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Everything posted by rideforever

  1. LHBF somewhat deceased thread

  2. Is there a recording of this that is accessible ?
  3. Few people are truly stupid, they have just been taught to have low confidence. Intelligence is learned through small things, small learnings, and often in relation to the body, like gardening or carpentry, paying attention using body mind and spirit together creates learning. Many paths exist to provide a vehicle for less intellectual people, particularly bhakti, or energetic paths. Those paths are quite robust and reliable. Many intellectual paths like Advaita are actually Bhakti, but with an intellectual advertising that draws people to them but is not actually responsible for their awakening - the transmission of the guru and sitting in his presence is. These people have no true idea of how their awakening happened, they probably think it's because they are so smart. The smartest people are often people like cooks, cab drivers, and boxers ... because they have not been able to hide from life, they learnt directly as their lives depended on it. Must true intelligence is inside the body-mind, this is one reason Jesus taught in parables related to farming. Anyone who lives through hiding or talking, no matter that he is rich or has a high IQ, is normally stupid as he had no need to develop applied intelligence. It is better to simply try then to ponder whether you can. Don't waste time.
  4. Much. Buddha sat in meditation until he died, Jesus prayed every evening many hours. The path is the path, it is ever deeper entry. But ... who is interested in such things. Transmission is not an "experience". It's only purpose is to facilitate self-recognition in the student. The state of the teacher is shared with the student. Experiences and big energies ... this attracts a lot of people who get what they want; nothing.
  5. With the teachers I study it happens every single time. Each student has 1 to 1 meeting where both transmission and direction on how to recognize transmission is given. Every time for every student. Sometimes it is not so organised but still given, for instance with teachers like Mooji sort of watered down but real transmission happens with guidance on how to recognize. However mostly it is not given because the teacher is not really a teacher. He might say ... yes yes don't be so keen maybe in 10 years. But it is a lie. He will never give it because he doesn't have it, and he doesn't care. All he cares is to have an audience. After 10 years you will be tired, and won't care either. Then you die, a man with many energies still dies. So if one has a spiritual intent, then you must do this for yourself, if you value your life. After you can return to any other teacher, and it doesn't really matter because you already know what you are doing.
  6. Most of the sages and saints who became awakened did not use the lotus posture, and most of the people I have seen in retreats who do are damaging themselves or have a violent approach to their practice. Awakening does not require any particular energy patterns to occur within you, energy work is always secondary to self-recognition and transmission. Astavakra was a sage who had rickets and his body was in extremely poor shape, no matter he is a great sage. The priority is self-recognition, if your teacher does not teach it, then leave. He does not teach it because he does not know it. Self-recognition is not a follow up from flow of qi - this is wrong. Self-recognition should happen on day 1. Only self-recognition is immortality, dying without it means you are finished and have completely failed.
  7. LHBF somewhat deceased thread

  8. LHBF somewhat deceased thread

  9. Big Brother Really Has Arrived!!!

    It is very much worth it, but you have to find the people who are worth talking to. In this world there are many beautiful people, and many ugly people. Let the dead bury the dead.
  10. Big Brother Really Has Arrived!!!

  11. Big Brother Really Has Arrived!!!

    The owners of the site have made decisions about the trajectory of the forum, and those decisions are bearing "fruit". On the internet you can easily find out who owns the site and sifting through the photos of such, you can find the activities and political leanings of the owner which are not subtle. Soon it becomes clear that the trajectory the site is taking and the choice of moderation is no accident, but a choice of people of similar leanings to push through a particular ideology. Suddenly recent activities on the site, and the disappearance of several members ... make more sense. The site is being deliberately steered in a political manner. All this has nothing to do with Taoism. Like you say FF, the truth is barely known.
  12. LHBF somewhat deceased thread

  13. Freedom or Bulls***

    If you achieve the state of wholeness of oneness of total integration from Heaven to Earth you become the blade of life, and on the edge the quintessence of life will sharpen. Where is your freedom. You are occupied, you are total. In society the word "freedom" is often used for "leisure time" which in actuality it is a time of meaningless degeneration where as you consume so you are consumed, rather than nourished. And this "leisure" you are allotted between your economic tasks that are designed by the insane monkeys in their domesticated dream world of misery. One should not wish to be free. But to BE. And then to know what to DO. And then to DO IT.
  14. The Brexit Thread

  15. Hong Kong Vat People

    Already there are people in Japan living in cyber cafes
  16. Loving Kindness .... for who ? Do you even know what you yourself want ? We live on a planet of people rushing about. They wish to be loving, compassionate, and so on ... after all haven't we been taught that this is the thing to do ? But do people know who they are ? How can you be compassionate to anyone else, if you aren't to yourself. If you don't know who you are. Do you know even what you like to eat ... or do you just eat ? If you could do anything ... do you know what you yourself want ? Has anyone ever asked you, who you are, and what you want ? There are 180,000 charities in this country. One should have been enough, except they do not understand. Compassion is not when you give people dollars, nor when you give people "love". Compassion is when you give people themselves. Then they don't need you. And you can't do that, unless you have given you yourself. Unless you care about what you actually want, and feel, and think. Unless you act upon what you yourself are, want, think and feel - then you cannot be a "good person". As you turn away from truth of yourself. Mankind does not need another 180,000 charities, nor the kind of "loving" that they have done in the past. They need themselves.
  17. LHBF somewhat deceased thread

  18. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 81

    The sage never tries to store things up. (A channel, with contact he develops trust, fear evaporates) The more he does for others, the more he has.The more he gives to others, the greater his abundance. (I assume he means, flow with the whole, one to the other, from the other to one) The Tao of heaven is pointed but does no harm. (Life isn't trying to hurt you, nonetheless I would say personal intelligence arises in how you choose to manifest .... we can't all surrender to nothingness or there will be nothing ... somebody has to want to exist and create life) The Tao of the sage is work without effort. (Channel)
  19. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 81

    81 Truthful words are not beautiful. Beautiful words are not truthful. Good men do not argue. Those who argue are not good. Those who know are not learned. The learned do not know. The sage never tries to store things up. The more he does for others, the more he has. The more he gives to others, the greater his abundance. The Tao of heaven is pointed but does no harm. The Tao of the sage is work without effort.
  20. If you look carefully at traditional spiritual paintings, certain areas of the body are illuminated or otherwise indicated as being active.
  21. The pineal gland sends you to sleep. So it's not a great deal of use if you want to wake up. In terms of its physical location it is neither at the back of the head where most people awaken, nor in the forehead where other centres exist. Thinking occurs from the forehead. The third eye centres are in the forehead (front of head). It might interest some people to start noticing what information is conveyed on ancient paintings. As for the health benefits, well it's worth a shot.