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Everything posted by Pilgrim

  1. The Bon Tradition is a very rich tradition who's practices I find great value in, for those of you who practice in the Bon tradition which are your favorite practices and why? I find the following essential and indispensable 1.The nine breaths of purification: This can of course be done for many many rounds and in my experience is very refreshing and does help clear the Lung and the mind and the emotions making them more stable. 2. Tsa Lung: This practice helps circulate the lung in the body and really helps re-energize and clear blockages as well as clear out stagnated lung. This also further clears and calms the mind 3.Guru Yoga: Guru Yoga is such a beautiful loving heart experience and even though I learned of Tapihritsa and Shenla Odkar almost at the same time I favor the connection with Tapihritsa. Tapihritsa resonates best with me as a closely felt heart love connection that brings tears of joy and deep gratitude to my eyes that goes beyond just respect. In this practice Ah, OM, Hung, White, Red & Blue lights connect at Crown, Throat & Heart Chakras. Body, Speech & Mind we connect to the lineage through the guru of the lineage. This to me is very important because the guru introduces us to Buddha so the guru is very important. We connect to the attributes of the guru and not only get purification but our mind via induction aligns and become more like the mind of the guru thereby helping us to perceive the Buddha. I have some experience of tummo described in another thread but find the basic first version I learned to be best as the book learning just added complexity to what I was gifted and without direct teaching not as good. Due to years of Lucid dreaming and it growing ever stronger I have begun learning dream yoga of the Bon Tradition. I welcome a constructive dialogue and am eager to learn from the more experienced in this tradition thank you for taking the time to read these words.
  2. The Magus of Seattle

    Hi Fellow Bums, What do you say want to do a go fund me for Star Jumpers projects? I mean Starjumper will have to start the gofundme but why not help out a fellow bum? Sounds to me like he is putting guest quarters together for people to learn from him which I think is pretty cool. I will pledge $100.00 who will join me? I mean hey I have already gotten $100.00 worth of entertainment from the book and I am only partly through it.
  3. The Magus of Seattle

    Appreciate, nay love the honesty.
  4. The Reality of Life & Death

    I want to thank you for your service, your sharing of your life is very moving to me. Having been in the military I know of what you are relating especially with the humor. I can easily see myself as the one being worked on and understand the impossible orders you were forced to carry out under terrible circumstances and unavoidable personal cost to yourself. Service aside thanks for being one of those guys who took it on the chin hard at great personal sacrifice to give others a chance to live longer. Some may say it was following orders and was your MOS Military Occupational Specialty / Job but I say for the one doing the job it is much more, it is their experience of life. Yours has been very hard at times. I do know if I were wounded in the field the next face I would want to see ASAP is the face of a medic. Even though some of your guys did not make it you gave them hope and someone to be with when they passed. That is pretty big time in my book.
  5. The Magus of Seattle

    I don't do Facebook never trusted it and in recent times see it was well justified. Is that you with the white hair and the beard eating the White stuff? If so I like your face and the spirit coming out of it very much. Who is the woman? she is special too methinks and what is that bird a Condor or Eagle of some king very beautiful and the young man is clearly earnest about his work with the bird. I see the naughty horse from your book who walked on tile as well Great Pictures thank you very much for sharing them.
  6. The Reality of Life & Death

    What is ever free is tied to both life and death and what seems to exist and also seems to cease to exist . Think on that.
  7. The Magus of Seattle

