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Everything posted by rideforever

  1. The Brexit Thread

    TM meets Laozi on the path to Strassbourg : TM : Oh Laozi, my knickers are in a twist, what can I do ? (raises hands dramatically) LZ : Sometimes things are ahead and sometimes they are behind; Sometimes breathing is hard, sometimes it comes easily; Sometimes there is strength and sometimes weakness; Sometimes one is up and sometimes down. Therefore the sage avoids having knickers in a twist, leather-print pumps, and the 1922 Committee.
  2. Neidan ( all experiences and opinions wanted)

    I can say point blank that Zhan Zhuang is massively and quickly beneficial for the health and awakening of dantien and may lead to immortality on its own. Teachers like Nisargadatta can help you awaken your consciousness realatively quickly without any energy work, depends on where you are. Sitting meditation, breath awareness meditation is enough and good to do every day. Yes, did you see something you like ? It is good to begin and work steadily with a teacher or tradition, and just take real steps forwards, then you can orientate yourself and reconsider what you want out of it. Living well .... consists of many things and life is big. Keeping in good shape, restricting negative culture, learning about eating healthily and so on. Anyway, the true way is to merge more and more with yourself and bring yourself to fruition, so in that sense mega energy development seems quite insincere. It is very good to know sincere people and listen to them, it has a profound effect on you. Personally I like the animal movements of 5 Animals and Dayan Wild Goose, I like to be like nature and flow with the seasons then I feel I am becoming more like TTC talks about. The real great treasure is to know who you are and come out of the coma of trying to be someone else and following instructions all the time. Real teachers touch you, and help you feel yourself, and are happy with themselves as they are.
  3. The Brexit Thread

    Oh who gives a f
  4. I don't think this is practical. What is the point of retaining qi if you do nothing with it ? It's not in balance.
  5. How Not To Be Negative

    I do feel quite insane sometimes battling with my mind, it's much better in person then I find I can have quite nice time ... as long as people don't start being serious then the mind starts again. That's why I watch Carry On movies and Inspector Clusseau, it's no mind. I was thinking that if you are going to make any judgements about anyone, make them positive, just totally change that and sing people's praises. And any negative judgements should be consciously corrected, it's like speaking to the corruption subconscious animal who is fearful, must always correct with conscious understanding not let run wild. And emotionally maybe this is all shadow, and on the other side there is enthusiasm and engagement. But in the final analysis one has to come to live in emptiness because why does the mind talk anyway. If it talks there is trouble. Anyway, I appreciated this yesterday:
  6. Chen Tai Chi : How To Learn

    Look, the thing you remember is not the physical corrections it is the inner energy, that is memorable, alright. And if you are a student then that is what you look for because that is real, the energy is you. And any teacher worth standing next to knows all the bs games, but the fact is many teachers are just useless - not useless at taichi, just plain not getting the path. The path is about sensitivity so that you can do it yourself, most of tai chi is about merging with the source through the dantien, hence the traditional training methods of standing and breathing which I am prioritising. It's far more important to feel and learn to trust your inner feeling .... at least you leave this life with something concrete. That is why I started the thread looking for the linking movements, because that's where the money is at, that's where you link the inner feeling with moving. Anyway it was only by having explosive confrontations with innumerable teachers of anything and everything that I did in my life find some of the finest teachers on this planet, past and present. Forgive me, I made a lot of mess.
  7. Chen Tai Chi : How To Learn

    Maybe you are not suited to the arts and are just suited to the theatre. There is no way in hell you will remember all the zillion corrections teachers do, that is just a joke. You either feel it inside. And let's not forget that for many teachers the first thing they do is slag off everyone and everything you have ever done, and due to their inability to explain anything at all ... they just prod and push your alignments. Same happens in yoga. Creates large income stream of students who are unable to do anything themselves. Of very low sincerity, and high dependence. I ... appreciate your adherence to tradition and it's good in many ways, but as you can see my perspective is now quite tangential to that, nevertheless I thank you for your attention on this thread.
  8. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 29

    29 Do you think you can take over the universe and improve it? I do not believe it can be done. The universe is sacred. You cannot improve it. If you try to change it, you will ruin it. If you try to hold it, you will lose it. So sometimes things are ahead and sometimes they are behind; Sometimes breathing is hard, sometimes it comes easily; Sometimes there is strength and sometimes weakness; Sometimes one is up and sometimes down. Therefore the sage avoids extremes, excesses, and complacency. Gia Fu Feng
  9. 19 year old interested in improving vitality and brain health.

