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Posts posted by Pilgrim

  1. 12 hours ago, pegasus1992 said:

    No you are not asking a proponent of Western Mopai...you are asking a person who takes the current degree of evidence (what little it is) pertaining to John Chang, as indicative of activity that is paranormal by western reductionist materialistic frameworks...THAT IS ALL....and I would say the same for SOTG and a few others also....So please don't categorize me with a splinter cult I know nothing about.

    My apologies, the error is in my understanding. I see so you are an outsider to all the Western MoPai stuff.


    What have your findings revealed? 

  2. Do you feel I am judging you? Is that what this is about?


    I was asking a fairly simple question in reply to what someone posted about a specific area of practice.


    It was about Spiritual Attainment and what it means in the Western Mopai Tradition.


    As far as I am concerned if a person practices something with no way to concretely express why and what it is for then they may be practicing something that they need a real teacher for that can tell them.


    If a teacher can not explain this much then there is little reason to continue with them.


    If a student does not know it is a poor reflection on the teacher.


    Either way I am curious and not just about Mopai when it comes to this question. 


    If someone were to ask me about Kriya for example and say what is the purpose of practice I can break it down for them in meaningful terms step by step explaining why and what each practice is for as well as what to expect.


    Hope this helps clear up where I am coming from.

  3. 1 hour ago, Everything said:

    They just want to allow their own ever becoming to naturally unfold, along the path of least resistance, in the way that it always will.


    That someone else goes about it differently than you do, does not make their way any less deserving than your way. It is exactly through your appreciation of all the variety that is evermore, that you always come to a more fully allowed realisation and appreciation of all that is who it is you truely are being about aswell.

    Who are you speaking for?


    I was not asking about how whatever it is you do, or how you do things. 


    I am asking specifically in reference to the person quoted IE: a western Mopai proponent.


    Might want to take the time to read and put questions asked by others in perspective outside of your own overwhelming desire to blurt out whatever is on your mind before doing so much writing.

    • Like 1

  4. 3 minutes ago, Everything said:


    People want to feel worthy. That they are good and that they deserve to exist, just the way they are. That there's nothing wrong with them. That this life is not a mistake. But they exist for a reason and purpose that is good. And that they and everything is going well for them. That they're on their path towards everything that they want evermore. That they always have this emotional guidance that comes forth from the Source of their being and that they are always fully connected with their true original Source of being, which is the Source of All Creation, of infinite intelligence. And that they always have full acces to all of that, for their own personal ever deserving attainment and achieving of anything and everything that they can possibly want for themselves. And so that nothing can ever go wrong for them.


    That their worthiness and deservingness is a given. And that they need do nothing except enjoy the evermore allowed unfolding of all of that which their life has caused them to become, for the benefit of themselves and those around them aswell, evermore.


    And that this desire is not only very important to them, but it is the very reason why eternity and infinity is infact eternity and infinity. That they never have to doubt their own worthiness of all that they truely seek in their evermore expansion of evermore allowed flow of realisation of all that they can possibly want to be do or have evermore. And their enjoyment of it, as the effortlessly  more fully allowed realisation of all of that which they can want evermore, is the joy that they truely seek in life. As the evermore allowed unfolding, of their evermore allowed realisation of the moreness of all that they've come to realise for themselves that they want evermore, and are thus then by virtue of their existance alone, worthy of, forevermore. 


    And so in this natural state of their own given worthiness, of all that they want evermore,  life simply becomes effortless to them. Natural, free and enjoyable. And truely effortless. That all is well for them. And all is always getting even weller, evermore. That they don't need to do anything in order to allow life to simply naturally and effortlessly improve, evermore, in the way that it always does. And that they can simply enjoy the unfolding of that which is their life, evermore. For it does so, always, for the joy of that which is who you truely are, evermore.

    This reply reminds me of the everyone gets a trophy for participating mentality. It also fails to answer the question, thanks for trying.


    The very use of the phrase Spiritual Attainment negates the words above.


    So I will ask again please define Spiritual Attainment.


    From the dictionary we get the following.




    1.Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
    "I'm responsible for his spiritual welfare"
    synonyms:    nonmaterial, inner, psychic, psychical, psychological; More
    2. Relating to religion or religious belief.




    1. The action or fact of achieving a goal toward which one has worked.
    "the attainment of a complete collection is the measure of a collector’s success"
    a thing achieved, especially a skill or educational achievement.


    From this we can say there is some achievement or collection of spirit or something immaterial.


    Specifically what is it the Western MoPai folks are practicing for? 


