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Posts posted by Shad282

  1. 1 minute ago, s1va said:


    Sorry to hear you are going thorough some difficulty stuff.  You mentioned often.  Does this happen in episodes that tend to get better later?  Have you observed any kind of triggers over time, both, the ones that may possibly contribute to this condition, or the ones that help make things better, to break out of the cycle.

    it is been 2 months on this. i get high and good sometimes and then falls deep down. the higher i get, i get lower and lower and the period becomes longer.  Feelings not coming from anything i m aware of. 


    not sure where it comes from and result, maybe doubts regarding self and triggers.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, Jonesboy said:

    Being so caught up I can see where it would be really tough to find that happiness.


    I know you do some powerful practices. Any thoughts to taking a break and seeing if that helps at all?


    Maybe some overloading is contributing?


    I m not sure it is overloading. but this state or dunno, happens from time to time, and is happening often, finding myself at a purposeless world, and finding no reason to live for and nothing making me happy.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Jonesboy said:


    I used change how you think as an example. Not what I recommend as you know.


    What is it that makes you happy and what are you letting go?


    Is it more I like sitting on my butt and I am not happy at having to work. So I have given up my happiness to do something I don't like?


    That type of example?


    It is not about something recent, this been something that happens often. purposeless, worthlessness and not real motivation to do anything since not able to enjoy or be happy doing anything, and not finding that "within " happiness and fun in doing anything. and working/doing, something i dn't like and boring and in a none motivating environment...

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  4. 10 minutes ago, Jonesboy said:


    All that is your thoughts, your want and desires.


    What is it that you are not happy with? Things people say that make you feel bad? Attachments, you type of work, attachment. They are all things of the mind. Change your thinking and I bet it all gets better if nothing else.


    Yes, doing fun things is great. I like to help people but am I sad, depressed when I don't? I like to watch movies, am I sad if I don't? I would like to get a promotion and do a different job, am I sad if I don't?


    Each are examples of attachments that I could be caught up in. Happiness comes from within, from who you are, not from things.




    I m not sure how well is it to change how you think in order to adapt to what is, and accept what is, and not do what you like and keep doing what you don't like. 


    Being present is more about allowing thoughts rather than changing them. as far as i know. thoughts remain and not change, but you release attachment or aversion to them. 


    Happiness comes from within... yes  that is why i m saying it is an unbalanced equation:

    if you are going to release attachments, as in what makes you happy and you don't have a source for happiness "within" at that stage/phase/gap where are you going to be ? 

    • Like 2

  5. 6 minutes ago, Jonesboy said:

    If you need a thing to be happy that is attachment.


    Nothing wrong with doing fun stuff. It is only if you need it to be happy or thing you need it to make you happy.


    Things that feel good are often the strongest attachments.


    Yet nobody is asking someone to stop having fun, that is a misunderstanding of the process.


    Your pains are the same, thoughts of past stuff that you are caught up in. It is easy for the mind to focus on what you don't have or what is wrong. Yet the present moment really has none of that.


    But why would you need things in your life, or do fun stuff ? what is the purpose for doing something fun ? isn't Fun mean to entertain yourself to get happy doing or watching..etc. 


    regarding the present moment: it is possible to be present with things that makes you not happy. As in being in a place or you have to do something you don't like. it is now and here and not from the past but still not fun.

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  6. what is your opinion regarding releasing attachments to what makes you happy and/or from which you derive an identity, a purpose from.

    Ending up purposeless and not having a reason to exist... no identity to preserve and no thing or person to get happiness from.


    Then the question is, why to exist in such reality if you have nothing to get happiness from or a reason/purpose to live for?


    on the other side of the equation are pains that we resist and we are averse to. how are you going to handle living with them if you have even have no purpose or something to live for. Ending up with pains and nothing to live for.

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  7. (A thread to share some thoughts not to argue)


    No matter how much people get deep into spirituality, they always remain in prison. A prison that might be wider than non-spiritual people but it remains a prison.


