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Everything posted by rideforever

  1. Unfortunately this is not the case. In fact I have noticed Mooji and Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev still currently alive doing the same thing. They have been "teaching" for many years but they notice it doesn't work. Osho likewise died saying "I leave you my dream". Being realised and understanding your realisation to teach are 2 different things. Of course you can inspire and even transmit energy, but real explaining is for a select group of rare teachers. Additionally the Daoist path does not seek understanding through "conscious intelligence" like the Indian teachers. It seems geared towards energetic "understanding" or instinct. But .... people get realised every day on Earth. Most of them you will never hear about. The big flocks of seekers and teachers etc... give a silly view of what is really happening. It is available to you if you want it and are willing to pay the price. If so, then it is simple.
  2. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    Remembrance Returning There is no order, if everything is ordered. There are those who exit this order to reach a higher order. During the transition is disorder. Others wish to return to an old order that is no longer theirs. Growth is natural, as is risk taking, that is simply life. Acorns are cast out into hazard by the parent, and they must take their chances. Some live through praising "order", but they wish to prevent their own birth. What is it that is called order ? Yesterday's temporary harmony ? If you can call it order, you are already like the acorn, on the outward journey. Do you know it ? True order is the reconciliation of disorder during growth. Comfort and skill with the unknown. Carrying eternally the remembrance of the primal message. "Returning" is the returning of remembrance, whilst continuing.
  3. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    Perhaps this means that humans have the power to leave the yin-yang pattern and the whole thing is a description of the origin of free will. Which begs the question whether yin-yang also has left the Tao.
  4. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    If we assume that Yin-Yang are a kind of fundamental coupling that the entirety of "existence" is made from ... then the creation of this universe could be the percolation into a new plane of Yin-Yang. Yin-Yang exists in many cycles, some cycles larger and earlier than this universe. Perhaps there is one place where universes are made. Therefore the Yin-Yang of that realm precedes the Yin-Yang of this universe. We naturally borrow from the monkey's perspectives and think in terms of matter. But matter is a kind of solution to a problem in a certain realm. And the "physical" realm is a kind of place where questions are asked through material forms. However Laozi is trying to describe the origin of this universe so that we may learn based on that observation. It is also possible that in another part of existence there is something else based on other things and that creates different kinds of universes. Who knows. One of my earlier points was that the creation of the universe's energy structure does not seem to explain love and intelligence > what is their relationship to energy or to generation of worlds ? There are certainly many many things to explore.
  5. Mair 19:3

