Jim D.

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Posts posted by Jim D.

  1. If I were in a lecture hall and hecklers started in on me, I would encourage security to get rid of them any way they could. And if the audience had a few guys there that wanted to take things into their own hands and get rid of the hecklers, that would be fine by me.


    When I look back on the Democratic Convention held in Chicago in 1968, and I have no problem with the way Richard J. Daley handled the protestors. The convention was held during a year of violence, political turbulence, and civil unrest, particularly riots in more than 100 citiesfollowing the assassination of Martin Lutther King on April 4. Following that Robert Kennedy was assasinated.


    I believe in peaceful protesting, but not in violent protesting or allowing hecklers to go on. Their intention is to be disruptive. I believe the 2nd Amendment was created for people with a good sense of boundaries.


    Here is another thought. I worked inside a Maximum Security Prison for 10 years as a adjunct lecturer eployed by my alma mater, Lewis University. I taught Humanities and Social Sciences. If I were being heckled by a student and they would not quit this immature behavior, I would call the CO, and they would remove them.


    So, what is the difference. The prisoner gets the treatment, and the civilian doesn't. But if my public forum comes under the annoyance of hecklers, and I have them removed, I believe in violence?


    Obama and Hillary have put up with Hecklers. I think Hillary may have tried to answer them politely. Why? Is the image of being civilized and reasonable that important?

  2. I would rather have an unpolished guy who is not afraid to be himself try and run our country as if it were a corporation. Ross Perot tried to do that as an independent i 1992. He went up against Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton. The U.S. just wasn't ready for a business man. You see what happend to our National Debt with the two Bushes and then the Clintons.

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  3. Aetherous, I find you pontificating and annoying when you set yourself up to know the answers for Lessdoamorebum or anyone. A mentor of mine once said, if a man does not ask you to be involved in what he is doing, than stay out of it.


    I have been here since June 2016 and have found Lessdoamorebum to be correct in his criticism. How is it that members are trying to convince him to stay on. If his needs are not being met it is none of our business why he wants to leave. He told us, and nothing came out of it. We still have the "posers" and we still have the stealthy serious guys that are trying to get something out of all this. Like I said, if it wasn't for Karl and Marblehead, and maybe Nungali <_< , I would have lost interest.


    So why don't we give Lessdoamorebum his space, and let it be. Isn't that what Taoism is about...flowing with it.

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  4. I was up late last night and early this morning and caught an article about how Trumps's kicking out the baby was orchestrated by the media to make him look insensity. The commentator about this fact is also in the media, but he chooses to sit with the audience because he can be more objective about who is there to report on. Well, he broke it down for us and guess what the baby being kicked out was taken out of context. Now is it possible that what you know about Trump is false and fabricated by the media...all of the negative stuff.


    Now John Kennedy...had an affair with Marilyn Monroe and was connected to the Outfit. He got his job through his father's influcence with the Outfit. Kennedy got killed because Moo Moo Giancana thought he would have the President in his back pocket. But John's brother Bobbie mess that up for Giancana. Ted killed a woman he met a party and got away with it (Chappaquiddick incident).


    Nixon was a neroutic as they come. His claim to fame was Watergate. He put John Lennon on the black list


    Lydon B. Johnson...he extended the War in Vietnam and by 1968 the year I got out, he had 548,000 troops there...and we were loosing the War.


    Bill Clinton...Monica Lewiniski lie, Whitewater scandal


    Trump...not getting any on the side, owns his own business, used Chapter 7 entitlement and maybe Chapter 13, uses the court system to protect his investments and losses, puts people to work, dislikes Politicians, doesn't act like a Polished Politician...he is more like a Jimmy Hoffa type...for the people and talked like the people...he has the money, so he doesn't need to money, he is a wise business man like Ross Perot...and he is willing to straighten out the NATO mess and straighten out those that owe us.

  5. I think that you are in your 50's. It sounds like you are or have studied Iaido. I liked how you redirected the nut case to the psych. ward. He was so absent minded he didn't know what hit him.


    I am currently studying Mugai Ryu, a combative style of Iaido. The stye means nothing on the outside. So, it is not flashy. It is effective. Other styles of martial art I have studied have been Win Chun and Modern Arnis.


    I really like the pictures of the school and house. When I saw the third house I felt such saddness. And then you told the truth. The Third House reminds me of the "Shot gun" shanty homes down in Philadelphia Mississippi. They call them "shot gun" because when you open the front door, there is a back door to run out of if someone is trying to shoot you.


    Seiza is very difficult for older people because of their knees and lack of flexibility. When ever I cannot do something I work at it until I can. Fortunately, my body has cooperated with me.


    I love nature and plants. I just set up an indoor pond using an acquarium. Need to get some more pond plants for it. Maybe one more, or two.