    In plain ol English what do they hope to get out of it?


    To ignite paper and create electrical shocks? 


    FYI grounding oneself literally with a wire attached to ones naked butt and leading to the ground outside probably should be avoided especially during a thunderstorm.

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  5. 18 minutes ago, joeblast said:

    once a few years back, my coworker asked me well, what can you do?  so I held out my hand, totally white, and turned it red with blood for her in a few seconds time.   she gave me a funny look and said "you're weird" and walked away :lol:

    Aww heck that ain't nothing even an average bloke can do that and more with blood flow with nothing more than a kiss from their favorite girl. :P

  6. 9 hours ago, Kar3n said:

    Ever cut yourself with a sharp knife? No?


      Reveal hidden contents

    It is virtually painless.


    Right I bought a thin metal  popcorn popper one with a crank in the handle.


    It is red.


    It is cheaply made. ( Later I discovered it makes the best popcorn ever and very swiftly!)


    Between opening the box and putting the lid with sharp edges on I somehow cut my finger.


    I did not even know it had happened until a fat red drop of blood landed on the shiny lid while showing my lady our new popper.


    I exclaimed hey? Now where did that come from?!!!


    At first I thought wow sloppy job painting they spattered the lid! 


    Then saw it dripping from a sliced finger.


    When I saw it then the feeling of the flesh being separated became evident but very little pain.


    Not really interested in people slashing them selves up or eating glass and really would not care to see it. In my opinion they are immature and starved for recognition to the point of a mental and emotional bankruptcy. 


    Is their some relevant point being made here with all that blade licking stupidity?


    How does this relate to Mopai other than to associate it via a post and cast not only it but the one posting this in a bad light?


    Honestly I never did get the whole John Chang Mo Pai issue anyway.


    My take on it is who cares? let others believe what they will, do as they will and say what they want makes no difference to me. Call it science, call it trickery call it what you will. 


    Since I never met John Chang and had so much as a cup of tea with him or any of his students, shrugs shoulders and says ok, if you say so, sure why not.


    Serious question just why do people practice what JC taught? What is the purpose?

  7. 35 minutes ago, Kar3n said:

    The videos you have shown are not evidence of anything other than piercings being stretched. The lack of flinching while stretched proves nothing.


    There are plenty of people who have a high pain tolerance, but there is a threshold. As someone who has given natural, unmedicated child birth I can attest to that fact.

    Not saying thanks, but dang girl,  now that deserves a trophy! 🏆 

    • Haha 2

  8. 18 minutes ago, ilumairen said:


    Yes, you appear to have become his focused embodiment of "the destroyer of magic and possibility," which of course must be fought for principles sake. 


    Funny while reading this I got a vision of someone dressed in puritan garb riding a horse with a sword and a crossbow descending on a village said to be housing the muscle bound tatted warlock who wears a mask whilst teaching others his arcane craft. This mysterious riders intent leaves not much to imagination as grim of mood and stern of visage as he draws ever nearer.

    • Like 3

  9. 53 minutes ago, Everything said:

    No, I am more like a liquid. Stubborn, but more like a liquid. 

    I often don't behave like a liquid should, but I am liquid nonetheless.

    If you actually just stop insisting that I behave more like a liquid, you will come to appreciate my stubborness, which is totally just for kicks. I just like it how people react when they see a blub of flesh and blood move about like it was controlled by some higher intelligence. Hehehe! :lol:


    "It appears this oddly behaving liquid is making a sound! Does it have an inner waterfall to achieve such? Perhaps one used for consuming the liquid of other liquids, in order to gain more liquidized power so as to make these highly random sounds... Hmmm, one must wonder..."


    Yes indeed, I am a liquid consuming liquid, using liquid to empower my liquid to speak more of liquid.

    But sometimes people shove a soap bar inside my throat. And then life becomes so bubbly amazing :wub:



    And that golden shampoo elixer, I always have more room for that one in my fuzzly bubbly liquid tummy. B)


    Yep stoned.

    • Haha 2

  10. 46 minutes ago, ilumairen said:

    Ripping out the framework.. well then one can clearly see what was plainly there - even when it was hidden away and not so very plain seeming.


    46 minutes ago, ilumairen said:

    And in the example TT used, it's simply time to clean house. :lol:


    These are very important points. 


    These are the work.


    Then what is and always has been present can be seen but unlike ripping out framework and cleaning a house we are dealing with being human. 


    This is not so very simple.


    Where to start?