    Intelligence is not really about having more processing power in the brain. Real intelligence means that you yourself know who you are and what you want ... and then you can do it. To be able to do things, start projects, study well, learn well, be self-actualizing, having good relationships, working with people, struggling against difficulties .... these things are not so much about having a massive brain .... and these things are what counts. Everything of value is learnt gradually through many small concrete lessons with good teachers. You already have enough intelligence, but do you know what you know ... and do you know who you are. It's also good to have a variety of experiences, and to have experiences that are difficult.
  10. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Fear is the only darkness ....
  11. Unlocking the Secrets of the Wounded Psyche

    I think it's critical that you understand that a box that has been emptied of junk is not therefore full of light, and before you know it the junk is back in the box. And also that you can't wash with dirty water. It's really critical you understand this. Mostly people doing such practices are more like learning basic things about themselves and orientation withing themselves but nothing more. Light is not of this world but held within beings who have invoked it on their journey. It is an energetic transmission of purity from outside of this universe. Okay many big words but just to explain ... it is of much higher frequency and self-recognition than the stuff ot this universe. This is why spending time in Holy Company is essential then you just feel it in the teacher, later you feel it in you because you start vibrating at that frequency and then you cultivate that part of you that has become active. It is also possible to receive transmission from books or photos of teachers and so on ... as long as you have at least a little bit active inside you. You have to be ready and mature in your life as well otherwise you won't really try, surrender, or open. You can for instance look at a picture of Ramana Maharshi or Ramakrishna and feel their Light and pull it inside you, or vibrate with the picture and so on. The halo is the higher being body that is vibrating at much higher level, therefore it is a map. Same thing happens in the Dantien if that is your route, when listening to TTC try to feel the state Laozi must have been in when writing such things, feel the state itself of the valley, in the belly. And one has to recognise the awakened identity either in Consciousness (in the head) or if you are taoist then in the belly, hence talk of the of the little man in the belly .... but just feel that when breathing from the belly, sit with it and feel that "I" am down there, like you are looking at the world from the belly. So with respect to Jung, I don't mind what he is doing ... but they don't really know what they are doing ... that's why they drift into poetry at the end. Where spirituality is using much more accurate techniques to awaken and truly the spiritual understanding of what is inside is vastly greater than psychology. But psychology represents an attempt to awaken the human being so it is in a way advanced, but when it drifts into dream analysis and so on ... it's just churning rubbish. The value of psychology is to be a conscious person, who is conscious in his life, present, clear in the mind and so on, the awakening of the person. Probably they drift into dreams stuff because they wish to also work on the subconscious, and they don't know how better to do it. It's not bad just very expensive an time consuming and impractical for many people. Sorry slightly ranty, a lot of different things here.
  12. Chen Tai Chi : How To Learn

    I consider it critical to have intermediary movements, like silk reeling. In the Yang style I have been taught some stepping methods which are excellent ... so much so I wonder if I should learn the Yang style, perhaps they have a large number of these intermediary exercises. I have not seen such things in the Chen, save for the Silk Reeling. ???? I think it's useless to try and learn from the main forms, because there is not enough repetition. Same thing in kickboxing, learning combinations of greater and greater complexity. The intermediary exercises are really where the money is at, the final forms is more like an end of term performance imo. Also w.r.t Silk Reeling, I learnt a huge amount from Mike Sigman .... which does not seem to be normally taught, which I find really worrying actually. Most Silk Reeling teaching (on youtube) and there is a lot, does not really teach what it is about internally; that does not give me confidence in most teaching traditional or modern. And I personally vomit every time I hear teachers doing the over-correcting alignment business. You cannot learn through "alignment" - that is like programming yourself to being a bloody robot. What's the point. You need to feel it ... feel the energy ... feel the flow ... feel the meaning ... feel the dantien ... feel the spirit ... behind that move. And you might as well start doing that at the beginning ... or you are just training robotness and it will not work. If you know the feeling and meaning behind the movement then you can do it with very little "alignment" training, because you know what you are trying to do. Anyway, I think I've gotta get real, I am not going to become expert in Chen tai chi. I like to learn but my horizon is limited, I like to keep really fit and like to find a nice way to do it, and maybe learn something. Also often I am indoors so don't have much space in the winter. Normal exercise is quite boring. Qigong does not keep you fit and I don't want to deteriorate in condition. Kickboxing is a bit violent and not so much into it these days. Wafty taichi is meaningless. Not sure if there is something else I could try.
  13. Unlocking the Secrets of the Wounded Psyche

    I mentioned Solar Plexus not LDT. The lack of accurate information amongst humans is quite astounding. Anyway LDT is belly button downwards area, SP is were the ribcage parts down to the belly button roughly and is a neural centre representing the mind of the subconscious animal. If you look closely at various asian and oriental diagrams regarding these things you will see they position these points all over the place. Although there are many things you can do with these area w.r.t. "power", the most important function of these areas is identity and thus one should locate the centres of identity assuming that your intent is spiritual. This is very unhealthy approach. How much time will you spend in the sewer before you realise .... you are in the sewer. This is the problem with "purification", because how can you clean the darkness whilst in the darkness ? Even if you removed all the darkness from a box, does not mean there is any light in there. This is why humans go round and round in circles. Then people talk sadly about lifetimes on the path. The Light itself is the purification agent, what one needs to do is find a source of light and pour it into themselves. Then you don't need to clean anything at all. The Light simply takes up all the room. This is the correct way. This way you can be enlightened within a few months or years.
  14. Unlocking the Secrets of the Wounded Psyche

