Travelling bum

Junior Bum
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About Travelling bum

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Seeker finds dao bums!

    Thank you all very much :-)
  2. Seeker finds dao bums!

    Hi everyone! I'm pretty happy to find this forum and I look forward to learning more. I have been a spiritual seeker for as long as I can remember but I have recently found Buddhism and Taoism and have apparently found what I have been looking for. I have always been someone to go with the flow and just see what happens so I find that a lot of what I do and feel fit with Taoism, which is great. There is so much to learn, a lifetimes worth but at the same time, such an amazing journey to explore. I look forward to sharing it with you all. Have a great day :-) Travelling bum.