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Posts posted by Pilgrim

  1. Focus on what you want to do. You are a bit scattered. What is it you want to give? What is it you need to survive well? 


    Then decide what to sell, if your teacher said never for free and you honor him then there is only one way you must charge.


    Money is energy in exchange. You know this.

    • Like 1

  2. 1 hour ago, alfheim said:

    Not hating just considering it a rather weak end for the 7 season buildup and teasing. (Not regarding cinematography and music those where top notch)


    Pretty sure he doesn't yell go go go at the dragon. Sound closer to nooooo, no, no or just some screaming without meaning. If he saw Arya at that point why doesn't he display even the slightest gesture suggesting it? Not while he is cowered down and the dragon can't see him nor while he is screaming at the dragon. Even the subtitles don't say go. Why hide it in the sub if it's supposed to have meaning?

    I have to say the last season was far too short and it does seem things were  rushed to tie it up in a nice 🎁 

    • Like 2

  3. 2 hours ago, Starjumper said:

    I have some videos I could sell of Mr. Yueng doing chi kung.  The marketing could go something like this:


    This is a video of one of the more powerful qigong masters in the world doing Tien Shan Chi Kung.  

    This is a most rare chance to see the chi kung that Bruce Lee's main teacher did for his own cultivation.

    This is not like some chi kung systems that have been fabricated by mediocre masters for public consumption.


    How much do you think something like that would be worth?

    For those wanting to learn priceless. Here is a thought you could check and see why is involved to sell it in two different ways.


    #1. Already being a book seller on Amazon see what it will take to sell via their video service.


    #2. Do this with Apple also.


    #3. Do this with You Tube subscription services ( Not Sure If they sell outright or not like the other two.


    The minute you let physical unencrypted media loose you are done, at least this way you limit digital theft or mitigate it to some degree and obtain world wide distribution channels second to none.


    You may also want to consider inserting yourself practicing and further explaining what your teacher is doing.


    you have a good video presence and a good voice.


    BTW is the book done yet?

    • Like 1

  4. 4 hours ago, alfheim said:

    he White Walkers aren't in stand down. She runs past them. She pretty much took the most difficult path there was at that moment to attack the Night King. 

    Saw it, 3 times have to agree with Ilumarian. He Vader snatched her throat she dropped the knife masterfully caught it in the other hand and eliminates the overblown villain.


    Throughout the whole series she has kept herself together suffered much and adapted. 


    Remarkable and fatal!


    Why hate on the victor?

  5. 9 hours ago, Fa Xin said:


    Ive really seen this with my school studies. 


    Having to memorize things like anatomical structures, microbiology and pharmacology stuff - all very exciting *rolls eyes*


    Energetically I can feel myself “holding onto” the information, very big words and classifications - holding onto the information until the test. After the test I let most of it go.  But until then I really have to try and have an intention of remembering it. For better or worse, my natural state seems to be blank! Lol. 

    Do yourself a favor, read your notes for a test into a voice recording app. Play the app while going to sleep be with every word as much as possible then fall asleep.


    Cant begin to tell you how many exams I aced that way.

    • Like 2

  6. Past,  present,  future all matter very much every moment by moment  is precious.


    Precious due to it’s very impermanence.


    We as human beings have no other way than balance in imbalance 


    To be fully aware in every moment would indeed be something, I rather think our perception of linear time would have no choice but to stop.

    • Like 1

  7. 2 hours ago, Dynasty said:

    Seems like a depressing view of the world. I don't think this is a healthy perspective.


    It depends greatly on ones own point of view. There is a trap with this to be sure but I have faith this person is navigating there way through pretty good.


    Let us support him and thank him for sharing his realizations, these are not so very easy for many.


    This is a phase but not one that goes away, because it is the truth of the matter and one grows into the truth of what is being shared and it leads not to depression even though there can be some of that too until one crosses that substrata but a freedom of the eternal now.


    Thank you Rideforever for sharing, you've got this.

    • Like 3

  8. 7 hours ago, ilumairen said:

    I really want to know where Drogon went... 

