these "red light" (lower body) yin qi shen blockages are then purified via the Yuan Shen and Yuan Qi into yang qi blue light. So just as Gold is a relativistic quantum phenomenon - the golden light is from the Blue light as a spacetime shift of the future being absorbed.



    excellent information, thank you 

  14. 1 minute ago, thelerner said:

    For me, expensive or inexpensive, I don't think it ethically matters as long as the pricing is clear and the place isn't hustling true believers into buying up. 


    Course it helps if people get solid feedback and are moving in a positive direction. 

    yea that's what I'm getting at. it messed with me because I fell for the bait. then I thought it was hilarious afterwords. +1 tech to my toolbox regardless and lesson learned. 

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