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Everything posted by moment

  1. Levitation and possibly flight?

    Okay, Do you have any ideas?
  2. Levitation and possibly flight?

    The grand thing about the human mind is that it can turn its own tables and see meaninglessness as ultimate meaning. ----John Cage
  3. Purpose of QiGong

    Check out the different qigongs that have a good verifiable history. Find the one that balnces and energizes you best. But, movement should be balanced with stillness. You strike me as a dynamic person, so, I suggest that you search for a good teacher in Zhan Zhuang. Once you start to understand the simplicity/complexity of standing like a tree, you will be glad you do it with qigong.
  4. How to connect

    Always a pleasure, thank you!
  5. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Because only slow food can teach us the things that really matter - care, beauty, concentration, discernment, sensuality, all the best that humans are capable of, but only if we take the time to think about what we're eating. ------Alice Waters
  6. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    This is the power of gathering: it inspires us, delightfully, to be more hopeful, more joyful, more thoughtful: in a word, more alive. ---Alice Waters Our Mission The Edible Schoolyard Project is dedicated to transforming the health of children by designing hands-on educational experiences in the garden, kitchen, and cafeteria that connect children to food, nature, and to each other. An Edible Education places the child at the center of their learning and uses food to engage all aspects of the child’s education. Through growing, processing, cooking, eating, studying, talking, and thinking about food, students develop skills, knowledge, and behaviors that enrich their academic and nonacademic lives, bolster their growth as individuals and in relationships, and cultivate meaningful engagement with their own health, the health of their communities, and the health of the planet. At the heart of an Edible Education is a just and joyful learning experience for every child.
  7. How to connect

    Considering the overall context of the translation above. Maybe it is not code, maybe we need to ask," what kind of purple grass are we talking about?"
  8. Cultivation technique???

    Or maybe you are a beginning later! What is your gorgeous baby's name? Ilumairen or taomeow is your best bet for women's help! If, you do not get a quick response, try the front porch thread and gently, bump ilumairen awake, she rests because she has lived! You may have much to share!
  9. Impunity Watch

    To be perfectly clear! I want the extreme right and the extreme left here! Because, our best chances of finding wisdom is in between those two points-- somewhere! Our very individual balance-- somewhere! But, there must be courtesy! There must be empathy! There must be a certain understood level of civility! When you are getting continuous complaints---- start your own thread, as long as it is not bigotry, hate or politics-- go for it! If people get in to your thread under those guidelines and then complain-- then, it is on them. But, try to be part of the community!
  10. Impunity Watch

    In all do respect, of course it is circular. I just reported Gendao to Sean, I am not a fan of banning, but some kind of strong moderation is needed in this case. We wait 24-48 hours and see what the next move is.
  11. Impunity Watch

    I will back you on this and report it too!
  12. Impunity Watch

    You are dealing with a lot of stress now. You are no doubt absorbing more than you fully realize for now. Filtering, is your only true option, I wish you the best. You know who your friends are. Check out the last page of the levitation and flying thread, it was a hoot and I think, a good sign of our communities true will.
  13. Levitation and possibly flight?

    Started a new levitation class recently. I went straight to the top of the class.
  14. Levitation and possibly flight?

    Always like a good/bad pun!
  15. Levitation and possibly flight?

    In some ways things seem to be lightening up. I am certainly glad to see it.
  16. Levitation and possibly flight?

    I have had several out-of-body experiences, all memorable, all unpredictable (mostly) and I still only understand a small fraction of them. I find that lucid dreaming or half-wake condidions are the most productive. Though, I was getting a lot of it (lucid dream flying) after a certain type of Kriya (I will not name it because, it can be destabilizing if a proper foundation has not been laid). The layers of, underlying realities intertwined with, subconscious garbage and all that.
  17. Levitation and possibly flight?

    If he meant it as comedy, it would be clever, if it is meant to be taken seriously; it is just boring. Anyone who bothers to actually be a positive force on TDB, knows you are good people, liminal.
  18. I believe that everyone, if possible, should do major grounding like this, several times a year.
  19. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    If cold is the absence of heat, evil is the absence of good.--- anonymous, taoist, pain in the butt.