Jim D.

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Everything posted by Jim D.

  1. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    Wilfred, I agree with you. There have been times when I will be with a client who is hiding behind a facade. I am feeling negative on the inside. I think it is me, and it is confusing because there are no negative thoughts within me. But yet, I am picking up on something. But when the client finally comes out from behind their flat affect and talks about what is on their mind, then I connect the dots. I picked up on their negativity. When my wife goes off to work, I am no longer aware of her aura. The house does not feel the same without her around. One of the reasons I do not like going to bed at night sometimes (I sleep in my own bedroom, she sleeps in her bedroom) is that sleep comes on and I am no longer concsciously aware of her. I intellectually know that she is in the next room. But there is a wall and door between us. It cuts down on the vibrations. When I played racket ball in the 70's, I could sense where my opponent was at all times. I remember serving him a vrey powerful drive shot. I wanted to set up a kill shot. I was looking forward. I heard the ball come off his racket. He was aiming for my buttock. He wanted me out of the middle. So, he was going to play dirty. The second his ball came off the racket, I stayed in the middle, while leaning to my left while in a deep horse stance. The ball went wizzing by just over my right thigh, off the front wall...low enough for me to kill the ball and make the point. I was always aware of where the walls were, and where my opponent was. But I think that everybody has this ability. They just have to pay attention and maybe develope it. Maybe... JD
  2. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    Addendum: By critical thinker do you mean do I argue my point as if writing a thesis for my Ph.D. No. But I do express my observations, analysis, experience, reflections, and reasoning through deductive reasoning which is what I do as Licenced Clinical Professional Counselor. I cannot use Inductive reasoning when helping a depressed client. I can use Inductive reasoning if I am running an experiment. I can predict, based on my 16 years in business mangement and 23 years in the field of Mental Helath, human behavior. I use reason, experience, and intuition to predict outcomes. My philosophy is knowledge is power and truth is in behavior not intent. In my business success in turning failing operations around I used Situational Management. In predicting outcomes, I used statistical analysis and watched trends...my trends. My success in getting people free from the Bondage of Self, I shared my experience, strenght, and hope with them. But the real key, is knowing yourself, because in knowing yourself, you know others. We are all basiscally the same when it comes to core values, feelings, and cognition. If you want Philosophy, "I think therefore I am," and I use my head. JD
  3. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    The issue I had with "TheSunTheMoonTheStars" was his reporting that he was invisible to the "White Shirt" because of his ability to become invisible at will to the "White Shirt." I challenged that because I know that is going to happen for one second. If he wasn't seen at the debriefing he would have been marked absent and written up. I am not arguing about about the existense of "chi." As you have mentioned, it has been called by different names. I can feel "chi" when I play the 108 Forms of Classical Wu Tai Chi. The chi I feel is the circulation of the energy flow when I use my abdomen and back muscles to drive the postures. But in acutal hand to hand combat, it does not give me a leg up on the other guy. I am just more aligned and balanced because the fluidity of my technique. I have seen many so called practioners on Youtube that say they can make people fall down from a distance because of their mastery over chi. I just say that it is intertain for a few moments, and then go on to something more interesting. In Win Chun, I was able to hold back five guys from moving me, not because I had magical powers, but because I was grounded, and my arms where in a triangle posture at 45 degress which is the strongest technique to use. This is a matter of physics. Just look at our bridges. What pattern do you see? What is supporting the trellises.
  4. Absoluteness

    After doing some research on Ayn Rand, I agree and follow her philosophy, and have unknowingly. Or maybe I just forgotten that she was covered in one of the Philosophy courses taught in undergrade. Her Philosophy is extremely close to how it is that I live my live today. Intellect over Emotions = Sanity Take care of yourself first and you will be able to give to others I am not altruistic. I do everything for a reason. Feelings are not fact The "Man" does not have a right to run my life Buearucracy is too busy running my life We are too lazy to step up and fire them all The National Debt is there for a reason, it is serving a purpose Do your own thinking Organized Religion exploits the exploitable The only thing that is constant is change God does not have an office I don't have to believe in anything, but me Most people do not want to think for themselves, therefore vote for someone that will JD
  5. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    I was standing in formation in Company C Fort Polk, Louisiana. It was boot camp. I was somewhere in the back, and at the end to the extreme right. I had a strong, very strong desire to call my parents because I was so home sick, and sick of the Army's breaking me down to nothing. Walking away would have brought swift retribution, and it wouldn't have been pretty. This was during the Vietnam Conflict. I was in between 66' - 68'. I had experienced the DI's relentless emotional abuse, sometimes traumatic. So, in the moment, I broke away from formation as if I had somewhere to go. That is probably what the DI's thought. I would like to tell myself that I was invisible...but there is nothing magical about it. Everybody's attention was forward and the DI's attention was on us. I would have to say that they thought I had permission to break ranks, and that was that...nothing more. Believe me, I felt dissociated from it all...sureal...but the phone call I made was real, and the voices I heard were real. And coming back to ranks was real. The guy next to me acknowledged me. Life went on. I too am a martial artist, and lethal. Been studying since 2003: Win Chun, Arnis, Karambit, Small Circle Jutjitsu, Classical Wu Tai Chi, Iaido, and some Karate especially hand conditioning. I am well aware of "Chi." As a Practioner of the Healing Arts, Chi is nothing more than the action potential of neurons...electrical trasmission...we need it to carry nutrients to our cells, especially the brain. There is nothing magical about it. Those that say that have a special talent are magicians. I still say you were in the debriefing, and the "White Shirt saw you." We can dispense with this all by your asking the "White Shirt" if he put you down as present. Pull the attendance sheet for that morning,or whenever you pulled your shift for the day. But if you believe that you are on to something, bless you. I will take what I want and leave the rest. JD JD
  6. inout from others --speculations

