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Posts posted by Nintendao

  1. On 5/24/2024 at 2:54 PM, ShenLung said:

    Rests on her laurels,

    when unity is achieved;

    Yet rust never sleeps.

    yet rust never sleeps

    absolutely mythical 

    haiku by shenlung


  2. 5 minutes ago, Taoist Texts said:

    good job. Notice how every word in Daoism comes from a historical proven source, chapter and verse.  whereas '"Advaita Vedanta" language comes from nowhere;). what would that tell about "Advaita Vedanta" to a reasonable man?


    Aw i'm sure there's plenty of Vedic referential integrity, I'm just relatively useless at Sanskrit, so indulged in relying on Yogapedia :lol:

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    On 4/29/2024 at 7:54 PM, dwai said:




    Daoism (Reversion)

    Vedanta (Nivritti)

    Core Concept

    Cyclical return to the Dao, the source of all being

    Inward return to the Atman (true Self), which is one with Brahman (absolute reality)


    Non-attachment to transient phenomena

    Renunciation of worldly desires and ego-based identity


    Rediscovering natural simplicity and harmony

    Realization of oneness and liberation




    What is Nivritti? - Definition from Yogapedia


    Nivritti is a Sanskrit term derived from the root words, ni, meaning “in” or “inward,” and vritti, representing citta vritti, or the mind’s thoughts. The term refers to one of two possible life paths as defined in yoga and Hinduism, with the other possible path being pravritti.


    Nivritti is the path of turning inward and is, therefore, the path that yogis follow when they focus on spiritual development, prioritizing meditation and contemplation, for example. On this path, attention is directed inward, often with a focus on acceptance and finding connection with God or the Divine. In contrast, pravritti is the path of taking action and living with a focus on the external world.


    As a principle nivritti / pravritti looks close to one of the uses of the kan / li trigrams:

    awareness collected inwards (like pooling water)

    attention dispersed outwards (as flame and smoke)


    On the Daoism side I found a number of characters portraying reversion.

    Namely 還 as in Great Reversion Elixir


    The term Great Reversion Elixir 大還丹 was firstly used in e Three Ways Unified and Normalized of the Book of Changes《周易參同契》 Zhouyi Cantong Qi ), which mentioned the term at the end of first chapter. He said, “the attainment of the Reversion Elixir ought to follow the return to the initial state of Spiritual Nature” ( 性 Xing ),


    Conceptualized in the Daodejing as 復 return, appearing in a dozen chapters especially 16:


    致虛極,Attain to utmost Emptiness.
    守靜篤。Cling single-heartedly to interior peace.
    萬物並作,While all things are stirring together,
    吾以觀復。I only contemplate the Return.
    夫物芸芸,For flourishing as they do,
    各復歸其根。Each of them will return to its root.
    歸根曰靜,To return to the root is to find peace.
    是謂復命。To find peace is to fulfill one's destiny.
    復命曰常,To fulfill one's destiny is to be constant.
    知常曰明。To know the Constant is called Insight.


    Golden Flower emphasizes 回光 reflection and 逆 inversion.



    Thomas Cleary version

    The whole work of turning the light around uses the method of reversal. The beauties of the highest heavens and the marvels of the sublimest realms are all within the heart: this is where the perfectly open and aware spirit concentrates.


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  4. On 5/1/2024 at 12:31 PM, old3bob said:
    On 5/1/2024 at 9:33 AM, johndoe2012 said:
    On 4/29/2024 at 7:54 PM, dwai said:

    Daoism: Stillness reflects a return to the natural state of the Dao. Like still water reflecting the world without distortion, a still mind reveals the true nature of things.

    Do you have a source for this?

    good question;  I'd also say chapter 25 of the T.T.C. points that way.


    that  particular part of the quotes wording  that you copied is problematic to me in that mind in itself does not reveal the Tao or transcendent but when clear and still the Tao works (comes to manifest) right through it without any veiling, thus in such a case mind is a matrix for and with zero resistance to such working. 


    also chapter 15:


    Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear?

    Can you remain unmoving till the right action arises by itself?”



    • Like 2

  5. Nice! Well in the 80's I got pretty confident with a staff by imitating Little John of Robin Hood's Merry Men and Donatello of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


    Then in the 90's I learned Tai Chi from David Carradine and Kam Yuen. :lol:


    In the 2000's a coworker saw me randomly standing in horse stance during a break. He later confided in me that he used to teach Ving Tsun in the Moy Yat lineage. I spent the next few years learning as much as I could from him.


    After that I focus on internal training, taking Qi Gong correspondence courses from Hu Xuezhi on Mt. Wudang, and Dr. Wu Dhi on Miami Beach. Since 2020 my practice continues to be a Neigung transmitted by Daniel Kim, the disciple of Yang Style Tai Chi Master Gabriel Chin.

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  6. In the meantime it only takes vigilance and a little skill with netting to capture a Yuanqi on its way down from Mingmen. It knows enough on its own to combine with Jing to make lead. Employing Duragon to stack lead, and Tigeren to lick mercury, maybe considered MCO as much as building a computer can count toward running a program. If you don’t believe me, check Cui Gong’s notes on the mirror.

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  7. 5 hours ago, Miffymog said:

    The cat takes a nap.

    His tail twitches quite a lot.

