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Posts posted by Pilgrim

  1. 6 minutes ago, CityHermit! said:



    I would.


    That's totally fine, I am not even criticizing people here for that and I wasn't the one to first bring up the topic. The thing is, it can only go so far can it? If you want to raise a family for instance, it would be rather odd if your partner in parenting and kids were always only interactable via computer or some other device wouldn't it?


    I think there is a lot of defensiveness about the idea in the moment about forum use and what for or to what extent. This is all distracting from what OP originally said, so instead of going back and forth with me, why not address OP a bit more again?

    Your welcome.


    I would and do and have many times face to face as well as on this and other forums and email etc.... I have met and interacted with many in real life that first came as internet based interactions. Most were people I worked with facilitating so they could learn practices in real life. 


    As far as what people use the forum for could care less, my point was you were reacting to someone who places value in online forum based relationships and yeah I do not care for the way the person comes off either.


    Concerning the OP well I have already written what there is to respond to and quite frankly there is no such thing as helping anyone.


    Everyone has to help themselves all that can be done is point things out in passing.


    Why respond to you? Ha I like your fierce attitude. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, CityHermit! said:

    Hold on homie, what are you coming at me for? I don't approach you or anyone else like that here do I? I made one comment, and now you and others have been more busy replying to me than to the OP, when I said I am not trying to hijack the thread. You're not even criticizing the original comment I made to the OP anymore. What gives?


    First, I didn't bring up the use of forums. I only replied about them to state that they are not my forte, so there is little to question about "Why even be on the forums?" when I barely am to begin with and use them primarily for reading and passing time. No, I don't believe the people you can interact on a forum whom you have never met in real life can be closer connections that the ones you already have in real life. Is that something you really want to make a point against? Why do you have to defend your own forum use to me? Why should you care or care whether I care?


    It took a matter of seconds, which is what I had in the moment, to post about my dog and it was definitely not for sympathy's sake but what I was actually doing in the moment and also to illustrate that yes there are personal connections in real life people should be mindful of more so than strangers on the internet. You're spinning it all the wrong way. That aside, so called comments if empathy come off as very smug in the context of the rest of the words, so I don't take it as empathy ok?


    Anything else?



    Hi CityHermit! Sorry to hear about your dog.


    Online,   people tend to act differently than they would in person there are plenty of troll muscles out there that would not dare say the same things to your face. 


    Some folks have rich online lives interacting and sharing presence and such and to them interacting on a forum might just be their everything. 

    • Thanks 1

  3. On ‎9‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 1:12 PM, Shad282 said:


    As I have been practicing and working on attachments and identity. I have reached a state where i have dis-identified myself with my inner self, thoughts, past and such inner stories of me. but now i m stuck with deriving a sense of self and identity from other people, as how people perceive me.

    I used to be more of an introverted person, but now i m more of an extroverted person, as the need to have an identity is itching and needed from outside Because i need a kind of purpose or a reason to move and live life.


    I m not taking the choice to release the identity yet, because in process of doing that, i started being sad, and feeling purposeless. Less motivate to live and no passion to life. I have nothing to live for or something to exist for which makes me feel useless and why i exist?


    Any help or suggestion is appreciated.

    This is a phase you will get through it in your own good time. Practice mindfulness and feel with your heart and exercise wisdom with your head. 

  4. I do recall the reference as well, and if memory serves it could be from the diaries of Lahiri Mahasaya being quoted perhaps in one of the numerous volumes by Yogi Niketan. 


    The book Yoni Tantra comes to mind. 


    Something you should try to understand please:


    When reading about such things, you are reading about someone’s experiences. These are deep meditative experiences that the author is trying to convey in words.


    It is best to practice and when the experiences come then see what they are all about. 


    During a long conversation with Shibendu Lahiri he was astounded a family member stole some of Lahiri Mahasayas diaries from his house.


    He said it was incomprehensible why anyone would try to learn from such a source. His own Father forbid the diaries from being read when he was younger because they would only confuse him.