    Good night Nungali

  6. Nothing works for me...and honestly at this point in my I would rather not have that Monkey on my back anymore. It was driving me. My wife is equally uninterested. But we do express a lot of affection and gratitude for each other. She is very funny, creative, loyal, out going, very smart, sensitive, trust worthy, affectionate, good with money, very attractive, and dresses the way I like to see a woman dress (she has a full room we call the Closet Room with an adjoining bathroom where she can get ready for work in the morning and not be disturbed. She has so many clothes, she tells me it would take her three years to wear all of them one at a time). She has her own office in our home. And will have her own Yoga room by September. It will be off her bedroom.


    We share similar spiritual beliefs. We pray together in the morning in front of our Buddha Baby. Then we will sit on the couch and read to each other. Than she goes to work, and I will throw her a kiss from the driveway. Been doing that for the past five years and don't plan to stop.

  7. I find Trump to be just immediately, blatantly, shockingly ... under-developed as a human being. He is so clearly an emotional 8 year old; it's incomprehensible to me that it's even a discussion that he should be in the running *at* *all*. And yet, here he is, the GOP nominee.


    There is so much material ... not merely snippets, but subtantial reports and videos ... every rock that is turned over and it shows more of his poor character... not only what others say, but what *HE* says ... I suppose I could post videos of him talking and various reports of his behavior etc etc (and I might in a later post) .. but all of that is all over the place.


    Good luck to all of us!


    So was Nixon, John Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, Lydon Johnson, Bill Clinton...all of them dishonest and self centered neurotics in some way, shape, or form.

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  8. My wife is 22 years my junior. I am 70, so you and I are close in age. I just had a birthday. Just another day for me. The most positive thought I hold in my mind and heart is that I will live long enough to see her when she hits 70. I know that she will be "hot" then. But she is really "hot" now and I want to enjoy her "hottness" a few 20 years before I am creamated. But honestly, I don't want anyone else to have her. First woman in my life that I have truly loved just because. The rest is frosting on the cake. That is why I work out so hard, and am still in martial art. I want to stay an active lion. :)

  9. Since I promised a story of survival I will tell you of a prison situation. Dwight Correctional Facility for women is located outside a small town called Dwight. I applied for the job as adjunct employed by Lewis University, my alma mater. I started sometime in the 90's. I didn't carry a walkie talkie because I didn't want the luggage, and I did not want the prisoners to think that I was afraid of them, as well as I should have been. But after a few years, I got to know and trust a few of them, like a tiger trainer does. Well, I was assigned to a building where I was to teach. I think the subject was Criminology. There was no C.O. there to protect me if things got out of hand. I was not afraid. I was in control of my class. But one day at the beginning of the semester, I got some students I had not seen before...one of which did not like another veteran student that had followed me for years taking one class after another. She use to remark about my little ass. I never took offense. You pick your battles in prison. Well, as I said the new student did not like the veteran student, and they began to have words. I am at my desk, and these two get up and start moving very quickly toward each other. I come out from behind my desk in get in between them leaving my back exposed to the new student. I am looking the veteran student in her eyes, and talk softly to her asking to look at me...at my face...at my eyes. She started to calm down and eventually became somewhat quiet. I then turned to the new student, and exposed my back to the veteran student and said these words to the new student in a "command presence" tone: "Back away from me now and get back to your seat. If you ever hope to take another class with me, or finish this class you will get back to your seat. She hesitated. And then I said. Sit down or go back to your cottage!" She went to her seat, picked up her things, and left. I knew that when she got back to her cottage she would have to account for my dismissal. She never came back, and I don't remember seeing her again after that. There were approximately 35 -40 women in that room that day. They could have easily beat me down. The worst that would have happened to the offenders would have been Segregation and an extended sentence. Some of the women in my class(es) were in for life.

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  10. Nungali, I apologize for the misunderstanding. I was remembering a story about an aborigines and making it to the mountain. I wondered if you had the same skills as the aborigines. But now that I know that you are in the movie industry, I have a different impression of you. :)

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  11. So, Nungali, how about an answer to my question. If you walk the talk let me know and everybody know that you stand for what you believe and argue for.


    And I will tell you a stroy about being out on the perimeter standing guard with my M14 in the dead of winter. :unsure:

  12. Is there an effort to drop the breath rate in all of that?


    If there is "static in the Attic," then dropping your heart rate will be very difficult unless you take a Rx Sedative-Hypnotic. But if you can go to sleep at night with a clear conscious, I mean there are not any held resentments, or apologies to be made, a anything left undone than all you need to do is sit still and know, take a breath in and see it as filtering thorugh out your body system. And then exhale the old breath, and imagine all the anxieties of the day, the stress, the fears are being exhaled into the atmosphere, going toward the Sun, burning up, becoming a cloud and then dissipating into nothingness. Now take another breath in, and hold it. Imagine how clear the breath is, how refreshing, life giving it is. Now let it out and image that every cell that is holding toxic energy is being cleansed by your exhalation. Watch it pass through your lungs, out into the Uniiverse, towards the nearest Sun, dissipating, becoming a formless cloud of nothingness....


