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Everything posted by Zork

  1. Continuation

    Can you please elaborate because i don't see the connection?
  2. Continuation

    I must also point out that there is zero animosity from us towards mo pai (there i said it!). I would love to have a chat with Chang while having drinks and he must be quite a guy. He just doesn't want to teach westerners like me. So what? His system, his choice of students.
  3. Continuation

    The difference between the two groups is that the first existed, the second is only in your imagination. The current situation is ok. You need to change your approach. Each and every one of you is like a clone. You talk the same and you react the same like a video on repeat. That behavior is not appreciated here. That is exactly the anethical part that we were talking about. You already have a reddit subreddit, a facebook page and a forum. Why do you need to recruit here?
  4. Continuation

    I didn't have the chance to comment on the above. The forum doesn't care about the "pie abundance" system. That is a fact. The horse has been beaten to death and there is nothing left to talk about anymore. What your group does is trying to use this forum as a recruitment platform. This is unethical to do without the consent of the owner! You are trying to present yourself as a martyr and your system as an embattled system from various other systems that try to prevent it from coming to the surface. This is not true! That is why you reacted to the lineage and transmission thread in the first place. You have no lineage and no transmission.
  5. Continuation

    It is funny because YOU are the one who keeps mentioning it. We don't care about "pie abundance". At least not from the "usual suspects".
  6. Continuation

    So? What does that even mean? Should we care about a "top western student" that did not have his training completed? Why do you try to divert all threads to talk about your system? Nobody cares about the art that must not be named!
  7. Continuation

    Exactly. That is what we are all trying to convey to mildmouse and he isn't getting it. Instructions by themselves don't mean anything without a teacher to interpret them. Same goes for recipes of michelen star restaurants. One could possibly find the recipe but one would need years just to come 90% close to the original if starting from scratch and with no guidance. It is like basketball or football. Given the same instructions on how to shoot the ball, results of students vary and each one requires a different handling from the coach.
  8. No you have no clue and you will remain so. You are off topic stay out of the thread.
  9. None of these applies to qigong or martial arts. You have no clue that is why! There is a person logging on this forum that has unlocked demonstratable abilities just through Zhan Zhuang from LKC book. Almost everyone else doesn't. All use the same instructions. As i already said you are wrong and you have no proof demonstrating your argument.
  10. @MildMouse23 Have you ever executed a recipe? Why doesn't a cake or even a more complicated recipe turn out the same every time despite following the same steps and instructions? You really have no clue do you?
  11. 100% misleading you mean. I already told you than unguided zhan zhuang practitioners that practice every day by the methods of Lam Kam Chuen's book have wildly varying results. So no! The argument is wrong. End of story! By the way, conventional strength training also disproves what you are saying. A good coach increases the results manyfold!
  12. This is half true. Without a way to interpret the info you are getting misinformed. We are talking about practical applications not theory of math. Plus sometimes info sometimes requires understanding from the student which may take years to achieve. Take Zhan Zhuang for example. In LKC book he dissects all the important info about standing. Even a small change in angle of a body part can have a detrimental effect on practice. How on earth is a newbie who practices diligently supposed to figure it out? Do you have any idea how many people stand incorrectly and make different mistakes while reading the same book? The info is correct, they practice diligently yet the results differ wildly. So my answer is no! Correct info and frequent practice are just parts of the puzzle.
  13. Mass shootings

    I read that this was the 249th incident this year. Is that true? How the f*ck do you manage to have so many shootings in a year? There are places in the world where there is a huge gun concentration(sometimes illegal) and no mass shootings of that type. It goes beyond gun control. Something is really wrong on your society in many levels.
  14. It is too early to tell. we might end our civilization before the AI threat manifests.
  15. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Hmm it would be fair to say that each country has it's own set of problems and i can't be asked to handle your problems on top of mine just because it might spread here. Christianity is a conservative religion but being synonymous with right wing politics is too much. Maybe you mean that it is easier to fish for votes from the christian pool than any other religious group.
  16. The Chinese Communist Revolution

    @sean What is your opinion on the Great Leap Forward then? Yes unfortunately you are correct. Chile is the most well known but there had been cases in eastern Europe also. The problem with all communist revolutions up to now is that they all failed to produce thriving societies. It isn't the chinese that did something differently though their very fast transition from communism to the capitalist extreme, still surprises me. It is fair to say though that as you mentioned, all these communist states were relentlessly attacked by the West.
  17. You still don't get it. In biological terms an organism tends to occupy the most of it's available habitat given ideal conditions. You are telling me that the conditions aren't ideal for some reason, ergo there is at least a resource deficiency of some kind (like no free time for example). I wouldn't go that far but the attack on the middle class is REAL. With the increased polarisation of the 21st century, the ones getting the most flak are the middle class moderates which are scorned by both ends of the Right-Left spectrum. The Left wants to get rid of them because they consider the middle class an obstacle to the toppling of capitalism and the Right wing wants to get rid of them to get their money to enforce their highly regimented and oppressive view of reality.
  18. No more right-wing bullshit.

    My problem isn't that they are running the US but their willingness to export their ideologies elsewhere. The world doesn't need saviors. At least not of this kind. Not true. If that is the case, whoever claims to be something or act in the name of someone is automatically telling the truth or has no other motives to act like that. We both know this isn't true at all. Organised religion? Sure. Religion in general? Depends.
  19. That is true but it requires a similar behaviour to humanity. There could also be cases of intelligent life that has no capability of creating tools thus advancing technology. Think of genius dolphins/marine life with no tools or fire due to physiology and the properties of their habitat.
  20. To those that are confused like @cheya and @Apech the sources of the problem are the same, you are looking at a different subset and think it is a different problem. It isn't! Lack of resources are the problem. The financial results that were feasible with one working member in the household are only done with two full time jobs nowadays. Essentially the people got poorer that means that they are getting a smaller portion of a limited resource.
  21. The Chinese Communist Revolution

    Communism under Mao is a weird ideology. Mao fought Chiang Kai-shek's socialist party despite both of them having the same mentor and the same goals (to get rid of foreign powers' influence on China.).
  22. No more right-wing bullshit.

    They aren't christian by any stretch. A right-wing cult could be more to the point. If these guys are running the US, you are in big trouble.
  23. And how does this has nothing to do with population density and the dwindling of resources?
  24. Because he has helped people with similar issues in the past. Your symptoms are very common with people experimenting* with kundalini or spontaneous systems like spontaneous five animals. *By experimenting i mean not having guidance or doing things on a whim by violating instructions.
  25. What you mention is called Carrying capacity in ecology. It could be more or it could be less than 9 Billion. The projections one of our professors did was at most 10 billion. Past that point you have famine, disease and infertility. Projections are all we have in this case as there is no way to properly estimate the carrying capacity of humans on the Earth, due to differences in human societies that have different ecological footprints. That is not only due to lifestyle but it is also based on geographical reasons. There is only one factor that increases carrying capacity but not indefinitely. Technology.