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Everything posted by rideforever

  1. How Not To Be Negative

    This is correct, the wise one's don't embody their so-called identity, the false self. They breathe themselves into the Now and so return to wholeness. And this creates the first sense of peace, and it can be quite arduous to get here, and then there can be many years where nothing else much changes and this peace finds restfulness. Later they realise that they are actually not the whole of the wholeness, they are one part of the wholeness, or a soul. They actually still exist and have a unique perspective and a unique intelligence, that is also whole. Noticing this they change their internal approach and embody their true identity which is their part of the wholeness, which is also known as the soul. To give it a picture it is called coming back down the mountain and being indistinguishable from the ordinary people, except on the inside everything has changed, instead of living in the false identity the true identity has finally been discovered and one can now live as the true person. Another picture is that once you discover the Father (source) then you discover the Son (soul). And this explains why existence bothered to put us on this planet, it is precisely to take and complete this multi-step journey.
  2. Yangzhu

    Really like what I've read, something like : in daily life be competent, fix one's own roof first. Underneath the differing views of ideas like : selfless, thinking of others, self-love and so on .... seems to be a lack of understanding of the difference between false self that is lost in ancient habits normally forced upon a person in childhood - who "thinks" about others (actually worries fears and prides) .... and the true self who has separated from those old social habits to discover his real essence and who takes care of himself first, loves his own life first, and then expands to take care of others with his competence and natural connection to everything. This human journey seem to be not well understood. Much of political discourse for instance is tension about how selfish / selfless one should be. But what is not understood is the journey from the false to the real.
  3. Chen Tai Chi : How To Learn

    Perhaps somebody with experience could let me know what they think of this. The reason I like it is because it s more hard version. Thanks. https://masterwongsystem.com/collections/health-products/products/tai-chi-chen-style?contact_posted=true#contact_form
  4. How Not To Be Negative

    Hello Everything. some very interesting and important ideas there and you talk very well about many things. One of things that I notice about your writing is that you don't seem to embody your identity clearly. If you meditate with traditional techniques on certain regions of the body, then you awaken a strong and embodied (owned) identity. Personally I try to bring about your kind of vision for existing, but then also do focused identity-recognition-embodiment meditation in a traditional style. Which brings into life things not otherwise seen. I have learnt during the course of my life to do everything because it is only then that you can know the value of different approaches and take everything that is available.
  5. Sitting meditation not comfortable

    Being uncomfortable is not only bad for the body but shows you have completely the wrong attitude. You can't settle into the truth of what you are whilst at the same time forcing yourself to sit painfully !!!
  6. How Not To Be Negative

    It is not the same, observer might have space form the judgement of the world but it does not necessarily feel its own being nor does it abide in itself. So although it is better than being lost in the world, it is not really at peace nor know itself at rest. In emptiness one does not have to observe anything to be full whole and peace.
  7. Taoist meditation

    What I mean is that you seem therefore to have a real presence (part of Real Self) that is outside of the subconscious habitual thinking in the head. For many people all they have is the subconscious habitual thinking in the head, nothing else. This is the "mind". But other people use the word mind to mean other things, like entire inner experience of oneself, or of "consciousness". What is conscious or subconscious thinking ? Sometimes you actively think, you feel yourself to be active and choosing what you think .... for instance taking care with tax return. But other times there is endless talking in head, then you catch yourself and tell yourself to shut up ... this is subconscious. And grey areas between Subconsious thinking is habitually programmed with negativity of society. But also is negative in itself because one should not let one's faculties function without being present. The thinking that happens is actually also a bridge between conscious and subconscious parts inside. subconscious is old animal part, very habitual, ancient and reliable. Conscious part is new, ungrounded but is the future. Anyway, one way to make this work nicely is you listen out for negative thinking, then you stand up inside the mind consciously and you gently and kindly correct the negative vision, think carefully about the situation and tell the truth. So if you are moaning or complaining, you stand inside the mind (meaning you become active) and correct negative view and tell the honest truth with compassion. This way you use conscious mind to correct subconscious habitual negativity, and form strong bond between subconscious animal and higher mind. This is essential what is done in such practices like "The Work" of Byron Katie - don't really like her but just to explain. Slowly over time all becomes harmonized clear and true in head, so no bad behaviour, just clarity and truth and depth like a clear lake reflecting the moon n a clearing in the deep forest under the stars. .
  8. Taoist meditation

