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Everything posted by rideforever

  1. Human Magic : Degenerating Every Tradition

    Hey interestingly I just pulled out an old copy of the Path of Love, which is fantastic. It's one of the old ones that is full of photos, some stuck by hand into the book. This one is on the Songs of Kabir. Hard not to love Osho.
  2. The Brexit Thread

  3. The Brexit Thread

    Scum EU https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1134530/Brexit-news-BBC-UK-EU-Michel-Barnier-European-Union-Theresa-May-Conservative-Party
  4. The Brexit Thread

  5. The Self, Does it Exist?

    That's ridiculous thing to say. If the self was like you say it would be dead because to be alive means it must be doing something it moving living growing, it's intelligence is growing. It is active which means it has subtle parts that "move" and "act". When you say "you" what do you mean the noisy idiot-ego ? Well you can discard that in a flash, nobody needs to talk about that idiot. There are other "yous", Real "yous" that aren't your social character. Btw it would be helpful if your posts were more concise and structured. Recognition-intelligence is a movement. It is not the coarse movement of the ego, but a subtle movement of aliveness, yes intelligence is movement. Clearly as we are all here talking and shitting (often at the same time) something is moving in existence. "I" is the first thing you can be sure of. In fact beyond "I" who knows what's out there. Another thing is ... we can evolve, in our inner being. Something has changed and I am not as I was before, inside. So when people argue about whether Self (or whatever) exists or whether it is correct, this is stupidity. Monkeys like to argue for years about the same nothing, because it relieves their lives. The inner "I" grows, it is not "is it there", but "how to make it grow", "how to feel my inner I". Things are changing, even your inner being changes, it grows. The situation is moving. Outside of course the seasons wheel in the sky and life is noisy. The inner being is a silent never-changing presence. But it too does change, it deepens silently. In the beginning it is as small as a seed, barely can be felt. In the end it is titanic. For those who have only a tiny seed inside them, most likely they die within noticing. They live in the crowd, like sheep in a herd. They have no anchor, they bleet like they are told and live without their soul. They are the No-self ... yes they are No-nothing just a cloud passing overhead. But for those who are cultivating their inner seed, yes there is something within. Something they have recognized, grown, protected, hidden. A secret.
  6. Is the earth hollow?

    Alright, something else now. How sad and stupid we are to all go hunting for the latest "science" about geology and bla bla bla bla Is that really all we are capable of ... just repeating the f****ing brainwashing, with a puffed out chest so proud of ourselves. Anyone have anything else to say ? Anything independent ? Jeez we are a stupid and vain species. Imagine a species that was spiritualized and wise and the members lived for many hundreds of years, even longer, thousands. Where would they live ? On the unstable surface of the Earth, with the "English weather" always messing things up ? Well maybe going inside could be good. Who knows what they could do. I am not sure Earth is a great candidate for interior design, but other planets certainly. Perhaps such beings live in the energy bodies in a new reality, and only use the physical reality as a sort of anchoring point, so what they need is place that is very very very stable and unchanging for their anchors.
  7. Is the earth hollow?

    No man, don't worry about it. It's been interesting. Please don't withdraw from anything. Keep going it's all good.
  8. A Question About Sugar...

    Yeah sugar is massive. But the truth is hidden as per normal. - Sugar is addictive, over the years food manufacturers and supermarkets noticed that processed food with sugar in it sold more. And so they put more sugar in it, and put sugar in other foods as well. And it sold more. Today 80% of supermarket processed food has sugar in it. Why ? Because it sells more. But of course eating huge amounts of sugar is not normal, but we are forced to. - Soil degradation. Because of intensive farmer (pummelling the soil to make profit sometimes have 2 harvests a year instead of 1), the soils have lost minerals and become weak, and they make bad crops. The wheat that grows on this soil is not healthy. So farmers pour in chemicals to make it grow. Some minerals like phosphorous are degenerated by 70% over 40 years. Because of this the food doesn't taste like much ... it tastes bland, because the crops taste bland because the soil is bland. And to make the food taste okay ... they pour sugar into the food, otherwise it wouldn't taste good. - Low fat. Low fat yogurts for instance have huge amounts of sugar in them and will make you ill. A lot of health food has sugar, sometimes 3 types of sugar in the same packet ... like high glucose frustrose corn syrup, agave syrup, dextrose ... they have different words but is all bad. - Best sugar comes from vegetables. - Fibre. You don't need fibre. Just eat normally. - Fat. Is quite good for you don't fear it. Basically cook everything yourself, don't buy junk, and live like people used to do in the past. Today everyone from supermarkets to doctors to the Government are more or less your enemy. - Experiments on mice : if you have mice in a cage and you give the two feed bottles one with sugar and one without, the mice always drink from the sugar bottle. If you up the ante, and electrocute the mice when they drink from the sugar bottle .... they still drink from the sugar bottle and accept being electrocuted each time. That is how addictive sugar is; and that is why they make so much profit from it. Boom.
  9. Human Magic : Degenerating Every Tradition