    Please do be careful with Kriya. It is a real system and initiation is required. Do not allow yourself to become polarized; use your good judgement, practice and make your own decision.



  5. If you have questions concerning techniques feel free to ask.


    The method of Kriya Pranayam in Yoganandas 1st Kriya is the second phase and is modified to help people become aware of the currents.


    Always breath through the nostrils afterwards.


    Here is an excellent website with great info, and illustrations / animations that are accurate  http://www.kriyaunion.net/


    Here you will learn as David was taught by the Lahiri family relative in India.


    Here you can learn with illustrations Three of the four phases of original 1st Kriya.


    What he calls the 1st phase is actually the second and so on.

  6. On 9/2/2018 at 12:31 AM, Lightseeker said:

    Hah! Finally someone from a Kriya yoga lineage responds!! I practice Yoganandas Kriya yoga. I have not experienced these benefits however... not sure why not. Does your organization give you techniques for a perfect memory?



    Since you have already entered the world of Kriya allow me to save you some time:


    Time for some clarification.

    I started with SRF back in the late 1980’s. I was given the Kriyas of that system.


    The teachings were not satisfying to me, so I moved on.


    Paramahamsa Hariharananda learned from both Paramahnsa Yogananda and Sri Yukteshwar as well as some of the others of that era. He was also left the Karrar ashram by Swami Sri Yukteawar.


    Yogananda in a written letter which can be found on line gave Paramahamsa Hariharananda permission to initiate people but specified he do it in the maner of Yogoda Satsanga IE: SRF


    He did this. However by the time he started traveling at the request of his students in the early 1970’s first in Europe then in the United States he discovered something.


    He discovered that the teachings allocated to the people of the 1920’s were not serving nor satisfying the current generation of people incarnating in this time.


    He discovered the people he was encountering were ready for more.


    So knowing the Kriya as taught by Lahiri Mahasaya, which for most working people was very doable and simple, and knowing the modified form of Kriya as taught by his Guru Yogananda and Sri Yukteswarji — which was close to the original yet altered as well, he decided to give real food to the seeker.


    Paramahamsa Hariharananda was of the opinion that when a baby is crying and hungry you feed the baby, you give the baby milk - not read it words from a manual.


    He decided that it was time to offer some of the more advanced Kriyas rather than the standard forms that had been released to the public at large.


    In the system of Babaji Maharaj there are 108 Kriyas.


    Lahiri Mahasaya knew the working class people had no hope of having the time to do them all.


    Babaji told him, since you are petitioning me to be permitted to help the masses then it is up to you to make a system from these that they can do and it is your responsibility. So he did.


    The Original Kriyas given were these.

    Kriya Pranayam

    Navi Kriya

    Talabya Kriya (which leads to Kechari Mudra, a requirement before higher kriyas were given)

    Maham Mudra  

    Yoni Mudra

    (Everyone was not given the first set of kriyas as outlined above. And Kriya Pranayam is taught in four phases.)


    Yogananda omitted certain Kriyas, for example Kechari Mudra was only taught to a select few in person due to the potential it has to disrupt a persons mind and emotions.


    Some have a long tongue and can do this mudra yet get nothing from it. They are safe.


    To those whom it comes to by energetic demand can find themselves in very difficult circumstances especially without a guru’s guidance.


    Yogananda also invented exercises like the energization exercise he actually modified from a German Physical fitness book.


    Yogananda was the great educator, he did more to open yoga to the West than anyone.


    Yogananda taught for his times as he saw fit.


    Sadly from meeting Monks of the order I have learned that after Yogananda’s passing changes were introduced.


    That being said I am happy for those who found a home there.


    Hariharananda decided the baby is crying. I will feed the baby with divine love and give these seekers more!


    So he did. I have spent years researching all of this and talked to many monks, lay practitioners, and former associates of the institute.


    No one ever has anything bad to say about Hariharananda. All who were close to him still keenly miss him to this day. 


    This can even be seen now on the website. He was loved and respected and still is.


