Jim D.

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Posts posted by Jim D.

  1. But I learned a lot with all the information provided. I see it as a win/win situation. There seems to be a pattern of synthesis in all the discussions I am involved in meaning, there is a little bit of this and little bit of that in what you say, what they say, and what I say. That's how we grow and discover new and improved ideas and manifestations thereof.


    The outcome is I know more not than I did yesterday because of your input and tenacity.

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  2. In 1771 there was a Joseph Pirestly who conducted an experiment using himself, and proved that the plants need us as well as we need to survive. I don't believe that jars that have plants in them are perfectly sealed. Perfectly sealed jars have been pressurized with heat first causing a vaccum.

  3. I have for while seen the resemblence between Vladimir Putin and Trump. Joeblast, you seem to be in the minority because Clinton is apparently 10 points ahead in the polls. The reason being is that people just don't have the time to do the research you did, nor do they care to if they are middle America who are more concerned with raising families, keeping jobs, putting kids in school, and making it to retirement. And if truth be known, they would want to be the Clinton and/or Trump having all those bucks to put in the Bank.


    It is my understanding that there isn't enough gold to back our dollar. The Banks are just moving around paper that is practically worthless. We might as well make what the dollar is made out of valueable and skip the gold.


    This election we don't have much of a choice. Out of all he Republican candidates we are left with Trump, and they seem to be after him for some reason.  And we only had two Democratic candidates to choose from. How did that happen?

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  4. Whatever floats your boat and makes you happy. Probably should work on reducing your stress by working on one thing at a time. Humor is a great stress reliever, even when we laugh at ourselves. Stress will help to spill cortico steroids into your blood stream, and over time it can compromise your heart. Eustress is good. But extended stress is harmful and can be fatal.

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  5. You are correct Karl. I had forgotten that we were using PM. I really did not know how to navigate around Dao Bums. You have made a good point in that making our discussion more available to others invites more discussion.


    Yeah, if 1 + 1 = 2 and it works for me than I will use it. But if alcohol and Mariuana's  formula is 2 + 2 = 5 due to the potentiation factor, I will use that formula in my own best interest.


    You know, if I ( ego) drinks enough the body will survive itself by making me pass out and/or vomiting my stomach's contents in order to get by Blood Alcohol Level down to acceptable levels. But if I (ego) decide when I wake up to put more alcohol in me, than my body will shut down out of respiratory collapse, and then death will follow. The insanity of the ego which hurts or gets hurt is incomprehensible.


    Karl, my conversations with you, MH, and others that participate is a "teachable moment" for me. Because I am a guy, initially I wanted to win, be right, dominate the discussion with my pontification and education. I entered a group of guys I did not know and was afraid I would not be accepted. This is group dynamics. When I let go of that perception and gave up trying to impress anyone, and gave myself the freedom to be right for me, I relaxed and started enjoying myself. It so difficult exchanging words over the Internet. You can't see the person. You can only hear the tone of their voice in the perception of that tone. My mind makes up images of the person that I am talking to from their logos like the guy with the crazy eyes logo. I don't know why he picked that picture to represent himself. But as I listen to his words, they are not coming out insane. As I listen to your words, I hear a man that seems afraid of the outcome of what this world is doing to itself. I hear a lot of dilemma in other Dao Bums, and I wonder if they are struggling for lack of having a Higher Power in their lives, no matter what shape that takes on. And yet, good always comes out of struggle. We just keep moving forward. Peace my friend. I don't like when people talk down to you. I even did it early on, and I apologize. I am also insecure.

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  6. Karl, early on in our relationship your patience with me was broken. When I didn't agree with you or see your point of view, you gave up and bid me good luck. It was the uneasiness of our parting that raised your awareness that maybe Jim wasn't such a bad guy, and maybe he did had something to say. We butted heads because you are like me and I am like you. Your Ann Ryand way of thinking is something that you hold on to because it works very well for you...it is your life saver. For me it is the 12 Steps of Recovery. They are my life saver. And so I let them work me because I want to live.

  7. The earth as is were had potential to create life. Just as the stagnant water in my micropond. I agree with MH that earth as it is now is a living organism with lots of energy at its core.


    MH I am so glad you found the literature on algae.

  8. Wow! The things that I am learning from this post. I have come across a little about everything the has been commented on. The Chemical ratio...when this is reduced that increases...sounds like ying/yang. Living off toxic chemicals sounds like humanoid relationships. Special microbes on their way to being something different in the future. The planet being spied that has life below ground. Traces of water on that planet. A meteor carrying just the right stuff for life to happen. Drawings on a cave wall tells the story of the times spent walking upright.


