Jim D.

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Everything posted by Jim D.

  1. Thank you.

    That was easy! Now the work begins because you will have times when you'll feel sorry for yourself and slip back. Still haven't seen the 21 things you are grateful for.
  2. Mair-1:1 - Carefree Wandering

    I'm the Wanderer, Yeah, I'm the Wanderer...Well, I the kinda guy that likes roam around. Never in one place. I roam from town to town. :-)
  3. Independence Day

    Well who lived here before the Colonist came over. And who brought the Slaves over and in the process killed 10M. Where did the Indians end up...on Reservations. Who gave they blankets with small pocks...the U.S. Army. Who stuffed 600 Africans in the bow of a ship, chained to the next guy leaving them to lay with their legs pulled up in a fetal position...laying in their urine and fecal material. Who cut their nails so that they would not scratch the next guy in rage and delirium so as not to damage their property. BTW, what about the dead bodies that were not removed. Who was responsible...the Slave Traders. Do the research!
  4. "I stump for Trump"

    Do the research on the Black Genocide. Don't take my word for it. I just want to keep it on topic. I think that is one of the few rules the Dao Bums have. Regarding keeping people out of the country, people have fences to keep their space private and people out.People want to control for who comes and goes, and who comes into their home. A person has the right to let who they want to let in. If they don't like Blacks, Jews, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Vietnamese and such, no government is going to pound down their doors and make them like them. And not one of these ethnics will dare file a law suit because they were not let into someones home. We have no soliciting signs and beware of dog signs for a reason. We can shoot to kill if the intruder's intention is to bring bodily harm. Doesn't matter. No one gets in unless allowed. So, how is it that we as Americans cannot apply the same rules in protecting our National Home called Amreica. And everybody is prejudice. A racist is a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another. If your sister, mother, daughter, wife, girlfriend is raped by "person of color" I would put money on it that your not going to check yourself on bringing out the race card. And it works both ways. Everybody is prejudice. It's just suppressed.
  5. Catheting is not a good thing. See Scott Peck Road Less Traveled!
  6. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    As evidenced by? In my profession, we call it body language. Nothing invisible about it accept the words within. I don't know of any research based literature that backs up your statement "completly unknown to science." The only thing I know about spinning auras is seeing a guy stumble back after I clock him. I think Muhammad Ali would agree with me. Can imagine Ali going back to his corner after he just beat down George Foreman and reporting that he just knock George's aura into a month of Sundays. :-) What good does it do you to read an aura? All I need is to read your body language, and look into your eyes to know you! I know you by looking at your face whether your evil, depressed, blunted, open, kind, genuine, phony, etc.
  7. Independence Day

    War has always been the way of these United States. War has always been a part of mankind.
  8. What are you confused about? It could be a symptom of early stage Alzheimers. Although, I did work on a Traumatic Brain Injury Unit in a Nursing Home. I had a patient that insisted that his luggage was still at the train station. Kept insisting. I tried to reason with him. Wrong! So, I finally told him that I would tell his sister about the problem, and have her pick up his luggage the next day. He was going through "Sundowners" and was agitated to begin with. He accepted my suggestion and calmed down. His sister had a lot of power over him. He respected her. I could probably do a Mini Mental examination to determine if there are any symptoms pointing toward brain dysfunction. Yes? Well here we go. What day is it? What time is it? What town do you live in? What season are we in? Repeat after me, table, pencil, chair. Now remember these words because I am going to come back to them and ask you to repeat them. What? You are confused already? Well all right then. Who is your next of kin? And do you have a Living Will in place? O,K, if you remember to, get back to me with this information. :-)
  9. "I stump for Trump"

    Here is an eye opener. They say the "whites" were responsible for going over to Africa to buy, take, and sell Africans back here. But you were never told what ethnic group was absolutely responsible for the start of killing 10M black human beings. They were Jews. Does the name Rothchild mean anything to you. And after slavery was abolished, it went on anyway in the South covertly or overtly. When I saw an employee driving a car that had a Confederate Flag licence plate on the front of his car, and regular licence plate on the back, it irritated me that he could do that...you know have only one licence plate when I needed to have two in the State I lived in. Didn't understand that. To me there was no division between North and South. That was resolved, so why the need put it out there? But you guys are off topic. What does the North and South have to do with the Post I started, 'I Stump for Trump?' I would suggest one of you start a new topic in Off Topic site and not use up the space here. Orrrrr, go back to the Post. Thanks.
  10. Thank you.

