Jim D.

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Posts posted by Jim D.

  1. From what I read man has put together stories of how this earth and man was created e.g. The Story of Creation in the Bible, The Japanese's Shinto, Korean creation myths, Babylonian creation myth etc. The scientist and anthropologist are getting closer to discovering the truth. I think it is a matter of evolution.


    Can we say creating life in a peti dish is any more religious, spiritual, or holy than life being created in the womb.

  2. At one time I lived between two towns. There was a two lane dirt road connecting the two towns. I think it was an unicorporated area because it seemed that no one took care of the environment surrounding this two lane road. Eventually someone paved it and it seemed safer to travel between each town. More and more people used this road to get back and forth between each town. Now I do not know who made the decision to pave the road, but I would suppose that someone had a future in connecting the two towns. Since each town seemed self sustaining, I would guess that the paved two lane road was invested in by a private party who had and invested interest in bring more people into their perspective towns. Maybe an invester from town A got with invester from town B and worked a deal where both would benefit from the two lane road being paved. Maybe the investers had plans to build homes, more businesses, gas stations, food franchises, better schools, and more infrastructure. Maybe these investers went to their local commercial banker and borrowed money to fund all of this on a renewal note. Maybe the investers said to themselves, why don't we build using other peoples money, thereby building a network of other investers from other unincorporated and corporated areas. Then they started to think about building an airport, and wharehouses. They set the tax rate and raised it according to their personal financial desires and dream to be in control of statewide, and interstate wide commerce...


    Now here comes a governing body with elected officials that are already benefiting from this network...they made sure laws got passed and people got prosecuted and sentenced. They made sure taxes were collected. And they made sure that they benefited financially, and had the best medical insurance coverage, and retirement plan that they could create with their vote. They even had legal immunity and great vacations, and spent most of their time tearing down their opponent(s).


    What would it take to change things where there would be an equal distribution of goods and services, a standard tax to support a new government, and an overseer to make sure that this new government continues to do their job according to the wishes of citiizens of this unincorporated and corportated population. Is it a Socialistic government. No, someone would emerge as the decision maker. How about Autocratic? No, same problem. How about a dictatorship? No! How about a Democratic government? Well, it might work if we fired all the people who make up our government, and started all over again by hiring a Philosopher King. It might work "we the people" produced its own goods and services, isolated ourselves from the influence of the outside world, had the strongest military in the world, fed its hungry, took care of its sick, housed its homeless, stayed out of regulating people's lives, and criminalized drug and alcohol abuse as it were in the 80's, enforced the Constitution without deviation from the letter of its word and intent, quit arguing precendents when it comes to jurisprudence, and bring back public execution.

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  3. Back to the topic:


    "There is strong evidence that human beings evloved from basic early molecules. Those molecules were formed from the gases and birth processes of the stars and planets. Those stars and planets were in turn formed by the first movement of the universe. That first moment of the universe came from nothingness. So we are the crest of a certin vave of evolution.


    Narrowing it down to the human situation from the cosmic, our minds represet the ultimate expression of who we are. Further, spirituality is the ultimate expression of the mind. One might say, therefore, that spirituality is ot a belief, mental construct, or opinion. Rather, it can be considered a function of outgrowth of evolution.


    If spirituality is simply a function of life, the edge of a cosmic ripple, then where is it going? We don't know. Like the universe, it is still expanding into unknown territory. We can decide to cooperate and go with the wave, or we can ignore our spirituality and thereby ignore one of the basic meanings of being human. If we choose to engage in the full process of being human, then we will truly fulfill our part in the universe's evolution." (365 Dao, pg. 207)

  4. I would keep names but I think the idea of the nuclear family needs deconstructing.  I favour the Kibbutz model.  I think we have more chance of modifying the thoughts of the young in this way to get rid of selfishness and greed.


    From what I have read about Kibbutz there seems to be a degree of capitalism and ownership involved in this model (2012). My experience with the group model, there always seems to be a group leader that emerges.

  5. I do not know the period this painting came from, but as I look at the more toned figure, especially around the middle, it tells us what was seen as feminine then. I noticed the firmness of the body and arms. What is interesting is the suggestiveness of the maiden's own hair covering her vagina. There is a suggestion of shame and senuousness.


    The lady next to her is small in breast as is the main figure and as is the female being carried by the male angle (wings). The lady in the blue dress appears larger than the other two females with toned muscles and a matronly look. She is trying to cover the main figure with a robe as if she were special. The shell suggest a pearl which is something well sought after.


    The male angel appears to be straining under the weight (face and...air coming out of his mouth). All four women have peaceful appearances. All the legs of the figures are smooth as if a statuet...manikin like.


    The angel's rider is barely hanging on which suggest that the angel is holding her very tightly. She feels secure in his arms.

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  6. I think the problem is Sionnach's choice of words. Does he mean by Christianity the organization, or a set of beliefs which define the organization e.g. the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth or its beliefs and practices.


    When I was told that I could not touch the host because I had not gotten an annulment, the Deacon was referring to Doctrine and the Catechisim. The Deacon referred back to the Church when he answered my question of how is it that I cannot touch the host. To me his answer was the decision of one person with everyone falling in line with the decision. Autocratic.


    My criticism pointed toward the Church's Political power, or any Christian Organization such as the Protestants citing the Church of England.


    Tiebetan-Ice your experience of meeting Christ in another life would sorely be questioned by the Catholic Church. Protestans and Atheists do not believe in the Sacraments which Jesus instituted, nor do they believe in miracles. According to the Catholic Church's Catechism to practice the I Ching, or any new age conduit, or to say that you were able to experience another life. would be considered heresay and subject to inquisition, torture, and death in the 1500's.

  7. I watched Trumps Press Conference in Florida. He is better at addressing a small group than a very large group, like the Republican Convention. He says that he has got a plan to turn things around, but does not want to telescope to his opponent. I want to hear his plan. I will be able to tell the Group if it is a solvent plan or not drawing on my 16 year history in turning failing operations around.

  8. Here's a beautiful quotation I just came across regarding bodhicitta:


    "On my part, I cannot claim to have realized the awakening mind or bodhichitta. However, I have a deep admiration for bodhichitta. I feel that the admiration I have for bodhichitta is my wealth and a source of my courage. This is also the basis of my happiness; it is what enables me to make others happy, and it is the factor that makes me feel satisfied and content."


    —The Dalai Lama, Practicing Wisdom


    There are other famous people, and not so famous people have spoken similar words e.g. Scott Peck: "The will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth.”

  9. Speaking as a Lecturer once employed by a University to teach Criminology, I can share that Christianity has been and still is Autocratic in their mission to control the masses through fear. Historically, that fear was engendered through inquisition and torture for the sole purpose of material gain to include property without legal restraints or mechanisms of popular control.


    Two books I would recommend are "Why I Am Not a Christian," Bertrand Russell, "No Meek Messiah," Christianity's lies, Laws and Legacy, Michael Paulkovich.