    Over the years Paramahamsa Hariharananda continued to evolve what he taught. The influence of Yogananda can be seen.


    The techniques are grouped and sequenced in such a way as to maximize effectiveness.


    H.H. was always practical. He said you will feel divine vibration, you will here divine sound, you will see divine light.


    But most importantly you will change, you will realize you are the divine power of God.


    In my opinion the people seeking liberation have it backwards. We are already God, God becoming human and then God becoming something else in the evolutionary stages.


    This is something words just are not going to convey well.


    I have also learned 1st and Higher Kriyas from Shibendu Lahiri.


    The Kriya of Shibendu Lahiri is more strenuous and requires great discipline.


    The Kriya of Hariharananda will advance a person swiftly and has a vital component. One developes a more loving heart. Without this you hit a dead end.


    In my experience I have not developed a super memory. I have met very intelligent people who attribute these practices to there success in life. Doctors, Engineers etc...


    I am not super intelligent and I do not remember things unless they are important and sometimes not even then. Memory to me has it’s place but being a human being is a state of being not a state of doing.


    To be happy and tranquil and loving, patient, tolerant kind and mindful of the effect of ones atmosphere on others to me is more important.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2

  7. 22 hours ago, Lightseeker said:

    I have read about Ars Notoria. I really wanted to practice, but I heard that it calls upon malefic forces.. does anyone know energy recharging exercises etc, to become very intelligent??

    Helllo, Paramahamsa Hariharananada always said his practices could do this. The Swami’s I learned from not only corroberated this but could demonstrate some remarkable skills. 


    For example asking people their names, or perhaps meeting them in a large gathering and later not only remembering names bit tooics and answering the questions put to them earlier and nit by just one person either but a great many.


    When the people would ask a question in group they would be answered. The earlier question would be refferenced.


    Mostly they emphisise love and realizing you are the divine power of God.


    The techniques are the Kriya of Paramahamsa Hariharananda.


    I am of his lineage. I am of others as well.


    His alone calls to my heart and soul over and over again. Many who knew Him called him Baba none have an ill report.


    Only love and deep heartfelt respect.


    Take a look at kriya.org check out how it feels.



    • Like 2

  8. The Knock yourself out lady is a gender based attack . Intended either on purpose or by habit to intimidate females.


    Knock yourself out would have been sufficient. 


    The toenail nonscense is just mean natured.


    Credit  is given for contructive nastiness in a reply.



    • Like 2

  9. They can be made in advance and refrigerated afterwards let them warm to room temp or just below before drinking.


    Here is a mixture I find good.


    4 to 6 stalks of Celery

    1/2 inch peeled Ginger root

    2 Apples core seeds and all

    4 carrots pealed

    1/2 of a large beat root pealed

    1 Large handful of parsley

    1 Large handful of Kale or spinach

    1 Lemon pealed

    4 teaspoons of Spirulina

    4 teaspoons of cold ground flax seed

    4 teaspoons of brewers yeast Optional

    2 cups of filtered water

    2 cups of buttermilk this helps cut the sourness of the lemons and vegetables.

    2 frozen bananas to keep the heat of blending down and not destroy the enzymes of the fresh produce as a powerful blender can actually make hot soup.


    Blend with a powerful Vitamix blender. A cheap blender will not yied good results.


    Pour into 6 to 8 Mason Jars and refridgerate for the week ahead.


    Forgot an ingredient also depending on how one feels 4000 MG Ascorbic Acid powder for extra kick of Vitamin C


    Tastes good looks terrible. :D

    • Like 2

  10. I have sat with this topic for a bit and would share some things.


    The heart is a dimension of our very being that does lead to all that is up above and beyond but by itself is incomplete.


    The heart is where we are tethered to these lives here. This is not to say that least the heart be opened and developed one may not transcend to higher different planes of awareness.


    It is absolutely possible but there will be a maturity that is lacking a completeness missing.


    You may certainly go up and above and not deal with the heart at all.


