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Everything posted by rideforever

  1. LHBF somewhat deceased thread

  2. Question about breath retention

    That's true. After all tonight when you go to sleep, another body will open its eyes on the other side of the world get up and start the day. Does that mean you started the day ? No it doesn't. And when your fleshsuit dies, other bodies will wake up on this planet ... but it will not be you. As for surviving death ... a fleshsuirt fears no death because it is just the elements changing. Is there anything else ? Has anything else been created ? Has anything else been created that never closes its eyes, and that is not the body ? If not ... how can anything survive. Life might go on ... but it will not be your life. After all, when you see acorns and oak trees, isn't the message clear enough. It's not important.
  3. LHBF somewhat deceased thread

  4. What happens to suicides?

    Would it not be better to find a spiritual centre or even an intentional community and go live there for a while, and see how it is. Society as it is does have the feeling of having no meaning, but that's just a terribly bad dream it keeps pumping out. These other places provide shelter and time and space, where you can come back to your right mind. It is worth trying such things. It is difficult to say more without knowing people's personal circumstances, but sure when I look out into the media world and see so many bad things, well that feels like suicide right there. But the world itself seems fine, apart from the dark movie mankind seems to like telling itself. Anyway best to try some other options.
  5. Facebook Should Be Shut Down!

    Also this guy has some interesting views
  6. Facebook Should Be Shut Down!

    I particularly noted the experiment on the rat where he kept on stimulating himself until dropping dead. And the conditioning of humans through repeated stimulation, and also the way app developers design the apps in a certain way to harness the addiction response ... which is true as I have developed such software and that's exactly what we did, addicting the customers was our #1 consideration and much time was spent on planning it. It is simply a stimulus response device interacting withe neural network of the customer. (I don't care about becoming world class ... that's not of interest to me.)
  7. Facebook Should Be Shut Down!

    Watch this 3 times :
  8. LHBF somewhat deceased thread

  9. Buddhist pride and Narcissism

    If I understand you correctly you seem to have an awakening based on concentration and effort. But this is a lower form of awakening. A higher awakening is when the identity of the true self should be stable without effort, stable through"recognition". Which means that through careful guidance your intelligence should become recognizant of your true self without movement or effort of any kind. Due to this effortless self-recognition, you are able to later surrender fully your identity, to let go but without your identity losing its quality. This is only possible through effortless self-recognition. If concentration is continued it leads to problems, eventually severe problems. The beam of concentration becomes rigidly fixed like a hammer-force that become addictive. Eventually the force becomes crystalized inside you and difficult to undo. I have heard that Zen Master Hakui had such concentration sickness and it took him many years to undo it using techniques of visualising melting and flowing in the stream, before his force was dissolved, and his realisation was natural and gentle. You use the word attention repeatedly. (Subject > attention > object) But who is the subject ? Can the subject abide in and as the subject ? This is self-recognition. As for curiosity pride and so on ... forget about these things ... your only goal is to be in the right place and be what you are. Forget about any templates of what you might manifest, either over or under exaggerated ... that you copy. Just become what you are, in all dimensions, human and impersonally and express yourself fully internally and externally.
  10. Facebook Should Be Shut Down!

    Yes ... the "news" also. Does it make a difference to anything how much I torture myself with this. When I was young and free i knew nothing, I cared nothing, and life was peaceful. This has got to an end or life is lost. It is bad that so many have this internet media and no longer live.
  11. What are you listening to?

    I had the taste of a piece of music yesterday, I could only taste a piece of it ... it was a kind of piano music, but the piano played these rising and falling scales, it seemed like the tide flowing in and flowing out, it was dark and sombre. I was looking for it. It was a bit like ambient music, but also very spiritual, and dark very dark. Could it be Phillip Glass, or Einaudi, someone like that .... their work isn't dark enough. What about spiritual chillout .... not spiritual enough. Hmm. A mystery that I couldn't quite remember. This morning I clicked on some things randomly on youtube, and there it was. As if sent to me.
  12. Don't Do Knee Circles

    You can learn a lot by watching animals "exercise" !!!! I never seen them do knee rotations. Knees like the neck are a weak / stressed point in the body. If you do neck rotations same with knee rotations ... do less than you want to do !!! That's a good rule of thumb.
  13. The Brexit Thread

