Lost in Translation

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Everything posted by Lost in Translation

  1. Trump talk

    Robespierre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximilien_Robespierre Sound familiar? Think history is repeating itself?
  2. Trump talk

    It would seem so. This intelligence, however, is non-human, and unlike anything we can comprehend. Let that sink in for a moment. That is possible. Perhaps it is the work of Satan, or demons, or any miscellaneous chaos entities. Perhaps it's Tiamat. Who knows. Either way, it's a non-human intelligence and also unlike anything we can comprehend. How's that for an ego-burst? Your thoughts are not your own. An otherworldly entity has infected your mind and made you willingly engage in actions that will lead to your own destruction. It's Killgrave, Birdbox, The Matrix, and Dalek genetic manipulation all rolled into one. And you think you're free? That's funny...
  3. Trump talk

    The Thing is older than one would think. And more voracious. The intellectual Old Bolsheviks thought their illustrious records would protect them from the ruffian Stalin. Bukharin, who was eventually executed by Stalin, once said: "Koba, you used to be grateful for the support of your Bolshevik comrades." "Gratitude is a dog's disease," Stalin shot back. https://pjmedia.com/richardfernandez/andy-ngo/
  4. Trump talk

    Toxoplasma gondii wants to get into a cat's gut because that is where it completes its life cycle. The poor rat is just a patsy in the parasites plan. So what would want to tear down wealth, bring about starvation, tyranny, and ultimately destroy the freedoms of the western world? Answer that and you'll know what has infected the Leftist mind. As for the Liberals? They're quislings. They think the Left is the same as them, but they are wrong. Hopefully they will learn the truth and fight against the Left before it's too late. Think it can't happen here? To that I say: Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, and Venezuela. I'll add California, just for good measure.
  5. Trump talk

    https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/phenomena/2013/04/26/mind-bending-parasite-permanently-quells-cat-fear-in-mice/ "People don't have ideas, Ideas have people." Carl Jung
  6. Trump talk

    I won't speculate on the significance of seventeen, but the remainder of this is just absolutely amazing. Trump is taking diplomacy away from the diplomats. He is, to use a business term, a disruptive force on the geo-political stage, and I love him for that. You'll recall the debates of 2016, Trump said something along the lines of "I'll be so presidential, you won't believe it." Well, I did not believe it - not a first. But I do now.
  7. Trump talk

  8. Is the earth hollow?

    Of course the Earth is hollow. If you dig down 65,535 feet (which is, coincidentally, the maximum unsigned integer size in a 16 bit system) you will reach a vast void where the Langoliers rest when they are not working.
  9. Trump talk

    As a fellow techie, it pisses me off to see my peers be so stupid. They have a golden deal! Just let people post what they want, calculate where the advertisements should go based upon content, and leave it be! If a court orders you to remove content then take it down, otherwise let it stand. So lame. So very lame.
  10. Trump talk

    Twitter, Google, Youtube, Facebook and their pals better wake the %*$# up. If the US Government takes away their immunity then their content creators will instantly dry up, since they will be liable for countless lawsuits. Just think of all the dumb@$$ things posted by dumb@$$ people. If the tech companies became liable for libel or even copyright infringement for what their users post, it would be the end of social media.
  11. Trump talk

    https://www.cnet.com/news/trump-tweets-may-get-slapped-with-twitters-new-warning-label/ Sooo stupid. Can you imagine what would happen if Obama tweeted something and Twitter put a "warning label" on it? Holy Frickin' Hell would break loose. It would create a $%*&storm the likes of the modern world has never seen. Such absolutely pitiful behavior on the part of technology companies. The US absolutely needs to strip them of their slander and libel immunity, since they are obviously acting more as "publishers" than as "neutral platforms."
  12. Trump talk

    If you are sincere in this quest for information then I suggest you watch Tucker Carlson on Fox every now and then. He is, in my opinion, well balanced and thoughtful. Alternately, you can watch the "Fireside Chat's" on Prager U. Dennis Prager is also an excellent example of well balanced conservative. Both of these men routinely have guests on the left visit their shows (in the case of Dennis Prager his radio show).
  13. Trump talk

    Iran is intentionally taunting us. They want the US to attack them so they can pull out the victim card. The first thing they would do is call Russia, China, and North Korea to strengthen their already strong ties against us. Certainly several weak-willed European nations would join them. Then they could work to undermine the blockades against them, thereby legitimizing themselves and their allies while delegitimizing the US and our allies. This is a chess game, not a brawl, and Trump didn't fall for the trap.
  14. My Journey (A request for guidance)

    Thank you for sharing. To be blunt, you have been in the presence of God. All the excuses you have ever made to protect your fragile sense of self are falling away, at least they are if you allow them to. The choice is always yours. I had a similar experience, including the golden light and the supernatural presence. Others here have also felt this.
  15. Trump talk

    @StoshIt's not simply a case of the Democrats and the Media in bed together. I used to think that was the case, and called it "media bias." No, it's far worse than that. Ninety percent of the media are Democrats (and many of them bona-fide Leftists). They take their marching orders from the DNC. They are, quite literally, the propaganda arm of the Democratic party.
  16. Trump talk