    Now TaoWay you've got four guys in your corner.
  11. "I stump for Trump"

    Nice job JoeBlast. I like a guy who can cite the Law. No way around black and white. Look, about the Muslims. Anyone remember the VC usng Civilians or behaving as Cilvians in the Vietnam conflict. You didn't know who was who. Read 15 Months in SOG, A Warrior's Tour, Thom Nicholson copyright 1999 if you want to know what it is like not to know your enemy. Remember how we found out about those pilots and where they were training...the ones that Knock down the Twin Towers. Ask the stewardess who had her throat cut as an example, if she thinks we should tighten up security, or keep people out until we did a thorough background check. And if there is anything, even the slightest thing scetchy, you don't get in. Anybody heard of Ellis Island: In Upper New York Bay, was the gateway for over 12 million immigrants to the United States as the nation's busiest immigrant inspection station from 1892 until 1954. Notice the operative word inspection. Or how about: The internment of Japanese Americans in the United States during World War II was the forced relocation and incarceration in camps in the interior of the country of between 110,000 and 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry who had lived on the Pacific coast. Sixty-two percent of the internees were United States citizens. We have sliced and diced what it means to be free until we don't recognize it anymore. Hello to Politically Correct, and Goodbye to your right to feel safe and yourself. We as Americans have been lulled into a sense of security. There's been a increase in Terrorist bombings this past week. We think we are safe from that because "it's over there." Remember the 60's. Did ya ever hear about any Terriorts bombings here in America. Nope! What changed? The Politicians we allowed to take over and run our country. Trump has been refreshing to me. Open and honest about who he is and what he is about. He toned it down because the Republican whinning puppies were scurrrrrrrrrrrred by the hawk. But Hillary the Joker, just look at the above picture, and people trust that. What makes you think that she is not going to take out her anger/rage at Bill, those that investigated her, those that exposed the Whitewater Scandal, and the Clinton Foundation Scandal. And if she gets in she has already bragged about having "Bill help me" Oh! Boy! Two for One...Good and Plenty...Good and Plenty of more of the same.
  12. "I stump for Trump"

    Bankruptcy! I know Bankrutpcy. It's my right and its Biblical...check it out...Old Testament. I went through a divorce where my first wife thought she was going to be cute and stick me with an Orthodonture bill because she decided not to honor our Divorce Settlement ands use my insurance company...and was going to do what she wanted and she did it, and created a $3,000 bill for me to pay. So, here I come as my own attorney, pro se, and am in Civil Court as the Plantiff on a matter of her not having someone supervise our kids while she was at work. Plus the new alcoholic husband like to drive around with a ice chest of beer in the back seat with my kids in the car with him...while he was drinking. And then they decide to add on a few complaints of their own in their defense to derail me from my mission. This whole process took about a 1.5 years, several continuences on their part which gave me plenty of time to come back hard at her attorney. My complaint covered a lot e.g. visitation, violation of Settlement Agreement, and Child endangerment. So, when it came to my turn to approach the bench with her attorney, I provided my Brief and evidence that I had included the debt she was trying to stick me with...and my paper trail regarding converations with her about it, my children's Deposition, and the list of creditors I included in my Bankrutpcy. Outcome: Federal ruling took precedence over Civil rulling. I won, she lost. There is also Chapter 11 reorganization. Businesses use it all the time. Nothing wrong with it. What is wrong is the Government is untouchable when it comes to recourse on a debt...we have a Trillion dollar debt and we the people cannot do anything about it. Not too far into the future our dollar which has no gold to back it up, will be worthless. So don't be impressionable. Trump didn't do anything wrong. He is a good businessman. He knows how to make a buck work for him. I like that he told England that he was going to pull out if they banned him from their country. They backed off because they need him for their economy. Money talks, and bullshit walks. You can expect Trump to be that kind of guy because he's got the money all ready. They don't pay Presidents that much. So,I would expect him to do it because it is just another thing for him to build. The other counties are afraid of him already, because Trump don't play.
  13. Simple Concept to understand. When I say pink elephants what do you think of? If I tell you just lost all your money in the Market and you are pennyless what do you think of? You just got picked up on an old warrant, what do you feel...where do your thoughts take you? Your sister just got all the money at the Will reading. What do you feel? And you're homeless?
  14. Thank you.

