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  1. 6 hours ago, steve said:

    Thank you for your input. 

    I do not see it as careless.

    It is a pattern of disrespect and abuse.


    Earl was suspended for 3 months for bullying multiple members. The current mod team asked Trunk to allow us to give him the opportunity to show he is better than that. He responds with, among other things, an insult leveled at someone who volunteers quite a bit of time and energy to welcome all new members here.


    All we ask is for members to treat each other with civility and respect. Most of you do just that. Earl has a history of bullying and abusive behavior here and has used up his free passes. A week off to think about his intentions is mild. 


    Maybe you can be kind enough to update me on a few things.  There seems to have been alot of chatter from dawei and Apech, about some misgivings they had about modding (did I just make up a word in that context? :rolleyes:). All of a sudden the thread is hidden, Apech is kicked out of the mod squad and Dawei is given thirty days.  Is there somewhere that tells us lower minions; the why and wherefores involved or maybe you can fill in the gaps for me.  I am a reasonably intelligent person and honestly I am a little befuddled.

  2. On 7/22/2020 at 9:13 AM, Taomeow said:

    The Perfect Man is godlike. Though the great swamps blaze, they cannot burn him; though the great rivers freeze, they cannot chill him; though swift lightning splits the hills and howling gales shake the sea, they cannot frighten him. A man like this rides the clouds and mist, straddles the sun and moon, and wanders beyond the four seas. Even life and death have no effect on him, much less the rules of profit and loss!



    The perfect Woman?


    Projecting the Spirit

    There is a body outside the body,

    Which has nothing to do with anything produced by magical arts

    Making this aware energy completely pervasive Is the living, active, unified, original spirit

    The bright moon congeals the gold liquid

    Blue lotus refines jade reality

    When you've cooked the marrow of the sun and moon

    The pearl is so bright you don't worry about poverty--------------- Sun Bu'er


    Sun Bu'er (Sun Pu-erh, Chinese: 孫不二), one of the Taoist Seven Masters of Quanzhen, lived c. 1119–1182 C.E.

    After twelve years of practice, at Fengxiangu cave, she attained the Dao and, it is said, became an immortal. Sun was a teacher with several disciples, founding the Purity and Tranquility School.

    Sun Bu'er wrote a set of fourteen poems and is credited with various alchemical work.

    Sun Buer is one of a group of female Taoist masters collectively referred to as The Immortal Sisters.

    Many of Sun Buer's poems focus on Taoist practices of inner alchemy, using a precise, yet highly metaphoric language in reference to sacred energies and the subtle anatomy. 




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  3. I once was unable to enter a room in the dark because it felt so horrible.  It turned out that the previous owner, had been collecting various pets, from around the neighborhood and torturing them in that room. Another time, I and two other people felt a terrifying presence, moving silently( in heavy brush) through the woods.  We all looked at each other at exactly the same time, with an oh shit! look on our faces and froze, until it was gone and we all felt its' absence at exactly the same time.

    So, I know that there is some wierd shit happening in the spirit/ghost world.

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  4. 1 hour ago, thelerner said:

    I found the first line here interesting and I didn't want to distract  the original thread. 


    How common do you think energy blockages are for 'newbies'?  We hear about them here and on the internet, yet I wonder if thats the squeaky wheel?   ie 90% practice, get nothing.. quit.  5% keep going have some benefits then quit.  3 or 4 % take it all the way, make it a decades long practice, and 1% have problems and they're the ones who write here on the internet? 


    I'm pulling these numbers out my ass (or decades of dabbling), but against a popular writer's method or video series, what do you think the %'s are? 


    My thesis, not very common, <1% but that could still be high with enough practitioners.


    Your question concerns newbies.  What is your definition of a newbie?  If we are talking just a few weeks, then I would think it is very rare, not unknown but, definitely less than 1%.  If we are talking about people who are getting into more advanced stuff and especially if they, are starting to experiment in new areas, I think blockages are fairly common ( especially in the head). A very good reason to have advanced, traditionally based teachers, readily available for advice.

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  5. 6 hours ago, RiverSnake said:

    Strong energy movements in the subtle body can cause movements in the physical body. It means the energy wants to move in a specific way and the movements are a reflection of it trying to work through those channels and tissues. Let it happen.


    You can also consciously trigger these movements via spontaneous shaking,...just start to shake and let your "body wisdom" take over and guide the  flow. 


    I generally agree with you on most things but, in the case of @CataclysmicSky here, I advise against consciously  triggering the movements, with spontaneous shaking, at least at this point and time.

  6. An advocate for free health care, Dr. Murat Dilmener sometimes bent hospital rules in Istanbul to ensure those without health insurance got the treatment they needed. The professor and infectious diseases specialist frequently saw poor Turks for free at his private clinic. His charitable acts and compassion would inspire Turkish newspapers to dub him the “Robin Hood of the medical profession.” He died of COVID-19 at age 78, devastating former students on the medical team that couldn't save his life.