    Whether a daoist, buddhist, sufi, christian, astral, light...etc. Each has its own custom prison, size may change, but remains a prison.


    A prison that is made of beliefs. beliefs that sound liberating, wise, sometimes true but they remain Beliefs.


    Belief may help us to see a truth but only its truth and nothing else. They are like the bars of the prison, one after the other blocking us from seeing the whole truth and what is beyond them.


    Coming from a small prison to a bigger one, may feel liberating, freedom but for how long? And what is beyond that?


    Are you ready to drop your beliefs?

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  8. Why not? It is not improbable to astrally project. In fact when high level yogis take mahasamadhi, they exit their bodies that way.


    Also there's a certain period after death when a body can be entered.


    adi Shankara entered old King's body this way to experience things which he needed a King's body for, in order to win a debate where he asked if he had experience of certain things that a celibate renunciant could never know.


    a period after death?


    The person who died, obviously died because of illness or some sort of damage in his physical body, aging...etc and he was not able to stay alive and function with it. what another soul is going to come and do with a dead not function body ? it already cannot function physically, hence result of death in the first place. 

  9. They should just learn to do "para kaya pravesha". That way they can transfer their consciousness into another body.


    Not sure of the karmic implications. Also by the time someone learns to do PKP they would have advanced spiritually enough that they'd know that maintaining a physical existence beyond what is required is just prolonging one's suffering!


    I m not sure how far this is logical. Possessing another body is possessing the whole body which includes the brain aka another person's brain wiring, habits, mind, thoughts and a whole new person. it won't be the same person. it is like being reborn again. 


    other than that. would be easier to do a transplant and risk it, and have a normal life rather than waiting to reach that very developed stage in consciousness.

  10. JUSTICE, Justice.   Punishment.  hurting the perpetrator and taking away an appropriate amount of there goods and freedom. 


    Forgiveness is great,  it can great help the person victimized heal, but I give equal time and effort to Justice; and if when that means retribution and punishment, I can live with that. 


    Justice and punishment help the healing and forgiveness process.  When a perpetrator gets off scot free or lightly, it creates another festering wandering wound. 


    My brother (who introduced me to this website) shared with me once that there are two different views of justice- utilitarian, and retributivist.


    Utilitarian is the view that justice should be what's the highest good for all- in other words, "what works".


    Retributivist is, of course, retribution, vengeance.


    If you combine these, you could say, punishment IS what works.



    In my opinion, punishment is not the solution and never was. punishment would cause the perpetrator to be hurt even more and would not make him a better person. in the first place, the perpetrator, received pain and was hurt as kid and was acting out of his pain that resulted in doing a harmful or illegal thing.


    Punishing him for being in pain and acting on it, would just add more to that pain. what is required rehabilitation from the pain to help that person not do the same harm again. and teaching the people who received the pain and such to forgive and such.

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  11. The spirit wanted to be raped as a two-year-old girl so she wasn't a victim? She asked for it?


    Really sure that's the argument you wanna try to float???


    I m not on this website to argue or debate, i m here trying to share what i know and learn what other people know, if you want to argue and have debates on beliefs or such, please not on my thread. 


    All i said, is that if we consider that law of oneness and the law of attraction apply in all situations, then how it fits this situation. 


    from a spirit perspective, it is just a game and play on here, it is not so serious as your mind is living it. and yes it is possible for aligning with such situation, it is all about the lesson/teaching that will eventually learn. it is its own game and free to choose what it wants to experience within the limitation of this earth reality.

  12. ....