    Your description of the cloud formation is interesting. I would ask what it means for me. And I would be interested in your sharing with me. JD
  7. Woman Dreams

    Woman Dreams Where do you go late at night while sipping grape's nector I try to hold on to you every second counts but you drift away Caught between now and then What do you see Is it splendid, is it forgiving How is it that you moan What do you feel It seems you are passing Sadness becomes my companion The future is revealed briefly Morning shows a hard journey I wonder if you know the difference between now and what's ahead
  8. laziness vs tiredness and weakness

    I have been working out since 1972. It started being a half hour, and today it is two hours long. When I was younger I looked forward to pumping myself up and looking cut and buffed. At my age now, I settle for just being flexible and strong. My theory is that as long as I exercise I am telling the body that it is not time to die. It is a good thing because my mind set is that I am going to live into my 90's, maybe reach 100 (I am 10 days away from 70, but look like I am in my 50's. It is genetic I am sure...mother's side). I also think that it will ward off Alzeimers. But anyway, Discipline is structure. It worked well for me when I was working full time and for somebody else. There were times when I worked three jobs working 65 hours per week. Always made time to workout. But now working out is not a goal in itself, but rather its like taking a pill...It does not matter what time of the day I take the pill, as long as I take it that day. JD
  9. Absoluteness

    Addendum: Too make it a little easier to answer, I am only saying that reality as seen by a human being is already distorted by its ability to think, judge, remember, feel, and share. Its like having a chain of persons who start out at the beginning sharing a message with the first person next to them, who passes it on to the next person, and so on. Before you know it after 10 people pass the message, the message gets distorted so badly that it does not appear to be the initial message shared at all. The body system is even more complex. JD
  10. Absoluteness

    I need to know Karl how it is that it can be said that: Existence is absolute, reality is absolute, human life is absolute, a grain of sand is absolute, being hungry is an absolute. This where I will shut up and listen. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Break it down for me like I am in your Introduction to Philosophy class :-) And try not to talk over my head by using big words and complicated concepts. It will derail my thought process. Contrary to you assumption, I'm happy to share with you that I will turn 70 at the end of this month...and I am still open to learning, lectures are no longer interesting to me. So, please take each statement and break it down for me. I think that we have both established our Philosophical beliefs. Now it is time to expand on what we know and don't know. JD
  11. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    I worked in a female "Max Joint" for 10 years as an adjunct lecturer at the University and Junior College level. My comment about your "invisibility" is someone was probably standing in front of you when you went through your debriefing. Believe me, the "white shirt" saw you. Regardig passing inmates, if you don't acknowledge them, they don't acknowledge you. If you weren't there for roll call, even for a minute, you would have been written up! JD
  12. Why I can't rely on Philosophy

    Karl, The reason I cannot talk about my Philosophy is because I don't believe I have one to talk about, because it is not that important to me. The I that would respond to your questions would give you answeres learned from others. That I has been influenced by the outside. The I that I have seen and experienced is timeless. It just listens to the "now" of my life...the "now" that I met when I got up this morning and started living. The upset part of me is my ego saying to me, he/she cannot disrespect me with preceived condensendtion or patronization. But if I were in the timeless I, your words would have never hurt me which was under the anger and upset I felt. So, If I were to guess, my Philosophy is a dynamic that continually changes based on the data I receive today. But this Philosophy is only useful for me when I need to problem solve a delimma. Otherwise, I just watch and listen, and try to stay in the moment. To characterize it any other way would make my Philosophy stagnant. I apologize for my childish "sandbox" behavior at our last conversation...you can't say goodbey to me without my getting the last word in, and it's going to be hurtful. See, even this Professional is flawed. That's O.K. That's what makes me approachable and trustworthy. This is how it is that I always have now to start all over again with an amends. JD
  13. Why I can't rely on Philosophy

