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Everything posted by rideforever

  1. The Brexit Thread

    Apparently it's only advisory if the MPs debate any deal as per the 3rd vote, the Gov would be able to treat it as "advice". Not sure if it's good or bad, if May is up there then maybe it's good.
  2. What is spirituality

    You can align all you like, but until you merge you will not reach cessation.
  3. No More Mister Nice Guy, NMMNG

    What is the need to have a giant footnote under every post ? !
  4. No More Mister Nice Guy, NMMNG

    Daoism refers to impersonal existence, this books works on the personal, which in my case has some severe disharmonies that I would like to decondition because it will be much faster to work on both personal and impersonal levels. It is in my opinion incorrect approach (or low effectiveness approach) to just work on impersonal dimension, it's escape into spirituality without taking care of what is here now.
  5. No More Mister Nice Guy, NMMNG

    Bingo, and for some being taught to be Nice gives them a false understanding of the situation and leads them into a false life.
  6. No More Mister Nice Guy, NMMNG

    Wow, I am finding the lack of comprehension of what the book is about ... amusing !!!!
  7. No More Mister Nice Guy, NMMNG

    I see this book creates a great deal of imagination in people !!!! What can you do !?
  8. The Brexit Thread

    More to come, looks like the theatre is putting on late night performance in the HOC, anything could happen. Roll up Roll up
  9. Dark Night of the Soul

    Practice death, every night ... give up, let go, let go of everything. Letting go is matched with wakening up to something new inside. It can be terrifying of letting go ... into the unknown. Later when more into the unknown ... it is terrifying to find oneself again in the known (mind). Make a home in the unknown. No longer need to be loved by anyone. No longer need to be in the known. It is as painful as giving birth. Best to intersperse with some good comedies and if possible a sort of regularised outer life. Don't tell anyone just chop wood carry water, keep pretending everything is the same, and die every night secretly. That's the best way. If you derail your outer life then the pain is unnecessary, likewise if you don't watch Inspector Clousseau every night you will be suffering excessively. Like in the winter the Sun disappears for 3 days. Are you worried it won't come out again ? Perhaps the next second won't cone out again either. Who cares. You can only be ultimately what you are, so if you are, or if you are not .... it's a bit later now isn't it. Ah ha ha ha.
  10. The Brexit Thread

    Davis would never have come back with this deal. But hey. Things are progressing rapidly, at this rate everything will be decided in a week and I can go to Goa on holiday !
  11. The Brexit Thread

    Nah, it's only a document, no big deal. Can't expect anything less. Besides they wrapped up the matter in a few hours, everyone can move on. Although I must say last night I was finding great comfort in the fact that this life won't last forever !!!
  12. Beginner questions

    Someone who describes his erection, a child sitting on his lap, and the wish to indulge to the maximum possible extent ... is extremely untrustworthy and possibly quite ungrounded, imo.
  13. The Brexit Thread

    Once the legal advice comes out ... no way the "Deal" will go through, Gov will probably cancel the vote on Monday and the Sunday night televised. Then ... maybe May will go. Wow ... this is a great movie !!!!! Now the Gov is told to immediately publish the document .... which I guess Geoffrey Cox says somewhere in it that we may lose N.Ireland sovereignty in permanence and it be held against us during negotiations.
  14. The Brexit Thread

    Anyway I would be up for the UK Gov to form a new group of National Leaders esp from the South to campaign for EU resturing involving firing half the staff there and fixing all the economic problems and criminalising illegal migration. In other words .... Crazy Ivan.
  15. The Brexit Thread

    Here is a truth : if some of the British cab-drivers with their innate practical wisdom where to go to Brussels and run the place for a few months they could sort all the problems out, although a lot of Brussels might find themselves out of Champagne, and there would be magic trees everywhere. That's what the EU most needs is a British kick up the arse. Trump I believe is trying to help Britain, but May only knows how to play her violin cluelessly.
  16. The Brexit Thread

    Whats the new career ?
  17. The Brexit Thread

    Well I think the problem is simply Maastricht. The EU is the problem. imo the whole immigration thing, what is represents, is that the EU is trying to demonstrate that it is in control and it demonstrates this by inflicting something so ridiculous upon everybody. It's the only way it can show it is in control. And it is an abstract entity with no blood / family connection to European people it is simply ideology .... or the false self, and will necessarily destroy everything. It represents nobody except its own falseness. In truth Britain / Germany / France / Italy is a very well balanced "being", like a person with different aspects. And I am afraid the whole thing is being destroyed. imo the EU now is simply a frontend for the corporate carving up and plundering of the ancient wealth of Europe. But hey. Hold to the centre, trust the Tao, become a valley to all things, carve the line through the centre and watch it cleave apart ... there is nothing fixed in this world of change, there are always ways as long as we dont' become stagnant and demanding that which life cannot give us .... do what is required, take what is given, take that which is yours to be taken, and glide through, nobody what it is, be part of the flow of existence, now and forever more.
  18. The Brexit Thread