    Eventually though when the bypassed heart is all said and done you will know no lasting satisfaction until you come back down and live from the heart. This is where the real work is.


    Ones heart should be known and an effort made to develop not a hard heart but a melting heart, a heart that feels and loves and cries at the silliest of things, a song perhaps or just a word or the smiles of young child like my 4 year old niece who giggles with delight chasing bubbles. Bubbles the silliest of things but that giggle and squeal of delight Do it again! Do it again Uncle !!!!


    This shakes my foundations to the core and it is all I can do not to cry mixed tears of joy for the preciousness of that young one and tears of grief for the many ups and downs I know she will face on her way to becoming a woman.


    The heart is the seat of humanity and must be matured. This only happens by living and interacting.


    What is wrong with the heart?


    Might as well ask what is wrong with humanity.


    The heart is full of everything that makes us human both good and bad. It is the most difficult yet most rewarding place of all true love is possible between a woman and a man. Yes the lower centers have a part in it as well but they should be more like a gift to one another freely giving and taking blending and transcending together.


    I have written this before and it deserves repeating we become energetically capable long before we become mature, caution and a sense of the sacredness of others hearts should be first and foremost above and beyond curiosity and exploration.


    Of course love has attachments what a silly notion it should not.


    Of course Love is possessive what a silly notion it should not.


    Tell me about unconditional love when you find your wife in bed with another man, show me your compassion then we will have a serious conversation. I'll buy the first round!


    Love is conditional. If you betray a trust be prepared to  suffer love lost, not because a person will grow vengeful towards you which may happen but because you have hurt them so deeply damaged trust so completely that the nature of the love forever changes and becomes dispassionate only compassionate.


    Compassion also has attachments it is a form of love predicated on an ideal and in a way is very shallow and hands off, compassion is easy it is a very shallow interaction where the heart congratulates itself for its notion of superior flaccid mode of operation. Self congratulatory deception.


    Sounds like I have all the answers right?




    I am just a yogi that bypassed the heart and strove for the high heavens and satisfied every definition of my tradition living from high up above realizing that I had neglected to satisfy the reason for having been born in the first place.


    It goes something like this. There is a story of two birds and I am not going to tell it completely correct and will add my own stuff to it.


    Here we go anyway.



    There is a tree it is a large tree and up on top is bird with brilliant plumage.


    At the bottom of the tree is another bird common and unremarkable.


    The bird on the bottom looks up and sees the beautiful bird and thinks how wonderful it must be to be as that one.


    The bird on the bottom reaches over and plucks a fruit from the tree and eats of it and is not satisfied this fruit is dense and earthy in flavor but the bird feels secure and possessive of this branch when another attempts to eat the bird becomes violent and chases them off. My territory, My branch protect my food my nest.


    Looking to the next branch up the bird flies to the fruit on that branch and eats of it and delights oh this is much like the fruit on the lower branch but much lighter and juicy sweet. Delightful sensation but it does not last.


    This bird all the while is being watched by the bird on the top most branch dispassionately.


    After having supped on the fruit of the first two branches the bird decides to alight upon the third branch and taste the delights here but gets a surprise the fruit here is very different it is energizing and disrupts the emotions. Delight and territorial protectiveness blend and are super charged.


    Over time the bird grows accustomed to these fruits and there controlling attributes.


    Now the bird ascends to the fourth branch and wonder of wonders here is a golden radiant fruit the bird is mesmerized by its beauty and the perfume of it wafting in the air.


    Taking a bite the bird is cast into madness, here in the fruit of the heart the bird encounters all of the aspects of the lower three branches but now it feels and in feeling looses its way how to behave. This new attribute feeling for others, love is of a very complex deep rich flavor with so many undercurrents.


    There are feelings it has never known and the attributes of the lower branches fruit are all greatly magnified here. The bird looks around and finds other trees with other birds and they are all agitated all going back and forth between the 1st and the  4th branches trying to find peace. They are fighting and hurting each other. Flocking together calling those that agree with them wise and those that do not crazy.


