Vincent B.

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Posts posted by Vincent B.

  1. On 6/23/2018 at 10:39 PM, NATURE BEEING said:

    I came into field of "spontaneous" "qigong" through practicing standing and sitting meditation.Since it started , like maybe 7 years ago i just stand or sit go into a certain meditative state and it starts by can be really intense and even a little overwhelming at some times but its like i always " get what i need ".

    Experienced some mystical experiences and altered states of mind that lasted also through the daytime.what i gained from it... nearly effortless power in daily activities, like walking, running, riding bycicle, doing my household,  lifting objects. Mentally and emotionally states of clearer perception and a deep peace, appreciation for everything. During practice i experience all kinds of daoist practice like, circle walking and running, xinyi and taiji like movements,  healing sounds, spontaneous mantras, drunken immortal like movements, hand seals, healing abilities ( in person and long distance ) .And yes as far as i understand neidan practice is also there :) . Maybe look into the personal discussion thread of my friend @Earl Grey  .He is into spontaneous 5 animals qigong.

    In my personal practice you can also find some youtube clips doing spontaneous qigong.


    inspiring :) I 'fell' into this after some time practicing standing... my body just moves and I try to let it happen, it's an eternal dance between not trying to amplify the movement because I somehow feel it's gonna bring release and not trying to prevent it even slightly because I'm afraid I'm gonna hurt myself and the more I zoom in the more I discover it's almost always the same thing at a different level, I can always let go a bit more and I'm the only one preventing further progress. The same patterns comes again and again until I can let go enough and then something else happens. Some things takes weeks some years. It's been a rough ride and the movements used to be really wild, nowadays it's a bit more gentle even if if it's painful, but I still feel like a perpetual beginner. I'm quite new here and mostly reading old posts, but I feel a bit less alone reading comments like yours.

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  2. Can I assume I will be able to invite myself to slack when I will have posted more than 15 messages? Right now when I enter my email it says there's no member with that address :)

  3. On 3/15/2017 at 11:40 PM, StormHealer said:

    Eliminate ejaculation all together, maybe once every 2 months is a good metric. You accomplish this by learning to sublimate sexual energy via internal methods. 


    Practice Karezza with your wife, it's a different kind of love-making which does not emphasize being hot and heavy (this will likely cure your desire for porn and wringing your noodle)....but a kind of cool heart centered connection, thus being aroused is not necessary. Cupid's Poisoned Arrow is a good book for this.  


    On a weekend your a 3 day water fast. It will be tiring and detoxing as shit but will kick the cold out of your system. 



    thanks for the book recommendation, it's very interesting

  4. I think you are right, I found nothing explicitly about Zhan Zhuang or ever mentioning it by name with a quick google search... If you are luckier please let me know, I'm always looking for more literature on the subject :)

  5. On 4/4/2015 at 6:11 AM, Yulaw said:

    Lam Kam Chuen has a lot of videos on YouTube you might be interested in. Also Dr Yang Jwing Ming has a book on Zhan Zhuang that you might be interested in


    I know this is an old post, but does anyone know which of Dr Yang Jwing Ming's books is about Zhan Zhuang?