Jim D.

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Everything posted by Jim D.

  1. "I stump for Trump"

    Doesn't look like Sanders has a snow ball's chance in Hell to be President.
  2. Independence Day

    John Adams in my opinion was the best out of the three. He walked the talk. He was away from his home for years in the name of Jurisprudence. He was for the people and with the people. I doubt that he took drinking lightly.
  3. "I stump for Trump"

    Obviously Thelmer you think Hillary and Bill are the "nuts." Not one bad word about them from you. Let's keep it simple without all this trade with this guy to get this from that guy. Or, I might make them mad at me if I don't want to have to watch who comes into my country. A lot of our enemies have read the Sun Tuz Art of Warfare, or act like they have, and are sending infiltrators and spys here to take us down. I like the idea of a semi-dictatorship. You know? You would have one guy in charge, like an emperor. You have one religion. You pay rent for the land you till. You're all wearing the same clothes. Population numbers are controlled by war, famine, disease and what not. You know what to do and when to do it. The best thing about it all, you know who is in charge, there's not guess work. You don't have to worry about the draft because there isn't any. Your in the Military from he get go. Crime is at ground 0 because you have public executions right there on the spot. You don't have to worry about feeding crimminals. They're gonna die anyway from starvation and abuse. If you need intelligence you get it pretty fast. The easy way or the hard way. If you lack resources, well you expand your business and take what you want which is all of it. You control the economy because you created it, and there is not inflation to worry about because you create its value. You spend it in th guy's country and you get what it is worth. No one gets past your borders without you knowing about it, and they better be friendly and have the where with all to make a significant contribution to me and mine, or else they're going back on a donkey or in body bag on that donkey. The military would have absolute control, because the Emperor guy agrees to it. In short, the top bannana owns everything and he doesn't have to worry about who he pisses off, who he trades with because trading does not exist, the only cold war is the one that's not going on right now. But not for too long because he's going to heat you up when he comes for you...and you'er going to like the new temperature he has to offer you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Clintons have been good at taking advantage of Political Capitalism like other Presidents e.g. Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, (Ford), (Carter), (Reagon), Bush, Clinton, and now (Obama). The ones in Parentheses seemed to have been men with a heart. They seem to be looking out for the people...and then the Political machine blocked their mission to try and help us. Look, you know that things become pretty skewed since the 60's when everyone had a job and knew what they were suppose to do. And then the "pill" and culural revolution came along...and kids went to DCFS because they didn't like the way they were being disciplined, then you had scared parents who created the "me" generation, and they created the "X" generation. And now we have a society of young people who give a shit less about who's in charge, and then we have those who care about being in charge because it's financially worth it. Where are the John Adams any more? Trump is no worse than any of the other leaders we have had. He is just out there showing you what you can expect from him if he becomes President. The others are "Just Smiling in Your Face, the Back Stabbers...back stabbers."
  4. Independence Day

    OooooooH Yeah! James Brown. I like the little snippet showing the people on the bus passively sitting there. Don't you feel like that regarding our passivity and our inability to manage our government. What happened to our and we the people? It's easier to sit around and get high, pontificate, and wish things were different. Because "it doesn't affect me." You guys are arguing about it, so it affects you some way. Well, you might think and even confront me about what have I done at the grass routes level. Well, I tell you. I've picketed as early as 2000 for better wages for me and others I worked for through Union ASCME. I wrote a County policyand procedure protecting staff and prisoners who were being exposed to inmates that had infectious T.B. who had infectied others including me. I looked at that County Budget and bought it to the powers that be that they had a seperate bank account that was not being used for the benefit of it citizens. Tax payor's money just sitting there idle. I discovered that our HOA has $700,000 just sitting there in a seperate account...just sitting there because it makes HOA look different than other HOA's. I told the Property Manager to give it back to the residents. That went over like a Lead Baloon. I have described the Property Management staff as having political jobs, and thereby waisting time. Management tells me that they have now have accountability and are tracking the work orders and field staff's time. I did a check for sex offenders in our subdivision...found five...one lives on our block. Brought this to the attention of HOA. They tried to brush it off. I told them I would be only to happy to come to their office, use their computer capababilities and send out a Memo to the 650 residents that live here. They got off their ass and supposedly brought it to the attention of the Board President. I told them that this new information was now on them since they wouldn't let me help them. And if these sex offenders act out, it is on them. I have audited financial records and have discovered improprieties in record keeping and usury. Example: Furiture store running two accounts on the same piece of merchandise. The purchaser was paying the finance company who financed the furniture, and the store had a seperate ledger showing payments made to the store as well. The store was double dipping. Nice! And so forth.
  5. Pope Dalai Lama