    Me too.


    7 hours ago, dawei said:

    Even the dragon seemed to give Jon a pass... that seemed telling on some level.

    I got that feeling also beyond his heritage like the Dragon was not happy with the way he was made to serve. I thought well he is a Young Dragon but not a foolish one and has much to atone for as he grows older for his misdeeds even though misled. We may give him a pass but I get the feeling he will not give himself one.


    I predict this is not the last we have seen of this Dragon.


    7 hours ago, ilumairen said:

    The author's writing style. 


    He isn't plotted out, but 'following' the characters where their choices and inclinations lead. 


    "Writing by the seat of his pants." 


    He was along for the ride as much as his readers were, imo.

    Well said I agree.



  9. 7 hours ago, dawei said:

    My son was a die-hard follower... and don't even mention his Marvel Universe madness.

    Ask him which he liked better an over powered Thanos without  the gauntlet or having a Mark Rufio persona and appearance dominate the Hulk through the whole movie? 


    For that matter In Thor Ragnarok the Hulk would have cleaned old Purple Puss's clock. Thanos was never in his league when it came to power. 


    Or how about  Disney Butching up Captain Marvels beautiful long hair and making her weaker again than Thanos when she was clearly one of the most powerful characters on the board. I mean seriously she rips through Battle Ships like they are made of tissue paper and traverses galaxies under her own steam. Errr no sale Disney.


    Thanos has never been this powerful without the Gauntlet.


    Next thing you know if the character makes an appearance she will have a Afro-American Hispanic / Chinese / Atheist / Left Wing  girlfriend.....   Yay Disney!!!! NOT!!!


    Or how about a Thor who has more in common with a beer guzzling redneck than a God of Thunder.


    Or how about how Captain America gave up his shield all so Disney can have a Captain Afro-American?


    Or how about using weak story telling using Time Travel and even screwing that up? Geez whoever put that movie together is an idiot.


    Lovely company with so many agendas can hardly wait to see how badly they destroy the next Star Wars.


    In a way I am glad Disney ended things, they were ruining it horribly.

  10. 3 hours ago, welkin said:

    Hmmmm. which part is being confused. Based on the definitions, inference seems to be with the mind, intuition seems related to the conscience or body.


    Intuition may be immediate knowing objectively in of itself. But the challenge seems more with taking inference out of the equation and seeing intuition for what it is. Or in other words, removing all the layers of bs that got us away from intuition in the first place.

    Intuition is direct knowing it comes to you in a flash and does not require prior expertise with any subject.


    Inference is very much like the example of the nurse and the medical diagnosis. Nurses are medical professionals and exposure to that field day in and day out leads to medical knowledge.


    While it can be intuition because intuition knows no boundaries the chances of inference or minds workings below the nurses awareness is more likely or perhaps even a blending of the two.


    Here is a story from when I was 19 back in 1988. My friends and I were going to rent a house. The real estate agent showed us the property and the Alarm went off.


    She said oh no we had better go the police are going to show up and I don’t know the code!  We will have to come back later once I get back to the office and call the owner for the code.


    (1988 very few cell phones)


    I was in the Paravastha of Kriya the after effect of stillness, silence, spaciousness from earlier practice that day.


    All of a sudden I knew I knew the code so I walked over the the key pad and simply punched in the codes and disarmed the system.


    Everyone stared at me a bit spooked like they had just seen a man fly, something the rational mind must reject just occurred.


    The flumuxed real estate agent exclaimed how did you do that?


    I just grinned and said oh it just felt right.


    This my friend is intuition.


    The how is not difficult become still, become quiet inside, become spacious.


    If you are receptive you can receive.

    • Like 4

  11. 2 hours ago, welkin said:

    Agreed, though it would surely be nice if there were a place to live by these ideas. I can and have always found it inside. Doesn't make living here any easier. If not, worse.


    I will not pretend my living here is the same as yours.


    It is unique and different for everyone,  even for two people sharing the same bed, the same meal, the same external life essentially even when all needs are met and want for nothing.