    Right, I am now off.


    Right, I am off now

    to practice new kung fu move:

    Abbot phone-whips monk


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  8. On 4/18/2024 at 8:06 PM, Jadespear said:

    ...I think you may misunderstand


    ok i apologize for being a little quick to the punch back there. I've seen a lot of the thing Maddie explained where something posed as a question, but amounts to "why do you believe the wrong thing?" inevitably ends up in an exasperated facepalm.


    On 4/18/2024 at 8:06 PM, Jadespear said:

    A persons biological birth doesn't change over the course of their life.


    I don't think anyone is saying that it does.


    On 4/16/2024 at 6:25 PM, Maddie said:

    You seem to be confusing sex and gender. 


    This. This right here might be at the core of a majority of vexation with regards to the topic. For individuals who have not personally experienced a significant enough decoupling of the societally enforced equivalency of the two, i guess i can see how it might be inconceivable that such a thing even exists.


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  9. 3 hours ago, Neirong said:

    You have linked the video in the message where you made this statement.


    I meant that i was not talking about the visual imagery of the video but rather the informational content that was being discussed, itself capable of being received by audio.


    3 hours ago, Neirong said:

    You also find the audacity to post his videos in every thread non-related to him or his school


    do you mean to the one other place i have recently linked a youtube of him discussing the location of acupoints, in a thread about the location of an acupoint? Yes, i like to provide sources for information that i found useful, in the event a reader might be inclined to follow through and actually receive said information for themselves.


    3 hours ago, Neirong said:

    It is even crazier to assume that people will be willing to waste hours watching those videos.


    especially when they could have spent that time jumping to conclusions based on preconceived notions and making pointless accusations.


    3 hours ago, Neirong said:



    you seem to know an awful lot about those.


    • Thanks 1

  10. 13 minutes ago, Neirong said:
    6 hours ago, Nintendao said:

    Damo … he do be emitting some light.

    Thats crazy. He has a lamp above his head


    :lol: i wasn't talking about in the video itself. I was referring to the energy field he described, that is able to interact with the nerves and qi of students to literally guide internal movement. I posted it in this thread as i wondered if a similar thing happens when Zen masters sit with someone, albeit at a more subtle level since they're not building and shaping qi but mind.


    13 minutes ago, Neirong said:

    drug addict


    So do you think he is hallucinating being able to move qi? Or worse he's putting all this effort into deliberately ripping people off just to be able to buy more whisky and cigars?

    • Thanks 1

  11. 2 hours ago, stirling said:

    I don't know anything about Mr. Mitchell. :)


    It was neat to hear him speak about direct transmission from a qigong perspective. Beyond the obvious benefits of in-person learning, there always seems to be this extra level of "stuff," depending on the teacher. Even given a strictly pragmatic explanation of somatic empathy, there really is a lot of potential in purely sitting and experiencing.


    • Like 1

  12. For schools that emphasize just sitting, do they generally practice in groups, or is sitting in solitude considered equally effective? What about sitting out amongst nature? The power of koan to knock the mind offline might be intended as an anesthetic. Less useful in and of itself unless the doctor is there and ready to operate. This thought occurred to me when listening to the following video. While Damo will be the first to deny he is any kind of enlightened, he do be emitting some light.



  13. 14 hours ago, Jadespear said:

    Hey, so - if you actually don't recognize what is true, it still is true.  What you are born as doesn't change.  Great for you if you feel better about yourself for doing whatever to yourself.  Simple facts remain and nothing anyone says or does can change them.  The only reason I bring it up is because I'm tired of hearing these arguments everywhere that make no sense.  No one can change what is objectively true, the facts speak for themselves.  


    for someone who claims to have manipulated physical reality with your mind, this seems to be a bit limited of a perspective.. 

  14. 1 hour ago, silent thunder said:

    The expression @ 1:30! 

    So much kinship in my core, with this snippet...  so much expressed between tribe in the extreme intimacy of long path walking together.   As always, I learn from teachers who speak not a word of my language mind...

    the look of slightly concerned bemusement that my pet cat gave me while this video was playing is absolutely priceless 😂🥰

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  15. 2 hours ago, stirling said:

    When you try to read something in a dream, it may be nonsense, or may be different if you try to read it again, or even have numbers and letters that change constantly.


    I was always fascinated by the way text behaved in dreams. I found out that instead of fruitlessly trying to focus my eyes on the symbols, i could just sort of ask the paper what it was trying to tell me :lol:

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  16. except that Yae had been a member since 2013, had already taken the instructor-led lineage route, yet still was striving for something greater.


    as @Taoist Texts pointed out, sealing the leaks includes not only bodily processes, but moreso the field of awareness. Maybe getting banned was meant to be, as part of the process of removing attachments 🤔

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  17. On 3/9/2024 at 8:55 PM, Celestial Fox Beast said:

    how do you start the alchemic process?

    if your not in a position to enroll in an established lineage you can request visitation by ascended master. if all you are meeting is ghosts just keep purifying to attract attention from higher up. can do purely xing e.g. constantly reciting scripture and doing authentically good deeds. or refining ming like standing in horse stance for six hours a day. find a balance that works for you.


    something might be worth a try, if it looks good to you, sit in with the free xiao yao pai sessions, if there still on, and see if anything comes through..


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