    I don't have anything against the man. I just don't think he is "special." I don't have anything against the Pope. I just don't think that he is anything special. The people do because they have to have someone to follow. It is kinda like a father figure with money and political power. Only the masses don't get their fair share of the monies that these guys have control over or real estate they own. The people just get to follow and rent peace of mind for another week. Rome is a state unto itself. It has its own bank and stash of nice things down stairs, way down stairs and out of sight. People know this, and yet they are still go for all this mystery... I am a descendant of Peter...that means that I know Jesus indirectly. The Dalai Lama is not flamboyant, or out there. I don't even know for sure if he is benefiting from the big financial picture. What I have is an issue with is people setting him up on a pedistal. I mean, he was picked out to be the one as a child. CT your right. Money drives every organization even the Daoist. That's why I stay to myself, practice Tai Chi, read Taoist Classics, and leave all the rest of the "crazies" out there...and watch them march toward the scrificial altar of Despare when one day they'll find out that the dude that they are following is not going to help them one bit. Because he does not have the answers or the desire to hand it over and give people a free ride. He has never lived life on life's terms. He's been coddled. You know, I would be a free and untroubled wanderer if I didn't have to work for a living. You know who has never heard the word no since he became very rich...Paul McCartney. Money talks and bullshit walks. BTW, when I saw the Buddhist Temple Financials, I wasn't willing to go back. I am trying to get away from materialism, not get with it.
  6. Thank you.

    Let me tell you something Taoway. Most therapist are fucked up because they haven't done the work needed on themselves to get the job done. I know this from experience, I know this from being around these people when I attend Continuing Education Seminars. Everyone of them, maybe a few don't, are in it because its nice to be over on sick people. But when you hear about their own relationships, they are not any different than you and me. I'll bet you never heard a therapist tell you that they're just as fucked as you are...but working on it. They'd piss their pants if they were made to get that honest! But no, they just say this session is about you...not me. Or they talk about professional boundaries. O.K. we know who the players are...you're the patient and I'm the therapist. I get it, but quit acting like you were born not having any problems, and get real with me. So, are you going to let some sick fuck be a role model for you. Carl Young had mistresses, one of which he accomadated by beating her with a whip because it got her off. She eventually got well, became a psychiatrist, and dumped him. He would get it on with patients. It could be a mother and then her daughter, if she became his patient. He would be doin both. Freud talked to him about it. But Carl knew better. And look, Carl is in Introduction to Psychology books, and Theory of Personality books. Don't put these guys you look up to on a pedistal. Someone is going to come over and kick that pedistal right over...then what you gonna do? And these bitches who say the bigger the better, well I wasn't a "Johnny Wade" by any means and I did all right for myself. No one complained about my 6" pencil dick...when I was younger. :-) Just sayin. Who you gonna believe me, or these "wana be's." Get on with your life and get of the "pity pot." Negative does not attract Positive. You know what, I think that you are looking for someone to tell you your right. You want someone to enable you in some way. Pretty soon people are going to get tired of answering your posts. It will get old, real fast. So let's hear what you do like about yourself. Here is the challenge. Write down 25 things you are grateful for and share it with us in a post. I'll start you off...I am grateful for indoor plumbing, that I eat today, I have a belt...NOW YOU. Oh! BTW, if you feel suicidal visit your nearest ER, or call the suicide hotline. You're not my patient, never been my patient. I'm just a guy on the Dao Bums trying to help a guy who is voluntarily looking for advise. Capisce? If I don't see the 25 things your grateful for on your next post, good luck chasing your tail.
  7. Mair-1:1 - Carefree Wandering