    In reply to this please be aware that when I say “Living Here”  it means something different. It means I acknowledge your unique experience of human life and it is with great respect and humility.


    I would like to ask if you know that the greatest spiritual teaching is the one everyone who takes human birth gets is free?


    Do you know that the lack of Shamballa on the outside world is on purpose?


    Do you know that it is everyone’s duty to grow for their own sake to be in the world and not of it?


    Do you know just how big of a task that is?


    Do you know it is a process and does not come all at once for nearly anyone?


    Do you understand that running to the mountains while beautiful will not give the peace within as wherever you go you will bring yourself?


    With respect the Shamballa within is a work in progress and the closer it is to full maturity the less the outside world will have so much to do with how difficult or easy it is to be here.


    In my opinion based on what you have shared it is my advice you work on your inner world while making your way in the world.


    A gentle discipline of no more than 15 minutes twice daily of inner work will help you.


    If you want to learn Kriya go to my PPD I have shared 1st part of first Kriya practice techniques there. 


    If every human being worked only 15 minutes per day on their inner world the outer Shamballa would be even now.

    • Like 3

  12. On 4/17/2019 at 5:07 PM, manitou said:

    I just read an incredible passage from Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East (Baird Spalding).  The setting of the book is around the 1890's, when a group of scientific men were allowed to be in the company of Masters, in India, China, Tibet for some years.  The masters they spent time with were ones who had mental abilities to an incredible degree, such as the ability to disassemble their atoms in one location and reappear in another location.  This book reads very credibly.


    There is something about the following passage that rings true in my heart, as though there really is a way to do this.  If only one had the understanding, the idea of Oneness, and the faith, without question, that this can really be done.  This would explain many seemingly miraculous events and even reduces those events to nothing more than following the Great Law which underlies all, the Intelligence within all phenomena.  The paragraph is this:


      "We will suppose it is ice you desire.  Would you begin by speaking out the word, 'ice,' all about you indiscriminately?  If you did, you would scatter your forces in all directions and nothing would come to you.  You should first form a mental picture of what you desire, hold it directly in thought just long enough to get the image, then drop the image entirely and look directly into the Universal God Substance.  Know that that Substance is a part of God and, therefore, a part of you and in that Substance there is everything you need:  that God is pressing that Substance out to you just as fast as you can use it; and that you can never deplete the supply.  Then know that everyone who has created that supply has brought forth from this Substance, whether they have done it consciously or unconsciously.  Now with your thought and vision fixed on the one central atom, God, hold that atom until you have imprinted your desire upon it.  You will lower the vibration of that atom until it becomes ice.  Then all the atoms surrounding that one will hasten to obey your desire.  Their vibration will be lowered until they will adhere to the central particle and in a moment you will have ice.  You do not even need any water about you.  You need only the ideal."  



    I wonder at his mention of the Universal God Substance.  Would this be to open one's eyes and stare at 'anything', knowing that all is the Universal God Substance?





    I read this series Long, Long ago it was contributory to FUCKING UP MY EARLY LIFE.


    I am so very sorry to burst anyone's bubble but as wonderful and inspiring as it was,  it was a work of Romantic Fiction. I still love the stories none the less. :) 

    • Like 1

  13. 34 minutes ago, ilumairen said:

    And he actually does communicate with his students - one human to another, yes?


    I wonder why people don't just communicate with him - instead of about him. Or just leave him be.. 

    I think it is because on some level they realize he is very for real and this spooks them. 


    I know he is for real and respect that.


    18 minutes ago, ilumairen said:

    Some time back, he posted a single sentence at just the right time to help me disentangle and more clearly understand a mess I was involved with in everyday life.


    Which is generally more than I can say for his detractors - running around attempting to discredit what they have no involvement in.


    And some time back I saw a single video and in it he clarified many things I had suspected putting it into a framework that was unmistakably correct. I remember saying who is this guy? and wow he has his shit together.


    Last I saw however he is not taking on any more people at his site unless I read it wrong. Otherwise I thought about contacting him but figured his plate is full so best not to bother someone who is too busy.

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