    Karl, If you are defining Philosophy as an idea, concept, question, hypothesis than I would agree with you. I would ask you and others, what would you call a Philosophy that is ever changing, insubstantial enough to allow for conclusion but open enough to say, based on the data I have today, this it is what it is. But given even more data tomorrow on the same subject that I was sure of yesterday which became today, I give myself the luxury of changing my mind about that which I was so sure of yesterday, today? JD
  14. Iaido ?

    My apology, I meant the comment for your Aikido insructor who wanted you to stay after class. Not you. I now continue to practice Classical Wu Tai Chi from a third generation Master. I have only visited with him at his home once since I started in 2003. The rest of the time I have been a long distant student. JD
  15. Iaido ?

    Japanese martial arts are very proper and etiquette oriented. The katas we are learning are done with grace and sometimes slower than real time. It think it is for the reason of muscle memory. The form you speak about often in your last posting sounds like our Mune Zukushi...draw sword while stepping back, right foot and twisting body sideways. Blade should be horizontl with back of blade against body at waist. Tsuki while twisting blade vertical step forward right foot with Kiri Otoshi. Step back right foot - Zanshin as you are stepping back. Chiburi and Noto. Is there a Youtube that I can go to see what you are doing? Your trainings sound chaotic and disorganized. But I don't know for sure. I found Iaido to provide me with a sense of empowerment after being told by my Chiropractor that if I continued Modern Arnis I would end up in a wheelchair eventually. L3,4,5 have been compromised and cannot take twisting from small circle jujistu or take downs. Your Sifu sounds young and experienced. His challenging you to prove a point shows me he has missed the point of martial art...the eventual abscense of self...spiritual development. JD
  16. Chuang-Tzu

    He talks about: Peng The Celestial Lake Small Knowledge compared with the great nor a short life to a long life The quail laughing at peng because peng expends so much more effort in getting where he wants to go. The paragraph that begins with "The Universe is the general name of all things. pg. 30 I think I need to re-read pages 27 - 30. I don't expect you to read it for me, but will need some clarification. I think I get that Chuang-Tzu is using examples in nature to show the reader, student, disciple how each thing in nature is right where and how it is suppose to be. There was a psychologist named Fritz Pearl who advised men to behuman not elephants. P.S. The Book of Revelations reads cryptically. I thought at first this book did also. JD
  17. Why I can't rely on Philosophy

    Actually, Psychology does employ scientific metodology to test hypotheses using this model: the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. Look at our Anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications that are available to us now. These came about through longatudinal studies that were carefully controled for independent and dependent variables that might have influenced the outcome e.g. double blind, single blind, placbo affect, experimentor bias, control group. experimental group, random assignment of individuals participating in the study. Then there were other experimenters that ran their own study if there was a question about the initial study's outcome. Then there is the FDA that gets into the mix before it is approved. In my own practice, I account for several dimensions that could possibly influence the affect of the individual I am helping. One of them is Bio/medical conditions. I want to know if there are any Rx that could be causing this person's depression outside of cognitive reasons. For example, if a woman is on birth control, the Rx she is taking could cause depressive symptoms. So, I need to rule that out etc. JD
  18. Why I can't rely on Philosophy

    You are both right. In spite of the therapist, people get better because of the curative factors experienced (see Yalom Curative Factors). It is in the relationship with others that people get better. I firmly tell my clients that it is in the relationship between them and me that makes themselves feel better about themselves. Of course, a therapist has to have done the work on themselves to help others...otherwise the therapist is only operating from a book, or theory. That is how it is that I don't trust therapist in general because they tend to mess up their clients because they have not fixed their character defects, shortcomings, and Personality traits that get in the way through transference and projection. Most therapist do not have Supevision. Look at Tony Soprono's therapist, and the relationship she had with her Supervising therapist. Remember when she was starting to hae feelings for Tony. Believe it, it happens more than you think. Who did she go to...her Supervisoring therapist. But did she follow his advise...No! :-) JD
  19. Random thourghts

    Are you a Doaist Master Jim? If so, I would be interested in being instructed in Philosophical Daoism. :-) JD
  20. Getting a personal practice forum

    dawei, I don't understand your last post to me. It looks like you have given the Dao Bum site??????
  21. Why I can't rely on Philosophy

