Lost in Translation

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Everything posted by Lost in Translation

  1. ancient jews as bedouin ?

    (why do I always take the bait...?) Are you asking if Arabs are descended from Jews? I suspect you are. If that is your actual question then why not simply say so?
  2. What are you listening to?

    Lately I'm discovering Nicki Minaj. Starships are meant to fly, baby!
  3. Zoroastrianism

    I did not know that Zoroaster and Zarathustra were the same person.
  4. Why Follow Tao?

    Postmodernism is a topic for "Off Grid". In a nutshell Postmodernism is nihilistic Leftism, which today is synonymous with Marxism. It's a doctrine that focuses on identity politics and fostering of feelings of victimization as a means to gain political power.
  5. Disable/Hide Images?

    Quite! I actually disabled signatures a while back. No offense to those who use signatures.
  6. Why Follow Tao?

    Excellent! Very, very good insight! I might etch this onto a board and hang it on my wall. It's that good. Actually I won't etch it, but you get my point. It seems to always come back to the same two items: 1) the nature of everything at a conceptual level, and 2) the nature of everything while living. In the former we can bask in the glory of knowing all is perfect and there's really nothing that ever needs to be done. Big G is in charge and all is well. But in the latter, things are always breaking, there's always work to do and we need to deal with making choices and living with the consequences of them.
  7. Getting things done?

    No. Not at all. I am not saying that. What I am saying is that you (and me, and everyone else) have assumptions about what to do and how to do it. Theses assumptions are so foundational to your being (and my being, and everyone else's being) that they are axiomatic. They are taken as facts - unquestioned. But they are not facts. They are assumptions. These assumptions must be observed. They must be questioned. And ultimately they must be unlearned.
  8. Disable/Hide Images?

    Ugh! Can't do that! I'll just keep calm and carry on. Thanks.
  9. Getting things done?

    Eh, kind of... What I am saying is to examine your motives. Why do you feel that something should be one way vs another way? Why do you think that you should do one thing and not another thing? That underlying assumption might be wrong. That might be an example of something you need to unlearn, as @Marblehead was so kind to point out.
  10. Getting things done?

    I see... Thank you for clarifying. I was not implying any morality in my response. Instead, I was pointing out the idea of how something should be (supposed to be) vs how it actually is. It seemed you were saying that you were supposed to deal with things in a concrete manner and you were supposed to naturally find solutions. I was simply pointing to the fact that the basic assumption might be false. Maybe you are not supposed to deal with things in a concrete manner. Maybe solutions are not supposed to naturally find solutions. That is a possibility. Your path might very well be one of more abstract thinking. Maybe you are meant to focus more on ideas and to leave the concrete implementations to others. That way of life worked very well for Steve Jobs, for example.
  11. A Path of the Light

    In the context of UNIX® systems, daemons are process that run in the background attending to various tasks without human intervention. In the general sense, daemon is an older form of the word demon. In the Unix System Administration Handbook, Evi Nemeth has this to say about daemons: https://www.freebsd.org/copyright/daemon.html
  12. Getting things done?

    Sometimes you may find that you already know a lot more than you give yourself credit for. Notice what you already said. Do you see it yet? Where did you learn how things should be? Why "should?" -Lost
  13. Flow, being "in the zone," wu wei, and samadhi

    I see "flow" and being "in the zone" as synonymous. Both describe the state one is in while performing some action. For example, "the race car driver is in the zone", or "the athlete is flowing through the match". There's really no description of intention here. One could be in the zone or experiencing flow completely by chance. Wu Wei, on the other hand, is one-hundred percent about intention. One consciously intends to "do" non-action. I know, that sounds weird. For example, a master of hand-to-hand combat learns to overpower his opponent using the least amount of energy possible by reducing his movements to only those essential to get the job done. He adopts Wu Wei into his technique. Or a leader adopts Wu Wei into his discipline by letting his subordinates do the work and giving guidance and direction only as needed to maintain the proper course. Samadhi relates to a destination and a state of being. It is a goal, something one achieves. But upon achieving it morphs into a state of being that, ironically, no longer values goal based living. For example, the Zen master, after years of hardship finally achieves Samadhi only to realize that he already had Samadhi before he started upon his journey. How does this relate to what you were thinking?
  14. Why Follow Tao?

    Sometimes simply acknowledging the question is the answer. For example: Imagine you are walking down the street and you suddenly feel uneasy. You can ask yourself "why do I feel uneasy?", or you can acknowledge that you do feel uneasy and quicken your pace.
  15. 8vg d 4p

    Try to google 8vg d 4p Ah, recursion!
  16. Why Follow Tao?

    And I think this is great! "Follow Tao" - such a simple idea, except it's not! It's wildly complicated, except when it actually is simple. Words form the symbol of Yin/Yang. One contains the other, contains the other, contains the other... My faith is TDB is restored! Now let's all slum a bit in the Talk Trump thread.
  17. Why Follow Tao?

    But... ? I sense there is more you wanted to say on this. Am I mistaken?
  18. Why Follow Tao?

    I have a very simple approach to life: If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and acts like a duck then it is a duck.
  19. Why Follow Tao?

    We can see that words matter, and it's easy to get turned about because words can mean different things in different context. I like where this is going. Keep it up!
  20. Why Follow Tao?

    You are Tao. You have no choice. Everything you do or don't do is Tao. Relax be happy. Live a good life. I disagree when you say "You are Tao." I manifest from Tao. Tao nourishes me. Yes, I can say those things, but I am Tao? That does not feel right. I welcome your clarification on the matter.
  21. Why Follow Tao?

    You ask as if there is a choice. Whether you recognize it or not you are following Tao. Thank you! Maybe I should rephrase: Why choose to follow Tao?
  22. Seeking something

    Whiskey tango foxtrot?
  23. 8vg d 4p

  24. Seeking something

    Bump! This paragraph is excellent. I suspect many, many more people would benefit from reading this. "... it is kind of like you got stuck in hyper receptive mode. Feeling and receiving, but not yet also transmitting stuff back out." Anything worth saying once is worth repeating.
  25. Why Follow Tao?

    Does knowledge of good and evil lead to the source, or does knowledge of source reveal the good and evil?