    Then you must already have some presence developed in forehead beyond the mind.
  9. Taoist meditation

    This is actually true in a sense. Thinking is primary it is the primary recognition and intelligence of the entire being and has priority over everything, without thinking then nothing else can be recognized, no dantien or heart can exist without thinking. So all true. But ... with further development thinking can be found to originate in the forehead area which can be developed, then the same power of recognition and intelligence there can function but without words in head, it has reached a higher state with no words needed. Same power same centre, but higher functioning of it. This can be achieved. In order to do so, though must take an intermediary step to work on other centres in body which can give space and balance, like tripod, and perspective, before revisiting forehead area for final work there. All in all a long journey, thousands of hours careful work, interesting if you have time, otherwise another time. Just my opinion.
  10. Taoist meditation

    Different awareness practices. Very good one is samatha at nostrils, keep close contact with bare breath at nostril rings, over time gets more and more subtle until feel very subtle vital force like silk. At same time integrates fragmented mind, and creates stable space beyond mind, and trains mind also. Then have solid base in strong mind power from which to do deeper work. Like Goenka (can find 10 day 1 hour discourses on youtube) or in I.M.C tradition (Burmeses style). Letting go practice is good start but after all we want to go somewhere, letting go not same thing, imo.
  11. The Brexit Thread

    Hard Brexit is best, but only for people who are alive and who's balls are alive. Otherwise what is best for sheep ? Maybe be quiet and let Merkel be shepherd. Problem is sheep really wolves who taking break to be slobs ... one day will find out not happy then bad smell everywhere. I was thinking about Engerland and maybe it is idea Taoist country, open valley for all naughty things like banking, services (total lies an pretence economy) and just keep being valley for any crazy shit that arrives, all transgender and very strange weird people, then just keep letting all idiots into an out of country. Then country survives and keeps flowing. Strange mix always creates new ideas and strange people who make next strange English thing. In evening can secretly puke at degeneration, but daytime have work and everyone likes you. The world learns English, not realising it is pirate language, things very polite have Earl Grey tea, but Earl Grey naughty old man with dogging tendencies. Who knows. Strange tale. During bad smelly storm, better not freak out, just chill, one day storms passes. Even bad smells have place in nature, who knows why. Keep head down. In evening cry privately then snap out of it and get shit together.
  12. The Brexit Thread

    Difficult to make headway when everyone on all sides insincere and lost. Then even if win or lose, not sure if win or lose. Real problem is not even known.
  13. Hey there

    What you say is true, most if not all are repeating the past one more generation, and hierarchies tend to attract political type of people rather than highest seeker in group. Here is some higher truth : God did not put us in human form by mistake, or so we can disappear up backside talking about being nothing or being God. In Christianity it says once you know the Father then you know the Son. What this means is that when you realise the Source-God then you realise what you are, you are the Son, meaning you become the Divine Human. That is the entire purpose. Divine Human is part of the source that is individuated. Ego self is embyronic material formation that may or may not be interested to take spiritual journey and transform. Many humans however in one lifetime are content to just reach Source-God, which can be extremely difficult. Afterwards tired, and sit quietly until death. But real truth is return down the mountain and become what was originally planned, i.e. Divine Human. Divine Human is like leaf on tree, it can feel itself as leaf also as branch also as roots also as Earth. It feels the entire chain of its creation, as it continues realisation. The brings the true power of the source through the tree and branch and becomes very bright leaf full of light, and is in very good state. Well done. God-source is not like background with few beings here and there .... the beings and the source need each other, they are a pair that is evolving together. And now music:
  14. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 16

