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Posts posted by wandelaar

  1. The sage is supposed to follow Tao in the sense of living and (non-)acting like the Tao. But how does the Tao itself live and (non)act? I can understand some of the qualities ascribed to the Tao such as being hidden, not partial, eternal, dynamic. But now how about soft and flexible. Does not the Tao manifest as a stone or fire just as well as like water? Are not both the bending grass en the firm tree both manifestations of Tao? It looks like the Taoist choice for the soft way is just that, a choice. Or am I missing something?  


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  2. 9 minutes ago, Taoist Texts said:

    A secret is a skill, which can not be learned and/or  used by the 99%, even when fully explained, demonstrated and practiced. 

    Anything else is not a secret, and coincidentally, also is futile in the end.


    In that case there are lots of 'secrets' (in sports, science, art, etc.) that you can read about and find information on on the internet. 


    6 minutes ago, Marblehead said:

    "The secret" reminded me of this story:


    A Master had a student who was very promising as one who the Master would eventually pass all his knowledge to.


    The student, a little arrogant, one day felt he had earned all the Master had to offer an challenged the Master to competition.


    The Master accepted and 15 seconds after the competition began the student was flat on his back about to receive a death blow.


    The Master helped the student to his feet and said, "Although you have learned well all I have taught you I have never said that I have taught you all that I know."


    Most of us need to keep some things secret.


    There are lots of books about secret techniques in the martial arts so I doubt whether in that field there are any real secrets left. But you are right that it's a healthy principle not to teach someone a technique when you don't trust them to apply it in a sensible and moral way. That's just a question of responsibility not so much of esoteric secrets.

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  3. I am wondering whether these days there are any real secrets left that are not already found in some books or somewhere on the internet. Of course anyone can create a "secret" by using some special terminology or symbols representing known processes, or one could consider something a "secret" that isn't actually true but only appears so when investigated by an uncritical believer. 

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  4. As a Taoist you are supposed to adapt to circumstances like a bending reed.

    But how about living in a society that is anything but Taoist. Should you then live in a non-Taoist manner in order to follow the Taoist recommendation on adapting to circumstances.

    Any thoughts on this matter?
    Personal note:
    I like Taoism as a philosophy somewhat in the spirit of Alan Watts and Raymond Smullyan. 
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