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Posts posted by oak

  1. I pretty much am in accordance with those who think that "humanity" is just wishful thinking...


    However, a few years back a philosophy teacher opened my horizons with this line of thought: A man is something other than an animal because if you keep an animal away from individuals of its species, it will still develop the behaviour of that species. For example, if you keep a monkey away from other monkeys for let's say, its first three years, it may develop as a neurotic monkey but can however have a life among its species. That is just not possible with human beings. If you are not made a "human" in your first living years you will never become one. So, our species depends more on education than genetics to be what it is.

    • Thanks 1

  2. 13 hours ago, z00se said:


    Hi Ya Mu,


    I am very interested to know what sort of accelleration of healing are you talking about? Like how much faster are people's fractures typically getting better?

    4 weeks ago i shattered my Navicular into at least 9 pieces .....they can't operate on it because there is nothing to screw into, the bone is all in pieces. Where the navicular joins to the the talis looks all spikey from the MRI where the articulating surface should be smooth. There is very little blood supply to this bone and from reading around this is going to be many months before i can even start to hobble around putting any weight on this for short periods. The doctor said if i can walk in 1 year and it gets sore at the end of the day that would be a good outcome. Talking to more people and reading around the net there are some real horror storys so I really need to get this right... i'm only 36 with a young family.


    I've been meditating for years, healing tao style, and i read your book some 10 years ago. If you had any advice for me of what to do specifically for fracture healing and the type of energy to do it with it would be fantastic. I've been drinking bone broths and raw vegetable juices to try to give it all the nutrtion i can, and having my wife do Bowen therapy treatments on me. I have practically no pain which i guess is one good thing but i am no weight bearing in a cast still.


    Do you think it's good to continually direct energy to the area frequently, or do it for a period only once per day or once every few days or what have you found to work well? What type of energy? Like kundalini sexual / earth type energy or heavenly heat type energy? or a mixture of both, or how should it be structured? Or should i forget about the energy and just be?


    What do you think of magnets? have you tried them?


    Im still able to work in clinic a couple of hours a day from a wheely chair before i get a sore hip / back from just standing up on one leg from time to time when it's needed but this really does suck and i want it to get better asap. I want to be able to walk properly again and if i could run i would be over the moon.


    Thankyou in advance,







    Would also advise you to read "A tooth from the tiger's mouth" by Tom Bisio


    Wishing you the best

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  3. 14 minutes ago, Spotless said:

    There are so many types of energy and endless growth.


    One can radiate at times and at the very same time be going through massive changes - for many years. 


    Some learn invisibility and others are more on the surface while some are charismatic.


    Traditional yoga is primarily meditation - western “yoga” is primarily a work out regime.


    For some Qi Gong masters it is like walking in a volcano in private - for others it is a Well  to draw from - for some it is like walking in  a sun and for some it is all of these.


    For many- it is like Western”Yoga” - a work out of sorts to ward off aging and stagnant Qi.  For some it is a tidy business with good money to be made in seminars.


    For some it is their way and the students are simply practicing with them.




    There's a post I like, laugh and thank...


    • Like 4

  4. 1 hour ago, liminal_luke said:


    Great point.  I`d love to be able to do impressive-looking things but sometimes it`s the easy things, regularly practiced, that bring the most benefit.  Here`s a video of "swing arms," one of my favorites.




    Proper technique for Ping Shuai Gong. There are so many testemonies of this simple qigong healing all sorts of diseases...



    • Like 2
    • Thanks 3

  5. 4 hours ago, Vajra Fist said:

    Two very different videos 




    Which approach would you use in trying to convince an elderly ill person to start doing something for his wellbeing? The hatha-yoga or the qigong video?


    I practice both but very much feel that hatha-yoga is safe-cracking compared to tai chi and qigong. The subtle ways the Chinese find to achieve their goals fascinates me.

    • Like 2

  6. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=21Rwj9sPBTc

    Dark Night Of The Soul

    The Dark Night of the Soul

    St John Of the Cross

    On a dark night, 
    Kindled in love with yearnings–oh, happy chance!–
    I went forth without being observed, 
    My house being now at rest.

    In darkness and secure, 
    By the secret ladder, disguised–oh, happy chance!–
    In darkness and in concealment, 
    My house being now at rest.

    In the happy night, 
    In secret, when none saw me,
    Nor I beheld aught, 
    Without light or guide, save that which burned in my 

    This light guided me 
    More surely than the light of noonday
    To the place where he (well I knew who!) was awaiting me–
    A place where none appeared.

    Oh, night that guided me, 
    Oh, night more lovely than the dawn,
    Oh, night that joined Beloved with lover, 
    Lover transformed in the Beloved!

    Upon my flowery breast, 
    Kept wholly for himself alone,
    There he stayed sleeping, and I caressed him, 
    And the fanning of the cedars made a breeze.

    The breeze blew from the turret 
    As I parted his locks;
    With his gentle hand he wounded my neck 
    And caused all my senses to be suspended.

    I remained, lost in oblivion; 
    My face I reclined on the Beloved.
    All ceased and I abandoned myself, 
    Leaving my cares forgotten among the lilies.













  7. 56 minutes ago, Marblehead said:

    Okay, I'll try.


    A monk goes to a pizza place and orders a pizza.  The pizza is finished and the cashier says "That will be $7.50.  The monk offers a ten dollar bill and the cashier gives the monk the pizza.  The monk asks "Where's my change?"  The cashier says "Change is within."


    That joke sounded a bit like that same neigong book they put on sale every year with a new cover and a new title and a new author.