    Nowadays, I just get up and live. But if my financial status changes, well that's another thing. If I can't pay my bills then there is insecurity because no one is going to pick up the slack and pay them for me. There is nothing carefree about being homeless, unless your Schizophrenic. I was raised with a strong work ethic. So, there are a lot years of being conditioned that you're a man if you can provide. We in the West have become "human doings," rather than human beings. And those of us that have had to rely on Public Aid, have learned that you are not going to get away from feeling dependent on the State...unless living on the State has been multi-generational for you. I am a Care Free Wonderer becasuse I still work at the age of 70, and am on Social Security and a small pension, and my wife works part time, and live in a home that was put on the market as a short sale. We have a very low mortgage. Take a look at the documentary on Buddhist Monks that live in the mountains. Now that is care free. But take a look at their teeth...the ones that they have left. Where do they go to take a shit or piss. What about the loneliness, and winters? What getting water up to your hut. Nothing ethereal about it. I don't see them as enlightened. I see them as hermits.
  8. Spend your life fearing death and you will stop living in the moment you decide to do that.
  9. Thank you.

    The is counseling stuff. Sounds like you have what is called Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Talking about it here is not going to make it better. These guys are not professionals in the field of behaviorlal and mood disorders. The more you talk about it the worse its going to get. The sites that yor are going to are not talking about fact. The woman's vagina is designed in a way so that when a man puts his penis inside her, the vaginal walls collapse around his penis. And very, very few women have vaginal orgasims. According to research "the G spot does not exist." Some say it does, and others say it doesn't. The clitoris extends about 6" back into the vaginal upper wall. Women have body parts and men have women parts. Size doesn't matter to a woman. Don't believe what you see on the porn sites. They get paid to act...all of them...ortherwise they wouldn't do it. The guys that keep it up are taking pills to get it up...and they have fluffers on the side getting them up before the scene take. Everybody's getting paid to objectify sex. Lot's of scenes are taken...cut.....cut...cut. Doesn't sound like fun to me with all those lights and eyes watching me. Remember men give love for sex, and women give sex for love. And then there are guys that love their partner just because. I suspect that you are seeking attention here. You are not living in a box somewhere under a bridge. There are lots of professional resources available out there to help your self esteem problem.
  10. Independence Day

    The issue is that most Americans seem to care less about the significance of the Fourth of July. What I know about the conflict is that the American flag stayed up because there were guys willing to belly crawl out there and hold it up. That is how it stayed up. The ships that were firing on the flag prided themselves on their accuracy. It pissed them off not to be able to knock it down and keep it down. And all those bodies around the flag!!!!!! Take a look at the lyrics. Isn't that what America stands for...we are tenacious.
  11. Thank you.

    I didn't like my legs and the way they looked most of my life. When it came around to when the shorts came out, I didn't like that my calves were not muscular and my legs were as white as florescent light bulbs. So, what I did about my body is I got into action and worked out. My calves have definition...never be Arnold Swortzenager...but they's do. And you know, if a girl liked me for my legs, well, your history. I'd rather be single all my life than change myself and appearance for anyone. Everybody is going to get old, and ugly. :-)
  12. What happens when we die

    During Boot Camp I hated Jody, you know the one that's gonna get your girl while you are away. I hated the guys that were not in the Service. But that is what they wanted you to feel. They wanted you to be a killing machine. I was 20 and had no idea what the Viet Cong looked like. I had no feeling against them. It was the civilian young dudes that I did not care for.
  13. Mair-1:1 - Carefree Wandering