    God, I do hope we can evolve beyond this rubbish. "Concentrate ! Harder ! Pull Your Socks Up ! Don't Waver !" Is that really it ? Is that all you have got ? A sort of self-hatred fighting with everything ? Becoming coarse forceful and dumb ? Concentrate focus push force ! Otherwise you are dumb and fall in the water like a girl !!! Please, let us be a little more interested in living. Do I wish to catch cicadas ? Is that what I want ? If so gain the experience, see what needs doing, and do easily, happily. If I need more skill, more balance with a pole, then simply get experience. That part of the story is true. It's not about concentating like a M-F. It's simply that you really wished to do it, and you got experience. You trained and then you were able to. Easy. Knowing who you are, what you really wish, and doing what you wish .... this is a good way to stabilise your mind and be competent, to not be distracted. Of course the other way, the traditional is what ? Is fight, do things you hate, because somebody is goading you. Then ..... yes then .... you need to concentrate focus force pressure .... because you do everything that you don't want to do. Then you have kick yourself, smash yourself, ridicule yourself. Isn't it time mankind tried to do something it actually wanted to do ? We are so miserable, jumping through what we think other people want us to do. CONCENTRATE !!!! No. I am just me. When he says "focus your spirit", he means focus your will, but because it is ugly he disguise the words. He doesn't really know his spirit or who he is. When you are trying to force things .... you are in the background really thinking about how other people see you. You live only through whether people will like you or hate you. It is a slavery to the expectations of other idiots, it's a shame to live without knowing who you are and what you want : and that must be learnt through the courage to try and say what you wish, do what you want, and feel what you feel. It does not come instantly, and can be uncomfortable, but necessary.
  6. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    Jesus, some of this really gives me a headache. Especially that Kaballah stuff that has very pretty pictures and flowery words but does not lead to clarity of understanding. And if it is not clear it is not understanding. Kaballah diagrams have the words "knowledge" and "understanding" which seem to be quite different to the energetic construction of things. Taoism is energy focused hence the energy traditions associated with it. Man and woman has baby. 2 > 3. So far so easy. But why then talk of the 10,000 things, isn't that already indicated ? Laozi seems to want to spell it out using the extra step. None > One > Yin-Yang > Makes Babies > Lots of Stuff - there is quite a lot missing : intelligence and love. In fact you need both before you can begin. - this might only deal with the energetic generation of this unvierse - this form of manifestation might be a mirror (in this plane of existence) of something even more fundamental that exists beyond this universe, for instance is Yin-Yang really purushy pakariti, the asking-and-answering ? - what is the purpose of the creation of this universe ? Is there a plan ? - is yin-yang an engine designed to create a particular result after several billion years ? - does intelligence and love come from a different dimension ? How does it pop into this universe ? Is it before the "None" or after the 10,000 ? Or both ? Laozi's perspective seems rather simpler than all these things, and a bit "disinterested". His views are interesting but I would say are a poetic description of life rather than a practical guide. It's nice to sit back as an old man in the armchair and mull things over, but in fact being in the heart of active struggle of life you need a different kind of guide. It can be a bit indulgent. He is "returning", and so his writing is a journal written on his return journey. However many people are not "returning" and need different guidance. Also he was according to reports leaving the city in dismay, so in a certain way he had failed to harmonize existence where he stood, and gave up and walked out. So his views or efforts were not completed. Not to blame him. Some possible completions of our journey might be : - merge back with the engine at the centre of this universe - fulfill the purpose for which the universe was made, and get paid - exit the universe - any combination
  7. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    Some explain it as ....Heaven, Earth and Man. These don't seem to be correct, this is about the creation of the universe. Way gave birth to One > source of the universe. One gave birth to Two > fundamental polarity, yin-yang Two gave birth to Three > ? Three gave birth to 10,000 > all the myriad things here Cannot be Heaven, Earth, Man .... because Man does not precede the 10,000 things Cannot be Movement, Energy, Qi .... because One does not Move, Two moves, and Qi is Energy ... this is also a bit vague So I can only assume that Two gave birth to Three means simply that Yin-Yang creates. Tao gave birth tot the Source of the Universe Source manifested through a pair of fundamental alternating polarities YinYang YinYang is creative What was created was 10,000 things. ?
  8. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    Out of One, Two; Out of Two, Three; What is the the 3 that comes out of Yin-Yang ? Anyone know ?
  9. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    42 The Tao begot one. One begot two. Two begot three. And three begot the ten thousand things. The ten thousand things carry yin and embrace yang. They achieve harmony by combining these forces. Men hate to be "orphaned," "widowed," or "worthless," But this is how kings and lords describe themselves. For one gains by losing And loses by gaining. What others teach, I also teach; that is: "A violent man will die a violent death!" This will be the essence of my teaching.
  10. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 36

    Soft and weak overcome hard and strong. Do they ? The men who went to the Moon were not soft and weak. They had spirit and persistence. Things alternate. Yes, and then ? So what ? Are you saying it means something ? What do the seasons mean ? Is it just a show ? No. They are growing something. Yin-Yang is an engine at the centre of this universe to grow something. A nation's weapons must not be displayed. Well, following rules is for people who live without intelligence. True intelligence is flexible and takes account of many things. Taoism does not wish to go to the Moon, it wishes to yield back to the source of the yin-yang. An ultimate death. Some beings like the feeling of this direction of "growth".
  11. Reality vs. Unreality

