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Posts posted by oak

  1. Really happy that I could share something as beautiful as this interview with someone : )


    We will come back to it many times in our lives, right? Like those favourite books we keep reading...


    Can relate to being stuck in the mud... thank you for sharing your adventure.


    I think John lives in England, yes.


    It really gave me much peace... and hope! It reached us for some reason...  :)

    • Like 1

  2. Wow Taomeow!


    When someone validates what you're feeling with their own experience and words it's just overwhelming... :wub:


    Thank you so much for your encouragment my friend and for that special "penny". I will hardly ever forget it!


    All the best,



    • Like 4

  3. Hi sagebrush!


    Good that you are enjoying John Butler's message. There's so much in it that seems coming out directly from the dao de jing that I felt the need to post it here in the dao bums forum.


    It's giving me hope in difficult times of shenpa - as now I've learned with you, thanks : ) 


    Would like to achieve those peaceful moments during work hours more as you do...but rarely. Get "here and now" mostly when I have time to dedicate to practice.


    Sound of bells... humans will be humans and bells, bells... as my zen master didn't use to say...

    • Like 1

  4. Hello good people of the dao  :)


    I'm in love with tai chi but lack the discipline to practice everyday.

    I'm living one of  the toughest years of my life so, it's being difficult to find the focus for daily practice.

    For me it is the coolest, most beautiful, most mindful meditation I've ever found.

    Unfortunately can't afford tai chi classes right now and end up practicing other forms of exercise and meditation which don't require as much mental focus like hatha yoga.

    Having "tai chi friends" could help me get more motivated.


    Anyone interested feel free to contact me.


    Thank you.


    • Like 7

  5. Hi Drifting_Through_Infinity,


    Astral Projection is something I definately feel isn't for everyone, even for people who can do it easely like me. That was something I found out in my teens. Even so, I've waited to meet the right people to start doing it _ experienced astral projectors. The results weren't at all what I was expecting for and due to not being able to control energies as they would arise violently the result was a spiritual crisis that made me lose some of the best years of my life. So, even today it continues to be easy for me but I abstain from it.