    I don't think so. If the pound falls then we can still trade competitively with the EU, only difference is a few forms. I think the EU (in my view) is not going to be healthy in the short term either. More interesting ... and you know these things are a lot about confidence ... is that the 2nd world is gentrifying and that's where the growth markets are, that's were we need to go. Plus reuniting with our natural anglo allies around the world not just trade-wise but culturally could be very good for many many reasons. But .... one has to learn to make it in any sea, and not live in a "lack" mindset ... ultimately God is in charge of this entire domain. I was watching Nicholas Von Hoogstraeton (UK millionaire) the other day and he doesn't wear fancy clothes, just bog standard. No more preening oneself with stupid luxuries, and get busy were the doors are open. Then the UK can be the valley of the universe open to all rather than fortress Brussels. Plus changes to the money supply - if the city does something with cryptocurrency- and let's not forget we've got Harry Potter and the Premier League on our side. So that's my vote. But if we go back into the EU and the country is filled with people then my property value is going to go up, so ... whatever. I meditate every day and practice the death of the body, so I have no illusions. The 10,000 will continue vomiting over this world ... but there are so few people here who are interested in the Source that they are relatively well looked after, probably by the Source. And you can also take the view that life is simply learning through it's disastrous mistakes, forgive everyone, and just learn the next lesson and every lesson before the eyes shut for the last time. Plus the world will look very different in David Davis is sitting in that chair, he oozes charm and confidence.
  19. What is spirituality

    Energy work is not necessarily spiritual. Many energies are produced by the Source which cascade out into Creation, and there are many fables of people who glamoured up their old haggy faces with magic energies. That's not much spiritual. What is born will die, and spirituality is about returning to the uncarved block, to the unborn, which means returning to the Source itself not indulging in energies that flowed out of. Qigongs are of two types, those that are magic power flowing out, and those that teach you merging with the Source ... which is the only gong to be skilled in.
  20. The Brexit Thread

    Some good news, I ... think. Seems UK can unilaterally revoke Article 50, which is much better than if the EU was involved in that then we would be between a rock and a hard place ... it strengthens our hand and always good to have a plan Z. Other good thing is that everyone seems to have cottoned on to N.Ireland being under permanent EU jurisdiction under the proposed deal, which I am happy about .... clarity is always good. It's also quite sunny today !!! As for Germany ! Well Brits seem much closer to the Germans in certain ways then to the French for instance, shame they never got it together imo.
  21. Generation WuXing

    Was thinking again about the last 100 years and what the generations really represent : 1940s : Generation Sorrow and Regret > Metal 1950s : Generation Normal > Wood (Building) 1960s : Generation Kissie Kissie (female side imabalance) > Fire 1970s : Generation Anger (male side imablance) > Spring 1980s : Generation Orgasm > Fire 1990s : Generation Post Coital Smoke > Earth 2000s : Generation Wither > Metal 2010s : Generation Collective Android > Earth That's a guess for the elements, it seems that the Generative Cycle sometimes seems to follow, sometimes is interrupted
  22. The Brexit Thread

    I would prefer Germany building an empire than Bureaucrats. Germany has many good qualities, although sense of humour is lacking.
  23. Chi - how does it feel?

    I do the Michael Winn ones. It's not just the movements you see ... for instance that blue picture I put up there, if you open it full screen and feel the scene, feel that feeling of the blue/black, the coolness of the water, feel the freshness of it and then breathe it up into K1 and then up your body until the whole body is blue/black with cool fresh water chi. Then you feel the sensual resh spring like nature of it. MW teaches very nicely. So if you do this youtube video I don't think you will get that. MW teaches that it is not necessary to do many movements - traditionally they did 5 for each animal, so 25 in all. But ... if you feel the elemental force, then you develop the skill of it. Feel the force. You see. So MW when he does the animals, at the end of each one he connects the universal fire element, to the dantien, and then to the internal fire element heart / small intestine. Joining micro to macro cosm. Then as you move through life, you start to feel the elements in your day ... you might feel that my arguments with this person stem from a weak fire chi ... you feel it instinctively, and then you know how to change the chi ... you know what comes next, eventually it becomes instinctively automatic and the skill has been learnt and the dantien starts balancing the forces automatically. afaik
  24. Chi - how does it feel?

    What does Chi feel like ? Okay, I do 5 Animals, Lung, Kidney, Liver, Heart, Spleen (Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer, Earth) .... and 10 seconds after I begin I feel this coursing feeling flowing through my body particularly in the area of the relative meridiens. Coursing like a young forceful river. If a blockage is broken open one day it feels a bit like a bubbling fart, until it starts flowing then is not so noticeable. Then the Water Chi is very beautiful and feels like midnight blue dusk, which is a sensuous and cool feeling, a bit like James Bond's energy. Everything is possible because the flow of youth is flowing in you. Summer Chi (Fire) is wide and expansive and joyous, like the sun and the red crane soaring higher and wider. Then the Wood chi I know well it is growing doing pushing mighty and a bit mysterious. And so on. Some images of what chi feels like inside, Water, Fire, Earth
  25. The Brexit Thread

    J*******zus. What is it with fluorescent yellow jackets ? Is everybody a total coward, afraid of a mouse. Don't they know that people walked to the South bloody Pole, swam the channel, went to the Mariana Trench, went up in goddam space. You want safety gear to .... go for a walk. J******zus C**************** This is degenerattion. I even see these little groups of toddler taken to the park wearing this junk, like life is terrifying. My god, how much can you destroy people's lives before they even have a chance. We need Duterte. Or maybe I should live in PI.