Lost in Translation

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Everything posted by Lost in Translation

  1. MLK 44

    Now I have to remember to read all your posts with an Aussie accent. ;-) My posts should be read with a valley girl accent, "Like, Oh. My. Gawd! That is totally rad! He was like, 'yeah', and I was like, 'no way!'"
  2. Following the Tao and flexibility

    It IS that simple!
  3. Following the Tao and flexibility

    Consider the difference between "being" [to be] and "doing" [to do]. One is a statement of existence. The other is statement of action. People love to "do things". But, when the world changes and the things you used to do no longer serve you, you better learn how to do other things. As for being? Well, once you learn how to be - that's it. Nothing else is necessary. Of course you are still free to do as much (or little) as you like. The hard work is already done.
  4. 50 hours and counting....

    Hey, look over here! Here's a shiny thing. Here. Look here!
  5. Are Secrets Really Necessary . . . (?)

    Better question: Is it preferable to have a personal, exclusive relationship with a living, breathing teacher? Real question: Is it necessary?
  6. 50 hours and counting....

    I give up...
  7. Random observations

    Thank you! I like your style, Lima. Keep on being you!
  8. Random observations

    Frogs? I wish I had frogs! All I have are squirrels, raccoons, crows, and lots of cats!
  9. 50 hours and counting....

    40 hours this time. Man, it must be like a drug or something.
  10. Random observations

    I had a similar experience, albeit with a cockroach instead of a turtle. Now I can no longer desire to kill them. When I do find a cockroach I gently trap it and release it in the yard.
  11. Random observations

    I was watching a television show about a pair of naked people who try to survive in the wild for 21 days with only a knife, steel pot, and some flint to make fire. About day 16 the woman (there is always one man and one woman on the show) was walking by a dry creek bed and she saw a small turtle. She gently picked it up and with great mixed-emotion looked at it and said: "I know. It's that day." The next scene she and her partner were eating turtle.
  12. Random observations

    Um,... nevermind.
  13. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "It's over Anakin, I have the high ground." -- Obi-wan Kenobi "I hate you!" -- Anakin Skywalker
  14. Taoist adaptation?

    Thank you, and welcome! Some Bums are oh so serious, others are silly, some are crazy, and others, well, we don't like to tease them since it can get ugly. I hope you enjoy it here. I do, usually...
  15. Taoist adaptation?

    Hi Wandelaar, I often wonder about 'non-Taoist' living. If Tao is, and does not need us to follow it, acknowledge it, or even be aware of it then is it even possible to exist in a 'non-Tao' manner? My suspicion is no, it is not. So what then does it mean to live a Taoist life? Well, as far as I can tell, living a Taoist life is about intention and choice. One intends to live as a Taoist and one chooses to live as a Taoist, all the while being aware that those who do not intend or choose to live as Taoists are also living as Taoists, albeit unconsciously. Beyond that there are things one can do to feel more 'Taoisty'. You can read and talk about that all you want. But doing or not doing is just that - doing. It's not the same as being. My thoughts on the matter. But what do I know? I am lost as anyone.
  16. Pets?

    I have "Tibsy", a very loving (and annoying) cat.
  17. 50 hours and counting....

    Almost 70 hours. We can do better than that!
  18. Random observations

    Is this the image spam thread? Can I play too?
  19. Cute. I prefer a lumpy down pillow. It's nice to be able to scrunch a pillow into any shape. As down pillows age, they start pushing feathers out through the side. Sometimes my pillow's feathers poke me in the cheek, or in the eye. That's awesome. I really love my pillow. ;-)
  20. Greeting!

    Welcome! Looking forward to hearing more.
  21. Dark night of the soul

    I think you are on to something. Remaining positive, as you say, is a good thing. I feel it is important to separate our sense of happiness from our sense of pleasure and pain. Traditionally we are told that pleasure brings happiness and pain unhappiness. This view of happiness is, in my opinion, childish. By predicating our happiness on circumstances outside our control we invite disaster. I much prefer to disconnect the two. Thus I may feel pain but remain happy. Conversely I may feel pleasure and also remain happy. In other words, although I may be tired, and hungry, and feel pain, my overall attitude and outlook is still positive. That, to me, is a mature way to approach life.
  22. Ramsey effect

    The next time I go to Las Vegas, I plan to dine at Ramsey's steakhouse. Each plate costs the same as a used car payment but it should be well worth it!
  23. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "You are as intelligent as you are good looking." -fortune cookie from Panda Express
  24. A General Discussion

    ... ? Oh, I get it! (facepalm)
  25. What are you listening to?

    I recently discovered that I like both Nicki Minaj and Kesha. Yes, having been raised in the 70's I am as surprised as you are!