    Take a look at an example I posted called, "It is a matter of perspective." I think I posted this in the Newcomer Corner. This may help support MH's making his point that it is a matter of perspective.
  14. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    Who is this Marblehead guy? He makes a lot of practical sense. He seems to have his head on straight, and his feet firmly planted on the ground. What I like about him is that he doesn't try to impress anyone with his words, and he doesn't think he is special...like he can leap tall buildings with a single bound. I get the feeling even if he could he wouldn't tell anyone about it. He must be a true Taoist.
  15. What happens when we die

    You can't be both a Taoist and a Christian if they know about it, and you ask them. If you try to rise up the ranks, forget about it. I was told because I hadn't been annuled from my previous marriage I could not be a Eucharistic Minister. I was told that my current was not seen as a Sacramental Marriage unless it was annuled and I remarried in the Church. Now Protestant Christians believe you have to be born again to reach everlasting life. Practicing Taoism...I mean even if you're practicing Philosophical Taoism does not compliment the Bible. So, don't tell them. Do your own thinking. No man can tell you how to live your life.
  16. What are you listening to?

    Been thinking about Def Leopard today...Greatest Hits.
  17. What happens when we die

    I spent my childhood years in Catholic School because my mother was Catholic, and my father, who was a non-practicing Protestant loved her, and went along with it. (The Church would not let mom get married unless her children were raised Catholic) When I went to High School I went to Mass. When I went into the Service, I stopped going to Church. When I came out, I met an Irish girl who was a teacher in a Catholic grammer school, so we got married in the Catholic Church. As the years went on, I was in and out of my Faith. There was always something there in the organzation that I could not put my finger on until 4 years ago when I finally stopped ignoring it...it was the issue of CONTROL through fear that if I was not good enough according to the Catholic Church's Catechism I was not going to make it. Now let me tell you that the Catechism has more rules than the Jewish people had in the day when Jesus walked this Earth...6,0000 approximately. The Catechism doesn't have that many. I was overstating myself here. But you cannot win with their rules. You are always going to fail, which means, your always going to be in that Confessional, or at Mass...and your always going to keep coming back because your afraid you're not going to make it to heaven. It is a set, and it goes all the way back...way back. Here's a true story from way back. One day when going to Mass was a choice, the Pastor noticed that the money offerings were dropping off. So he got together with the decision makers and they decided to make it a mortal sin if you missed Mass. And look what happened. The Roman Catholic Church is the most powerfull organization on this Planet. Just that one decision made all the difference in the world. Do you why the Catholic Church made it a mortal sin to eat meat on Fridays. Go all the way back and you will see that the Fishing Industry was suffering. Make it a sin to eat meat on Fridays, and suddenly the problem goes away, and the Church gets a kick-back from the Fishing Industry. And the Church takes in extra money. Well anyway, you can see that Veezel has been influenced by whatever religious organization he belongs to. It could be Protestant, Baptist, Jehovah Witness, Episcapol, etc. You do not have to look very hard to see that each organization says that they will get you to Heaven if you come with them. Philosophical Taoism doesn't play on peoples fear. It is very accepting of everyone. All reigions are looked upon as ways to reach the pinnacle of the mountain. We will all have the same view whatever that is. Hell does not exist accept here on Earth, and the Vietnam of the 60's. I think that the Catholic Church is one of the most corrupt, dishonest, and misleading organizations in the world...and they see Tai Chi as potentially spiritually harmful. According to the Catechism, Dinination is considered to be a grievous sin. So, I would expect that a Taoist is seen as an Atheist. My reporting here was partially from my own insider information, and research over the span of my life.
  18. Eternal youth & physical immortality

    Hey, Chesire Cat! Would you address me as "Bro" if you knew I was 70? Well, I am. My name is Jim.
  19. What happens when we die

    Yeah, until the snake gets hungry!!!! Look out little bunny!!!! It's probably stuffed.
  20. What happens when we die