    Doesn't hurt does it. I love these guys, I believe there is hope for humanity yet. The EU reminds me of all that mysticism that energy teachers whisper about ... like it's all a great big mystery. There is no mystery. Everything is very simple, just some monkeys have found that by making things a mystery you can earn more money and work less. I suppose this lot will be okay, as long as they don't venture into the corporate lobbying part of Brussels where the actual EU makes decisions with it's staff of 30,000 lobbyists. The 50,000 EU staff are in comparison just a "front" of smoke and mirrors.
  14. The Brexit Thread

    Wow this is really radical, if they continue with their reporting of the ins and outs of the EU, they could bring the whole thing down. For the first time I think we see what a Disney Land this place is. It is just a smoke and mirrors show disguising the real power.
  15. Not the bliss of silence. The bliss of the silence of the self.
  16. Is there anything greater than the bliss of the silence of self. You are fully, but silently. It is deep and mysterious, but real and solid, undisturbable like a mountain. real and real and real It is real. Reality is shocking. Then people talk of ecstasy energy bodies and lights. What are they talking about? They are just projecting human chaos and noisy experience onto spirituality. Abiding in the self does indeed emanate from a body, the body of your higher nature or soul, which is of a different substance that the physical body. And when you meditate correctly then you do cultivate this body. However the point of it all is to be your true identity. Identity is it. I Am. I Am Real.
  17. Newbie Intro and Questions!

    Objectively ? "science" as it is today means constructing a physical instrument and running experiments are with your human eyes and psyche, you will write down how you see the result, and then discuss with your peers (their eyes minds and psyches) what you consider the results to be. And that is considered "Objective". Sometimes you feel something inside you. And that is not "Objective". This is how society teaches us at the moment.
  18. Climate Change

    According to research conducted at ETH Zurich, restoring all degraded forests all over the world could capture about 205 billion tons of carbon in total (which is about 2/3rd of all carbon emissions, bringing global warming down to below 2°C) https://edition.cnn.com/2019/07/04/world/forests-capture-two-thirds-of-carbon-emissions-scn-intl/index.html Plus just think of the virtue signalling opportunities for young people. Plus you don't have to attack half the planet for "being bad", which people don't generally appreciate.
  19. Climate Change

    Humanity is destroying everything. Itself particularly. It's bloody weird people talking about ice caps, climate and whatever. They never talk about me ... I am unhappy. I don't like what happens in society. It's very weird. Humans seem to always miss the mark. They are angry, unhappy and distressed ... but when they point the finger they point it at the wrong thing. They have many tricks. As the titanic sinks they will point at the chimney stake and make an agenda about it, that's one trick. Or they will point at Trump and it becomes all about him. Anything except saying the simple truth. We are destroying and plundering everything. It means we as a species are very disturbed in ourselves, all of us, and we harm ourselves, those like us (and yes other creatures). And all their "solutions" are just as mad as their pointing in the wrong direction. Their distress is correct. But they point at the wrong cause. And then point at the wrong solution. And then it just gets worse. Mad.
  20. Sitting Cross Legged During Practice

    There are ZZ postures sitting on a chair, and lying on the back or on the side, but no cross legged one's that I have seen. Wang Xiang Zhai says that standing is the best because it allows fully circulation and also spacial sensitivity more similar to combat. From this we can assume on cross legged sitting he would say that ensure the circulation is occurring in the legs .... i.e. don't try to ground from the pelvis downwards. Sitting like this it is as if the body is standing. I am not sure if something special needs to be done from the spine to the lower body to ensure continued circulation. Perhaps just picture yourself standing. Keeping circulation in the legs it feels as if the sole of the foot is grounding energetically, even though the foot is on its side; I will investigate. Sitting cross legged one can switch to more related internal practices based around the tantien, which are also circulatory but with a different flavour from yiquan ... a more transcendent and spiritual and empty flavour. It is not clear to me how yiquan relates to spirituality at the moment.
  21. I often sit in simple cross legged style (Burmese). Does anyone have any good details about how the channels are affected and should flow in this position if I do a sitting Zhan Zhuang. How the practice needs to be adjusted or reconsidered etc... ? ( Ordinarily I understand Daoists sat in chairs, but it is my preference to be on the floor. )