    The the idea of karma, that the raped little girl has some sort of 'responsibility' for being assaulted/abused/raped, or that she 'chose' it before she was born in that body. There are many who do not share this idea. Even though my knowledge of such things is only superficial, I think Christians would say something like "it's god's will and even when we do not understand his will, we have to be content that it's for the ultimate good. Or that it has to do with the sins of the fathers/ original sin. Taoist might regard it as just what is. Things happen, nice things and awful things, pleasure and pain, health and sickness, all without a 'big plan behind it' but still as humans we have to deal with it. I will go along with your idea of 'karma' but remember, karma is sort of unpersonal, it has nothing to do with 'sin' and paying for sins you have committed. that is an idea stemming from christianity.



    At the moment I think, going along with the karma idea, that the next step is to forgive yourself in a larger sense. 


    meaning: when you can forgive the original perpetrator and you're sort of aware that it is rebouncing karma. Then the next step is the realization that you yourself have probably been just such an asshole in some former life. And that asshole needs to be forgiven too... And after that i suspect another step, but thats too tentative to talk about,


    love BES


    I get you but i m not linking that to karma and sins and such. I m saying that the spirit wanted to gain experience or learn something from this life or specific situation and so it aligned a goal to achieve on this earth. which in the case of the 2 years old girl.... the girl as a spirit before coming to materialization into a human body it chose to come to this reality to experience such kind of "energy situation" to learn what it came to learn and such. not because of a sin or Karma from past life.



    In this discussion, we should consider what we mean by 'responsibility'. The way this concept is usually understood, no, the 2 years old girl clearly had no responsibility for what happened to her.


    Does this mean she was just victim to circumstances that she otherwise played no part in? I don't look at it that way. This is a difficult topic though.





    I mean, a lot of people do believe in the law of attraction, as in you attract people that mirror you (and they are you aka law of the one) and your issues, which means they hold same energy, in order to trigger each others, heal and grow and get improve. 


    But when things come to things that involves rape or kids or so, people do not feel right to make the person who got hurt and taken advantage of, have any responsibility to make this situation take place.

  13. Lots of opportunities here to explore, philosophizing about victims and responsibilities and environment and society and root causes, but it seems hard to place any responsibility on the 2-year-old girl.



    Maybe you can ? the soul already chose that life, and this family and all what was going to happen, prior to coming to life in the body of the 2 years old girl. 


    or the soul chooses what it wants to learn or the energetic environment that want to experience and so align itself with that situation and those people. (this assumption is valid, if we consider law of oneness or law of attraction)


    what do you think?

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  14. It might be sort of easy to write philosophically about trauma and forgiveness.


    It's not so easy when you're carrying real trauma.


    Forgiveness is the answer, but forgiveness is much more than a word/concept.


    real forgiveness comes ( or is a quality) from the heart, when the heart opens the possibility of forgiveness arises ( and when you try to forgive, the heart can open itself a bit),


    when you let it, forgiveness becomes a process of the heart, ever expanding, both the forgiveness and the energetic heart.


    They are closely related.


    Crux here is that people that are traumatized tend to close up there hearts. Think of that little girl Brian mentioned, how can she ever become trustful and open again, how can she open her heart...




    but how would you teach forgiveness ? A lot of times as i mentioned forgiveness is seen as you are blaming the person and so you forgive them for what they did, and in this way forgiveness is some kind of separation.


    And a lot of people speak about forgiveness, but no one effectively teach it. I can just throw i forgive that person and feel like i forgave him, but nothing changes or heals. and i think it is because of a sense of separation and blaming that is in it.

  15. As you can see in the below, they are planning to do head transplant, which seems to be promising, assuming that it will work.


    how would this fit spirituality, energy and mind and body relationship ?


    would that mean that the person who would get his head into another body, would get the same meridian energy blockages of the new body, or his mind will remap the new body with the blockages he had due to his psychological issues and traumas?


    does that mean, that the mind is where everything exist? and is the one that causes blockages on body affecting the flow of energy ?


    in other words, the chakras, the heart and everything is in the mind, and awareness, spirit is in the mind ? and dealing with our issues on my mind level is enough to reach enlightenment ?