    This is the question I have been trying to elicit from the philosophers in Doe Bums. How's that working for you in terms of long last personal relationships, health problems, fiancial problems, subsance use and abuse, legal entanglements etc. A psychologist is someone who studies mental processes and human behaviour by observing, interpreting, and recording how people relate to one another and the environment. Some psychologists work independently, doing research or working only with patients or clients. Others work as part of a healthcare team, collaborating with physicians, social workers, and others to treat illness and promote overall wellness. Psychiatry is a medical specialty that involves the treatment of mental disorders. Psychiatrists are physicians who evaluate, diagnose and treat patients who are affected by a temporary or chronic mental health problem. Licensed professional counselors are master's-degreed mental health service providers, trained to work with individuals, families, and groups in treating mental, behavioral, and emotional problems and disorders. This is what I do and have done since 1992. I would not dare to debate the conception with a suicidal patient. Modern or Classical Philosophy is meaningless to distressed individual. How does one define a good life for themselves? Can they really say it is their life to begin with. Does the individual own the life that they are living? Where is it bought and sold? Who is selling it? These are philosophical questions that could be questioned by the individual. There is an answer and it is personal for all of us. But "my life" is not tangible. JD
  22. Iaido ?

    I just noticed that said that you are not a practioner of Iaido. In the Japanese language "no" means of. Or it could be by glasses. I am due for a check up soon. JD
  23. Metamorphosis

    The question of after life is interesting. But I have decided to take control of what I want to become after my rotting corpse is turn to ashes in the crematorium. I have instructed via my Will to have my ashes placed under a tree, so that I will be taken up by the tree as nourishment, which in turn will help the tree to grow and create leaves every spring. In the fall, the leaves will wither and die, and drop to the ground beneath the tree only to decompose and once again become fertilizer for the tree which will keep on growing and producing through its cycle of life. And therefore, I live on eternally until this planet is drawn into the sun's ever expanding size and intensity...and perishes only to change me once again into something different. I have thought about reincarnation. You know, you live your life in a different form until you learn what you are suppose to learn. What if you are assigned the body of a fly, and you live the cycle of a fly's life, and you die because its the end of your life cycle as a fly. What is to become of you then. Who does the assigning? Who's driving the bus on this one? Or for those of you that practice the religion where it is promised that you will be raptured up, but only 188,000 thousand of you get to be raptured. Who gets to be raptued and who doesn't? How does that work? Because I know the raptured population has expanded quite a bit since the publicaiton of the above promise. Who was the first witness? That person must have felt pretty special. And how did he get into the 188,000 Club, and who was in charge of the rules on how to get into this club? I wonder if there was some sort of ceremony. You know, "blood in and blood out" thing. Oh, what if you got in and your were a bad boy or girl. Did you get a second chance? And on, and on, and on... Or how does one decide what Philosophy is the way to absolute truth and knowledge? Everything is flawed in some way. You just haven't noticed it because you were so convinced that your conclusion is the way. For insance, let's take John Watson's experiment on poor little Albert whom Watson knew had "wet brain" at the onset of his experiment to prove his hypothesis that you could condition a child to fear a soft cuddly animal like a rabbit. Well, right from the start Watson's experiment was flawed because of an independent variable he did not control for. So, anything that Watson came up with that he concluded was the truth for this individual would not apply to the greater population of children because his experiment was already flawed. But Watson and his findings about little Albert ended up in Experimental Psychology books anyway and was taught to unassuming first year collecge students. What is my point and I quote: "Government, laws, institutions, and all things artificial, were opposed by Toasim, because it thought that every modification of nature is the cause of pain and suffering. Intellectual knowledge is also dispised, because it makes distinctions and thus destroys the mysterious whole..." I don't know about you but if we had a Philosopher-King there wouldn't be much getting done accept a lot of iscussion about what came first, the chicken or the egg, or the mind or the body, or existence or non-existence, or do I exist (Well of course I do. Who's that sitting on the chamber pot. It sure ani't Charlie because he's already done with his bizzness. And he's already thrown out his self made garbage out the window. And I can smell it, or is it me. Another Philosophical notion to ponder ad finitum). JD
  24. You

    Standing next to my love And she vanishes What wold it be like What would eyes see A wisp of a breeze The leaf disappears So unique in itself Where can it be Retiring at night After night prayer So awful to pass her bed Silence deafening, thoughts racing Where do I go from here Moments count, never taken for granted Fill my eyes with your sweet presence Touch me while it is today Deepen the etching within me...of you JD
  25. You

    It was as though I continued my poem. Who were you talking about? How were you able to meld into my thought and intention? What did you see in my poem that you related to? Poetry for me is like looking at a painting. The meaning is in the eye of the beholder's heart and soul. How long did it take you to write your replay. Was this off the top of your head? It was if you are a poet. JD