    You see TaoWay, you got two guys in your corner that relate.
  15. Pope Dalai Lama

    A few months back I visited a Buddhist Temple, in fact, several times over the past three years. I just wanted to go in an rest, and think, and meditate on my wanting to belong to something that was like minded. I talked with the head woman/Abbott who seemed nervous about my being there. She was Chinese. The other Chinese person kept looking at me like what is he doing here. Well, anyway I picked up some pamphlets, did the research on line regarding Buddhism, and was curious about how the Dalai Lama was chosen to be the Spiritual Leader...And then business man that I am, I looked for their mission statement and financial statement. So, the Catholics have their Pope, their coffers, their land, their buildings, their tax exempt status, and then there are the Buddhists who have their land, their buildings, their tax exempt status,their millions, their Dalai Lama. (I think that I saw a Rolex on his wrist at one time ) What happened to the guys that just preached for a meal. I will not support an organization financially, and be led by a human being that is just like me. So, I decided to be little o'le me practicing Dao Philosophy.
  16. Pope Dalai Lama

    Silent Thunder: I don't understand your point, or your Metaphor. "Brake it down for me like I'm a 6 year old."
  17. The Samurai were not afraid to die. If I were not responsible for what happens to my wife, death would not be a problem for me. I see it this way, If I follow the path that I am on, as does the water which flows, then there is nothing to fear. Now if I try to control Tao, then there is pain and fear.
  18. "I stump for Trump"

    Can't believe the FBI is gonna give her a pass. You or me...we're going away big time. Somebody doesn't want to mess up the election.
  19. Unique Journey

    Here we are again on the cusp of the transition between June and July. We have been fortunate here. There was lots of rain and cool temperatures in May. Plants and trees seem to love it. It was good to experience the changes ever so slowly since January. Oddly, the season seem to change quickly as of July 4th. We'll be seeing "the fall selection, "Christmans in July (for some of us) and sales. Sales! Sales! Sales!. And more Sales! Have you ever noticed that someone is always yelling, "Hurry, this sale will end..." What so special about this statement is that slaes never seem to end. I don't think that in all the years I have been on Earth that I have known a time when someone wasn't selling something that didn't have a time limit on it. There just doesn't seem to be a break from one sale to the next. No matter what it is they're selling something. How about clothing and the run around they get for just being clothing? From the the time it is manufactured to the time it hits the outlet store, a piece of clothing goes through many significant changes in the merchant's attempt to lure the customer in. For instance, at the point where a piece of clothing is initially displayed it is identified as retail. Once it ages to be 45 days old without being sold, it's description changes to reduced. When it reaches the ripe old age of 60 days, this reduced piece of cloothing is moved to the clearance table. At this point, it may have been already replaced by the newer model and been transfered to the outlet store because of some supposed imperfection that common man cannot detect. I have wondered what they mean by outlet store...what are they trying to let out? And if it is not let out, what happens to it? It is here that clothing may be given an older and already used worn out title, reduced for clearance. And fuck me if it makes it to Labor Day without being sold. Because it is here where it is forever replaced by stylishly attractive winter clothing. But wait! There can be a happy outcome to this story. St. Vincent DePaul may get a chance at it if he is he is lucky. You see Vincent has the benefit of salvaging all season of clothing and for absolutley less. There are no sales, clearance tables, reductions in prices, exchanges, or newer model replacements. When you think about it, Vincent is a pretty accepting guy. He doesn't discriminate, segregate, capitulate, or arrive late. He just sits back and waits for old/discarded clothing to find its way to his store and then into some grateful person's closet. The clothing he receives is not valued by how it got there or by how it served others. It is just valuable. You know, I think I see some significant similarities between the way clothing is handled and the way people handle each other.
  20. Unique Journey