    No worries, will do, so far 5 star all the way.
  8. The Magus of Seattle

    Hi Starjumper, I just wanted to let you know I have been reading the book and am enjoying it quite a bit. I can tell it is not by a professional author and there is a certain something I like about that. The book must have been a great deal of work. Very impressive to read a book where the author is so open and sharing of their life experiences weather the audience can appreciate them or not, believe in them or not. One of the most interesting things is your age and how it was when you were 50 you came upon your teacher. Hard to believe you are in your 70's now you project as a person of roughly 34. Must be something to your practices that you have such a nice youthful energy about you. Would you mind posting a link to your site typing swiftly have to get back to work now. Thank you for the book and your life stories it is important for people to realize there is more to life than their own experience of it.
  9. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    SOTG? Ah Son of the Gods... got it Listening to that one video clearly defined how he has reversed engineered quite a bit and I think he must be rather brilliant to have done so. In that one video alone I discovered quite a bit. He gave a wonderful example of what Guru Yoga of the Tibetan traditions is all about when describing the egregore. I can also see how his delivery may be off-putting and if one has religious beliefs how he could be seen as stomping all over them, seems to me one needs a bit of experience with things before this SOTG makes sense to people. Personally I like the Ultron Mask and the one that looked like Venom from the Marvel Universe. The Spider-man analogy was not lost on me either. Coming from Kriya I know all about the My Daddy is better than yours and My Kriya is original and everyone else has made a mistake, so as far as I am concerned lineages are not something that matters to me with Internal Alchemy, especially as I have none and am just now looking into Internal Alchemy and trying to understand what it is all about. I have no lineage or party affiliation. As for religion I respect peoples beliefs but can not say there is one that I would call my own. Isms and anities tend to slide off of me like an egg on a nonstick pan.
  10. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    I have to say with the video I watched it seems the guy knows what he is talking about and is one heck of allot more direct and no non-sense.
  11. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Which is the practice you do? Sorry have not had the time to read all the pages from the beginning.
  12. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Thank you self development is something I am interested in. Here is why I am asking. I am at the end of my journey with Kriya having experienced most of the things that are the landmarks of the system and discovered some of the things promised simply are not true. For example I have yet to meet a teacher or one named as a Guru who is someone I would say gee wiz I wish I were like that guy. That is a really fantastic person full of wisdom, kind, compassionate, generous, warm and caring. In fact what I have met are people I would very much not like to be like at all and others that are either sycophantic or just faithful and hopeful or obligated. There is one exception with my friend Donald Abrams. Out of all I have met he alone is a caring nice person who is actually interested in peoples development. He teaches and never calls himself a guru which is why I failed to include this in the original post as I think of Don as a friend first and foremost. Don always says I am a student also, and gives what he was taught the same way he was taught. I have no interest in Siddhi or Power over others so martial applications or manipulation of energy for the sake of external manipulation of the world around me bears no interest for me. From Kriya I have learned how to move energy within both the magnetic and electrical and experienced many things. I feel my time with it however has come to an end and now looking into other things as the next step for personal development. From what I can tell the Long men pai looks like it has great knowledge concerning the use of the inner energies and seems like a logical step beyond the use of the central channel and Chakra cleansing of Kriya. With Kriya the end goal is to cease reincarnation in the world. It however does nothing to address being in whatever world one finds ones self in nor healing old hurts, traumas and clearing pain in the heart center rather it leads to a form of bypassing being here now I suspect by the direct influencing of the Pineal Gland and the Vagus nerve via energetic practices such as Kechari Mudra. Does the theme of reincarnation even exist in Long men pai ? Where can I learn more about Long men pai? If a person well versed in this practice would care to discuss this more it will be appreciated and if this is not a good place then perhaps in private or a more appropriate thread. Thank you.
  13. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Thanks for the clear replies. What is the purpose of Taoist inner cultivation? This I would like to hear from practitioners. Sure the Wiki is easy to find but I would prefer to listen to those who practice. What has been you gain? How has it improved your life?
  14. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Would someone mind explaining what the end goal is? All this dancing around is making it difficult to even get an idea of why anyone would care about all of this and I would honestly like to know more. Thank you
  15. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Very informative, he cleared up a few things I was wondering about from experience giving a framework that is clearly understandable. Appreciate the information.
  16. Abortion

    Thanks for the sharing it is important you got me to realize this. We are both outspoken 😁 yeah will join you let other voices be heard.
  17. Good observation. The biggest problem with the big stuff the advanced stuff is it is the simplest. This is very advanced stuff. Unti it is intuited and known to be true use crutches like Kriya Yoga and so many other paths. These crutches do help. By experience you can get this, I know I am is still working on this since 1986.
  18. Abortion

    I accepted you the way you are long ago, and mostly agree with you. Sometimes you go too far. Sometimes I do also. We are better than the topics at hand.
  19. Abortion

    Luke. I would like to see your parameters for acceptable abortion defined as I have.
  20. Abortion

    I know Luke from personal messages and he would never laugh over this. Luke has a good heart. We are all working our our way through this so try to be a bit nicer. I know abortion bothers you but nothing is solved by political lines ever. I care for both of your feelings very much.
  21. Abortion

    I would like to ask you to reconsider this statement. Your Kind is also you and me.
  22. Abortion

    Interesting according to this then we are looking at the second trimester between the 18th and 24th week being the time when pain is possible. Based on this I would abandon trimesters as a measurement and revise my stance to say 16 weeks to be safe. Thank you for more information.
  23. Abortion

    I would say at the moment the Egg germinates. I would also say that the Mothers life is the most important. For me the point is not when the soul enters the body, nor when the cells develop enough to becomes the Animal called a Human Being. To me the point of when Abortion becomes an issue is when the gestating human can experience pain and suffering and perhaps yes even great fear, terror and agony. To my knowledge the pain and suffering of abortion for the fetus becomes a reality in the late first trimester and second and beyond. If there is no pain and no suffering because the body has not developed sufficiently to experience such things then it is simply a matter of the soul departing which we who have been outside the womb for some time now are going to do anyway. I think all can agree pain and suffering of dismemberment in the womb are only acceptable under very trying and justified circumstances as I have done my best to express in a previous post.
  24. Abortion

    This is also correct. Thank you.