Jim D.

The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Jim D.

  1. The origin of mankind

    Count me out of the group you seem to put me in.
  2. The Spiritual Poison of Christianity

    Speaking as a Psychologist, Extremeist did not get the attention they deserved growing up through the developmental stages. And therefore are ragefull about it. They are mad at their parents for being self centered and detached from them. Extreme needs to be balanced with appropriate behaviors and rehtoric.
  3. The origin of mankind

    It took 13 years to figure out that party meant stupid...do you want to be stupid...well let's party and take all kinds of risks with our relationships and the law.
  4. Hillary and Trump

    Hillary reminds me of "Tricky Dick." Only his tricks caught up with him. Why isn't Hillary being prosecuted aggressively?
  5. Hillary and Trump

    If you are going to critique me and my reasearch and specialty please do so with citation(s) or your own Longetitudinal study. Setting forth your opinion makes you appear inept, angry, and closed minded and a proponent of legalized Marijuana use. BTW Marijuana was legalized here in the United States December 17, 1914 through the Harrison Narcotic Tax Act. It was challenged by the AMA. "The Act's applicability in prosecuting doctors who prescribe narcotics to addicts was successfully challenged in Linder v. United States in 1925, as Justice McReynolds ruled that the federal government has no power to regulate medical practice." (Wiki) My Post is about my observations about Hillary and Trump and the coming election. Whether Marijuana should be legalize or not is not the issue here. But in my opinion based on the facts setforth here in my Post I wouldn't want to know if my Brain Surgeon smoked up the night before or in the last 6 months up to a year. Probably would go to another Brain Surgeon altogether.
  6. The origin of mankind

    Our Government came up with a drug called "Jacob's Ladder." They tried it out as an experiment on a platoon of soldiers in Vietnam. This drug was to make them very aggressive and fearless. What happened is that they could not discriminate between the good guys and the bad guys, and ended up killing our guys. The "stump thing" is a very gruesome image. War sucks. I said I would do it agian for a just cause, but I do not believe in war as the initial answer. I think that those that trained me to go to Vietnam realized that, and so, assigned me to a desk job here in the States.
  7. Thank you so much Karl. You really broke it down for me. The 12 steps that I follow help me formulate solutions to any problem I may encounter through objective thought. The structure in processing through 1 -12 brings clarity to any situation for me. You seem to just do it naturally. You connect the dots quickly. Where I have to take time connecting the dots, and sometimes I need the help of someone else to help me connect the dots. Like asking you to break it down for me. Oh, I am quick to perceive criticism, slights, passive/aggressive behaviors, phoniness, resentment because they are in me...that is the way I lived my life...at an emotional level. Those that I treat, I understand because I have been there. But there was a time when I could understand Philosophical abstraction because I was able to detach and avoid all the mess I had stored inside. Philosophy helped me understand me and my feelings, and the world around me. I saw Psychology as a way to answer those question, and a way to build up my self esteem and feel "better" than the average guy. I was a mess. I did not know who I was growing up in an Alcoholic family. I am surprised that I made it out of there...I was broken...but I survived the best that I could. I have found a balance that works for me...I live Philosophically and practically through the Steps. You know I understand now what you meant by living Philosophically when you addressed the legalization of Marijuana. People just have to think differently rather than be changed through legal means.
  8. The origin of mankind

    If did not know about the CIA thing. This sounds very close to Mayor Richard J. Daley's allowing drugs to prevail in the Black neighborhoods he segregated by building the Dan Ryan Expressway. He wanted to kill them off and/or control them as a political group. (American Pharoh Cohen/Taylor 2001). I am against any use of mood/mind altering chemicals. But if a person wants to use substances they have to live a life in doors until they clean up...no working, driving a car, or walking around in the neighbor. Much as Howard Hughes did in his worst moments of mental illness. Methadone action potential is like Heroin, and very painful to get off of. They discovered it during World War II. I think the Germans synthesized it as a pain killer inone of their laboratories.
  9. What will happen Karl? Please forgive this question. I am in a fog today. The only thing I am capable of is non-thought. The Rx I am on is working to get be feeling better, but my thought process is not connecting your dots.
  10. The origin of mankind

    The behaviors that go along with Substance Abuse are behaviors that would have not happened otherwise. Going through the 60's and early 70's we thought it was "cool" and well accepted to be "dopey."
  11. Hillary and Trump

    THC is fat soluable. There is fatty tissue in the neuron called the mylein sheath. THC interrupts chemical communication between neurons thus slowing down reaction time. Tolerance takes this awareness away from the user. This is called State Dependency. It takes years for the body system to metabolize, clean out this chemicle. It affects Testosteron levels, and the shape of sperm...making it difficult to get pregnant. A man can have engorged mamories if Pot is chronically used. A womens ovum production is affected. There are 700 know carcinogenic chemicals in Marijuana, and 1600 unidentifable chemicals when lite. Pot is causes disinhibition, decrease in concentration, and abstract reasoning and the ability to perform complex, multi-step tasks. Tasks that require organization, forethought, and concentration become very difficult and the individual generally has little or no motivation to concentrate on completing the tasks. Simple, boring, or "mindless" tasks might seem easier to do simply because the actions are automatic and do not require thoughts.
  12. Potent Systems