    You know what John Lennon said asked him his name in the ER. This was right after he was shot. He said my name is John Lennon.
  21. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    Daeliun...Blah...Blah...Blah. You wouldn't be talking that way and using them words if we were on a bar stool in a tavern. Get off your "high chair," and join the rest of us commoners down here. Yeah, your reaction to my accupunture comment is your telling me you know better, than I do. When in my heart of hearts, I just like playing the Devil's Advocate and seeing where it goes. Your just full of advise about how I should be, or who I am. I'll bet when someone pushes your button you look like that little devil boy you put next to your "Peace Indeed." If you can't come up with the evidence, it doesn't exist. Just ask a Government Regulatory Body if that is true. If you answer this post, guess what my assessment of your affective state will be? :-)
  22. What happens when we die

    I don't think so. That's why everybody is playing mind games with this topic. Like I said, I have seen people in the dying process. They seem to be aware of dying. They may be afraid to die but they are not saying. You just slip into unconsciousness and that's it.
  23. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    Just read your post. It is interesting that you come out late at night. Are you on first shift at the prison? You also seem to be around your computer, or on your I phone during the day. You are visible to the community. I would tone down "throwing your pearls before swines." Look, all you have to do is get honest with yourself, and us. The truth will set you free, Solar System. You already got an "admin warning." You must like living on the edge. Peace
  24. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    Daeluin, when anyone uses a didactic approach with me, I automatically know that they are defending something that is very important to them. All the descriptors expressed in your last post, last paragraph to me have to be about you convincing you. Let's try an experiment. I say to you, 'put me in your will !' Your first reaction is defensiveness if you think I am serious. Oh, you might say, you laughed at my joke. But if I insist, you will become defensive. And that is O.K. There is nothing wrong about being defensive. Football games are all about Offenseive and Defensive. Nobody has a problem with that. But in human interaction, well we can't have that because it is threatening. And we use the descriptor "your defensive" to win an argument. If the truth were to be know, and you said what you meant and meant what you said, you would have been honest and addressed me by my name instead of using "one" as if there were another person in the room. It sorta sounded high and mighty and a little condescending. But if we are to discuss something objectively like the professionals that we are, than let's start with the definition of: Acupuncture: a system of complementary meicine that involves pricking the skin or tissues with needles, used to alleviate pain and to treat various physical, mental, and emotional conditions. Orginating in ancient China. Now I want to hear your side of the coin wth your providing verfifiable and reliable fact based evidence that Chi is anything more than the Action Potential of a Neuron. I will be posting a new topic down the road called "Lucky for Mankind Chen was also a Warrior. By the way, I used Accupuncture Pressure Points (which are also Pressure Points in martial art) in my private practice that seemed to help my clients. But again, it is all conjecture at this point. Peace
  25. What happens when we die

    CT, I am in no way trying to be rude to people. But I am trying to churn up some emotions and dialogue. Your are right. The Internet sucks because you can't see the other guy's face...you can't read his body language. You couldn't see me, but I was laughing at some of the things I was typing on the site where you took offense with me. If you look back maybe two posts on that site, someone was ripping on me. I was not a happy camper at that point. One thing I learned growing up in a tough neigborhood, is don't let anyone get over on you. Nowadays, I use my mind and words. Some of it is passive/aggressive, some of is just plain straight forward. Depends on who my audience is. It will sting either way. Your not avoiding me and my topic was a challenge for me, so I took a moment and expressed my discontent. The outcome: you engaged. It is what it is. I'm not surprised that you came back with a response. Most people want to defend themselves if they have any kind of self respect. My second thought was that you might continue to track my posts. I was hoping that you would see all sides of me. Steve, in my private practice as an Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, dream work can be part of the client's treatment plan. I also use Bradshaw's Championing the Inner Child technique for healing trauma patients...those that have sexual/emotional/physical abuse histories. And CT, I am everyday people. I am a blue collar kind of guy. I grew up blue collar. Went to school on the G.I. for both undergrad and postgrad. I go to the outhouse like everyone else. I just have no fear of death because I don't have anything to regret or close up. I just get up and live. When it is my time...its my time. Besides, my ashes are going to be dropped right under an old tree so that I will live forever. Peace Peace