    Yes, and like I said it often happens before it leaves the oven. There are many important implications. One is that very very few people are conscious, or reach high levels, many teachers die saying nobody understood. It is the quest of one particular person to find the Truth, there occurs in some rare jewels the quest, but not in many. In others they gather around the teacher and try to imbibe at least something, often they express themselves through the degeneration. The teacher prepares a meal and the students eat it, and after every bite there is less and less, until nothing is left. Such is the plight of the blind, they eat the hand that feeds them. And unconsciousness means that insincerity, greed, vanity, fear, and infighting is rife leading to degenerative currents. A real seeker who seeks because to seek is to exist in a world of zombies ... who must seek because he must breathe .... such a person can both find his way to the source of any teaching, and even reconstruct the original teaching from a decaying 5th hand source. He makes everything good with the sweat of his brow and the force in his heart. He must. In the above cases one can return to the original books which are from the 70s, not too long ago. But in another 20 years nobody will remember and only the modern version may be left. And in a hundred years only sand will be left.
  10. Is the earth hollow?

    It is good to abhor sheep like behaviour, but a big change comes when you see it in yourself. Here in this paragraph you should be saying to yourself .... Germany, great culture so many intelligent scientists and artistic people came from there, and they chose Hitler ... maybe Hitler had some good things I don't know about. Maybe the story of Hitler that we are told is not right. Can you do that ? Or will you just repeat the story of evil Hitler with no thought of your own ? Perhaps you feel a little tension in your neck about something you were so sure about. Likewise today it is a big fashion to undermine anyone and everyone, and every simple and sane idea. But is it really sane to do so ? Is everyone stupid, apart from the new Netflix generation ? Or is that just arrogant and narcissistic ? Do you have a reason for saying the Earth is hollow ? A reason that comes from everyday life ? For instance you could say that when I cut open pebbles on the beach they all have hollows inside. ... the only thing is, it's not true. Or you could say that when I get a scoop of pistacchio ice-cream, and I cut into it with my spoon ... then I always notice it is hollow inside. ... except that it isn't. You could say that scientists discovered sources of Light deep in the Earth surface ... except they didn't. It is good to have an open mind, but it is better to have a mind that gets results because it works with reality. It sees, it thinks, it acts, it succeeds. That is the mind you want. Kola Superdeed Borehole Wikipedia says "To scientists, one of the more fascinating findings to emerge from this well is that no transition from granite to basalt was found at the depth of about 7 km (4.3 mi), where the velocity of seismic waves has a discontinuity. Instead the change in the seismic wave velocity is caused by a metamorphic transition in the granite rock. " What this tells me is that the layers of the Earth are not well understood and the seismic wave shadows described in the first video posted ... maybe come from as yet not know layering.
  11. Who is Loneman Pai?

    The Earth has had many many sages and seers and teachers and so on. Why would you choose someone in an orange horror mask, and what does that say about you? It's not really about "him", it's about you. If you want to take lessons on life from someone who lives in a horror mask ... what does that say about you? If a student says "you know what, let me try a whole bunch of other people first, people who's face I can see, who aren't shifty and weird, people who are in touch with nature and harmony and so" ... well I would say that is wise. This planet is full of really fked up sht. And you know it can very enlightening to have a little explore at some time in your life. But ... that's not the right place to get your lifeboat from. But these days society is very degenerated ... if you refuse to eat your own sht, you would have "justify your reasoning". That's where society is at.
  12. Making videos

    If you do some retreats marketed as Tantric NonDuality Sex Qigong or Tolerance Respect and Equality Qigong (TREQ) , you know all the popular stuff ... I am sure you will be overrun.
  13. Making videos

    An interesting question is are there any video sharing sites that are difficult to pirate ... i.e. download. Well ... there may well be ways to make your videos difficult. One way is to chop them up into several sections ... which may be put in a container. I seem to remember that gumroad was hard to pirate but I don't know really if that's true anymore. It seems some sites may be impossible to pirate (download). Where to get good information on this ? Another interesting thing I have found is that if you use really old software to make a DVD, and really mess everything up with chapters indexing and so on ... it is absolutely impossible to burn to your computer. I have found this with a number of amateurish DVDs. Whether you could do this intentionally ... might be possible. That means people would always have to use the DVD. They are not copy-protected, but ... the way they have been indexed, menued, collated and ordered just breaks any software that tries to copy them. It's quite hilarious actually. You can sort of rip out sections of the DVD but it's not easy and you just get a mess out of them.
  14. Your Life Has Already Died

    Everything that came before this point, your experiences friends places, are dead, they are ... not existing. You might say that you have lived 50 years, but where is it. Imagining that you carry it around with you as a possession that you reminisce about. But it is not there any more, it has died already. Have no fear that when your body dies, that your many years, your 80 years of life will come to an end. No, they are already gone. They have gone the moment they arrive. It is finished, non-existent. Clinging on to ghosts might be an entertainment, but it is only as a protection against now. Existence is kind for it does not punish us for holding ghosts to ourselves out of fear, it gives us a lot of room. Yesterday is gone as if it never existed. Where does it exist ? Nowhere. Your inner substance is like a lens, the light of time flows through it, but it is always Now. The only thing that remains of time, is lens through which it passes. Arising in time are many things, and they perish also, all perishes. Like waves smashing on a lighthouse endlessly. Only I remains. In my relationships I have a tenuous connection to someone, for a time. Perhaps if we go beyond time when we are together, after time we will still be together.
  15. Making videos