    Go to the head of the class MH.
  21. Thank you.

    O.K. now you're moving ahead. You got 21 to go. If you are talented as much as you say you are then over-compensate. Work hard at that, and you will become the man that a real woman will appreciate. You're 20. Now imagine 15 years from now what women are going to want. They're going to want a man that can support them. That means you concentrate on making money now and the next day, and the next. They are going to want a man who wants to nest. So, give up worrying about penis size and work on how to cherish a woman and respect a woman...study women and learn what they really want. Most women are playing a role to attract men. That's not how they really are inside. You know what kids are talking about in grade school...giving oral sex. Do you know what college women are doing to prevent pregnancy...anal sex. They don't consider taking it in the poop shut to be sex. When I was coming up getting a hand job was a big think...or "copping a feel." If you got a blow job it was usually from a "Skank" not someone you were gonna to marry. That's how the sexual mores have changed over time. I use to be ashamed of my penis size, way back when. It came from the guys talking about "how you hangin." Me, I am normal size, maybe a little compact depending on the temperature. Buy when it came to getting it on, I looked like any other guy. The guys with the big schwantz looked odd, like how are you gonna get that all in there. Your gonna have to wear a torniquette around it so you don't go to deep and hurt her. I knew this guy in the neighborhood, his dick was so long he could sit on it, and you could see his penis head peeking out from under his ass. Now that's weird. He was in High School. He probably needed a bungie cord to strap it to his thigh when he went out later when he got into his 20's. I don't know. Use to be a popular thing for guys in the 80's who were bar hopping, to wear a sausage strapped to their thighs. I mean it. Real stupid. And on top of that, they purposley wore tight, real tight pants so as to make it stand out. Now what do you think the girl thought when she stroked that sausage out in the car with him. Or what do you think she thought when she pulled his pants down to get at it. Respect yourself. You were born with the body you have, and your going to die with the same body. If you really want to get laid, and that's what this is about, than pay for it. They're not going to laugh at you. But wear a condum, five of them. In the mean time, love yourself and "wack off." Takes the pressure off.
  22. "I stump for Trump"

    You know what, you're not going to take a risk on the guy that's out there. So far professional Politicians have been handing out K-Y Gelly while we grin and bear it. If you don't exercise your right to vote, your just laying down and letting Government dictate your life.
  23. Pope Dalai Lama

    When you put man in the mix of something Philosophically good his greed gets in the way. There is no Altruistic act. The ego gets stroked one way or the other. As long as you have a guy up on the pedistal, he is getting something out of it, otherwise he would disappear out of the lime light if he was truly humble. You can't read his insides. And you compare your insides to his/her outside. He's got to be saying at some level I can make a difference...plus I don't have to work. If you know anything about Common Law, you would agree that each and every person is born with a sense of right and wrong. We all have it. You don't have to have someone guide you, instruct you, sell you a book with the answers, or whatever. When people tell you they are following so and so, they are really telling you that I am in a special group, and I have the inside information, and I am special, and also mindless...because it is easier on me if you do my thinking for me, and tell me how I am going to end up.
  24. Unique Journey

    Back on topic. What about the Metaphor? Did you get that at all?
  25. Back on topic. People are afraid to die because they haven't learned how to live right now.