    I notice on your avatar you have a picture of a head. The meditation practice seems to be an awareness practice, also done in the head. So it seems most of your focus right now is on head/ awareness type practices. Other practices open the heart in some traditions, then you would feel the world from the head and heart simultaneously and equally, a big change. And Taoist practices open up the belly similarly.
  15. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 16

    What kind of meditation do you do ?
  16. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 16

    Yes the verse discusses observing the 10,000 things and becoming natural and constant and then regal. So the discussion that was had was how to be in the state where one can feel this .... and that it is quite different to intellectual understanding. So how to do what the verse says ? How can I be the constant at the centre, how can I see the 10,000 rise and fall ? Well the Taoist arts teach you to feel the forces, for instance through empty-full movements in tai chi, or the 5 Animal Frolics teaching you the cycle of 5 elemental forces, and as you practice you start to feel these things .... in and outside of practice. When you are cooking you start to feel how your food is changing state, and that the food in the pan, each type of food is a different element. You start to feel the wind, sun and rain as elements ... because your dantien's intelligence is awoken, you now have a 2nd brain down in the belly that feels these energetic currents. Continuing in this way you become more and more sensitive to it, you live with this intelligence as well, and then you become like Verse 16 says. You feel the movement of the universe, but you are the natural in the centre.
  17. Hey there

    I've practiced the first part of the HT path with Michael Winn up to and including fusion and some alchemy. It's a path that comes with problems, one problem is that Chia over the years has filled the books with huge numbers of additional material making it confusing also his English not so much. There is a Fusion CD you can get from a Boston HT club which includes the older Fusion practices and they are far simpler. So that's one thing to watch for. Another is that the system tries to describe the inner energies too much and you lose the flavour of the beauty of qigong, because it's too much engineering. Also the physical movements somehow are too much like surgery rather than movements that have meaning. That all being said, it is a system that encourage comprehension of what is happening inside, other systems people don't know and don't care what's going on inside. With the caveat that what chia thinks is going on inside is a little complex. Also the HT teachers though they have powerful energies are to my mind somewhat flying too high, and they don't have the Eastern patriarchy feeling that some tai chi has which can be important. So there's my thoughts. Wuji standing is in my opinion after having experienced daily practice of quite a few systems is the only one you need and the most powerful. Depending on your goals of course, but for energy cultivation / healthy / spirituality it's hard to beat. 2nd most beneficial is spontaneous qigong. Again a difficult one, not difficult lots to remember, but difficult in the awareness inside and sensitivity to wield these practices. Just looked through the index of Eric Judelove's 100 day book. This is my very personal view of things : I don't think sexual kung fu is very good at all, in my experience doing the 5 elements well completely regulated my sexual energy and needs. Anything else is just imagination and entertainment not sure what people want a 10ft boner and Ukrainian supermodels jumping on you ?!!!! And I particularly don't like his set of breathing exercises. These are traditionally done, but in my opinion there is only 1 breath you want to do which is surrender to natural breathing at the belly. Because that is the only one that is natural and ever will be natural and it is in this way that we learn surrender. And surrender is Taoism. So basically just let go and follow the breath. Any other breathing practices damages your natural breathing and that's the last thing you want. I think it's a good idea to chose practices on the basis of which ones look nice and fun to do, or which practitioners you would like to become like. This is better than asking for the ones which give you max power. Anyway it's all my opinion on the matter.
  18. The Brexit Thread