    Video Link: 


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  16. Depends on your tradition or how it would be described.  In taoism, you might say that the "one" has expanded (or become more refined), and hence the polarity of the two is greater.  Or, you could also describe it as there is now more energy activity (and potential) in the "space" between heaven and earth.


    Or, if you prefer a more fun description, you could simply say that an "immortal" is descending/manifesting at "earthly" levels.

    an immortal ? who?

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  17. how do you approach a trauma or issue that occurred in the past?


    do you focus on the now, present moment, and stop being reactive emotionally to the thought when it arises in your mind and so stop to emotionally trigger you and healing occurs?


    or you try to understand the situation that happened in your past and be objective about it and so the thought ceases to arise and healing occurs ?


    In my own perspective, i see understand the thought aka the situation of the trauma objectively without victimizing yourself and blaming others, or whatever occurred would actually allow you to use the same analogy to unlock multiple thoughts that used to occur into your mind and so understanding one situation (new perspective) would allow you get past many thoughts and learn a teaching.


    Since emotions are common, and what changes are the thoughts. dealing with non reaction to the thought means you have to deal with each thought through each emotion by not being reactive and so on, which is quite a lot. 


    What do you think?

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  18. I was wondering do you think that in almost all traumas, there is no an offender and a victim ?


    There is always some kind of responsibility in which the victim creates an environment for which it attracts the offender? (on different levels)


    and would you think forgiveness in traumas actually work ? because forgiveness is a way of blaming the other person for what happened. Like when something happened, you go like, i forgive you for what you have done, which comes in way of blaming the other person for what happened and we remove our responsibility of what happened, thus leads to no healing and moving on to happen.

    or else you can just throw forgiveness around and done you healed your traumas.


    what do you think ?

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  19. I would suggest to learn to relax and do meditation where you relax each part of the body. masturbation is fine, if not excessively made and there is no guilt feeling or so. you don't have to force yourself. because what is causing the masturbation could be related to some problems and after they are resolved your body will manage itself concerning sexual energy. 


    not sure about energy is lost during masturbation, because energy is infinite and everywhere, you are it, and everything is energy. you won't deplete yourself of energy but it would lead issues to arises which will lead to blockage to arises and would make the flow of energy not steady. same will happen after a long time not masturbating. Good luck :) 

  20. The way to heaven is realizing that you are already in it, the now, you always were in it. If not, it is the mind.


    As long as you think you are in hell and trying to reach heaven, you will never reach it, because it is not far or you need to go through a process to reach it. It is there, It is you.


    In other words, you realize the presence moment, the now, the heaven and you will notice how thoughts and emotions arises, you allow them to be and then they integrate.

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  21. Hey i have tensions, stressed nerves on face, head and throat, it is usually cause by using a lot of the mind and focusing, frustration and stress... I still have stressed nerves on throat, but i m doing this and it helped in other area. The reason is that it teaches u to relax and have a relaxed concentration. give it a try. 


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  22. I have been lately doing more meditation where i focus on my nose and feel the breath going in and out, and this helped me in increase my awareness and my ability to observe thoughts as they arise from in my daily life. 


    whenever the thought arise, i notice it and once i notice it disappears, and i m left with a sense of peace and ease. Even though, i did notice how much some of the thought are compulsive and negative too.


    After the negative thoughts decreased, my mind has been flooding me with "positive" thoughts or more like sending me thoughts that i like or would prefer to engage in or think about, and they are nice, but at the end they are thoughts. But i m trying my best to not dwel.


    I was wondering if anyone has any idea about the state that i go into when i observe a thought and it disappears ? that state of peace and i call it state of bliss. 


    Even though, that i m able to to observe the thought before getting triggered, would that also help me in releasing fears and problems in my life?


    do you suggest to continue with such practice? or to move forward with something to deepen it?


    And do you consider it, an escapism technique or enhance duality?


    Also do you suggest any book, youtube video or so on that practice to understand it more? 


    Thank you :)

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