    Many of those eating of the forth fruit are miserable and close off becoming hard and mean, others have a chest that is ripped wide open bleeding agony from a fountain that will never stop. They cry oh why me? why has my love forsaken me? Why does she do this? How can he be so cruel?


    Our bird in the story miserable broken and spent yet full of hope and desire to do better and be better looks up to the bird on the top most branch and beseeches him oh Master please save me.


    The bird of the radiant feathers on the top most branch looking down points to the 5th branch.


    Our bird flies up to the 5th branch and carrying the misery of the fruit of the fourth branch finds its throat closed and welled up with swelling choking grief.


    Being wary and cautious now not so greedy takes a small bite of the silvery fruit of the 5th branch and the throat loosens and oh how this bird cries it's heart out empty exhausted, spent, fires in the mind are quenched the emotions settle and becoming steady freed from the influence of the first four fruits of the tree.


    Now calmness overtakes and with this calmness the desire to continue upwards.


    Eating of the sixth fruit our bird transcends every mind it has ever known and becomes aware it has always been the one viewing through the different colored lenses of perception provided by the different fruits.


    The effects of this fruit are powerful and now looking up our bird sees the one of the radiant plumage just a foot above and gazes upon this bird and in so doing catches its feeling. The birds heart expands and vibrates thrumming and an great gout of pent up energy surges upwards, the birds tongue thrusts up sliding alongside its throat up into the cavern of the skull.


    And the heart of the bird opens and the branches below all turn upwards and the essence of the fruits of all the lower branches are pulled back into the trunk of the tree and race upwards in a blending like no other and the insurmountable distance to the top most branch is made complete.


    When our bird reaches that branch of the soul our bird is wiped out where once there were two now there are one and self realization the two birds were never separate at all.


    Now looking about the unified bird one of radiant plumage on top of the tree perceives things much, much differently.


    Here there is peace, tranquility, and looking down from on high all those squabbling below with their mind stories and dramas, who is loving who? Who is hurting who? All like stumbling bumbling children on the play ground walking into swings, falling down skinning their knees, tears and laughter all of it just so.


    After spending many months here our bird is becoming aware of something missing.


    A feeling of regret What is this? Where is this coming from? Oh my chest?


    A feeling of incompleteness what is this? Where is this coming from? Oh my chest?


    A feeling of unfinished business what is this? Where is this coming from? Oh my chest?


    My goodness the bird realizes I never finished becoming complete in my heart, and my heart doth weep for this opportunity, this precious  incarnation to become completed here in this dimension.


    There is now a desire where there was none, now the desire is to not go down and be there ever again. But the heart is powerful and the very thing that keeps the bird from flying free from the 7th branch. No matter how far the bird flyes the heart brings the bird back to roost upon the 7th branch.


    The heart beckons, it says never fear you may always return to the top most branch but you will never be free until you satisfy and fulfill me you will never be complete until you complete me.


    Until me, I becomes a We.


    Seeing most clearly from the top most branch this be true and taking all the experience learned over the many travels our bird leaves the topmost branch coming down first to the 6th branch and becomes awareness divided but tethered to the 7th branch, then descends to the 5th branch still tethered to the 7th, then descends into the 4th branch still tethered to the seventh and wonder of wonder here there be radiant golden light.


    The heart has changed since the bird went up to the 7th branch and it is beautiful and golden like the sun but there are tendrils of hurt, pain, suffering, longing desire to be complete. Oh this is too much to feel our poor bird races back home to the highest branch.


    The visits are made over and over and what the heart has revealed is that the bird needs to visit the lower branches with love and eat the fruit and transform it within the heart to the purest radiant satisfaction.


    In time after traversing the tree and spending time with the heart the uglier qualities begin to fade as the awareness of the bird becomes more and more refined it's tasted more subtle.


    Later the bird realizes that it must abandon its tether to the seventh branch.