    Migration is a lie. People talk about it being a problem. But they have different perspective on what problem is. For public problem is invasion plus destruction of culture, jobs health service pressure. For EU problem is people complain. Then they have meeting about migration problem ! But they not say what the problem is. Migration is not problem, it is plan by globalist agenda which serves 1%. For 1% lives behind gated house, then private restaurant, private palace in Monaco and 4 blonde ukrainian ex-wives. Politicians do their bidding. Destroy ancient European wealth, flatten all laws regions tradiions to make one economy ... i.e. one field of plundering. No more ancient rules, corporation comes lays waste to all culture. Afterleaves, everyone has mcjob, many unemployed, all culture plundered, all products now made of plastic and palm oil, hedge fund and 1% congratulate self and order champagne, entire nation finished. Then people very unhappy. Politicians come again give "values". Such stupid "economy" (i.e. plan to make 1% even richer) means like false yang, then GDP will decline and organs weak, GDP only thing people ever see so politicians need quick fix to raise "GDP", then million more people even if barrista jobs = GDP little higher. Then EU can say doing nice job. Is doing nice job, but secret job that people cannot say. All political discussion nobody allowed to mention these truths, will have many serious and deep conversations with every views expressed .... apart from truth of what is happening. Is like group lie, with white elephant size on Jupiter (quite big now). Sad. When organism is weak, then infection with parasite easy as well. Always assisting forces (politicians) come to help parasite destroy whole being. Many people all with mcjob, no culture, technology means littte work, all different nations cultures on facebook. Very sad future for Europe, once home of giant people now .... what is future ? Maybe only country like Italy which has secret mafia government will retain culture, not sure, they busy having sex with everything that moves but also makes so much mess no new infection will get them. Maybe EU dies before Italy sex maniacs, they too busy to be infected with globalists !!! In Sicily there is woman holding chicken in black dress, very traditional. Like Tao says become like useless tree then nobody cut you down. Good plan. Then you hide in plain sight, but just play bad music and have ugly face and everyone leave you alone ... wait maybe TM is tao genius ? Not sure. Genius and fool very close.
  19. The Brexit Thread

    Look closely at her face, what do you see. Interesting to look carefully. Mouth has fear, like fearful bladder. Eyes have some strength coming from strong forehead. Left eye confident clam, right eye angry tense?
  20. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    An excellent concise book. It has extremely accurate details on how to make Taoist enlightenment, in a multi step Wuji posture. I recognize the details from an enlightened Zen priest I am aware of who amazingly gives very concordant technical details, although both book and priest come from totally different traditions, the practical instructions are virtually identical. 2/3rd of book is Author describing details of hexagrams and their flow and use for materialisation and de-materialisation, and relationship between theory and use of human body. Which is interesting but practice instructions more interesting. Author gives very critical small details also, so has real experience. Very good.
  21. Chen Tai Chi : How To Learn

    Practical Method is expensive, 1600 USD for 1 month. Yiquan looks quite fun but a little unbeautiful. Anyway I am thinking that the best way to win is to connect with life and respect people were they are, to create a harmony between yourself and others. What good is fighting ? Then you look for fights. I like doing Change Quan because it's hard full body direct, and I do, keeps me honest. But I wonder if it would be more spiritual to do more Dayan, I am not sure to what extent you can go deep into Dayan, I have not seen that spiritual dimension so much. As for Chen best bet is to start with one of the short forms and see how it feels. The Tao of Yiquan Jan Diepersloot series looks good.
  22. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 16

    Have you heard of a wintry person ? Or speaking from the gut ? Or venting our spleen ? Or crazy ivan ? Letting things flow ? All these expressions refer to the underlying energetics of ordinary life. They used to be more common and more detailed than today, for instance a "liverish" person, rarely heard today and people would buy an Almanac with details of the Sun and Moon. So examples are not far away. When practicing 5 elements or tai chi, then you develop more and more sensitivity to these things, you feel the chi of a season, or a day, the nature of it, in Autumn the contracting and clean force; you sense incomplete transitions, are places were something new has to come. You sense when your work project is in its Spring, or its Winter, the phase. When you are ill, you feel which climates are painful and which nourishing, and when you buy clothes which colours you choose and why. You feel the heat and meaning of colour when you see it in the land. And so on. Which of the Taoist arts do you practice ?
  23. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 16

    You question - can you? Yes I can, becoming sensitive is a natural result of practice.
  24. what does the transcendent desire?

    So who cares what interests you. I am interested only in understanding correctly and not being another foolish monkey destroying himself and everything else.
  25. The Brexit Thread

    Hmm ... somehow I think people are too weak for rioting or standing up for themselves.