    100% true. In today's cultural climate, the only correct answer to any political question asked publicly is the leftist answer. Nobody dares speak the truth for fear of the backlash. People know this, so they act accordingly. But in the ballot box they vote their conscience.
  17. coding

    Software Programming is a very dynamic field. The technology in demand today might have very little demand in five or ten years. It's common to spend a few years working on a project with cutting edge technology only to find that same technology is out of fashion when you finally release. For example, in 2013-2016 I was working with JSP (Java Server Pages) and JSTL (JSP Standard Tag Library ) for web development. We used various Spring libraries to build a nice financial application running locally hosted WebLogic, then Tomcat servers. Since then we have moved on to Angular 4 (2017-2018) and now Angular 7 (2019), both with Spring Boot / JPA (Java Persistence Architecture) based APIs (application programming interface) - both running on the Amazon Cloud. We've also migrated from Java 7 through Java 11 in that same timeframe. (Java 8 was a big change since it introduced Lambdas (nameless functions), which really simplify coding in some ways). What technologies will we use in a year or two from now? That's impossible to know. The only thing I can guarantee is that I will need to continuously learn new technologies in order to remain competitive. It's literally never ending, and this, above all else, is what drives people away from software engineering. I have seen many bright programmers get chewed up in this churn of learn, unlearn, and relearn. Many of them move on to positions in management, or become business analysts, or move on to quality assurance. What niche will serve you best to allow you to start working as a freelancer? At your current skill level there is none. You would be in a far better position to spend time learning the basics. If formal university training is not an option, then learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Learn a bit of Node.js, perhaps spend time learning the basics of SQL. Then look for an entry level position at a small or medium company (less than 200 employees). Take whatever job you can get. Do whatever is asked of you, and let the programmer or programmers at that company mentor you. Consider it a kind of apprenticeship. After a couple years you will have a much different understanding of technology and might be in a position to start freelancing.
  18. coding

    I suggest you start with the basics. Learn about variables and basic types (char, int, float, etc), iteration (if/else, for, while, do), functions, and aggregate types (structures, classes, etc). This is why I think all programmers should start with C, even if you won't actually be a C programmer. As I mentioned above, the K&R book "The C Programming Language" is an excellent intro to the basics for this reason. After learning the basics, you can give your hand at JavaScript. In the meantime there is no reason not to being with HTML and CSS. Learn what it takes to build static websites without any framework or JavaScript. Check out the CSS Zen Garden website for examples of what can be done using only basic HTML and no programming. http://www.csszengarden.com/
  19. coding

    Web development has changed a lot since it first became a thing twenty years ago. Back in the '90's, all you needed was HTML, a bit of CSS, the ability to copy/paste JavaScript enough to make image rollovers and the ability to embed a plugin or two. If you had some PERL and could whip up a CGI program then you were set! Today is radically different. Today you need HTML, CSS, and JavaScript still, but you also need knowledge of JavaScript frameworks, for example Angular. You also need to fully understand asynchronous programming. For example, your UI makes a REST call to some API to get data. Back in the day you would make that call and wait for a response. Not anymore. Now you pass a callback to that call and immediately return. When the data are available, the Ajax framework you are using will invoke your callback, passing the data as an argument. This is easy to do when you have just one call, but modern websites usually make several calls, and the data often depend on each other. In other words there is a chain of dependencies. Lots of bugs show up when programmers don't get this right... What I'm trying to say is web programming is still programming. I can teach someone the basics in six months and get them reasonably competent in one domain, but it takes a lot longer than that to be generally competent. As a freelancer, you will be expected to operate either as an expert in one niche, or be highly competent across the board. Both take time. So where are you now in your skills? Have you already learned programming basics? Have you worked on projects before? This matters in determining the pathway before you.
  20. When does one "become" a taoist?

    This is a very good question, and it goes hand in hand with "What is a Taoist?" Some say a Taoist is someone who follows a specific lineage of internal martial arts leading back thousands of years to a certain founder. Others say a Taoist is someone who lives their life according to the principles laid out in the Tao Te Ching. Between these two extremes there is a lot of room and unfortunately not a lot of consensus. I would say that a Taoist is someone who lives life in the manner of a Taoist. This means study of the Taoist classics, daily meditation (this is also an issue without consensus), and embodying the understanding that change is constant, and thus is the only permanent truth. Hope that helps!
  21. Trump talk

    500. This thread will have 500 tabs before the election on Nov 3 next year...
  22. Favorite Daoist Quote

    "That without substance can enter where there is no room." TTC, Chapter 43
  23. Trump talk

    Talk Trump is dead! Long live Trump talk!
  24. Should I or shouldn't I ?

    Oh, please!
  25. Is the earth hollow?

    Earth is actually a dodecahedron. https://mobile.twitter.com/thedesoceity Or perhaps it's rhombo-hexagonal... https://mobile.twitter.com/theearthisrhomb