    What amazes me is you don't think that the patient is aware of you and what you are doing. But they are! And so is the instructor as evidenced by his breaking the pose to direct someone in the group...and then he encourages the person with a nod.
  13. when universe is teacher

    Sounds like you are having a lucid moment.
  14. Potent Systems

    I remember a Schizo-Affective 35 year old nursing home male resident that showed me a Karate Kata. I read some William Glazer in the 80's who believed that Schizophrenia is a matter of not taking responsiblity for your self.
  15. The origin of mankind

    I was attending a party on our block in the 70's. They had a pool. I had been drinking. I got lost and swam to the body thinking it was the top. Pretty scary for a few seconds. It was Taquilla. When I got out, I sat in bewilderment, and had a beer. I was so "spaced out." It was like I seperated from me.
  16. simplify

    It seems crooket
  17. Karl, your view is so clear and determined. I truly appreciate your Philosophy and the how of your life. You see my internal life and the mental labyrinth of twists and turns I must turvail in order to reach and maintain my goal of sanity. My brain can easily, in time, tell me what is "right is really wrong and what is "wrong is really right." This is how it is that I cannot allow myself to stray off the beaten path and question my beliefs and Philosophical stance. There is a saying and it goes like this..."Analysis Paralysis." Reality testing is my constant companion and guide. This is how it is that I ask for examples from other Dao Brothers...to show me how their Philosophies have helped them live a better and more sane life. This will help me determine if we are on the same page. What I see written by most posters is an exercise in academia without the course work. I really haven't been able to discern the original mission of Dao Bums...what were the ceators trying to accomplish. Well anyway, know that I am similar to the guy in "A Beautiful Mind," had to ask from time to time..."Do you see them?"
  18. simplify

    Magic Eight Ball
  19. simplify

    Lyndan Johnson
  20. The origin of mankind

    I haven't partied since 1982. I gave it all up. Kept seeing spots...N.Y. Michigan.L.A. Las Vegas.
  21. when universe is teacher

    It is interesting that you can give a straight answer when I make a mistake. But the rest of your comments seem disjointed and inappropriate. I can advocate for you and give you a referral. Or call your nearest police department for you because you seem delusional and distressed. I am concerned that you are on top of whatever, and you will be telling me you are a bird and you just took a crap, and now what to fly down fast enough under it so that you can feel its affect e.g. a load of crap.
  22. It seems harder to cultivate as you progress because there is so much more that you become responsible for. The brain is the bus driving the organism. Try and ask it to tie your shoes differently and it will complain by making you feel uncomfortable with the mindfulness you have imposed upon it. But as the behavior becomes formless, the new behavior becomes mindless. The more you ask of your brain to learn, the more difficult it feels. Think of the Buddhist monks that made the decision to be hermits. This was a process for them...to renounce creature comforts they had gotten use to. Their progress of renunciation was difficult. Ah! But now living is easy because they have gotten use to the routine. It became formless.
  23. when universe is teacher

    A critique: Unless you are talking with yourself, and that is what it seems to me, your audience is not getting it. It is like Picaso's expecting the viewer to make sense out of his "melting and rubbery clock" paintings Yes, I would ask you to spell it out for me if I was in your class.
  24. In my relaionship with my wife, what is important to her is important to me. There are moments when I choose myself over her wants and desires. But I feel remorse, and question my motives in order to eliminate the remorse I feel. Example: It angers me that our little dog is in the kitchen hoping to be fed some morsel of the food that my wife is preparing for herself. It angers me that my wife does not keep Sweeper out of the kitchen as I do. Sweeper our dog knows to stay out of the kitchen when I am there. Sweeper has learned that being in the kitchen is not a problem for my wife. Yesterday, I emailed my wife and said that my annoyance at Sweeper's being in the kitchen was because of my acute sinuitis. But it was a lie, because last night when Sweeper came in the Kitchen while my wife was there, I looked at Sweeper who was looking at me typing at my desk, and I said, 'Go!!!' Sweeper exited the kitchen. My wife was confused and seemed annoyed...understandably. I had given her a double message. I had gone back on my well intended agreement with myself. How does this affect our relationship? Well, it might be a little thing to her, or a big thing to her...no matter. She will remember my behavior. So, instead of bringing back up, I will work on my behavior and try to say what I mean and mean what I say. Progress rather than perfection. In summary, for me, there is no linear X is X. No absolutes. This note not meant for Karl or MH: This is what I am looking for, examples such as the above, when I look at The Bums recital of what they believe in. Pointing to authors, opinions, or recall is not you walking the talk. It is you talking the walk.