    Meh ... that's a small market. Better to organise qigong retreats in the hippie/yoga areas within reach. Get local contact or work with a retreat centre, do a course every quarter. Something like that. Every few months you do a weekend east, a weekend west, a weekend north, then head back home.
  16. The Brexit Thread

    A more just an equal society ? imo the EU is simply a front for the globalists i.e. the corporations i.e the billionaires. In the end it is very very simple. The money is behind it all and 10 people own half the planet. Leave the EU or die. I really couldn't care too much about the other reasons.
  17. The Brexit Thread

    Looks like the acid test will be when the Conservative leader pushes through ... i.e. does nothing on October 31st and we drop out. The only thing that can stop that is a motion of no confidence which it seems is simply more than 50%. Interestingly Chancellor rat Hammond said a couple of days ago on the subject that he had never voted against the Government. And ... If the Tories bail out then we are in G.E. and they will lose big time, so from their point of view it is either push through or become 3rd party. So they would be strongly incentivised. Can Malthouse A work ... if the only problem is whether an invisible border tech is possible, then what needs doing is a trial asap somewhere, but of course it is possible in my opinion. The EU might not agree in any case. Best course could be : Big balls PM (none of the small players), demonstration of technology, Malthouse A or push through which would smell.
  18. Change the world now

    Please whatever you do, don't save the world. For godsake can at least one person on this planet just live without saving the planet. Can at least one person go running without running for .... something. Enough with the bullshit. The problem is that everybody wants to leave. Freedom is not actually disconnecting yourself from what is false. Freedom is connecting yourself to what is true. Anyway mankind is not very bright and quite corrupt and silly. So ? And demoralised. Forgive them ... for they are silly monkeys, and yourself. > that is a workable instruction to live by, that is useful. Get your shxt together. > another workable instruction Meditate like a m f > another workable instruction Live lightly > another workable instruction Investigate options on a community of which there are hellofa lot in the US/CA > another workable instruction Platform sutra > from this platform move to a higher platform > and from that one to a as yet higher one. Rinse repeat.
  19. Citta

    It was a pleasure doing business with you !!!
  20. Citta

    Lifeforce clearly you and he are not interested in spirituality at all. Free thinking and reading stupid books is not what spirituality is about. You and he are everything that is wrong with Buddhism, you are the establishment. Because you just keep talking and analysing, slagging people off. Nothing you say is based on practice. He has never even done a proper breath meditation. For chrissakes he is a fool. Jeesh.
  21. Citta

    Just been watching some videos of this angry bald headed man. He says there is no such thing as breath meditation in scripture and that if you focus on the air in your lungs and it calms you that it is meaningless and no better than getting a lobotomy. Right well he is a complete f-ing idiot. Anybody who does a properly guided breath meditation practice will quickly discover that you are focussing on something energetic and you will feel a new sense of yourself. That is simply the practical reality. That is why breath meditations are taught in all or almost all traditions on this planet. The reason is quite simple, breath is the vital force that rises from the source, and by working with it and merging with it you return to the source which is the goal of spirituality. It is not meditating on the "air in your lungs". If he talks like this he is a very insincere and stupid man. Judging by his attitude and tattoos he is like lone man pai with the orange mask and tattoos. Really unhealthy negative and weirdly formed people who never did any proper practice. All they offer you is hate, and a feeling of superiority from never actually doing any practice.
  22. Is the earth hollow?

    Accretion disk : I have seen meteorites and comets with my own eyes Volcanos : I have seen them too, swum in them Snowballs : I have made them I once made a papier mache scultpure that was hollow, but it had a wire lattice to support it, and inner frame. Why anyone else would wish to do such a thing and live inside a planet, seems beyond me. Frankly this world is very unstable and it's better to go with the flow and live on the surface. It's dark and smelly down there, in caves there are occasional tiny creatures, but it's not much fun. If I was a high tech alien species I would much prefer living in .... St Tropez. The girls are hotter and you can swim in the Med. Perhaps if there was something that we all did in our everyday lives that would correspond to a hollow Earth ? I can't think of anything.
  23. coding

    code what for what reason ? i remember there were some torrents with dozens of coding books in them sorted by language
  24. The Brexit Thread

    Another thing is, say ... the EU refuses to negotiate on Malthouse, then that leaves wto exit ... i.e. just do nothing and let the law carry forth in October. Well Hammond the rat said that some remainer Tories would bring down their own leader and refuse participation in a wto exit. Problem with that is that at a GE the Brexit party would become the opposition and the Tories would no longer exist, certainly they would lose power. So I believe that if the death of the Conservatives is on the cards, then BoJo or Raab or whoever would have a strong justification for leaving on WTO especially if in the leadership race they put it front and centre.
  25. The Brexit Thread

    Euro election poll results come out at 10pm don't they ? I do hope the Brexit party goes to the parliament and absolute wrecks the place causing havoc at every single vote and meetng and just filibuster the place until its on its knees !!!!