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Everything posted by Zork

  1. Climate Change

    That doesn't disprove my point. It is like claiming that it is ok to use performance increasing drugs because everyone uses it.
  2. Climate Change

    Stop twisting words! Why does the US import bananas? Are they a staple in your diet? Did the first colonists there eat them? Did you ever consider for example that you export mainly processed food (ice cream, cereal etc.) Which is a major cause of global warming. Is ice cream and cereal needed for third world countries? If your technogy and methods are so superior in food production why do you have subsidies? You are full of fallacies!
  3. Climate Change

    What i feel is irrelevant. I am talking about facts. Not for feeding that's for sure. India has almost four times the population and uses less than half the resources to feed it's citizens. Food isn't a bland unit. It depends on what is the "food" you are talking about. Also if food production is so energy intensive there why does it produce more than it needs? Of all the countries you mentioned only china is overpopulated. The argument is false. Again all the countries you mentioned have declining population rates. False facts=false argument.
  4. Climate Change

    @windwalker You do realise that if we follow this faulty logic, the first people we should cull are the 300 millions who use 40% of the planet's resources? What sane people are trying to do is somehow mediate the situation to avoid this disaster. Climate change won't be the only problem, water wars, famine and disease resulting from cc will be far more important.
  5. Climate Change

    No. That is the point. I am concerned. Where do you get the facts from? We are past the tipping point. Even if carbon emissions from human activity stop dead in some magical way the methane emissions from the thawing of tundras will make up for it. Seriously? I told you, we are already past the tipping point and there is no such technology in sight.
  6. Climate Change

    Do you live in Siberia or the Northern areas of Canada? If not then your area belongs to the latter cases.... Yes climate changes anyway but that doesn't mean we are heading the correct way!
  7. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    I will not take the risk of reading his posts sorry. I am happy that you can find something useful in them. There is a very unwelcome energy that i can sense in his posts and this is what led him to the ignore list. I have nothing personal with the man. I wish him well.
  8. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    You actually read voidisyinyang's posts? He is one of the people i put on my ignore list from day one. It doesn't take an expert to understand that he is confused on matters of inner alchemy, cultivation or qigong in general. He might be a fine guy in real life but there is no reason to follow his teachings based on the projection of his personality on the internet. Yes this is a trick known by the alchemists in the Middle east since before the Dark ages. Still i personally consider Chang's abilities genuine but the videos could be faked. One doesn't necessarily preclude the other.
  9. LHBF somewhat deceased thread

    What really matters is that Daito-ryu incorporates elements of Aikijutsu techniques which are the forerunner of modern Aikido. In my humble opinion it is one of the most complete martial arts available in Japan and has been tested in war. It was mentioned deliberately by name as a possible external art with internal subtleties. One can argue about ninjutsu also but i consider it a rather controversial subject. There are also parallels there with chinese internal arts which i assume that Takamatsu incorporated after his travels in China and his interaction with Taoist monks there. If there is a good teacher available who has the knowledge of the internal subtleties and actual experience with Kuji-in then he could be a good option. Kuji in are derived from Mikkyo buddhists of Japan and they are not ninja specific despite what mainstream media has shown over the years. Actually locating a good teacher in the above arts? Well... it could prove quite the feat!
  10. These two systems are incompatible. You must choose one or the other. Since you have already invested in flying phoenix, stay with it. This thread is the personal thread of Terry Dunn in which he occasionally answers questions on flying phoenix.
  11. LHBF somewhat deceased thread

    I must point out to @rideforever that i do not wish to be confrontational in this matter. If you like to pursue Liuhebafa the way you do now with other arts (Dvds et cettera) be my guest and do so, but be warned that this way lies frustration, fakes and scam artists. Imho you are better suited for external arts. Don't underestimate the value of arts like daito ryu or any external kung fu style taught by a good teacher.
  12. LHBF somewhat deceased thread

    How do you know what is "real"? This is a serious question! Advanced practitioners will tell you that this world isn't really "real", whatever you make of this statement. That is a false analogy. If you are practicing on cooking your violin skills won't get better. So if you get better at fighting you will be just that. And in how many warzones have you been? There are many ways to fight. Gandhi was one hell of a fighter and he couldn't hit a sack. All this is contradictory to your own statement that you are not interested in the martial aspect of internal arts. I fail to see how your approach to learning has anything to do with Liuhebafa. The more you post here, the more i get the impression that you are more suited to an external art like jujitsu which has some internal aspects rather than an internal art which might take forever to make you into an efficient fighter.
  13. LHBF somewhat deceased thread

    Yes that is true sometimes but doesn't this also happen if you learn from dvds? I mean even if someone does have intention to teach you deeper aspects of the art how will he/she do that through a non interactive medium? If you don't need fighting ability why do you care if pushing hands is a "game" or not?
  14. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    He is a very controversial teacher you mean. There have been people in the past claiming to have been damaged by his techniques. You can find related posts by the search function. If the stories of people having been damaged by his system are true then his system must not be good and/or his teaching method is problematic. I do not have any first hand experience with his system, these are my observations as a neutral party.
  15. No idea. Each system has it's own concepts of ZZ. LKC's way suggests not visualising energy because it can cause qi deviations. I am not questioning Dr.Pang's system because i do not know details.
  16. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    I have asked ilovecoffee repeatedly in the past before he got banned the same question. He never answered.
  17. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Lonemanpai is a western magic system combined with some elements borrowed from eastern systems. It is a method developed by the guy in the pics. Long men pai is a purely taoist inner cultivation school. It is hundreds (thousands even?) of years old. We are completely off topic when mentioning the first here.
  18. Xiang Gong - Fragrant Qigong

    I can't reply for Victor by personally i got involved when i found the Level 1 pdf. You can start from there and some videos on youtube. The problem is that most videos show wrong forms so you will need to gradually figure out things on yourself or find a teacher in the process. PS if you do intend to start, there are a ton of warnings to heed regarding the timing before and after drinking/eating, practicing during storms etc.
  19. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    What does lonemanpai have to do with Long men pai? They are completely different systems with completely different philosophy. Jeezuz!
  20. Thanks for the answer. Keep in mind that tooth health can be a genetic blessing though. I have known people that rarely brush their teeth but still have excelent teeth.
  21. How do you manage to keep your teeth healthy? Not trying to critisize just curious.
  22. Frugivore (homosapiens natural state)

    I too follow this lifestyle type but also consume legumes and nuts in fair amounts. I have gluten intolerance and do not tolerate soy either. Who in his right mind would be vegan if he were in my place?
  23. Hello Everybody

    Fragrant level 2 is significantly stronger than zz. Nevertheless zz is very good (almost mandatory imho) as a foundation to energy work.
  24. Help on healing! :D

    @freeform Can you please elaborate on the LDT movements? I had some twitching of the lower abdomen i could not control after doing ZZ for 20 minutes but it never crossed my mind that the LDT could be somehow involved in the process.
  25. The third eye is more active after the sleeping states. Sometimes you might see things/beings that are not possible to notice when awake. Ayahuasca may or may not have played a part in that.