    A friend once told me that a story can only be written four ways. Each story has the same theme. It is interesting that my Dao Bum Brothers are finding ways to share and be unique at the same time. This probably happened around the camp site eons ago.

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  9. Chimp/man had offspring. A bird at one time looked larger and more threatening and laid eggs. So did T Rex. Not all plants come from seeds. Some are asexual. Some come from rhizomes or tubers. But I think that MH is talking about myths.

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  10. Dustybeijing, I did not mean for my response to your statement research or otherwise to be based in fact. The average American working two or three jobs does not have the time or interest in doing the research that you have done, as well as Aetherous. Your emotional reaction is typical of most people, and I mean most people. Now a politician or an aggravator knows this...and they know that it will work with average and below average people, especially if they do not believe knowledge is power. Check your last comment Dustybeijing. You see how you got worked up over a fake Polititician's reponse to what you believe in. Get a group worked up and you win the election...you win the court case. You don't have to have fact, you just have to know how to manipulate emotions. :)

  11. I can see how the Creation Story in Genesis is similar to Steve's sharing about "coming out of the earth, and going back to the earth." If we look at other cultures and their Creation Story they are very similiar. So, what does that say about us. It says we were seeking for the truth of our beginning and came up with a story, and it turned out to be similiar no matter where you lived. Now ask yourself, where did the idea of this story come from?

  12. If we go back thorugh the history of Presidential debates I would think that candidates for Presidency have said some pretty outrageous stuff about their opponents.


    People will generally go for the underdog. I still would like a chance to interview the candidates and ask them to cite their complaints and statements about the other guy.


    A Politicians Retort might comeback to your statements Dustybeiijing: :)


    Rise in crime: Well look at the Internet just this past week. More killings and bombings. Seems to be increasing to me.

    Obama:            I question his citizenship. And why did he not put his hand across this chest during the Pledge Allegiance

    Hillary:             Our jails are already over populated. Violent criminals are serving shorter sentences.

    Respondant:   We don't know who the enemy is, just like in Vietnam They are getting through our borders undected.

    Respondant:   Unployment figures are deflated because those that have fallen off unemployment compensation aren't included

    Hillary:             She did not do so well with Lewinski.

    Trump:             The media did not adequately cover the area I saw all this happening in.

    Hillary:             As Secretary of State, she was privileged to intelligence that should have alerted the U.S. of the beginning of     

                              ISIS. It was her job to quash the growth of ISIS. It was an over sight on her part...a mistake just like Benghazi.

    Trump:             That was then, this is now regarding Irag


    Assuming for a moment that he is being "open", does him being "open" automatically make his opinions worthy of respect?


    If a street worker tells you what her prices are and folows through with what has been negotiated that makes her trustworthy. You also know that she is working for someone, her pimp. And frankly, in the moment of negotiations and follow through the customer does not really care. You might attach this metaphor to Hillary.


    Trump is not pimping himself out. He doesn't have to. And no one is pimping him out. He is his own boss. But what is interesting is one Doa member pointed out that Trump has put people to work.  I haven't seen one thing about Hillary that tells me she will do anything but continue living dishonestly.

  14. I think that is Trump's appeal. He is open about what he thinks and what he intends to do. I like that he bashes Hillary because she hides behind a facade. It is sick to live a lie. You have to become another person to keep from cracking up. But it comes out somhow and somewhere.


    The question again is what has Trump done for us, and what has Hillary done for us?  Did you know that she started this whole thing called Managed Care?

  15. My husband gave me a idea.It's a comet which brought life to our planet. This is interesting.That could be.....


    This sounds like the superman story to me.


    I saw a facinating documentary on how it is that oxygen was created here on Earth. I think it was the History Channel. Anyway, all that we are made of as humans, we can find out there. We are all connected.

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  16. And if he can do that, he will do that for American. What I know about a Business Spread sheet is this. If your employee salaries are within 34% of your expenses, you have a solvent business.


    It looks as though leading foreign holders of US Treasury securities with China being at the top are giving our balance sheet a problem.


    Banks have learned along the way to invest their money/our money into diversified portfolios so that if an investment dies, it does not affect the rest of the portfolio. They just invest elsewhere.


    It seems the U.S. is betting on futures and the integrity of Foreign investers to stay afloat.

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