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Everything posted by oak

  1. Research of Martial Arts by Jonathan Bluestein

    Check this interview, it may give you some ideas. http://internalfightingarts.audello.com/internal-fighting-arts-14-jonathan-bluestein/
  2. Mair 3:3

    Great team work. Really enjoying it
  3. Thanks Taomeow! Sometimes we just need some validation of our own thoughts to start acting (sleeping) the right way. The hardest things to realize are the most evident, I guess. We are really living a crazy culture that makes it almost impossible to be and feel healthy.
  4. Tai chi friends

    Great lineage, lucky you. Which were the 13 forms you were talking about?
  5. Tai chi friends

    Hi thelerner, I'm dedicating much of my time in findind good sources on tai chi. So much amazing stuff... Anyway as I had to choose I've started learning the 24 yang and the chen 27. Starting the day with pyjamas tai chi seems like a very good idea Not much "tai chi in the park" where I live though (Portugal). What really inspires me is reading about the disciplined daily practices of people in this forum. Feeling really grateful for those. Hope you're having good results with the wim hof method. Thanks.
  6. Tai chi friends

    Cool channel dwai Where or with who did you learn the temple style form ? Enjoyed very much watching you do your stuff!
  7. Tai chi friends

    Hello dwai! Yes, we can motivate each other. Thank you my friend Please,tell me more about the form you practice when you can.
  8. Tai chi friends

    Hello Taoway! Thank you for the videos. I will watch them carefully as soon as I have the time I'm learning yang and chen forms. Like you sometimes I don´t have the space and need to place myself somewhere else to continue with the form. I'm also a slow learner but I have a life of practice ahead, no problem with that. Thank you so much for your kind offer of teaching me but I guess I live very far away from you. Portugal. The point here is to motivate ourselves to practice. Feel free to pm me if you want to telling me about your practice.
  9. My view on kundalini is that it is a natural process related with spiritual growht. Spiritual growht can't be forced... Still today I'm trying to find a practice that is balanced and safe. Never had any problems in feeling energy with intensity but the point is to control it safely, right? So if your plan is to "step on the tiger's tail" at least you should know what to do afterwards... and you better know how to run and where to run. Not going to beat you up over mo pai. Know very few about mo pai but don't doubt at all that they deliver results... Again what I wrote above. Gopi krishna, an experienced yogi, awakened the kundalini and was left by himself to deal with the consequences. He wrote something like: " There I was in India, an experienced yogi in the craddle of yoga, and no one really knew how to help me. So, people talk a lot about kundalini and that's basically it... talk. On the other hand, there are many people that completed the process and don't even mentioned it, at least openly. Read them please. All the known enlightned masters... Buddha, Jesus, Lao-tzu and so on. That I would advise you as being the best practice.
  10. Sure, start by reading Gopi Krishna "Kundalini":The book that started it all. Also, check out the kundalini help forums online. Many, many experienced people there helping people completely lost in the process.
  11. I understand your position perfectly, anything is better than living a life of mediocrity, but again the point here is to arrive safely and wisely and not trying some kamikaze strategies that will give you kamikaze results.
  12. Hello J0urn3y, The kundalini awakening is the most serious and risky thing you can try in your lifetime. Are you sure you want to try it? My advice to you is that you spend a lot of years, and I mean that, gathering information on the subject and talking to experienced people before you even consider it. There are lots of safe and interesting practices out there energy wise...
  13. serious readers only

    There's a bird watching thread in this place somewhere... Have fun
  14. Back For Good

    Always loved this scene
  15. wu wei

    I know a great movie about wu wei https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpBNAERkSqI
  16. Hashish and radical islam

    Not taking a position here about the pros and cons of consumming hashish, but history is history... http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2012/12/where-did-the-word-assassin-come-from/
  17. Hello fellow travellers

    Welcome to the dao bums Gustavo! (you will) Enjoy your stay
  18. 50 fundamental herbs

    Yes rainbowvein, I've experienced that peppermint reduces sexual drive. My doubt I guess is that if peppermint reduces sexual drive would it decrease the natural production of jing in the body ? Some foods and herbs increase very much the sexual drive. I remember for example the first time I stopped eating meat and replaced it very much with eggs. My sexual drive increased a lot. The same thing is true with superfoods in general like garlic. So, what I'm trying to figure out is, that if it is at all productive taking such foods and ending up losing so much jing. Don't think it's sensitiveness but awareness rainbowvein. Maybe the ideal would be a good balance between the effects of foods/herds in the production of jing. Have your scrambled eggs, but don't forget taking a cup of peppermint tea afterwards : )