    From the point of view of the individuated-soul-that-has-its-own-intelligence .... he might conclude that a concept does not correspond to how he experiences reality, nor how others report their experience of reality. That concept is "not real" meaning does not correspond to my reality. And that is all fine, and above board. However a second case is where you meet someone with "loosh" energy who emits an unpleasant energy whilst using concepts. Their concepts and reasoning smells bad and feels bad, because that person is being used by dark energy to spread that dark energy like a disease. Creating emotional tethers, negativity, hopelessness, division, hatred and so on. Their ideas are "not real" meaning something below board is happening when he uses concepts. Sometimes this happens when a person is trying to use their mind and has had little intellectual training. That person my try to take a position, or make big claims, and so on. And it's all reasonably innocent and a learning process. At school the correct use of the mind is replaced with hammering rubbish into people's heads, whilst telling the students what good little robots they are. This mixes emotional energy with the wrong use of the mind. The mass media has created in many people a very stinking type of reasoning, for instance often sexual energy is redirected into the mind, in order to make exciting thinking ... which internally is an extreme malfunction. Many people have tremendous mental chaos because of this re-routing of other energies into the mind. The result is mental trauma and fragmentation leading to splits of personality that often go completely unnoticed. A society suffering PTSD. And, people who are damaged tend to damage others, and they seek out vulnerable people and young people to find an easy place to make-themselves-feel-better-by-unloading-on-someone-else. Hence many groups in the world want to influence the young people, and talk proudly of it at the UN. Eventually society cannot agree on simple things, or determine their own gender, or whether they exist or not. The re-routing of sexual or emotional (or other) energies .... is a sugared pill to influence you to accept the wrong use of the mind into you, and the leeching of your energy. A pill you must refuse if you wish to continue to exist. Simple activities in the natural environment are very grounding for the mind. Values are often talking about today and I think it is strangely related. A good mind is that which can do, can reason, can accomplish practical tasks, can achieve goals, can create solutions, can help the being. The damaged minds in today's culture can not. Conservative values are based on pro-active and principled confident action, which is a hallmark of a good mind. Leftist values are based on a fearful view of life and are possibly the result of a damaged mind. A mind that is damaged cannot do things, cannot make things work, cannot comprehend what to do, therefore seeks the shelter of an imagined collective utopia that never seems to materialize. But what about the "love" aspect of the leftists ? Well, perhaps the unhappy conclusion is that the Hollywood love that is shoved in our face is really just more parasiting of the emotional or sexual energy, and is not love at all.
  12. Reality vs. Unreality

    Ordinary Ego vs Spiritual Ego I am not good enough. They are better than me. I will never measure up. I am not good enough. I don't ego. I never existed. I can't exist. Nobody exists.
  13. Reality vs. Unreality

    That is the problem. And the other problem is that it's true. I can see ! ... No you can't I am thinking in my head, I can do thinking ! .... No, you don't exist. I can shake my hips, look they shake ! ... No, it's arising dependently. I can fly a plane like the birds. ... No, it's the skandas. I can stuff my face with tacos ! ... No, you must crush your individuality.. I can compute quadratic equations ! ... No, I am not here and neither are you. I can groove like Little Richard ! ... Noooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!
  14. A Path of the Light (Practices)

    This is all overly complex and wordy, footnotes are not very inviting. Better to just give people a guided experience, and then some will stay and some will leave. After the "explanations" can begin, but hopefully not too much, it can be quite painful. Phrases like this are particularly un-useful : - it can't - you won't - it's not possible
  15. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 40

    The Tao cannot be just returning or it would die, it circulates. However from the perspective of a human it is returning that needs to be learnt. And what is not yielding ? Not yielding is the struggle that conscious beings experience in order to arise into individuality. The struggle is like the grit in the oyster. It is the means for individual arising. Individual in the sense of the whole having spawned individuated centres each given some light. The first manifestation of this endeavour is the false-self-beings who haven't quite got it. Which is a painful phase that needs to be overcome. Also, in the not-beings are creatures who no longer return to manifestation.
  16. I have done so. In fact I was pretty ill, in hospital with stomach ulceration about 2 years ago. Rushed out in the ambulance on Boxing Day. Thought I was dying never had pain in the middle of my organs. Terrible it was. Also I have broken my leg and other bones too so I know all about it, and got run over once, close to death, in hospital for 6 weeks. And yes the meditation makes the pain go away because it carries you to the inner plane beyond the body. When you return your perspective on what is occurring is very different and you suffer much less. If you can remain inside the inner plain then you don't suffer, that is salvation.
  17. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 41