    It was integrative. Problem is humans really don't understand themselves very well. For instance problem with subconscious mind is lack of embodiment of solar plexus which is centre of subconscious mind ... but few people know that. Anyway therapy ... all these different types ... it's all BS ... the stats show it doesn't really matter which type you try all same result because you are just talking to nice person basically and then healing happens. But the therapists have develop "types" in order to charge big money for it. It's okay, but also it's not okay. These days there are Meetup groups were pair of people can self-therapy listening to each other. Plus must remember many therapists in poor state ... once I went for 1st session with woman therapists, I moved my chair a little closer to her (was 3metres) and she has shock response, she didn't say anything for half hour whilst recovering. And she is therapist !!!! And then there is CBT ... i.e fast therapy which costs less. It points to using the conscious mind to control the entire system but such things are not really possible for most people so ends up being a way to fake yourself and get rid of people. On NHS you get 10 hours CBT, if not work then pills and patient cal foff. If you pay a lot of money you can find "good" therapist but is very expensive and result is uncertain. Anyway, problem with not seeing therapist and doing stuff in bedroom is .... that that is also unnatural. Isolated society is not good for people hence mental health crisis.
  15. Anger as Power

    Yes moralising about anger is same as moralising about compassion or anything else .... it becomes a black/white issue with no intelligence. Anger is about action, seeing a need and acting on it ... so do that ... act. And w.r.t wuxing anger transforms to caring ... meaning moving towards people and helping them. If you are angry at the world it might indicate a stage of spiritual development requiring you to let go of old ideas and become more awakened. So it indicates something active needs to be done and is not being done .... so move. If it becomes a smoking dark anger it is poisonous and then difficult to deal with, and might want to hide it. But this is not good, must find way to act / transmute. There are many opportunities to be angry in this society. Anger is very unhealthy if left on its own.
  16. Does anyone have any hip flexor exercises?

    Pilates is extremely good for lower back problems. My brother who carries heavy loads for a living (scuba) had taken some time off with several issues, but pilates saved his career. Unless your problem is stress / tension type problems and you are in hot shape ??
  17. Has the War for Freedom Started?

    War from Freedom ! You are always looking to start some argy bargy.
  18. On the nature of creation - Ramana Maharshi

    This is very true, however on the other side many wish to never use their intelligence and become dumb smiling awakened people. What we call the mind is in fact part of the system of intelligence we have that is very powerful and difficult to train or wield, so it's an unpleasant and difficult journey. Maybe one can take the view that a beheaded form of awakening is appropriate for this planet and perhaps next time you are born somewhere where their spiritual schools are more efficient.
  19. On the nature of creation - Ramana Maharshi

    Another thing is that on this planet it seems that unintelligent people are in charge of spirituality. Intelligent people are normally working or perhaps they find it easier to understand who they are, and don't need spirituality. Quite interesting because the plethora of spiritual paths might indicate real stupidity and that more integrated species have no need of plumbing the depths of various deep states, because they simply understand who they are ... and it's only on particularly disturbed planets that such deep paths are investigated. Anyway, the intelligence of paths is often quite low, though without any alternatives ... what choice do you have. Ha !
  20. No More Mister Nice Guy, NMMNG

    A core problem I can see is not trusting yourself. "Why are you doing that ?" .... "Because i want to, f**k off". How many industries are run on the basis of telling people to stop and do it this way or that way. It's ridiculous how many people want a piece of you. And how many industries ... a large part of their work is to teach people to question themselves so that they will come running to buy products or services ... the more fear and anxiety they can drive into people the more cash they get. And then you start questioning yourself. Which eventually drives you completely insane ... after all if you don't own yourself ... how can you be sane ? Maybe this is the main problem, not sure. FThat.
  21. Chen Tai Chi : How To Learn

    My understanding is that Chen teaches Wuji and Silk Reeling for the first 2 years or so, along with other intermediary exercises which I don't know but have seen reference to. I learnt the Liuhebafa form this year, but how can I connect Wuji to it ... or will I end up being an idiot in the park ? Well I am connect it, my own way. I did learn the beginning of laojia from Ken Gullettes DVD but it didn't mean that much to me so I stopped then I started silk reeling and internal integration which did mean a lot to me and did some good work, then added Wuji. Probably if I continue the Dantien to finger stuff will just start happening.
  22. Unlocking the Secrets of the Wounded Psyche

    Really nice article very long full of long sentences big problem description at the beginning and at the end poetry. Hmm. Well looks like it's gonna be expensive to pay these phDs lotsa cash so they can work with me. Anyway I personally spent 8 years and don't know how much money on therapy didn't really help me. Which I don't want to be too critical about humans are complex and difficult. But I don't find such really long articles very encouraging. T.R.E I find encouraging. Vipassana I find encouraging. But much of medicine these days (and qigong in some places) consists of creating an income stream for the therapist .... and even better if it doesn't work its the clients fault. So ... hell of a place to come.