    The bird alights onto the 6th branch and realizes all the branches are connected through the trunk to the sixth branch and to further calm and refine the fruit of the lower 5 branches that the work is to be done here as blending the unity of the seventh branch with the fruit of the lower sixth does not really work the juice of the fruit was just being brought up but not returned filtered and purified.


    Later the bird receives visits from consorts while making its  travels up and down the tree they teach our bird how to become complete within.


    Meeting a battered older bird from another country our bird was given a precious gift.


    Taking this gift fixing his attention at the sixth branch daily using the language of God our bird at-last started making the fruit pure and calm.


    Wonder of wonder the heart no longer a problem but a radiant glowing turning wheel full of feeling and expansive love radiating outwards.


    In time it becomes known to our bird that its heart is unlike the other fruit of the other branches th glow prevented the bird from seeing it was only 1/2 of a greater whole it is only 1/2 of a composite being.


    What how can this be? Do I not dwell on the 7th branch? Is there not unity? Have I not learned the secret of becoming gender complete?


    Yes there is but because the heart is only 1/2 of the piece needed the unity is an empty sort. For the heart to be complete it requires the unflinching loving heart of another to complete its journey.


    Unity up above...... easy.


    Unity of the heart..... well some things are better left discovered......

    • Like 4

  11. If you labor for a living you will need more food and more sleep.


    You might want to try being gentle with yourself and schedule your meals something like this.


    Have a light breakfast.


    Make yourself smoothies and refrigerate them and have this for lunch. This is a good way to get high quality nutrition into the body without overloading the digestive track requiring huge amounts of energy to digest.


    Dinner keep it light.


    Two meals per day are certainly doable as are one but make sure they are high quality just mucking down a bowl of whatever is not a good idea.

    • Like 4

  12. I feel like i have too much tension in my eyes, face and head


    Specially eyes and forehead


    Is there any way, technique/exercise to release these tensions ?

    Talabya Kriya eventually you may acquire Kechari Mudra then for certain there can be no tension.


    You have to get Prana out of the head and redistributed in the body. Kechari bridges the head with body, Mahamudra redistributes Prana in the body.

  13. Hi the reason for two volumes is that the books are presented in the way he taught.


    On Fridays I scheduled everyone's individual appointment for initiation so the mornings were taken up with one on one initiations as one person finished they would leave the property and another person would arrive for their scheduled appointment.


    There would be a break during the mid day for 2 hours


    In the afternoon and early evening of Friday the first day he would cover the contents of volume 1.


    On the second and third days the contents of volume 2 were learned and peoples Kriya practice was checked. We followed this format for six weeks.


    This morning and early part of the day I was on a call with Sri Mukherjee. Later I spoke with a Guru Brother in Chicago who has just returned from visiting Sri Mukherjee in India.


    This brother was one of the people who came to Melbourne Florida last year to learn. We are currently putting together a program to bring Sri Mukherjee back to the United States for his final visit. This will also take place in Melbourne Florida and one other location to be determined. The tentative date will be the first of April 2018. 


    For those interested feel free to contact me via a PM, soon I will launch a website to keep people informed www.Kriyayogainfo.com


    If you read the books you will have the personality of Sri Mukherjee if you are drawn to him then make contact with me. He is no longer accepting people coming to India to learn he has advised me to tell people to contact me then after I discuss Kriya with them they can plan to come to Melbourne April 2018.

    • Like 2

  14. There are two Jesus's in the bible, one is a simple man who asks people to seek for the kingdom of God, and likens it to a treasure hidden in a field that we must find, the other is almost megalomaniacal, saying 'I am the way, the truth and the light, no man cometh to the father but by me.'


    One says seek within, the other says only have faith in him, which has created the religious division that we know today.


    The bible is a many layered text, and it seems to me we are reading the layer that most appeals to us.


  15. What is getting scrambled up?

    Also, what do you see as new age?

    Yes I too would like to know. Who says because something is old it is better? Is not even the old stuff new with each new person learning and or practicing it.


    Have we as a species not improved everything we ever found of value? Sure the rotary dial worked on phones but look at the smart phone now.