    People imagine to make no effort will result in an easy life, but it leaves their lives in a painful chaos waiting for death. Such people delight in making chaos and pulling people into it, then they can forget their miseries for one more hour. It is far easier to walk the straight path and make the effort required. The alienness of real wisdom offers hope, only something different offers hope of something different.
  18. Reality vs. Unreality

    There is no such thing as not real or illusion or non existent. If someone says "time is not real", well it sounds very impressive but what does it actually mean ? It takes time to go to the bathroom; are you saying that you are not going to go to the bathroom any more ? Well of course you are. So your actions bear no relation to your mouth. Time is the degeneration of matter that we all witness. And you can explore it more as well. Don't stop there. Using the "not real"words just means you are not interested or perhaps you don't understand you can be interested. Often when somebody uses these expressions what it means is that they are experiences something deeper : something beyond time for instance. But they do not experience it very well, so can only talk about it in a negative way. If they experience it well they would say "I experience my soul that exists outside space-time". Also the relationship between conceptual intelligence and existence can be explored. For instance, if you have learnt a route up a mountain and memorised it (concept) then you walk up the mountain .... this is the right way to use your conceptual intelligence. Problem > Conceptual Solution > Action > Conclusion You might conclude that your concepts were not very good, and improve them. Therefore you learn and your intelligence grows. In this era concepts are often not used for action, people talk and talk like spraying sperm around. It is masturbation. It feels really good to talk, but then it does not really feel very good afterwards because you did nothing. In fact it is a serious leak of energy to be like this and it weakens your spirit. Masturbation is a kind of hopeless suicide. Two people might talk about "I Am That". One person in this deep state and his words carry on them the feeling of deep reality. Another is a donkey-parrot who repeats them from a book. And is like the empty pouring into the void, and it can be painful to hear the nothing. So : - be interested, investigate, enjoy learning, challenge yourself - problem > solution > action > conclusion - speak-real, of things you know and are - don't masturbate your thinking and bleed energy - take the risk to decide on something, take a stand, and make conclusions -(working conclusions,) and go from there - it is the only way to learn
  19. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 41

    Yeah, I also don't like it when people say "I feel spirit" or "that's not good for baby" (midwife expression).or "when Holy Spirit is present". It is really pathetic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_and_the_English_Language As for multiple translations, well maybe it's good sometimes, but it also distraction and lack of commitment and lack of taking a stand. I often see in Christian-type spiritual meetings when a passage is about to be read out, 90% of the people go get their bible so they can stick their eyes on the page rather than listening. And in other types of groups the teacher goes around and confiscates every book notepad or distraction to prevent people ruining their chance to listen. In the translations of TTC I also don't like : "The Superior Man" - vain "Scholar" - vain "Men of Service" - vain and martyry
  20. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 40

    40 Returning is the motion of the Tao. Yielding is the way of the Tao. The ten thousand things are born of being. Being is born of not being.
  21. And you equate this kind of statement with having no problems ? You seem quite ungrounded. But hey none of my business !
  22. 25“For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26“Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? 27“And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life? 28“And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, 29yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. 30“But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! 31“Do not worry then, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear for clothing?’ 32“For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. 34“So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. I am a meditator first and Christian second, but I find no fault in his beautiful words.
  23. Looking for something real

    Well if you want health and energy, then there are many qigong practices that you can do. Difficult to go wrong as long as you practice daily.
  24. From "The Greatest Story Ever Told" (1965). Jesus stands before Pilate. P : "You claim to be the son of God ... which one ? Mars, Hercules, Jupiter ? Which God are you the son of ?" J : "The Lord our God is one." P : "One, for all people ? For Romans as well ?" J : "All nations shall be gathered before him. He loves you no less than he loves others." P : "- Then why have I not known him ?" J : "You have not looked for him."
  25. I am asking you, you say Jesus never cared about you. Did you have some experience ?