    Now let me take you to an open field...


    You don't have to be a Master of meditation, and you don't have to sell it like on Youtube. You just have to do it. Nothing magical about it. Don't be impressed. They are just regular guys working for a buck who want to sell you on that they are different then the rest of us. A person does not have to promote the truth, and the truth is not for sale.

  13. I am curious, Jim D. Are you familiar with neurolinguistic programming? Think you would recognize when you encountered it?


    Just wondering.



    Never heard of it. I am a Master in Health Science with a track in Substance Abuse, and Licencsed as a Clincial Professional Counselor. At the Master's Level I never encountered this technique. But I now understand how it has  not popular since the 70's. It met with overwhelming criticism because there was no scientific evidence supporting the self proclaimed efficacy of such a technique. I suppose some hypnotherapist may try and use it today. And there are some consumers silly enough to pay for it. But the Managed Care Panels I am on will not reimburse because there is not CPT coding for it, because it has not proven to work and therefore not in the DSM IV Diagnostic nd Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fith Edition. American Psychiatirc Association.  Thanks.  

  14. JIm Jones thought the same thing when he surprised about the number of followers he attracted.


    A question I would like to answered as a businessman is this: Do the owners of the Doa Bums gain financially by the site and the number of comments made, you know like Youtube? Maybe that is how it is that better screening protocols are not in place. If the owner is interested in numbers than the market should be geared toward  younger persons. But if the mission of the owner is to attract real, academic, spiritually practicing, Tai Chi practicing, Chi Gong practicing then there should be a standard baseline for acceptance. Like University entrance standards.


    But if it is about money, then numbers would be more important. I can understand that. That is how it is that I got out of the business sector, and mental health sector and went solo. It became a numbers and money game. They forgot about the patient their real reason for getting into the field.

  15. I´ve met those kinds of people here too.  But I´ve also met incredibly knowledgable people who are happy to share what they know.  Fortunately, it´s very easy to tell the difference.


    I can tell the difference immediately when I ask the respondent to provide evidence backing their comment. Most of what I get are opinions, and that is obvious. When a person makes it personal I know that they are backed into a corner called phoney...and that makes them uncomfortable. I will be happily tell a person that I do not know. I will gratefully help a person with my experience, strenght and hope that I have come to know. But I won't pretend to know something I don't know.

  16. When you say I am acting admirable I can't help be feel you're being sarcastic. Why am I admirable. I'm invisible in this world.


    The descriptor I used was 'honorable.' And you are not invisible to me. I noticed your struggle. I just had to figure out whether it was real or not. When you took responsibility for your self, you behaved in an adult manner. That is worth respect in my book. The reason you think or feel you are invisible in this world is because you are identifying with the wrong crowd. They do not see you any differently then they are. You blend in, and therefore are "invisible." But when you do that which is in the best interest of yourself and continue to do that you stand out as an upstanding man. Being true to yourself is very difficult because the world keeps tugging against our moving forward. I have come to terms with being alone if need be than falling in with the rest of them.


    Here is how it works for me. I am in the bank yesterday. A teller gives me a handout on some event that is coming up, and tries to flatter me so I will take interest in the event. I briefly looked at it to be polite, and then handed it back to her. She tried to insist on my holding on to it. I said, I do need the hand out because I am not coming to the event. She said, why do you say that. I respond, because I can. Immediately she saw the freedom in my response and admired it with a knowing smile and a response, "because you can, I like that."  This freedom that I enjoy comes with a price...years of work on self and deciding on a better way to relate to the world that wants me to think and behave like them. I have a Program, a sponsor to go to when I need to pass something by him e.g. a problem which is mostly emotional and has to do with not getting what I want when I want it. And I hang with the winners, not the loosers. The looser will bring you down everytime. I also have an anxiety disorder that is very troublesome without Rx. So, I take it religioiusly. I have women issues. Some I like, some of it does not serve me well. But I have examined it, and I have gotten rid of most of it, and kept some. I do not like Feminnazis, controling, want to take their issues out on me women. I had an identity problem at one time in my life. And I have been an alcohol/drug abuser. Been clean/sober since 1982. I do not care if I am invisible or not. I occupy a place here on earth and its mine until I go. So do you!!!!

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  17. Now taking responsiblity for yourself is honorable. Now honor your girflfriend by letting her down and letting her go. Don't keep her "in the wings" just in case this new way of life does not work out for you. To use another person for your own gain is not Taoism. It is selfish.