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Everything posted by oak

  1. Haiku Chain

    by Chang,you and me. Jumping over an old tree laugh untill you pee!
  2. simplify

  3. Haiku Chain

    I observed them. Why? Because roses are still red and violets blue?
  4. simplify

  5. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Watch out Earl Grey
  6. Forced Mind-Intention

    You are a great teacher steve.
  7. Forced Mind-Intention

    Pretty much
  8. Forced Mind-Intention

    Not referring to you, at all, just the article mentioned.
  9. Forced Mind-Intention

    Sure. Sending it by pm because I think it can't be found online. I receive it by email. Also, some people don't need more advertising than what they already have.
  10. Forced Mind-Intention

    There's not much to elaborate but here goes... for example I tend to carry much tension in my eyes and face even doing tai chi so sometimes when I don't seem to be able to stop it I just exagerate it for awhile (some seconds to a minute). After letting it go what follows is a feeling of natural relaxation. Imagine someone who has the bad habit of walking with the back bent. If someone made him do it deliberately what do you think it would happen afterwards? Trying to find a good article that may help you too. When I do I'll send it to you via pm.
  11. Forced Mind-Intention

    Mimicking my tense movements or breath or whatever usually works for me. When you can reproduce what you're doing wrong what follows is that you naturally start doing it right.
  12. Heart of Meditation

    Well, well... 57
  13. mystical poetry thread

    Psalm 131 A song for pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem. A psalm of David. LORD, my heart is not proud; my eyes are not haughty. I don’t concern myself with matters too great or too awesome for me to grasp. Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself, like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk. Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, put your hope in the LORD— now and always.
  14. simplify

  15. simplify

    belly button
  16. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Is there a dog in every cat ? ...Is there a cat in every dog... ?
  17. What are you watching on Youtube?

    It's amazing what solar panels can achieve...
  18. in case anyone is still following this thread... First of all congratulations qicat for starting it. What I have to say is the following: Unless you go through some sort of preliminary death of the ego and you find yourself in a really dark place, without being able to get out of there by yourself, how can you ever be convinced that something "higher" guides and takes care of yourself? To me that is the only true initiation there is. A lot of people may not agree with me but they're free to have their own opinion. Some random episode: when I started my DDJ studies, one night when I picked up the book I was attacked by what it seemed to be an invisible enraged dog. Yes, it was a very frightening experience that only showed me that I was doing the right thing and should keep at it.
  19. What does everyone practice :)

    As much as i would like tai chi and contemplating nature to be my primary practices they're not! With few time to myself at this point in my life i need to be adaptive and practice what I can with the life that is given to me. So... after many internal struggles with myself because it is not , in any way, quite the contrary, a daoist internal practice I've finally let my instinct lead the way and started having as a primary practice 100 push-ups a day. I do them 3 at a time which makes me breath deeply for about half hour giving me the energy I need to keep up with my stressful life. A cold shower follows. Also pray everyday, Also try to be as mindful as I can of sensations in every short break that I have. Also, during the long trips on the passengers seat of my boss's car I keep practicing mentally my tai chi and my hatha-yoga, and... do I notice improvments in my practice? yes I do. Also find a few moments for walking meditation almost everyday.
  20. What are you watching on Youtube?

    People living an adventure as they walk happily and freely through the Appalachian Trail. When you are enslaved in front of a computer for 12 hours a day how can you not like this?
  21. Hitting Devices, Methods (?)

    Not yet but will in the future. Also, being the hands such a vital part of our bodies it gives me confidence in knowing That shifu Chris learned the technique from the legendary iron palm master James Mcneil who doesn't seem to be developing problems with his hands as he's entering old age. If you're really interested get in contact with shifu Chris. He's a very available person
  22. Hitting Devices, Methods (?)

    Check Shifu Chris Lomas https://www.ironpalmproductions.com/course-category/iron-palm-and-iron-body/