    Coming from Kriya Yoga we acknowledge we do not know and it is impossible to put it into words so we take up the tools we have starting with this human body and nervous system and mind.  We use these tools with practices until we clear enough away we become aware of our astral and casual bodies and work with those as well.


    The practices are the work. 


    The realizations and the clarity that occur by performing the work take the time they take it all depends on what the issues of the individual that need cleared up while their are many broad commonalities the uniqueness of the individual is theirs to work out.

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  11. 3 minutes ago, Starjumper said:


    I don't think of fundamentalism as applying only to religion but rather to all aspects of social life. When I said fundamentalism is being fomented around the world I meant in all it's form.  Socially, in the US, it takes the form of cultivating immaturity to truly lofty heights, blended with the intense stupidification of the population.  This makes Christian fundamentalism the norm among blue collar workers.  In other arts of the world Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan all used to be modern moderate countries and they are now all controlled by religious fundamentalists. The spread od Islam across Asia and into Euroe and the Americas is another asect of increasing fundamentalism.  It's simly being done because it creates better soldiers and slaves.

    Well said

  12. Discourses on Second Kriya by Paramahamsa Hariharananda.


    Published in India decades ago via Ragabanandaji most advanced chela of Hariharanandaji it Is is an advanced practitioners book only circulated between those Kriyabans that are are ready, via my dear friend and teacher Donald Abrams.

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  13. 4 hours ago, Starjumper said:


    Here's a plan.  There are Indians in the Amazon fighting for the last vestiges of wilderness on the planet, which happens to also be their home.  There are people on both sides being killed and assassinated, but mostly it's the Indians who get it done to them. They are killed by police, soldiers, paramilitary groups, loggers, and Chinese assassins (gold and oil miners).  Their home (and yours) is being destroyed.  Right Now!


    The pigs never stopped, it's still happening. 


    Maybe some people should put their money where their mouth is and go fight on the side of the Indians.  If people would rather stay in the safety of their homes and lament then at least they can send lawyers, guns, and money.


  14. 44 minutes ago, Starjumper said:

    Why do you suppose the world is becoming drenched in fundamentalism?

    First you need to define how you are using the word fundamentalism. Is it in the religious sense or the broader sense of adhering to the basic literal interpretation of any subject or discipline?


    Last I looked the world has always been drenched in religion. This ism or that anity and tend to think well to each their own. Except when used as an excuse to commit atrocities or to declare some right over others just because of beliefs or the insanity of claiming because our holy texts demands this treatment or that of infidels.  


     Now in the broader sense people no longer trust governments or the elites in power.  I get this because the fact of the matter is if you are not wealthy you have no chance of getting elected. 


    Those in power have always been either the wealthy of conquers usually both.


    The majority are not. When people lose trust in government which runs education then they lose trust in what was taught.


    When people realize the news they are told is propaganda they lose trust in what they have come to respect.


    When all trust is gone then people foolishly believe all opinions carry equal weight even the village idiots.


    When laws are unjust people believe, behavior of their choice is acceptable regardless of the consequences. 


    The list goes on and on but the answer remains the same left afloat in a sea of your on your own to figure it out people are starting with two plus two equals four, unfortunately however it just as often leads to 3, 5, or 7 as there are no basic tenants being observed so they are making up their own based on all manner of input.



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  15. Is the earth hollow?


    Probably not in the way of Pelucidor but riddled with tunnels and enormous caverns.


    I just saw the latest Godzilla King of the Monsters Movie and it struck me funny how timely with this thread.


    Might want to check it out just for the sake of this topics correlation with it.


    FYI Great Movie going to see it again today!  Big Screen must see!

    • Like 1

  16. This zOOm reminds me of someone who has gotten banned coming back with a new name or just perhaps someone using two accounts to be obnoxious, pretty rare to see a newbie that is this rude.


    Whatever the case they are just making good advertisement for SOG and making him look good by comparison to their own behavior.


    Seriously who uses that particular pie system as a measuring stick anyway?


    Oh my how about more of that nice Key Lime pie from Publix?

    • Like 2

  17. And I think tonight.


    Who is Loneman Pai? and the answer is who the fuck cares?


    Sonofthegods has his own site his own system.


    Quit being a nibbling rat and either contact him or not! Either learn from him or Don’t.


    Reading insane disparaging comments only makes me think yeah he does have something and he upset some jerk system that relies on lineage more than results!

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  18. Ahhh paralysis by analysis. My 2 cents worth Best to take two days off from trying to figure it out just say screw it and tell answer come to me or I will do nothing!


    I have faith you will find the best way. 

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