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  7. 3 hours ago, CataclysmicSky said:

    I am 20 years old now.

    I have never really practiced any sort of qi gong/yoga. However, close to a few months  back, I suddenly realised the fact that I did not know who I really was when I woke up from sleep in the afternoon one day. The body was not me, and the mind was definitely not me.


    This seemed to send off an explosion in my head. It felt as though a thick cover had been lifted off from the top of my head. I enjoyed and meditated on this feeling quite a bit.

    Then, I started to do some research and figured that it might have something to do with the spiritual dimensions of life. Since I am in a university, and didn't exactly get enough time to learn, or even search for a teacher, I researched around for a bit and found this forum. After lurking around for a bit, I bought the 25 doors to meditation book from William Bodri and found some meditation practices.


    So then, I started practicing the skeleton visualisation method I found on his website. I had some experiences, and quite a few times, I felt something go boom in the body.


    However, I stopped the practices altogether since a few of my friends advised me to. Even I felt that there was probably something wrong with my head. A few weeks passed by just like that, and even if I didn't practice, I could feel something stirring up inside my back, moving towards my head. It's been close to two months since then.


    Here comes the problem :


    In these two months, all of my energy has seemingly gotten stuck in my head and presses down on my temple most of the time. Recently, it has even manifested in the form of phlegm in my nose which I can't seem to spit/blow out. This was probably one of the most frustrating periods of my life, since there was times when I felt that this energy was about to just explode out of my head with a 'poof'!


    I could also "feel" the things in my very immediate surroundings. When I used this thingy on my LDT, the energies seemed to automatically recede downwards, clearing up my head. However, they always came back up, annoying me to no little extent.


    Now my uni is placed in a remote area, with no tai-chi/yoga classes around, and I don't think there are practitioners here. However, thanks to the coronavirus lockdown, I am back home. Hence, I finally had some time around my hands and I did an Inner Engineering Online course from Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev since I had found his talks quite eye-opening. There, he talks about all your sufferings related to karma/action and accepting things as they are. (The 7 classes were quite transformational, and I still feel pretty good about betting my money on it.)


    I found the energies calm down completely after I have accepted them. However, even if they don't make me suffer anymore, it would still feel better to get my head cleared up and have my senses senses heightened. Moreover, I still alternatively feel states of high energy and fatigued (it's mostly fatigue) and a loss of appetite after I lie down in the bed after practicing yoga and meditation for a while. And once this happens, it continues to hound me through the day. So that's my general situation.


    Are there any solutions?


    I agree with @RiverSnake , also:


    Okay, when energy is stuck in your head, 95+% of the time, you are doing too much energy work, too early (pathways have not been toned and tuned enough to take that load) and invariably, you are not doing enough diversity in your daily grounding. I would recommend that you cut way down all energy work (except for some very slow stretching, think about how a cat would stretch if he/she's goal was to stretch every single muscle in the body.) Then do that very slowly and very gently and get into the pure pleasure, in the feeling of it ( and I mean from the tips of your toes to the top of your head and then back down again to the toes).This is a balanced energy/grounding/meditation activity that if done cosistently 6-7 days a week, for at least 15 minutes a day will help alot in getting to feel better.  DRINK lots of water, but not too much ( whenever you are thirsty + a couple of extra glasses of water for good health). Do activities that fill yourself with joy! Walk around barefoot when it is convenient. Get your hands deep into some black rich loose soil, plant something in it.  Pet an animal you love; recognize its' qualities that you admire. Have less opinions about most things, check and watch your irritations, then trace them back to their root.  Remember, the only thing that is under your power is how you act and react to anything.  Make sure that you are in the driver's seat.

    As you start to feel better, add your various trainings back a little bit at a time, Be very aware, about how you feel right before and for a few days after each, indivual, small addition and act accordingly.





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  8. One of the big stars of the 2020 COVIDIOT scene took a while to see his star rise, but police in Aurora, Ill., with the help of the public, made 19-year-old Tyler Wallace a celebrity.

    Video emerged last month of a man walking through a Walmart and spraying Lysol on everything in sight while wearing a sign on his back that read “Caution I have the coronavirus.”

    That man was soon after identified as Wallace, according to the Chicago Tribune. Cops estimate he did $10,000 worth of damage — in a Walmart!

  9. Influencer Ava Louise, who has more than 175,000 Instagram followers, got famous during the pandemic because she likes to potty.

    The 22-year-old posted video on TikTok where she’s licking an airplane toilet seat and inviting people to join the “Coronavirus Challenge.”

    During a visit to the Dr. Phil show, Louise claimed that her stunt wasn’t dangerous because she was in a private plane and had bleached the seat.

    The toilet-licking attention seeker also reasoned that the stunt occurred en route to Miami where “I had way dirtier things in my mouth that whole spring break.’”